Description | Example | Return message | Group

SpatialTool Spatial Condition

Define and modify Spatial Condition components and templates.


SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Condition | Spatial ConditionTemplate} <Spatial ConditionName> [{Spatial ConditionType} <Spatial ConditionTypeParams>]

Related commands


The SpatialTool Spatial Condition command is used to add, modify and delete Spatial Condition components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the Spatial ConditionTemplate keyword must be entered.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

Create{Spatial ConditionType} [<Spatial ConditionTypeParams>] <Spatial ConditionTypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <Spatial ConditionTypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify{Spatial ConditionType} <Spatial ConditionTypeParams>The values <Spatial ConditionName> {Spatial ConditionType} must define an existing Spatial Condition component or template. The {Spatial ConditionType} can not be modified. <Spatial ConditionTypeParams> are required.
DeleteN/ADelete the component or template identified by <Spatial ConditionName>

The following table describes each Spatial Condition type and its parameters.

{Spatial ConditionType}<Spatial ConditionTypeParams>
"Access To Location"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • GridObject <TruncObjPath>
  • UseLightTimeDelay {Yes | No}
  • LightTimeDelayConverge <Value>
  • AberrationType {Total | Annual | None}
  • ClockHost {Base | Target}
  • SignalSense {Transmit | Receive}

The GridObject parameter is required when Creating the "Access To Location" Spatial Condition.

The "Access To Location" Spatial Condition is not valid for Central Bodies.


Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • Operation {And | Or | Xor | Minus}
  • SpatialConditions {Add | Replace} <Num> "<SpatialCondition>"...
  • RemoveCondition <Num>

Enter SpatialConditions Add to add the specified Spatial Conditions to the list, and enter SpatialConditions Replace to replace the component's SpatialConditions with the specified SpatialConditions. <Num> indicates the number of SpatialConditions entered.

For the Remove option enter the index number of the component to be removed. The first component in the list has an index of 1. Use the SpatialTool_R with the Details option to see the list of components.

If Operation is MINUS there must be only two components. For all other operations there must be at least two components in the list.

The SpatialConditionA and SpatialConditionB options have been deprecated in STK 11.2. If used they will replace the first and second components, respectively.

"Condition At Location"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • Condition "<CalcCondition>"

Advanced options:

  • SetTimeLimits {UseApplicationPrefs | Local}
  • TimeLimits "<IntervalOrIntervalList>"
  • SamplingType {FixedStep | RelativeTolerance | CurvatureTolerance}

If SetTimeLimits is set to Local then the time interval or interval list specified by the TimeLimits parameter will be used. The "<IntervalOrIntervalList>" should include the time component type, e.g. "Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval"

Parameters for SamplingType FixedStep:

  • TimeStep <TimeStep>

Parameters for SamplingType RelativeTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>

Parameters for SamplingType CurvatureTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>
  • CurvatureTolerance <CurveTol>

<TimeStep>, <StepBound>, <MinStep> and <MaxStep> are entered in Connect time units and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<RelTol>, and <CurveTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

<AbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

Parameters for Convergence:

  • ConvergeSense {Simple | FromAbove | FromBelow}
  • ConvergeAbsoluteTolerance <ConvergeAbsTol>
  • ConvergeRelativeTolerance <ConvergeRelTol>
  • TimeTolerance <TimeTol>

<TimeTol> is entered in Connect time units, and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<ConvergeAbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

<ConvergeRelTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

The Condition parameter is required when Creating the "Condition At Location" Spatial Condition.

The "Condition At Location" Spatial Condition is not valid for Central Bodies.

"Grid Bounding Volume"
  • VolumeGrid "<VolumeGrid>"
  • EdgeType {Coordinate | Voxel}
  • UseParentBodies {Yes | No}
  • EclipsingBody {CentralBodyName}
  • Condition {Sunlight | Penumbra | Umbra}

The EclipsingBody {CentralBodyName} parameter should be included when UseParentBodies is No. This parameter can be entered multiple times on the command, and the CentralBodies named will replace the current Eclipsing Body list.

The Condition {Sunlight | Penumbra | Umbra} parameter can be entered multiple times on the command to specify multiple conditions.

"Over Time"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • OriginalSpatialCondition "<SpatialCondition>"
  • ReferenceIntervals "<IntervalOrIntervalList>"
  • DurationType {Static | CumulativeToCurrent | CumulativeFromCurrent | SlidingWindow}
  • StartOffset <Value>
  • StopOffset <Value>

The StartOffset and StopOffset are used when DurationType is set to SlidingWindow. The <Value> is entered in Connect Time units and the StartOffset must be less than the StopOffset.

The ReferenceIntervals "<IntervalOrIntervalList>" can be an Interval component or an Interval List component and should include the time component type, e.g. "Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval"

The OriginalSpatialCondition and ReferenceIntervals parameters are required when Creating the "Over Time" Spatial Condition.

"Spatial Calculation Bounds"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • SpatialCalculation "<SpatialCalculation>"
  • Operation {AboveMinimum | BelowMaximum | BetweenMinMax | OutsideMinMax}
  • Minimum <Value>
  • Maximum <Value>

The <Value> for Minimum and Maximum should be entered in the units of the specified Spatial Calculation.

"Valid Time At Location"
  • Intervals "<IntervalOrIntervalList>"

The Intervals "<IntervalOrIntervalList>" can be an Interval component or an Interval List component and should include the time component type, e.g. "Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval"

The "Valid Time At Location" Spatial Condition is not valid for Central Bodies.

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. "<IntervalList>", "<SpatialCondition>", etc) see Component Specification.


To create and modify a Spatial Calculation Bounds Spatial Condition:

SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Spatial Condition" SatCond6 "Spatial Calculation Bounds"
SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Spatial Condition" SatCond6 "Spatial Calculation Bounds" SpatialCalculation "Satellite/ScenTestSat SatSCalc1 Spatial Calculation"

To create and modify a Condition At Location Spatial Condition:

SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Spatial Condition" SatCond5 "Condition At Location" Condition "Satellite/ScenTestSat AfterStart Condition"
SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Spatial Condition" SatCond5 "Condition At Location" MinimumTimeStep 38.0 SamplingType RelativeTolerance MaximumTimeStep 1845.67 StepAtBoundaries 45.0

To create and then delete a Combined Spatial Condition:

SpatialTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Create "Spatial Condition" Combine3 "Combined"
SpatialTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Modify "Spatial Condition" Combine3 "Combined" Operation Xor SpatialConditions Add 3 "Satellite/Satellite1 Umbra Spatial Condition" "Satellite/Satellite1 Sunlight" "Facility/ScenTestFac FacVol1 Spatial Condition"

To modify a Lighting Condition, setting the conditions to Sunlight and Umbra:

SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Spatial Condition" SatNoPenumbra "Lighting" UseParentBodies Yes Condition Sunlight Condition Umbra

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets


Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets



Object Tools




VO Objects

