Interface | Description |
ActiveSetSequentialQuadraticProgrammingOptimizer.ConvergenceChecker.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DelegateBasedConstraintCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DelegateBasedCostFunctionCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DelegateBasedInequalityConstraintCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DoubleSampleSuggestionCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DoubleSimpleFunction.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DurationSampleSuggestionCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
DurationSimpleFunction.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
JulianDateSampleSuggestionCallback.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
JulianDateSimpleFunction.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
RealValuedScalarFunction.Function |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
RealValuedScalarFunction1.Function<T> |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
SetVariableCallback.Function<T extends ICloneWithContext> |
A functional interface for the containing delegate type.
Class | Description |
ActiveSetSequentialQuadraticProgrammingOptimizer |
An optimizer that solves
OptimizerMultivariableFunctions . |
ActiveSetSequentialQuadraticProgrammingOptimizer.ConvergenceChecker |
A function that tests the convergence of the optimizer by comparing the results of the current
iteration with the results of the previous iteration.
BulirschStoerIntegrator |
An adaptive numerical integrator which uses successive subdivisions of the specified
step size in order to measure the relative error in order to update the step size.
CombinedCostFunction |
costFunction will take the weighted and scaled sum of all of
its constituent cost functions as a new cost function. |
CostFunctionScaling |
Derived classes of this type specify the type of scaling applied to the cost function of the optimizer.
CostFunctionSettings |
The settings for the cost function used by an
OptimizerMultivariableFunction . |
Covariance3By3SizeAndOrientationInterpolator |
Covariance3By3SizeAndOrientation information. |
Covariance6By6TwoBodyBlender |
Quadratically blends nearby covariance matrices using two-body state transition matrix propagation.
CubicRealPolynomial |
Represents a 3rd order polynomial function of one variable with only real coefficients.
DelegateBasedConstraint |
SegmentPropagatorConstraint for use with TargetedSegmentListDifferentialCorrector
where the constraint value is produced by a delegate that computes the value
from the specified SegmentResults . |
DelegateBasedConstraintCallback |
delegate type used by the DelegateBasedConstraint . |
DelegateBasedCostFunction |
SegmentPropagatorCostFunction for use with TargetedSegmentListParameterOptimizer
where the cost function value is produced by a delegate that computes the value
from the specified SegmentResults . |
DelegateBasedCostFunctionCallback |
delegate type used by the DelegateBasedCostFunction . |
DelegateBasedInequalityConstraint |
SegmentPropagatorInequalityConstraint for use with TargetedSegmentListParameterOptimizer
where the constraint value is produced by a delegate that computes the value
from the specified SegmentResults . |
DelegateBasedInequalityConstraintCallback |
delegate type used by the DelegateBasedInequalityConstraint . |
DelegateBasedVariable<T extends SegmentConfiguration> |
SegmentPropagatorVariable that uses a delegate to get and set
the relevant values in a segment's configuration. |
DoubleExtremumFoundEventArgs | |
DoubleExtremumIndicatedEventArgs | |
DoubleFunctionDetails |
Holds details of a function to be explored with
DoubleFunctionExplorer . |
DoubleFunctionExplorer |
Explores one or more functions where the independent variable is
and the dependent variable is double, looking for one or more threshold crossings
or local extrema. |
DoubleFunctionSampledEventArgs | |
DoubleFunctionSampling |
Species how sampling of a function of
double should be performed. |
DoubleFunctionThresholdDetails |
Details of a threshold of interest in
DoubleFunctionExplorer . |
DoubleMotionInterpolator |
Interpolates and extrapolates over
Motions of
double values. |
DoubleSampleSuggestionCallback |
A callback that is invoked to determine the next Variable at which
