Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VO SetVectorGeometry

Define the display of geometric components in the 3D Graphics window


VO <ObjectPath> SetVectorGeometry {Option} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>]


The VO SetVectorGeometry command enables you to display various geometric components (vectors, axes, angles, planes, points) relative to a vehicle (any type), facility, place, target, area target or central body in a 3D Graphics window.

If <ObjectPath> is the scenario path then the geometric components on the Central Body in a 3D Graphics window are affected. Use the WindowID <WinNumber> option to indicate to which 3D Graphics window the {DisplayOptions} should be applied. If WindowID <WinNumber> is not included then the first 3D Graphics window will be used.

If <ObjectPath> is the scenario path and there are no 3D Graphics windows in the Scenario then the VO SetVectorGeometry command will Nack.

If <ObjectPath> is not scenario, then the geometric components on the object specified by <ObjectPath> are affected, and the WindowID <WinNumber> option is ignored.

{Option} <Parameters>
Data {DataOption} <DataValue> [{DataOption2} <DataValue2>...]
Add "<ReferenceCrdn>" [{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue>...]
Delete "<ReferenceCrdn>"


For the specification of "<ReferenceCrdn>", used with the Add, Modify or Delete {Option} see Component Specification.

Data Options

Note: {DataOptions} can be specified in any order, at least one {DataOptions} must be used in a single command.

If {Option} is <Data>, {DataOptions} can be:

{DataOption} <DataValues> Description
FractionalScale <ScaleValue> Enter a number from 0.0 to 5.0 indicating the scale factor that modifies the distance from the center of the object at which the arc will be drawn.
SupportingDihedralArcLineWidth <LineWidth> Enter a number from 1.0 to 10.0 indicating the line width of the supporting lines of a dihedral angle.
ArcLineWidth <LineWidth> Enter a number from 1.0 to 10.0 indicating the line width of the arc that represents the angle.
PixelThreshold <Value> Enter a value greater than or equal to 0.1 that determines how smooth the arc of an angle will appear, where a lower value gives a smoother arc.
FixVectorAxesScaleToModel {On | Off} Only available for geometric components relating to objects. If On, geometric components relating to objects scale with the object's model.
FixVectorAxesScaleToAttSphere {On | Off} Only available for Vehicles, Facilities, Targets and Sensors that have the Attitude Sphere turned on.
Scale <ScaleValue> If {FixVectorAxesScaleToModel} is Off, you can set the size of the geometric components drawn by specifying a value between 1 and 10. If {FixVectorAxesScaleToModel} is On, the <ScaleValue> is used to set the ratio for scaling the geometric components. For instance, if this scale factor is set to 2 and you change the model scale from 3 to 4 (model scale is set using the VO ScaleLog or VO ScaleModel command), the geometric components are sized two times larger than they would be if the model scale were set to 3.
ArrowPointSize <Value> If the value for ArrowType (for Vectors and Axes) is Point or PointOnly, use this value to specify the size of the point using a value between 0 and 10.
PersistentLineWidth <Value> Specify the width of the trace line that is drawn when vector persistence is turned on with a <ConnectType> of <Trace> (see {DisplayOptions} below), using a value between 1 and 10.
PointSize <Value> When displaying a Point component, use this value to specify the point size in pixels. Valid value is between 0 and 10.
VectorAxesAngleSwapDist {<Value> | All | ModelLabel | MarkerLabel | Marker | Point} Set the distance at which Vectors, Axes and Angles are visible. <Value> must be greater or equal to 0.0, or enter the component whose swap distance will be used.
PlaneSwapDist {<Value> | All | ModelLabel | MarkerLabel | Marker | Point} Set the distance at which the Planes are visible. <Value> must be greater or equal to 0.0, or enter the component whose swap distance will be used.

