Description | Example | Return message | Group

TimeTool Time Array

Define and modify Time Array components and templates.


TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Array" | "Time ArrayTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeArrayType} <TypeParams>]

Related commands


The "TimeTool Time Array" command is used to add, modify and delete Time Array components and templates.

For a component object the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path.

For a template the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and the "Time ArrayTemplate" keyword must be entered.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

Create{TimeArrayType} [<TypeParams>]<TypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If no <TypeParams> are specified, default values are used.
Modify{TimeArrayType} <TypeParams>The values <ComponentName> {TimeArrayType} must define an existing Time Array component or template. The {TimeArrayType} can not be modified. <TypeParams> are required.
DeleteN/ADelete the component or template identified by <ComponentName>

Any or all of the <TypeParams> for a {TimeArrayType} can be specified on a command line, except where indicated.

The following table describes each Time Array type and its parameters.

"Times of Condition Crossings"
  • Condition "<ConditionComponent>"
  • SatisfactionCrossingType {Off-On | On-Off | Either}

Advanced options:

  • SaveOption {UseApplicationPrefs | SaveComputedData | None}
  • SetTimeLimits {UseApplicationPrefs | Local}
  • TimeLimits "<IntervalOrIntervalList>"
  • SamplingType {FixedStep | RelativeTolerance | CurvatureTolerance}

If SetTimeLimits is set to Local then the time interval or interval list specified by the TimeLimits parameter will be used. The "<IntervalOrIntervalList>" should include the time component type, e.g. "Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval"

Parameters for SamplingType FixedStep:

  • TimeStep <TimeStep>

Parameters for SamplingType RelativeTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>

Parameters for SamplingType CurvatureTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>
  • CurvatureTolerance <CurveTol>

<TimeStep>, <StepBound>, <MinStep> and <MaxStep> are entered in Connect time units and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<RelTol>, and <CurveTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

<AbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

Parameters for Convergence:

  • ConvergeSense {Simple | FromAbove | FromBelow}
  • ConvergeAbsoluteTolerance <ConvergeAbsTol>
  • ConvergeRelativeTolerance <ConvergeRelTol>
  • TimeTolerance <TimeTol>

<TimeTol> is entered in Connect time units, and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<ConvergeAbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

<ConvergeRelTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

  • OriginalTimeArray "<TimeArray>"
  • Filter {SkipCount | SkipTimeStep | FilterIntervals}
  • Count <Value>
  • TimeStep <Value>
  • IncludeIntervalStopTimes {Yes | No}
  • FilterIntervals "<Interval List Component>"

The Count option is valid if Filter is SkipCount. <Value> is an integer greater or equal to 1.

The TimeStep option is valid if Filter is SkipTimeStep. <Value> is entered in Connect Time units, and is greater or equal to 0.00001 seconds.

"Fixed Step"
  • BoundingIntervalList "<IntervalList>"
  • IncludeIntervalEdges {Yes | No}
  • SamplingTimeStep <Value>
  • ReferenceType {TimeInstant | StartOfEachInterval | StopOfEachInterval | StartOfIntervalList | StopOfIntervalList}
  • ReferenceTimeInstant "<TimeInstant>"

SamplingTimeStep <Value> is entered in Connect time units and is greater than 0.0.

"Fixed Times"
  • AddTimes <NumTimes> "<Time1>" "<Time2>" ...
  • ReplaceTimes <NumTimes> "<Time1>" "<Time2>" ...
  • RemoveTimes <NumTimes> "<Time1>" "<Time2>" ...
  • AddComponent "<TimeComponent>"
  • RemoveAll

"<Time>" values should be entered in Connect date units.

The "<TimeComponent>" can be a Time Instant, Interval, Interval List or Time Array. If an Interval or Interval List is entered then the start time of each interval will be added to the Fixed Times Time Array.

"Times of Extrema"
  • Calculation "<CalcScalar>"
  • ExtremumType {Local | Global} {Minimum | Maximum | Either}

Note: You must enter two options for ExtremumType.

