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BallisticPropagatorGetEvaluator Method

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Public methodGetEvaluator

Gets an evaluator that can propagate at individual dates.

This evaluator propagates the orbit state. The result of evaluating will be a MotionT corresponding to the orbital state at the given JulianDate expressed in the propagator's ReferenceFrame.

Note: when evaluating with this evaluator, it may be more efficient to specify times using an arithmetically safe TimeStandard to avoid the need to convert in order to perform the propagation. The length of a time step may be different in different TimeStandards. So be careful when specifying times.

(Inherited from CartesianOnePointPropagator.)
Public methodGetEvaluator(EvaluatorGroup)

Gets an evaluator that can propagate at individual dates.

This evaluator propagates the orbit state from the InitialTime to the FinalTime based on the InitialPosition, InitialVelocity, and GravitationalParameter. The result of evaluating will be a Motion<Cartesian> corresponding to the orbital position and velocity at the given JulianDate expressed in the propagator's ReferenceFrame.

(Overrides CartesianOnePointPropagatorGetEvaluator(EvaluatorGroup).)
See Also