Add and Modify Options

Note: {DisplayOptions} can be specified in any order, and any number of {DisplayOptions} can be used in a single command.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for ALL components:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
Show {On | Off} If On, the geometric component displays in the 3D window.
ShowLabel {On | Off} If On, the name appears with the selected geometric component.
IntervalType AlwaysOn Display geometric components always.
DuringAccess Display geometric components only during periods of access. This option is only valid for "To" vectors and certain displacement vectors.
UseIntervals Display geometric components at the user defined times specified using the AddInterval option.
UseTimeComponent Display geometric components at the times from an interval or interval list time component specified using the TimeComponent option.
AddInterval "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" Specify the "<StartTime>" and "<StopTime>" of an interval to add. The "<StartTime>" and "<StopTime>" must be within the Object's time period.
DeleteInterval {"<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" | All} Specify All to delete all display time intervals. To remove a selected interval specify the "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" of the interval.
LoadIntervals "<IntervalFile>" Load intervals from an interval file. The intervals from the file are added to the existing interval list.
ImportIntervals "<TimeComponent>" Import the specified Interval or Interval List time component. The intervals are added to the existing interval list.

For information about "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.

TimeComponent "<TimeComponent>" Specify an interval or interval list time component. Only the times from the component will be used. Any changes to the specified time component will be observed in the display times of the geometry component.

For information about "<TimeComponent>" see Component Specification.

Color {Color} The color of the geometric component. For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for VECTORS and AXES only:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
Persistent {On | Off} If On, geometric components are displayed successively over the specified duration.
Duration <DurationValue> The length of time during which the geometric component is visible when Persistent is turned on.
Fade {On | Off} If On and Persistent is On, earlier occurrences of a geometric component display fade over time so that it is drawn as completely filled at the most recent animation time and fades as the animation moves forward.
ConnectType Trace A single-line arc is used to represent the path of the component when connecting vectors and/or axes, during Persisence.
Sweep A continuous band of color is used to represent the path of the component when connecting vectors and/or axes, during Persistence.
Line A line representing the position of the component is drawn at every time step, during Persistence.
RefCrdn "<ReferenceCrdn>" RefCrdn is the reference frame in which persistence is drawn. {ComponentType} must be Axes. For details see the Table above describing "<ReferenceCrdn>".
DrawFirstArrowOnly {On | Off} If On and Persistent is On, the arrow representing the specified component will display only at the current time. If Off, the arrow representing the specified component will display at all time steps that cover the <DurationValue> value specified.
DrawAtCB {On | Off} Only available for vectors and axes relating to objects. If On, the geometric component is drawn at the central body.
OriginPointDef "{ReferenceCrdn}" Specify the Point to be used as the Origin Point for the vector or axes.
ArrowType {2D | 3D | PointOnly | Point | None} Select the arrow type used to represent the vector or axis in the 3D window.
AddColorInterval "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" {Color} Specify the "<StartTime>" and "<StopTime>" of an interval to add. The "<StartTime>" and "<StopTime>" must be within the Object's time period.

For valid {Color} options see Common Options.

DeleteColorInterval {"<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" | All} Specify All to delete all color intervals. To remove a selected color interval specify the "<StartTime>" "<StopTime>" of the interval.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for VECTORS or POINTS only:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
ShowRaDec {On | Off} If On, right-ascension and declination values display with the selected geometric component.
RaDecUnits <UnitAbbrev> Enter the abbreviation of the right-ascension and declination units that will be displayed. <UnitAbbrev> is case-sensitive. Valid values are: deg, rad, arcSec, arcMin, secArc, mrad, urad, revs, semiC, mdeg.
ShowMagnitude {On | Off} If On, the magnitude value displays on the selected geometric component.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for VECTORS only:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
UseTrueScale {On | Off} Specify whether to show vectors at their true length. This option will only effect displacement vectors (represented in distance).
MagnitudeUnits <UnitAbbrev> Enter the abbreviation of the magnitude unit that will be displayed. Valid values for the abbreviation depend on the type of vector. The magnitude for most Vectors will be distance or velocity units, which are <DistanceUnit>/<TimeUnit>. <UnitAbbrev> is case-sensitive. Valid values for <DistanceUnit> are ft, mi, nm, m, km, Au, Re, kft, sqrtm, fur, fm, leag. Valid values for <TimeUnit> are sec, min, hr, day, cd, EarthTU, SunTU, fn, yr. For other valid unit abbreviations one must visit the Scenario Properties - Units page of STK.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for PLANES only:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
ShowAxisLabel {On | Off} If on, display the x and y axis labels.
PlaneSize <ScaleValue> Scale planes using the <ScaleValue> set here relative to the <ScaleValue> {DataOption} set for global scaling.
Translucent {On | Off} If on, display using the translucency value specified.
Translucency <TranslucencyValue> The <TranslucencyValue> specified must be between 0.0 and 1.0, 0.0 being opaque and 1.0 being totally transparent.
DrawAtObject {On | Off} Only available for geometric components relating to objects. If checked, the geometric component is drawn at the object.
ShowRectGrid {On | Off} Displays a rectangular grid within the plane.
ShowCircGrid {On | Off} Displays a circular grid within the plane.
GridSpacing <SpacingValue> Specify the grid spacing value in meters.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for ANGLES only:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
ShowAngle {On | Off} Display the angle in the 3D Graphics window specified.
ShowDihedralAngleSupportingArcs {On | Off} Display the support arcs for a dihedral angle, in the 3D Graphics window specified.
AngleUnits <UnitAbbrev> Enter the abbreviation of the angle unit that will be displayed. <UnitAbbrev> is case-sensitive. Valid values are: deg, rad, arcSec, arcMin, secArc, mrad, urad, revs, semiC, mdeg.