Advanced options:

  • SaveOption {UseApplicationPrefs | SaveComputedData | None}
  • SetTimeLimits {UseApplicationPrefs | Local}
  • TimeLimits "<IntervalOrIntervalList>"
  • SamplingType {FixedStep | RelativeTolerance | CurvatureTolerance}

If SetTimeLimits is set to Local then the time interval or interval list specified by the TimeLimits parameter will be used. The "<IntervalOrIntervalList>" should include the time component type, e.g. "Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisTimeSpan Interval"

Parameters for SamplingType FixedStep:

  • TimeStep <TimeStep>

Parameters for SamplingType RelativeTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>

Parameters for SamplingType CurvatureTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>
  • CurvatureTolerance <CurveTol>

<TimeStep>, <StepBound>, <MinStep> and <MaxStep> are entered in Connect time units and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<RelTol>, and <CurveTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

<AbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

<StepBound> must be between <MinStep> and <MaxStep>.

Parameters for Convergence:

  • TimeTolerance <TimeTol>

<TimeTol> is entered in Connect time units, and must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

The Times of Extrema Time Array is not valid for Chain, CoverageDefinition, or Scenario.

  • Operation {AND | OR | XOR | MINUS}
  • Times {Add | Replace} <Num> "<Array or Instant>"...
  • RemoveTime <Num>

Enter Times Add to add the specified intervals to the list, and enter Times Replace to replace the component's times list with the specified times. <Num> indicates the number of Times entered.

The "<Array or Instant>"... can be Time Array components or Time Instant components and should include the time component type, e.g. "Satellite/Sat1 OneMinuteSampleTimes Time Array"

For the RemoveTime option enter the index number of the component to be removed. The first component in the list has an index of 1. Use the TimeTool_R with the Details option to see the list of components.

If Operation is MINUS there must be only two components. For all other operations there must be at least two components in the list.

The TimeArrayA and TimeArrayB options have been deprecated in STK 11.2. If used they will replace the first and second components, respectively.

  • Original "<TimeArray>"
  • BaseClockLocation "<Point>"
  • TargetClockLocation "<Point>"
  • SignalSense {Transmit | Receive}
  • SignalTransmissionType {Light | Custom}
  • SpeedValue <Speed>
  • TimeDelayConvergence <Delay>
  • SignalPathRefSystem {UseAccessDefault | SSBarycenter | CBInertial | Custom}
  • CustomSystem "<RefSystem>"

<Speed> is entered in Connect Time units / seconds.

SpeedValue parameter is valid if SignalTransmissionType is Custom.

<Delay> is entered in Connect time units.

CustomSystem parameter is valid if SignalPathRefSystem is Custom.

The Signaled Time Array is not valid for Chain, CoverageDefinition, or Scenario objects.

"Start-Stop Times"
  • ReferenceIntervalList "<IntervalList>"
  • EdgeType {Start | Stop | Either}

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g. "<IntervalList>", "<ConditionComponent>", etc) see Component Specification.


To create and modify a Filtered Time Array:

TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create "Time Array" SatArray4 "Filtered"
TimeTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify "Time Array" SatArray4 "Filtered" Filter SkipTimeStep TimeStep 120.0

To create and modify a Condition Crossing Time Array:

TimeTool * Place/Exton Create "Time Array" ExtonArray2 "Times of Condition Crossings" Condition "Satellite/ScenTestSat BeforeStop Condition" SatisfactionCrossingType Off-On
TimeTool * Place/Exton Modify "Time Array" ExtonArray2 "Times of Condition Crossings" SaveOption UseApplicationPrefs SetTimeLimits UseApplicationPrefs
TimeTool * Place/Exton Modify "Time Array" ExtonArray2 "Times of Condition Crossings" MinimumTimeStep 45.0 SamplingType RelativeTolerance MaximumTimeStep 1845.67 StepAtBoundaries 45.0

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets



Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools




VO Objects

