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ScreenOverlayPinningOrigin Enumeration

Specifies the origin of the PinningPosition of the screen overlay, as well as the direction of the horizontal and vertical axes for that pinning position. The pinning origin specifies the origin of the pinning position in the overlay's coordinate system.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics.Advanced
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Graphics (in AGI.Foundation.Graphics.dll) Version: 25.1.421.0 (25.1.421.0)
public enum ScreenOverlayPinningOrigin
  Member nameDescription
BottomLeft When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position in the overlay's bottom, left corner. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the right and increasing Y values move it up.
BottomCenter When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position at its overlay's bottom edge and the pinning position is horizontally centered within its overlay. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the right and increasing Y values move it up.
BottomRight When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position in its overlay's bottom, right corner. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the left and increasing Y values move it up.
CenterLeft When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position at its overlay's left edge and the pinning position is vertically centered within its overlay. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the right and increasing Y values move it up.
Center When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position at its overlay's center. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the right and increasing Y values move it up.
CenterRight When the X and Y pinning pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position at its overlay's right edge and the pinning position is vertically centered within its overlay. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the left and increasing Y values move it up.
TopLeft When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position in its overlay's top, left corner. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the right and increasing Y values move it down.
TopCenter When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position at its overlays's top edge and the pinning position is horizontally centered within its overlay. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the right and increasing Y values move it down.
TopRight When the X and Y pinning position are both set to 0, this value places the pinning position in its overlay's top, right corner. Increasing X values move the pinning position to the left and increasing Y values move it down.
Automatic The pinning origin is automatically set to the origin of the overlay. For instance, if the origin of the overlay is ScreenOverlayOrigin.BottomLeft, the pinning origin will also be equivalent to ScreenOverlayPinningOrigin.BottomLeft.
See Also