samples a function. |
DoubleSimpleFunction |
A delegate that takes a
double and returns a double. |
DoubleThresholdCrossingFoundEventArgs | |
DoubleThresholdCrossingIndicatedEventArgs | |
DurationExtremumFoundEventArgs | |
DurationExtremumIndicatedEventArgs | |
DurationFunctionDetails |
Holds details of a function to be explored with
DurationFunctionExplorer . |
DurationFunctionExplorer |
Explores one or more functions where the independent variable is
and the dependent variable is double, looking for one or more threshold crossings
or local extrema. |
DurationFunctionSampledEventArgs | |
DurationFunctionSampling |
Species how sampling of a function of
Duration should be performed. |
DurationFunctionThresholdDetails |
Details of a threshold of interest in
DurationFunctionExplorer . |
DurationSampleSuggestionCallback |
A callback that is invoked to determine the next duration at which
samples a function. |
DurationSimpleFunction |
A delegate that takes a
Duration and returns a double. |
DurationThresholdCrossingFoundEventArgs | |
DurationThresholdCrossingIndicatedEventArgs | |
ExtremeValueOfSegmentConstraint |
constraint will take the extreme value of a
Scalar (get / set ) computed while propagating a SegmentPropagator . |
ExtremeValueOfSegmentCostFunction |
costFunction will take the extreme value of a
Scalar (get / set ) computed while propagating a SegmentPropagator . |
ExtremeValueOfSegmentInequalityConstraint |
constraint will take the extreme value of a
Scalar (get / set ) computed while propagating a SegmentPropagator . |
GaussJacksonIntegrator |
A multi-step second order integrator based on the Gauss-Jackson integration algorithm, using
RungeKuttaFehlberg78Integrator to start the integration and a summed Adams first order integration algorithm. |
InequalityConstraintScaling |
Derived classes of this type specify the type of scaling applied to constraints in the optimizer.
InequalityConstraintSettings |
The settings for an inequality constraint used by an
OptimizerMultivariableFunction . |
JulianDateExtremumFoundEventArgs | |
JulianDateExtremumIndicatedEventArgs | |
JulianDateFunctionDetails |
Holds details of a function to be explored with
JulianDateFunctionExplorer . |
JulianDateFunctionExplorer |
Explores one or more functions where the independent variable is
and the dependent variable is double, looking for one or more threshold crossings
or local extrema. |
JulianDateFunctionSampledEventArgs | |
JulianDateFunctionSampling |
Species how sampling of a function of
JulianDate should be performed. |
JulianDateFunctionThresholdDetails |
Details of a threshold of interest in
JulianDateFunctionExplorer . |
JulianDateSampleSuggestionCallback |
A callback that is invoked to determine the next date at which
samples a function. |
JulianDateSimpleFunction |
A delegate that takes a
JulianDate and returns a double. |
JulianDateThresholdCrossingFoundEventArgs | |
JulianDateThresholdCrossingIndicatedEventArgs | |
MultivariableFunctionDifferentialSolver |
An intermediate base class for
MultivariableFunctionSolvers that will solve a function
by iteration towards a solution. |
MultivariableFunctionEvaluationAndDerivativeResults<TResults,TDerivativeResults> |
Contains the evaluated value and derivative results of a
multivariable function.
MultivariableFunctionSolver |
The abstract base class for
MultivariableFunctionSolvers . |
MultivariableFunctionSolverIterationResults |
The results of a single iteration of a
MultivariableFunctionSolver . |
MultivariableFunctionSolverResults<TIterationResults> |
A type storing the overall results of a
MultivariableFunctionSolver . |
MultivariableFunctionSolverStepResult<TResults,TDerivativeResults> |
The results evaluated in one iteration of a
MultivariableFunctionSolver . |
NewtonRaphsonMultivariableFunctionSolver |
A differential corrector for solving
SolvableMultivariableFunctions . |
NoScalingOnConstraint |
The value in question is not scaled.
NoScalingOnCostFunction |
The value in question is not scaled.
NoScalingOnInequalityConstraint |
The value in question is not scaled.
NoScalingOnVariable |
The value in question is not scaled.
NumericalIntegrator |
A numerical integrator which can be used to update a set of dependent variables over a given step
of an independent variable by using a differential equation defining the derivatives.
