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BallisticPropagatorSolutionType Enumeration

Species the kind of solution that was calculated by a BallisticPropagator, IE whether the desired trajectory was successfully calculated, the propagator failed to converge on a solution, or the specified constraint was invalid.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Propagators
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Models (in AGI.Foundation.Models.dll) Version: 24.2.419.0 (24.2.419.0)
public enum BallisticPropagatorSolutionType
  Member nameDescription
SuccessfulCalculation The propagator successfully calculated the trajectory. The relevant property still has the constraint value, and the others have been populated with their values for the calculated trajectory.
ConvergenceFailed The propagator was not able to converge on the specified constraint. All properties, including the constraint value, have been set to the value of the guess the propagator converged on.
InsufficientDeltaV The specified delta-V insufficient for a valid trajectory. A minimum energy/delta-V solution was calculated instead.
ExcessiveDeltaV The specified delta-V too high for a valid trajectory. A minimum eccentricity solution was calculated instead.
InsufficientFlightDuration The specified time of flight was insufficient for a valid trajectory. The minimum eccentricity solution was calculated instead.
See Also