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ReturnSegmentBehavior Enumeration

The possible behaviors of a ReturnSegment's propagation.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation (in AGI.Foundation.SegmentPropagation.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum ReturnSegmentBehavior
  Member nameDescription
Enabled The ReturnSegment will return to the specified ParentList it was configured to return to.
Disabled The ReturnSegment will not return to its ParentList. The results of the ReturnSegment will still be logged, but no other action will occur.
EnabledOnlyForNominalRuns The ReturnSegment will return out of the ParentList only for NominalRun is true. Otherwise it will not return and propagation of the SegmentList will continue normally.
DisabledOnlyForNominalRuns The ReturnSegment will not return out of the ParentList if NominalRun is true. Otherwise it will return and propagation of the SegmentList will end.
See Also