NumericallyComputedMultivariableFunctionDerivativeResults |
The results of an evaluation of the derivative of a
SolvableMultivariableFunction when that evaluation
was done with a numerical algorithm. |
NumericallyComputedOptimizerFunctionDerivativeResults |
The results of an evaluation of the derivative of an
OptimizerMultivariableFunction when that evaluation
was done with a numerical algorithm. |
OptimizerFunctionDerivativeEvaluatedEventArgs |
EventArgs wrapping an OptimizerMultivariableFunctionDerivativeResults . |
OptimizerFunctionEvaluatedEventArgs |
EventArgs wrapping an OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults . |
OptimizerMultivariableFunction |
A function that can be optimized by a
ParameterOptimizer . |
OptimizerMultivariableFunctionDerivativeResults |
The results of an evaluation of the derivative of a
OptimizerMultivariableFunction . |
OptimizerMultivariableFunctionResults |
The result of
OptimizerMultivariableFunction . |
ParameterizedDateVariable |
A variable for use with
that will change the value of a JulianDate used in the computation of some value within the
segment propagators getting propagated. |
ParameterizedDoubleVariable |
A variable for use with
that will change the value of a ValueDefinition used in the computation of some value within the
segment propagators getting propagated where T is a double. |
ParameterizedDurationVariable |
A variable for use with
that will change the value of a Duration used in the computation of some value within the
segment propagators getting propagated. |
ParameterizedScalarVariable |
A variable for use with
that will change the value of a Scalar used in the computation of some value within the
segment propagators getting propagated. |
ParameterOptimizer |
The abstract base class for
ParameterOptimizers . |
ParameterOptimizerIterationResults |
The results of a single iteration of a
ParameterOptimizer . |
QuadraticRealPolynomial |
Represents a 2nd order polynomial function of one variable with only real coefficients.
QuarticRealPolynomial |
Represents a 4th order polynomial function of one variable with only real coefficients.
RealValuedScalarFunction |
A univariate, real valued, scalar function of a variable of type double.
RealValuedScalarFunction1<T> |
A real valued, scalar function of a variable of type T.
RealValuedScalarFunctionAdapter<T> |
Adapts any
RealValuedScalarFunction to implement
Function2 . |
ReciprocalOfBoundValueScalingOnInequalityConstraint |
The value is scaled by the absolute value of the reciprocal of the bound value.
ReciprocalOfDesiredValueScalingOnConstraint |
The value is scaled by the absolute value of the reciprocal of the desired value.
ReciprocalOfInitialValueScalingOnVariable |
The value is scaled by the absolute value of the reciprocal of the initial value.
ReciprocalOfToleranceScalingOnConstraint |
The value is scaled by the reciprocal of the absolute value of the tolerance.
ReciprocalOfToleranceScalingOnCostFunction |
The value is scaled by the reciprocal of the absolute value of the tolerance.
ReciprocalOfToleranceScalingOnInequalityConstraint |
The value is scaled by the reciprocal of the absolute value of the tolerance.
ReciprocalOfToleranceScalingOnVariable |
The value is scaled by the reciprocal of the absolute value of the tolerance.
RotationalMotionInterpolator |
Interpolates and extrapolates rotational motion with the rotation represented as a
Quaternion and derivatives represented as rotation vectors. |
RungeKutta4Integrator |
A fourth-order fixed step Runge-Kutta integrator.
RungeKuttaCashKarp45Integrator |
This is a fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm with error control based on the work
of Cash and Karp which can adapt the size of the integration step based on comparing the
fifth order evaluation with the fourth order evaluation to produce an estimate of
the numerical error produced by a given integration step.
RungeKuttaFehlberg78Integrator |
This is a seventh order Runge-Kutta algorithm with error control based on the work
of Fehlberg which can adapt the size of the integration step based on comparing the
eight order evaluation with the seventh order evaluation to produce an estimate of
the numerical error produced by a given integration step.
RungeKuttaVerner89Integrator |
This is an eighth order Runge-Kutta algorithm with error control based on the work
of Verner which can adapt the size of the integration step based on comparing the
ninth order evaluation with the eighth order evaluation to produce an estimate of
the numerical error produced by a given integration step.
