Description | Example | Return message | Group

VectorTool Axes

Define and modify Axes geometry components and templates.


VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Axes | AxesTemplate} <AxesName> [{AxesType} <AxesTypeParams>]

Related commands


Use the VectorTool Axes command to add, modify, and delete Axes geometry components and templates.

For a component object, the <ParentObject> is a truncated object path or a Central Body path.

For a template, the <ParentObject> is an STK class name, and you must enter the AxesTemplate keyword.

The following table provides a description of {Action} values and the applicable parameters:

Create{AxesType} [<AxesTypeParams>] <AxesTypeParams> are optional, except where noted below. If you do not specify <AxesTypeParams>, STK uses default values.
Modify{AxesType} <AxesTypeParams>The values <AxesName> {AxesType} must define an existing Axes component or template. You cannot modify the {AxesType}. <AxesTypeParams> are required.
DeleteN/ADeletes the component or template identified by <AxesName>.

The following table describes each Axes type and its parameters. You can choose to enter labels for the X, Y, and Z axes for all Axes types.

"Aligned and Constrained"{AlignVector_OrientMethod} <AlignVector_OrientParameters> "<AlignVector>" {ConstrainVector_OrientMethod} <ConstrainVector_OrientParameters> "<ConstrainVector>" ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

Valid values for {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> are described below this table.

"Angular Offset"

You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:

  • SpinVector "<Vector>"
  • RotationAngle "<Angle>"
  • Offset <Value>
  • ReferenceAxes "<Axes>"
  • AxesLabels "<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"

Enter the Offset <Value> in degrees; it must be between -360.0 and 360.0 degrees. The default value is 0 degrees.

"B-Plane"<CentralBodyName> "<TrajectoryPoint>" "<ReferenceVector>" {Incoming | Outgoing} ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

The <ParentObject> for the "B-Plane" Axes must be a Satellite.

"Custom Inline Script"

You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:

  • ScriptType {JScript | Matlab | VBScript}
  • ReferenceAxes "<Axes>"
  • EulerAFunction "<string>"
  • XDerivativeFunction "<string>"
  • EulerBFunction "<string>"
  • YDerivativeFunction "<string>"
  • EulerCFunction "<string>"
  • ZDerivativeFunction "<string>"
  • Sequence <nnn>
  • Arguments {Add | Replace} <NumberOfScalars> <Scalars...>
  • RemoveArgument <ArgNum>

EulerAFunction, EulerBFunction, EulerCFunction and at least one Argument are required on the Create command.

There must be at least as many arguments defined as are specified in the functions. For example, if a function is defined as "x1+(t*x2)", there must be at least two arguments defined, x1 and x2.

When using Inline Script components you may see error pop-ups from the scripts when there are errors in the functions that have been defined. Most of these errors will be caught when a Custom Inline Script component is created. You must fix any errors before using the component.

The XDerivativeFunction, YDerivativeFunction, and ZDerivativeFunction must all be defined, or all must be undefined. You can clear these functions by setting the value to an empty string, for example: XDerivativeFunction ""

Enter "Arguments Add" to add the specified Scalar Calculations to the arguments list, and enter "Arguments Replace" to replace the Scalar Calculations in the argument list. <NumberOfScalars> indicates the number of Scalar Calculations entered.

For the RemoveArgument option, enter the index number of the component to be removed. The first component in the list has an index of 1. Use the VectorTool_R with the Details option to see the list of components.

Valid values for Sequence <nnn> are 121, 123, 131, 132, 212, 213, 231, 232, 312, 313, 321, and 323.

"Custom Script"{Reload | "<ReferenceAxes>" "<FilePath>" [{InvalidOnExec}] ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]}

"<FilePath>" can be a file with one of the following extensions: .m, .vbs, or .dll (PC only). The "<FilePath>" value should include a full path. Custom Script files must be located in a hierarchy of predetermined directories.

For more information, see Plugin Script Reference.

"<ReferenceAxes>" "<FilePath>" parameters are required when Creating the "Custom Script" Axes.

Reload is valid for the Modify command only.

The option {InvalidOnExec} is deprecated in STK 10 and later; do not enter it.

"File"{Filename "<FilePath>" | Reload} [StartTime {TimeInstant}] [OverrideStartTime {Yes | No}] ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

"<FilePath>" must specify an STK attitude file (*.a).

Reload is valid for the Modify command only.

You must enter either Filename "<FilePath>" or Reload on each Axes "File" command.

For valid {TimeInstant} values, see Time Options.

"<FilePath>" is the path to a file on your local drive.

Sending StartTime {TimeInstant} will turn on the OverrideStartTime option.

"Fixed at Epoch""<EpochDate>" "<SourceAxes>" ["<ReferenceAxes>"] ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

Enter "<EpochDate>" in Connect date units.

