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AGI.Foundation.Cesium.Advanced Namespace

Contains less-often used types for generating CZML.
Public classAzimuthElevationMaskCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML fan geometry for objects that provide IAzimuthElevationMaskService and IAzimuthElevationMaskGraphicsService.
Public classBillboardCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML billboards for objects that provide IBillboardGraphicsService.
Public classCachingCesiumUriResolver
A URI resolver that downloads files and converts them to data URIs. Downloaded files are cached using a least-recently used cache.
Public classCentralBodySurfaceCurveCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML polygons for objects that provide ICentralBodySurfaceCurveGraphicsService and ICentralBodySurfaceCurveService.
Public classCentralBodySurfaceRegionCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML polygons for objects that provide ICentralBodySurfaceRegionGraphicsService and ICentralBodySurfaceRegionService.
Public classCesiumGenerator
Base class for all objects that wish to write custom CZML.
Public classCesiumGeneratorContext
This class both provides contextual information regarding the CZML being written as well as allows CesiumSource instances to add CesiumGenerators to be written.
Public classCesiumPropertyT
The base class for all CZML properties.
Public classCesiumSource
The base class for items that produce CesiumGenerator instances for writing CZML.
Public classCustomPropertiesCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates custom CZML properties for objects that provide ICesiumCustomPropertiesService.
Public classDeleteCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML delete packet for objects that provide ICesiumDeleteService.
Public classDeleteOrientationCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML delete packet for objects that provide ICesiumDeleteOrientationService.
Public classDeletePositionCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML delete packet for objects that provide ICesiumDeletePositionService.
Public classDescriptionCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML description for objects that provide IDescriptionService.
Public classEllipsoidCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML ellipsoids for objects that provide IEllipsoidGraphicsService.
Public classFieldOfViewCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML sensors for objects that provide IFieldOfViewGraphicsService and IFieldOfViewService.
Public classLabelCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML labels for objects that provide ILabelGraphicsService.
Public classLinkCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML polylines for objects that provide ILinkService and ILinkGraphicsService.
Public classLocationPointCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML position for objects that provide ILocationPointService.
Public classModelCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML models for objects that provide IModelGraphicsService.
Public classNameCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML name for objects that provide INameService.
Public classOrientationAxesCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML orientation for objects that provide IOrientationAxesService.
Public classParentCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML parent property for objects that provide IParentService.
Public classPassThroughCesiumUriResolver
A URI resolver that leaves URIs unchanged.
Public classPathCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML path for objects that provide IPathGraphicsService.
Public classPointGraphicsCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a point graphic for objects that provide IPointGraphicsService.
Public classSamplingErrorEventArgs
Holds details of the SamplingError event.
Public classTilesetCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML tilesets for objects that provide ITilesetGraphicsService.
Public classVectorCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates a CZML vector for objects that provide IVectorService and IVectorGraphicsService.
Public classViewFromCesiumSource
A CesiumSource that generates CZML for objects that provide IViewFromService.
Public interfaceIAzimuthElevationMaskGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of an AzimuthElevationMask.
Public interfaceIBillboardGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a billboard.
Public interfaceICentralBodySurfaceCurveGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a CentralBodySurfaceCurve.
Public interfaceICentralBodySurfaceRegionGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a CentralBodySurfaceRegion.
Public interfaceICesiumAvailabilityService
A service that defines the availability of a CZML object.
Public interfaceICesiumCustomPropertiesService
A service that defines a set of custom CZML properties to be written for a particular object.
Public interfaceICesiumDeleteFanDirectionsService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML agi_fan.directions property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeleteOrientationService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML orientation property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeletePolygonHolesService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML polygon.holes property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeletePolygonPositionsService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML polygon.positions property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeletePolylinePositionsService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML polyline.positions property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeletePositionService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML position property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeleteService
A service that indicates that a CZML object should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDeleteVectorDirectionService
A service that indicates that existing data (samples or interval values) for the CZML agi_vector.direction property should be deleted from the client.
Public interfaceICesiumDirectionService
A service that specifies how an object's direction should be written to CZML.
Public interfaceICesiumFixedStepService
A service that defines the step size to use when sampling properties for an object being written to CZML.
Public interfaceICesiumOrientationService
A service that specifies how an object's orientation should be written to CZML.
Public interfaceICesiumPositionService
A service that specifies how an object's position should be written to CZML.
Public interfaceICesiumReferenceFrameService
A service that defines the reference frame in which an object's CZML position will be written.
Public interfaceICesiumUriResolver
A URI resolver transforms URIs into another form for inclusion in a CZML document. For example, CachingCesiumUriResolver downloads files and converts them to data URIs, while PassThroughCesiumUriResolver leaves URIs unchanged.
Public interfaceIDescriptionService
A service that defines the HTML description of an object.
Public interfaceIEllipsoidGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of an ellipsoid.
Public interfaceIFieldOfViewGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of an IFieldOfViewService.
Public interfaceILabelGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a label.
Public interfaceILinkGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of an ILinkService.
Public interfaceIMaterialGraphics
Base interface for all non-polyline material types.
Public interfaceIModelGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a 3D model.
Public interfaceIPathGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a path followed by a moving object.
Public interfaceIPointGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a point.
Public interfaceIPolylineMaterialGraphics
Base interface for all polyline material types.
Public interfaceITilesetGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a 3D tileset.
Public interfaceIVectorGraphicsService
A service that defines the graphical properties of a Vector.
Public interfaceIViewFromService
A service that defines the suggested camera location when tracking an object.