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MaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition Class

A coverage definition that uses a delegate to define properties for the grid points. The delegate will be used at runtime to define the properties of the GridPoints. Once given properties via the delegate, these properties persist for the duration of the calculation. This type of coverage definition splits the coverage calculation up spatially, creating threads to process a group of grid points based upon logical division of available cores or user specified thread count.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Coverage
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Spatial (in AGI.Foundation.Spatial.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public class MaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition : ContinuousCoverageDefinition

The MaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public methodMaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition
Initializes a new instance. GridPointCreationCallback must be set before use.
Public methodMaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition(CoverageGridPointCreationCallback)
Initializes a new instance. gridPointCreationCallback as the delegate to create grid points.
Public methodMaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition(ICoverageGrid, Boolean)
Creates an instance of this type of coverage definition with the specified grid and a boolean indicating if a simple platform should be used to define grid point properties. GridPointCreationCallback will need to be set before use if the default is not selected.
Protected methodMaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition(MaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition, CopyContext)
Initializes a new instance as a copy of an existing instance.
Protected propertyAssetDefinitions
Gets or sets the asset definitions defined for this coverage definition.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public propertyAssets
Gets a read-only collection of assets which provide coverage over the grid.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public propertyFilter
Gets or sets the constraint which indicates the bound on the number of assets which must have access to a grid point in order to provide coverage.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public propertyGrid
Gets or sets the grid used to generate points of interest over which to analyze coverage.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public propertyGridPointCreationCallback
Gets or sets a delegate that is used to create properties for each grid point used in an access calculation.
Public propertyGridPointPlaceholder
Gets the IServiceProvider representing a generic grid point on the grid. This service should be used when linking the grid to assets, for example.
Protected propertyGridPointService
Gets or sets the service used at each grid point. This should be an IPlaceHolderService in the case of delegate based coverage definitions such as, MaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition. This should be an Object with an ILocationPointService in the case of template based coverage definitions such as ParameterizedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public propertyIsFrozen
Gets a value indicating whether this object is frozen. A frozen object cannot be modified and an ObjectFrozenException will be thrown if an attempt is made to do so.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public propertyMultithreadCoverage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use multiple threads to compute coverage. This is by default.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodAddAsset(AssetDefinition)
Add an asset to the coverage definition.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodAddAsset(Object, AccessQuery)
Add an asset to the coverage definition.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodAddAssetRange
Add a range of assets to the coverage definition.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(BaseCoverageDefinition)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
(Inherited from ContinuousCoverageDefinition.)
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(ContinuousCoverageDefinition)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
(Overrides ContinuousCoverageDefinitionCheckForSameDefinition(ContinuousCoverageDefinition).)
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(DefinitionalObject)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Protected methodCheckForSameDefinition(MaterializedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition)
Checks to determine if another instance has the same definition as this instance and returns if it does. Derived classes MUST override this method and check all new fields introduced by the derived class for definitional equivalence. It is NOT necessary to check base class fields because the base class will already have done that. When overriding this method, you should NOT call the base implementation because it will return for all derived-class instances. Derived classes should check the type of other to preserve the symmetric nature of IsSameDefinition(Object).
Public methodClone
Clones this object using the specified context.
(Overrides DefinitionalObjectClone(CopyContext).)
Public methodComputeCoverageOverTheGrid(TimeIntervalCollection)
Computes the CoverageResults which stores the results of this calculation for the whole grid. Results for each grid point are stored in a CoverageQueryResult, the collection of which is contained by the overall result. Call this method after setting up the Grid and adding the desired Assets to the definition.
(Inherited from ContinuousCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodComputeCoverageOverTheGrid(JulianDate, JulianDate)
Computes the CoverageResults which stores the results of this calculation for the whole grid. Results for each grid point are stored in a CoverageQueryResult, the collection of which is contained by the overall result. Call this method after setting up the Grid and adding the desired Assets to the definition.
(Inherited from ContinuousCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodComputeCoverageOverTheGrid(TimeIntervalCollection, ITrackCalculationProgress)
Computes the CoverageResults which stores the results of this calculation for the whole grid. Results for each grid point are stored in a CoverageQueryResult, the collection of which is contained by the overall result. Call this method after setting up the Grid and adding the desired Assets to the definition.
(Inherited from ContinuousCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodComputeCoverageOverTheGrid(JulianDate, JulianDate, ITrackCalculationProgress)
Computes the CoverageResults which stores the results of this calculation for the whole grid. Results for each grid point are stored in a CoverageQueryResult, the collection of which is contained by the overall result. Call this method after setting up the Grid and adding the desired Assets to the definition.
(Inherited from ContinuousCoverageDefinition.)
Protected methodComputeCurrentDefinitionHashCode
Computes a hash code based on the current properties of this object. Derived classes MUST override this method and compute a hash code that combines: a unique hash code seed, the base implementation result, and the hash codes of all new fields introduced by the derived class which are used in the CheckForSameDefinition(DefinitionalObject) method.
(Overrides ContinuousCoverageDefinitionComputeCurrentDefinitionHashCode.)
Public methodCreateGridPoint
Creates a CoverageGridPointWithResults suitable for computing coverage.
(Overrides BaseCoverageDefinitionCreateGridPoint(CoverageGridPoint).)
Public methodEnumerateDependencies
Enumerates the dependencies of this object by calling EnumerateT(T) for each object that this object directly depends upon. Derived classes which contain additional dependencies MUST override this method, call the base implementation, and enumerate dependencies introduced by the derived class.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFreeze
Freezes this object. Further attempts to modify it will result in an ObjectFrozenException.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Protected methodFreezeAggregatedObjects
Called by Freeze to also freeze any objects that are considered to be a part of this object. Derived classes which contain additional aggregated objects MUST override this method, call the base implementation, and freeze aggregated objects introduced by the derived class. The objects that need to be frozen in this method are frequently created in this object's constructor and are not settable via properties.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodGetDefinitionHashCode
Gets a hash code representing the definition of this object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsSameDefinition
Determines if this object has the same definition as another object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemoveAllAssets
Removes all asset definitions for all assets from this coverage definition.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodRemoveAsset(AssetDefinition)
Removes the specified asset definition from the list of assets.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Public methodRemoveAsset(Object)
Removes the specified asset from the list of assets.
(Inherited from BaseCoverageDefinition.)
Protected methodThrowIfFrozen
Throws ObjectFrozenException if this object IsFrozen. This method should be called from any method or property that modifies this object.
(Inherited from DefinitionalObject.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodValidateProperties
Validates all of the properties of the coverage definition.
(Overrides BaseCoverageDefinitionValidateProperties.)
Note that, in general, delegate based coverage definitions are not recommended. This is due to the limitations of the CopyContext which copies the fully realized grid point to the GridPointPlaceholder in access calculations. In some cases, in particular with scalar constraints, the copy context will fail to copy everything correctly. Unless persistent properties unique to each grid point are required (a very infrequent need) use ParameterizedSpatiallyPartitionedCoverageDefinition instead.
See Also