"Fixed at Time Instant"

You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:

  • Instant "<TimeInstant>"
  • SourceAxes "<Axes>"
  • ReferenceAxes "<Axes>"
  • AxesLabels "<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"
"Fixed in Axes"{OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> "<ReferenceAxes>" ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

Valid values for {OrientMethod} <OrientParameters> are described below this table.

"Libration"<CentralBodyName> {L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | L5} <SecondaryBody> [<SecondaryBody>...] ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

You can enter as many <SecondaryBody> as needed on the command line.

The <ParentObject> for the "Libration" Axes must be a CentralBody.

"Model Attachment""<MdlAttachPoint>"

A valid <MdlAttachPoint> is determined by the attach points specified in the parent object's model file.

"<MdlAttachPoint>" is a required parameter for Create and Modify.

The <ParentObject> for the "Model Attachment" Axes must be an object for which a model is valid: Satellite, Facility, etc.

The "Model Attachment" Axes type is not valid for Templates.

  • PluginName "<ProgID>"
  • Reset

The Reset parameter is valid for a Modify command only.

The "<ProgID>" value is the ProgID that was used to register the plugin.

The PluginName "<ProgID>" parameter is required when Creating the "Plugin" Axes.

The "Plugin" Axes type is not valid for Templates.


You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:

  • ReferenceIntervals "<Interval or List>"
  • Schedule "<Interval or List>"
  • OnSchedule "<Axes>"
  • UseOffSchedule {On | Off}
  • OffSchedule "<Axes>"
  • UseAdditionalCondition {On | Off}
  • Condition "<Condition>"
  • AxesLabels "<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"

The ReferenceIntervals "<Interval or List>" and Schedule "<Interval or List>" can be an Interval component or Interval List component and should include the time component type, e.g., "Satellite/Sat1 EphemerisInterval Interval List".

Slew Options:

  • UseSlew {On | Off}
  • SlewType {FixedTime | Constrained}
  • SlewDefinition {Direct | QuadraticBlending | CubicBlending }
  • SlewTiming {FavorOnSchedule | Shortest | FavorOffSchedule}
  • SlewWindowDuration <value>
  • SlewMinOffSchedule <value>
  • SlewReferenceAxes "<Axes>"
  • SlewMaxRateX {On | Off | <value>}
  • SlewMaxRateY {On | Off | <value>}
  • SlewMaxRateZ {On | Off | <value>}
  • SlewMaxRateMag <value>
  • SlewMaxAccelerationX {On | Off | <value>}
  • SlewMaxAccelerationY {On | Off | <value>}
  • SlewMaxAccelerationZ {On | Off | <value>}
  • SlewMaxAccelerationMag {On | Off | <value>}

Enter SlewWindowDuration <value> and SlewMinOffSchedule <value> in Connect time units.

Enter the SlewMaxRateX, SlewMaxRateY, and SlewMaxRateZ <value> in degrees/Connect time. Entering <value> turns on the constraint.

Enter SlewMaxRateMag <value> in degrees/Connect time. This constraint is on by default, and you cannot turn it off.

Enter the SlewMaxRateX, SlewMaxRateY, and SlewMaxRateZ <value> in degree/Connect time. Entering <value> turns on the constraint.

Enter the SlewMaxAccelerationX, SlewMaxAccelerationY, SlewMaxAccelerationZ, and SlewMaxAccelerationMag <value> in degrees/Connect time^2. Entering <value> turns on the constraint.

Advanced options:

  • SamplingType {FixedStep | RelativeTolerance | CurvatureTolerance}

Parameters for SamplingType FixedStep:

  • TimeStep <TimeStep>

Parameters for SamplingType RelativeTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>
  • Parameters for SamplingType CurvatureTolerance:

  • MinimumTimeStep <MinStep>
  • MaximumTimeStep <MaxStep>
  • StepAtBoundaries <StepBound>
  • SamplingRelativeTolerance <RelTol>
  • SamplingAbsoluteTolerance <AbsTol>
  • CurvatureTolerance <CurveTol>

Enter <TimeStep>, <StepBound>, <MinStep>, and <MaxStep> in Connect time units; they must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<RelTol>, and <CurveTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0

<AbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13

Parameters for Convergence:

  • ConvergeSense {Simple | FromAbove | FromBelow}
  • ConvergeAbsoluteTolerance <ConvergeAbsTol>
  • ConvergeRelativeTolerance <ConvergeRelTol>
  • TimeTolerance <TimeTol>

Enter <TimeTol> in Connect time units; it must be between 1e-13 and 99999999999.0.

<ConvergeAbsTol> must be greater or equal to 1e-13.

<ConvergeRelTol> must be between 1e-13 and 1.0.


You can specify any or all of the following keyword-value pairs:

  • Epoch "<Epoch>"
  • SpinVector "<Vector>"
  • Offset <Value>
  • RotationRate <Value>
  • ReferenceAxes "<Axes>"
  • AxesLabels "<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"

Enter "<Epoch>" in Connect Date units. The default value is the object's start time.

