Description | Example | Return Message | Group

VectorTool Point

Define and modify Point geometry components and templates.


VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Point | PointTemplate} <PointName> [{PointType} <PointTypeParams>]

Related Commands


The VectorTool Point command is used to add, modify and delete Point geometry components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the PointTemplate keyword must be entered.

Note: The Point component type is not valid for Star objects.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

{Action} Parameters Description
Create {PointType} [<PointTypeParams>] <PointTypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <PointTypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify {PointType} <PointTypeParams> The values <PointName> {PointType} must define an existing Point component or template. The {PointType} can not be modified. <PointTypeParams> are required.
Delete N/A Delete the component or template identified by <PointName>

The following table describes each Point type and it's parameters.

{PointType} <PointTypeParams>
"B-Plane" <CentralBodyName> "<TrajPoint>" {Incoming | Outgoing} {Asymptote | TwoBody}

Note: The <ParentObject> for the "B-Plane" type must be a Satellite.

"Central Body Grazing" "<ReferencePoint>" "<DirectionVector>" <CentralBodyName> <Altitude>

<Altitude> is entered in Connect distance units. A negative value can be entered for Altitude but care must be taken to ensure the value does not exceed the length of the smallest semi-axis of the shape.

Prior to STK10 this Point type was named "CB Grazing".

"Central Body Intersection"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • CentralBody <CentralBodyName>
  • ReferencePoint "<Point>"
  • DirectionVector "<Vector>"
  • IntersectionSurface {CentralBody | AtAltitude | Terrain}
  • Altitude <Altitude>
  • UseRangeConstraint {On | Off}
  • UseMinimumRange {On | Off}
  • MinimumRange <Range>
  • UseMaximumRange {On | Off}
  • MaximumRange <Range>
  • DiffTimeStep <Step>
  • AvailSampleStep <Step>

<Altitude> is entered in Connect distance units. A negative value can be entered for Altitude but care must be taken to ensure the value does not exceed the length of the smallest semi-axis of the shape.

<Range> is entered in Connect distance units, and must be greater or equal to 0.0.

UseRangeConstraint On is only valid if the ReferencePoint is a Center point of an object that supports range constraint.

If UseRangeConstraint is Off, then UseMinimumRange, MinimumRange, UseMaximumRange, MaximumRange can be entered.

DiffTimeStep <Step> is entered in Connect time units, and must be greater or equal to 0.000001 seconds.

AvailSampleStep <Step> is entered in Connect time units, and must be greater or equal to 0.000001 seconds.

"File" {"<FilePath>" | Reload} [StartTime {TimeInstant}] [OverrideStartTime {Yes | No}]

"<FilePath>" is an ephemeris (*.e) file.

Reload is valid for the Modify command only.

Note: Either "<FilePath>" or Reload must be entered on each Point "File" command.

For valid {TimeInstant} values see Time Options.

Sending StartTime {TimeInstant} will turn on the OverrideStartTime option.

"Fixed at Time Instant"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • ReferenceInstant "<TimeInstant>"
  • SourcePoint "<Point>"
  • ReferenceSystem "<System>"
"Fixed in System" {Cartesian | Spherical} <OrientParameters> "<RefSystem>"

Valid values for <OrientParameters> are described below this table.

"Fixed on Central Body"

Any or all of the following keyword-value pairs can be specified:

  • {Geodetic | Geocentric | Cartesian | Spherical} <OrientParameters>
  • CentralBody <CentralBodyName>
  • SurfaceType {Terrain | Ellipsoid | MSL}

Valid values for <OrientParameters> are described below this table.

SurfaceType MSL is only valid if CentralBody is Earth.

"Glint" <CentralBodyName> "<SourcePoint>" "<ObserverPoint>"
"Intersection" "<DirectionVector>" "<ReferencePlane>" "<OriginPoint>"
"Libration" <CentralBodyName> {L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | L5} <SecondaryBody> [<SecondaryBody>...]

As many <SecondaryBody> as needed can be entered on the command line.

Note: The <ParentObject> for the "Libration" type must be a CentralBody.

"Model Attachment" "<MdlAttachPoint>" [{On | Off}]

A valid <MdlAttachPoint> is determined by the attach points specified in the parent object's model file.

Use On or Off to specify whether or not to use the Model Scale.

Note: "<MdlAttachPoint>" is a required parameter.

Note: The <ParentObject> for the "Model Attachment" type must be an object for which a model is valid, Satellite, Facility, etc.

Note: The "Model Attachment" Point type is not valid for Templates.

  • PluginName "<PluginName>"
  • Reset

The Reset parameter is valid for a Modify command only.

Note: The PluginName "<PluginName>" parameter is required when creating the "Plugin" Point.

Note: The "Plugin" Point type is not valid for Templates.

"Position Covariance Grazing" "<ReferencePoint>" "<DirectionVector>" <TargetObjectPath> <Distance> {Scale | Probability} <ScaleProbValue>

<TargetObjectPath> is the truncated path of the target object.

<Distance> is entered in Connect distance units. A negative value can be entered for Distance but care must be taken to ensure the value does not exceed the length of the smallest semi-axis of the shape.

<ScaleProbValue> is the Scale or Probability value.

Note: The parameters are required when creating the "Position Covariance Grazing" Point.

Note: The "Position Covariance Grazing" Point type is not valid for Templates.

Prior to STK10 this Point type was named "Cov Grazing".

"Projection" "<SourcePoint>" "<ReferencePlane>"
"Surface" <CentralBodyName> "<ReferencePoint>" [{Terrain | MSL | Ellipsoid} {Centric | Detic}]

Description of {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters>

{PointType} {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters>

"Fixed in System"

"Fixed on Central Body"

Spherical <RightAsc> <Declin> <Distance>

<RightAsc> and <Declin> are entered in Degrees, <Distance> is entered in Connect Distance units.

Cartesian <X> <Y> <Z>

<X> <Y> and <Z> are entered in Connect Distance units.

"Fixed on Central Body" Geodetic <Latitude> <Longitude> <Altitude>

<Latitude> and <Longitude> are entered in Degrees. <Latitude> should be between -90.0 and 90.0 degrees. <Longitude> should be between -360.0 and 360.0 degrees.

<Altitude> is entered in Connect Distance units and must be greater than 0.0 meters.


For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. "<TrajPoint>", "<RefSystem>", "<TimeInstant>", etc) see Component Specification.

When specifying a reference component or template in the Create or Modify commands the {ComponentType} is implied based on the {PointType} being created or modified and the {ComponentType} need not be entered. In the example below, "Satellite/ScenTestSat Center Point" is entered as "Satellite/ScenTestSat Center", since the command is expecting a point.


To create and modify a point based on the Satellite's stop time:

VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create Point SatPoint4 "Fixed at Time Instant"

VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify Point SatPoint4 "Fixed at Time Instant" ReferenceInstant "Satellite/ScenTestSat AvailabilityIntervals.Span.Stop" SourcePoint "Satellite/ScenTestSat Center"

To create a surface point, with the CentralBody Earth as the parent:

VectorTool * CentralBody/Earth Create Point EarthPoint13 "Surface" Earth "CentralBody/Earth L1" MSL Centric

To create, modify and then delete an Intersection point template:

VectorTool * Satellite Create PointTemplate SatPointT2 "Intersection"

VectorTool * Satellite Modify PointTemplate SatPointT2 "Intersection" "Satellite Velocity" "CentralBody/Earth Equator" "Satellite SunGlint"

VectorTool * Satellite Delete PointTemplate SatPointT2


If activated, Connect returns an acknowledgement message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets



Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools



VO Objects



STK Programming Interface 11.0.1