Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VectorTool Plane

Define and modify Plane geometry components and templates.


VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Plane | PlaneTemplate} <PlaneName> [{PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams>]

Related Commands


The VectorTool Plane command is used to add, modify and delete Plane geometry components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the PlaneTemplate keyword must be entered.

Note: The Plane component type is not valid for Star objects.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters.

{Action} Parameters Description
Create {PlaneType} [<PlaneTypeParams>] <PlaneTypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <PlaneTypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify {PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams> The values <PlaneName> {PlaneType} must define an existing Plane component or template. The {PlaneType} can not be modified. <PlaneTypeParams> are required.
Delete N/A Delete the component or template identified by <PlaneName>

The following table describes each Plane type and it's parameters. Labels for the X and Y axis can be optionally be entered for all Plane types.

{PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams>
"Normal" "<NormalVector>" "<ReferenceVector>" "<ReferencePoint>" ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>"]
"Quadrant" {XY | YX | XZ | ZX | YZ | ZY} "<ReferenceSystem>" ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>"]
"Trajectory" "<Point>" "<ReferenceSystem>" <RotationOffset> ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>"]

<RotationOffset> is entered in degrees.

"Triad" "<PointA>" "<PointB>" "<ReferencePoint>" <RotationOffset> ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>"]

<RotationOffset> is entered in degrees.

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. "<System>", "<RefVector>", etc) see Component Specification.

When specifying a reference component or template in the Create or Modify commands the {ComponentType} is implied based on the {PlaneType} being created or modified and the {ComponentType} need not be entered. In the first example below, "CentralBody/Earth ICRF System" is entered as "CentralBody/Earth ICRF", since the command is expecting a system.


To create a Quadrant Plane and then modify it so that it is based on the YZ quadrant of the Earth ICRF system:

VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create Plane SatPlane2 "Quadrant"

VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify Plane SatPlane2 "Quadrant" YZ "CentralBody/Earth ICRF" "AxisX" "AxisY"

To create a Triad plane, specifying the parameters in the Create command:

VectorTool * CentralBody/Earth Create Plane EarthPlane4 "Triad" "CentralBody/Earth L1" "CentralBody/Sun Center" "Satellite/ScenTestSat Center" 45.007

To create, modify and then delete a Trajectory Plane template:

VectorTool * Satellite Create PlaneTemplate SatPlaneT2 "Trajectory"

VectorTool * Satellite Modify PlaneTemplate SatPlaneT2 "Trajectory" "Satellite SunGlint" "Satellite Body" 30.0

VectorTool * Satellite Delete PlaneTemplate SatPlaneT2


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets



Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1