Enter Offset <Value> in degrees; it must be between -360.0 and 360.0 degrees. The default value is 0 degrees.

Enter RotationRate <Value> in Degrees/ConnectTimeUnit. The default value is 1.0 degree/second.

"Surface"<CentralBodyName> "<Point>" [{UseMSLOn | UseMSLOff}] ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]
"Trajectory""<TrajectoryPoint>" "<ReferenceSystem>" {ICR | VNC | RIC | LVLH | VVLH | BBR | NTC} ["<XLabel>" "<YLabel>" "<ZLabel>"]

Description of {OrientMethod} <OrientParams>

"Fixed in Axes"Quat<Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4>
Euler<EulerA> <EulerB> <EulerC> <Sequence>

Enter <EulerA>, <EulerB>, and <EulerC> in degrees.

Valid values for <Sequence> are 121, 123, 131, 132, 212, 213, 231, 232, 312, 313, 321, and 323.

YPR<Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> <Sequence>

Enter <Yaw>, <Pitch>, and <Roll> in degrees.

Valid values for <Sequence> are RPY, RYP, PYR, PRY, YRP, and YPR.

Similarly to Euler angles, YPR angles specify attitude using three rotations in a chosen sequence: the rotation about the reference X axis is called roll (R), the rotation about the reference Y axis is called pitch (P), and the rotation about the reference Z axis is called yaw (Y). Sequences are identified using either numbers (1 is the X axis, 2 is the Y axis, 3 is the Z axis) or letters (R is the X axis, P is the Y axis, Y is the Z axis). Unlike Euler angles, the rotations are not made about axes defined by an earlier rotation. Instead, each rotation is made about the reference system's axes.

In YPR angles, the names yaw, pitch, and roll do NOT refer to the angles normally used in aviation; the terms yaw, pitch, and roll in aviation refer to 321 Euler angles.

"Aligned and Constrained"Spherical <RightAsc> <Declin>

<RightAsc> and <Declin> are entered in Degrees.

Cartesian<X> <Y> <Z>
Euler <EulerB> <EulerC> {12 | 31 | 21 | 32}

Enter <EulerB> and <EulerC> in degrees.

PR<Pitch> <Roll>

Enter <Pitch> and <Roll> in degrees.

For details on the format of a reference component (e.g., "<Point>", "<SourceAxes>", "<Vector>", etc), see Component Specification.

When specifying a reference component or template in the Create or Modify commands, the {ComponentType} is implied based on the {AxesType} being created or modified; you need not enter the {ComponentType}. In the first example below, "Satellite/ScenTestSat J2000 Axes" is entered as "Satellite/ScenTestSat J2000", since the command is expecting axes.


To create and modify a Fixed in Axes axes:

VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create Axes SatAxes6 "Fixed in Axes"
VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Modify Axes SatAxes6 "Fixed in Axes" Quat 1 0 0 0 "Satellite/ScenTestSat J2000"

To create and modify a Libration axes:

VectorTool * CentralBody/Earth Create Axes EarthAxes10 "Libration"
VectorTool * CentralBody/Earth Modify Axes EarthAxes10 "Libration" Earth L3 Mars Mercury Venus

To create an Angular Offset axes:

VectorTool * Satellite/ScenTestSat Create Axes SatAxes2 "Angular Offset" SpinVector "Satellite/ScenTestSat Position" RotationAngle "Satellite/ScenTestSat VertFlightPath"

To create, modify and then delete a Spinning axes template:

VectorTool * Satellite Create AxesTemplate SatAxesT2 "Spinning"
VectorTool * Satellite Modify AxesTemplate SatAxesT2 "Spinning" Epoch "1 Oct 1999 04:00:00.00" Rate 0.25 Offset 12.5
VectorTool * Satellite Delete AxesTemplate SatAxesT2


To create and modify a Custom Inline Script axes:

VectorTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Create "Axes" Inline3 "Custom Inline Script" EulerAFunction "t+x1/1000.0" EulerBFunction "t+x1/2000.0" EulerCFunction "t+x1/3000.0" Arguments Add 1 "Satellite/Satellite1 DistanceAlongTrajectory"
VectorTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Modify "Axes" Inline3 "Custom Inline Script" Arguments Add 2 "Satellite/Satellite1 Speed" "Satellite/Satellite1 ElapsedTimeFromStart"
VectorTool * Satellite/Satellite1 Modify "Axes" Inline3 "Custom Inline Script" XDerivativeFunction "(x2+t*dx1)/1000.0" YDerivativeFunction "(x2+t*dx1)/2000.0" ZDerivativeFunction "(x2+t*dx1)/4000.0"

Return message

Group membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):

Area Targets



Facilities, Places & Targets

Line Targets




Stars & Planets

Object Tools



VO Objects

