Conflict Analysis

In the Table View, tasks that are not assigned will appear with a black bar icon next to the task name. A task may not have an assignment because of several reasons.

They are:

There are multiple types of conflicts:

  • Accommodation Conflict
  • Capacity Conflict
  • Timeslot/Duration Conflict

Accommodation Conflicts

Accommodation conflicts may exist whenever a task requires a resource that is being used by another task or being setup to support another task. When this happens, the resource’s accommodation value will determine if the tasks can use the resource at the same time as the other task(s). An accommodation conflict will occur if a task requires a resource that is simultaneously supporting a number of tasks equal to its accommodation value.

Capacity Conflicts

A capacity conflict exists when a task attempts to replenish, deplete, or set a resource's capacity value beyond either its minimum hard limit or its maximum hard limit.

If the resource’s minimum and/or maximum capacity limit is defined as soft, a limit violation will not prevent the task from being assigned.

Timeslot/Duration Conflict

A timeslot/duration conflict is one where there is no available time to perform the task. This can happen many different ways. For instance, the task may be defined in such a way that it has no timeslots at all, or all of a task's timeslots may have durations that are smaller that the task's duration.

Resolving the Conflict

To help determine the nature of the conflict, edit the task that is unassigned and click on the Status Tab. When a task is unassigned due to resource conflict, you may select the Calculate Conflicts button to generate a listing of all assigned tasks that use (or setup) resources that are resource options for the conflicted task during any portion of the conflicted/unassigned task's timeslots, or tasks that use consumable resource capacity required by the unassigned task at any time during the schedule. The listing will specify the conflicting task name as well as the specific resource(s) in conflict, and the times of the conflict.