Description | Example | Return message | Group


Return information about VectorTool components.


VectorTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>]

Related commands


The VectorTool_R command can be used to return information about VectorTool components.

Exists[Template] "<ComponentSpec>"Returns a 1 if the specified "<ComponentSpec>" exists, otherwise 0 will be returned. Use the Template keyword if the component is a template.
Details[Template] "<ComponentSpec>" [IncludeDescriptions]Returns information about the component in a single string with newline characters. Use the Template keyword if the component is a template.

With the IncludeDescriptions keyword the component type description and user description, if available, will also be returned.

Use the VectorTool_RM command to return information in a list of strings.

Status"<ComponentSpec>"Returns one of these strings
  • Computed
  • Computed, can not be cleared
  • Cleared
  • Can not be Computed

The Status option is not valid for a template.

ConvertSystem"<FromSystemSpec>" "<ToSystemSpec>" {TimeInstant} <x> <y> <z> [<xv> <yv> <zv>]Convert a position/velocity from one system to another at the specified time instant. <x>, <y>, and <z> values are entered in Connect distance units. <xv>, <yv>, and <zv> values are optional and if entered are in Connect distance units / second.
ConvertAxes"<FromAxesSpec>" "<ToAxesSpec>" {TimeInstant} <x> <y> <z> [<xv> <yv> <zv>]Convert a position/velocity from one axes to another at the specified time instant. <x>, <y>, and <z> values are entered in Connect distance units. <xv>, <yv>, and <zv> values are optional and if entered are in Connect distance units / second.

For information on "<ComponentSpec>" formats see Component Specification.

For valid {TimeInstant} values see Time Options.


Determine if the specified Axes exists:

VectorTool_R * Exists "Satellite/Satellite1 J2000 Axes"

Return message

Returns 1 if the Axes exists, otherwise returns 0


Determine if the specified template Axes exists:

VectorTool_R * Exists Template "Satellite Body Axes"

Return message

Returns 1 if the Axes Template exists, otherwise returns 0


Return information about the specified Position Vector:

VectorTool_R * Details "Satellite/ESP Position Vector"

Return message

Vector Type: Displacement Vector Name: Position Vector Parent: ESP Origin Point: Earth Center Destination Point: ESP Center Apparent: False


Convert the specified Position from Earth Inertial System to Earth Fixed System:

VECTORTOOL_R * ConvertSystem "CentralBody/Earth Inertial" "CentralBody/Earth Fixed" "29 Sep 2013 16:00:00.000" -4844418.113 632169.241 4086605.212

Return message

1216469.934078 -4736121.718381 4081386.888024

Convert the specified Position and Velocity from Satellite Body Axes to Satellite LVLH:

VectorTool_R * ConvertAxes "Satellite/Satellite1 Body" "Satellite/Satellite1 LVLH" "5 Apr 2013 16:02:00.000" 2429147.990 -6402503.478 644947.940 4410.004618 2210.635488 5335.388073

Return message

-701493.175561 2378921.472598 6415404.004448 2639.445311 572.556440 76.298556

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets



Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools



VO Objects