If {Option} is Add or Modify, the following {DisplayOptions} are valid for POINTS only:

{DisplayOption} <DisplayValue> Description
ShowCartesian {On | Off} If On, cartesian values display with the selected point.
CartesianUnits <UnitAbbrev> Enter the abbreviation of the cartesian unit to be displayed. <UnitAbbrev> is case-sensitive. Valid values are ft, mi, nm, m, km, Au, Re, kft, sqrtm, fur, fm, leag.
TrajectoryType {Point | Trace | Line} Set the trajectory type for the point.
MagnitudeUnits <UnitAbbrev> Enter the abbreviation of the magnitude unit to be displayed. <UnitAbbrev> is case-sensitive. Valid values are ft, mi, nm, m, km, Au, Re, kft, sqrtm, fur, fm, leag.


To set the relative scale of geometric components being drawn to 3, and the line width of angle arcs to 2:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Data Scale 3 ArcLineWidth 2.0

To add the Facility1's body XY plane to Satellite1, as almost completely transparent, display its axis label and scale the plane relative to the global scaling set:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Add "Facility/Facility1 BodyXY Plane" Translucent On Translucency 0.9 PlaneSize 4.0 ShowAxisLabel On

To show the Facility1's body XY plane that was added in the previous command:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Modify "Facility/Facility1 BodyXY Plane" Show On

To display a "to vector" from Satellite1 to Facility1:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Add "Satellite/Satellite1 Facility/Facility1 Vector" Show On

To display the "to vector" from Satellite1 to Facility1 (added in the previous command) only during access:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Modify "Satellite/Satellite1 Facility/Facility1 Vector" IntervalType DuringAccess

To modify the "to vector" from Satellite1 to Facility1 (previously added) to originate from the Satellite's SunGlint point:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Modify "Satellite/Satellite1 Facility/Facility1 Vector" OriginPointDef "Satellite/Satellite1 SunGlint"

To display the Earth inertial axes on the central body:

VO * SetVectorGeometry Modify "CentralBody/Earth Inertial Axes" Show On

To display Satellite1's Center Point, with all possible display values on, but only during the specified interval:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Modify "Satellite/Satellite1 Center Point" TrajectoryType Line ShowCartesian On ShowMagnitude On ShowRaDec On IntervalType UseIntervals AddInterval "1 Jun 2004 14:00:00.00" "1 Jun 2004 22:00:00.00"

To display the Satellite Velocity vector with nautical mile/hour units:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Modify "Satellite/Satellite1 Velocity Vector" Show On ShowMagnitude On Color yellow MagnitudeUnits nm/hr

To display the Sun Moon vector on the Central Body in the 2nd 3D Graphics window:

VO * SetVectorGeometry Add "CentralBody/Sun Moon Vector" Show On Color white WindowID 2

To add intervals from a time component to the display of Satellite1's Center Point:

VO */Satellite/Satellite1 SetVectorGeometry Modify "Satellite/Satellite1 Center Point" ImportIntervals "Satellite/Satellite1 FixedInt17 Interval"

To specify a time component for display of a satellite's VelocityAzimuth Angle:

VO */Satellite/ScenTestSat SetVectorGeometry Modify "Satellite/ScenTestSat VelocityAzimuth Angle" IntervalType UseTimeComponent TimeComponent "Satellite/ScenTestSat2 LightingIntervals.Sunlight Interval List"


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets


Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1