Description | Example | Return message | Group

SpatialTool Volume Grid

Define and modify Volume Grid components and templates.


SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Volume Grid | Volume GridTemplate} <Volume GridName> [{Volume GridType} <Volume GridTypeParams>]

Related commands


The SpatialTool Volume Grid command is used to add, modify and delete Volume Grid components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the Volume GridTemplate keyword must be entered.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

Create{Volume GridType} [<Volume GridTypeParams>] <Volume GridTypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <Volume GridTypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify{Volume GridType} <Volume GridTypeParams>The values <Volume GridName> {Volume GridType} must define an existing Volume Grid component or template. The {Volume GridType} can not be modified. <Volume GridTypeParams> are required.
DeleteN/ADelete the component or template identified by <Volume GridName>

The following table describes each Volume Grid type and its parameters.

{Volume GridType}<Volume GridTypeParams>

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • ReferenceSystem "<System>"
  • x {GridValues}
  • y {GridValues}
  • z {GridValues}

All {GridValues} values are entered in Connect distance units.


Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • CentralBody "<Name>"
  • Latitude {GridValues}
  • Longitude {GridValues}
  • Altitude {GridValues}
  • AltitudeReference {MSL | Terrain}
  • ResetBoundaries
  • FitToObject {On | Off}
  • ConstrainActiveGridPoints {On | Off}

Altitude {GridValues} values are entered in Connect distance units.

Latitude and Longitude {GridValues} values are entered in degrees.

The ResetBoundaries keyword is valid for AreaTarget, LineTarget, and Vehicle objects only. If entered, ResetBoundaries will update the grid to fit the object.

The AltitudeReference value only applies to the Cartographic altitude coordinate.

The FitToObject keyword is valid for AreaTarget, LineTarget, and Vehicle objects only. If valid, the Cartographic Volume Grid will default to FitToObject On. FitToObject must be turned Off before setting CentralBody, Latitude, Longitude, or Altitude grid values. Setting FitToObject On will automatically update the grid to fit the object, and will update the grid as the object changes.

The ConstrainActiveGridPoints keyword is valid for AreaTarget and LineTarget objects only.

  • SpatialCondition "<SpatialCondition>"
  • ReferenceGrid "<VolumeGrid>"

The SpatialCondition and ReferenceGrid parameters are required when Creating the "Constrained" VolumeGrid.


Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • ReferenceSystem "<System>"
  • Theta {GridValues}
  • Radius {GridValues}
  • Height {GridValues}

Theta {GridValues} values are entered in degrees.

Radius and Height {GridValues} values are entered in Connect distance units.


Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • ReferenceSystem "<System>"
  • Azimuth {GridValues}
  • Elevation {GridValues}
  • Range {GridValues}

Azimuth and Elevation {GridValues} values are entered in degrees.

Range {GridValues} values are entered in Connect distance units.

"Surface Bearing"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • CentralBody "<Name>"
  • RefLatitude <Value>
  • RefLongitude <Value>
  • BearingAngle <Value>
  • AlongBearing {GridValues}
  • CrossBearing {GridValues}
  • Altitude {GridValues}
  • ResetBoundaries
  • FitToObject {On | Off}
  • ConstrainActiveGridPoints {On | Off}

RefLatitude, RefLongitude, and BearingAngle values are entered in degrees.

AlongBearing, CrossBearing, and Altitude {GridValues} values are entered in Connect distance units.

The ResetBoundaries keyword is valid for AreaTarget, LineTarget, and Vehicle objects only. If entered, ResetBoundaries will update the grid to fit the object.

The FitToObject keyword is valid for AreaTarget, LineTarget, and Vehicle objects only. If valid, the Surface Bearing Volume Grid will default to FitToObject On. FitToObject must be turned Off before setting any other Surface Bearing grid values. Setting FitToObject On will automatically update the grid to fit the object, and will update the grid as the object changes.

The ConstrainActiveGridPoints keyword is valid for AreaTarget and LineTarget objects only.

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. "<System>", "<SpatialCondition>", etc) see Component Specification.

The following table describes {GridValues}. <Value> units are shown in descriptions above.

Grid Type<Volume GridTypeParams>
FixedNumberSteps [{Options}]Define a fixed number of steps between the minimum and maximum.
  • Minimum <Value>
  • Maximum <Value>
  • NumSteps <Num>

<Num> is an integer greater than or equal to 0

FixedStep [{Options}]Define a fixed step size between the minimum and maximum.
  • Minimum <Value>
  • Maximum <Value>
  • Step <Value>
  • ReferenceValue <Value>
  • IncludeMinMax {Yes | No}
Custom [{Add | Replace}] NumValues <Num> <Values...>Define the exact values to be used. Entered values can either be added to or replace existing values. The default is Replace.

<Num> identifies the number of entered <Values>


Create a Spherical Grid with Fixed Step values for the Azimuth, Fixed Number of Steps for the Elevation and :

SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Volume Grid" SatGrid1 "Spherical"
SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Volume Grid" SatGrid1 "Spherical" Azimuth FixedStep Minimum 32.0 Step 6.0
SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Volume Grid" SatGrid1 "Spherical" Elevation FixedNumberSteps NumSteps 16 ReferenceSystem "Satellite/ScenTestSat TopoCentric System"
Units_Set * Connect Distance km
SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Volume Grid" SatGrid1 "Spherical" Range Custom Replace NumValues 6 80 160 240 320 480 600

To create a Constrained grid:

SpatialTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Volume Grid" SatGrid5 "Constrained" SpatialCondition "Satellite/ScenTestSat Visibility Spatial Condition" ReferenceGrid "Satellite/ScenTestSat SatGrid4 Volume Grid"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets


Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets



Object Tools




VO Objects