ScalarAtEndOfNumericalSegmentConstraint |
constraint will take the final value from an instance of
SegmentResults and evaluate a Scalar (get / set ) at that time with that information. |
ScalarAtEndOfSegmentConstraint |
constraint will take the initial or final value from a
SegmentResults and evaluate a Scalar (get / set ) at that time with that information. |
ScalarAtEndOfSegmentCostFunction |
costFunction will take the initial or final value from a
SegmentResults and evaluate a Scalar (get / set ) at that time with that information. |
ScalarAtEndOfSegmentInequalityConstraint |
constraint will take the initial or final value from a
SegmentResults and evaluate a Scalar (get / set ) at that time with that information. |
ScalarDifferenceOfSegmentConstraint |
constraint will take the initial and final values from a
SegmentResults and evaluate the difference of a Scalar (get / set ) at those times. |
ScalarDifferenceOfSegmentCostFunction |
costFunction will take the initial and final values from a
SegmentResults and evaluate the difference of a Scalar (get / set ) at those times. |
ScalarDifferenceOfSegmentInequalityConstraint |
inequality constraint will take the initial and final values from a
SegmentResults and evaluate the difference of a Scalar (get / set ) at those times. |
SegmentPropagatorConstraint |
The base type for constraints for use with the
MultivariableFunctionSolver or
ParameterOptimizer . |
SegmentPropagatorConstraintEvaluator | |
SegmentPropagatorCostFunction |
The base type for cost functions for use with the
ParameterOptimizer . |
SegmentPropagatorCostFunctionEvaluator | |
SegmentPropagatorInequalityConstraint |
The base type for inequality constraints for use with the
ParameterOptimizer . |
SegmentPropagatorInequalityConstraintEvaluator | |
SegmentPropagatorVariable |
The variable base type used within a
MultivariableFunctionSolver in conjunction with
SegmentPropagators . |
SegmentPropagatorVariableEvaluator |
evaluator for SegmentPropagatorVariables that is
used by a MultivariableFunctionSolver directly, or to modify some part of the
configuration for the segments getting propagated in
a SegmentList . |
SequentialQuadraticProgrammingOptimizer |
An intermediate base class for
ParameterOptimizers that will optimize a cost function
by iteration towards a solution. |
SetVariableCallback<T extends ICloneWithContext> |
The setter
delegate for the DelegateBasedVariable . |
SolvableMultivariableFunction |
A function that can be solved for by a
MultivariableFunctionSolver . |
SolvableMultivariableFunctionDerivativeResults |
The results of an evaluation of the derivative of a
SolvableMultivariableFunction . |
SolvableMultivariableFunctionResults |
The result of
SolvableMultivariableFunction . |
SolverConstraintScaling |
Derived classes of this type specify the type of scaling applied to constraints.
SolverConstraintSettings |
The settings for an equality constraint used by a
or an OptimizerMultivariableFunction . |
SolverFunctionDerivativeEvaluatedEventArgs |
EventArgs wrapping a SolvableMultivariableFunctionDerivativeResults . |
SolverFunctionEvaluatedEventArgs |
EventArgs wrapping a SolvableMultivariableFunctionResults . |
SolverVariableScaling |
Derived classes of this type specify the type of scaling applied to variables in the numerical function solver.
SolverVariableSettings |
The settings for a variable used by a
SolvableMultivariableFunction . |
SpecifiedValueScalingOnConstraint |
The value is scaled by the specified factor.
SpecifiedValueScalingOnCostFunction |
The value is scaled by the specified factor.
SpecifiedValueScalingOnInequalityConstraint |
The value is scaled by the specified factor.
SpecifiedValueScalingOnVariable |
The value is scaled by the specified factor.
StepSizeInformation |
Indicates the behavior of the size of an integration step produced by an integrator.
TargetedSegmentListDifferentialCorrector |
When using the Segment Propagation Library, there will be times when you don't know exactly
what a value should be set to.
TargetedSegmentListDifferentialCorrectorResults |
results that get returned from an evaluation of a
TargetedSegmentListDifferentialCorrector . |
TargetedSegmentListFunction |
SolvableMultivariableFunction that can be used in a
MultivariableFunctionSolver to solve for an arbitrary trajectory or other
state elements based on
variables and
constraints . |
TargetedSegmentListFunctionResults |
results that get returned when a TargetedSegmentListFunction
is run. |
TargetedSegmentListOptimizerFunction |
OptimizerMultivariableFunction that can be used in a
ParameterOptimizer to optimize an arbitrary trajectory or other
state elements based on the
variables ,
the cost function ,
the equality constraints, and
the inequality constraints. |
TargetedSegmentListOptimizerFunctionResults |
results that get returned when a TargetedSegmentListOptimizerFunction
is run. |
TargetedSegmentListParameterOptimizer |
Allows the constrained or unconstrained parameter optimization of trajectories
by adjusting
variables to minimize
or maximize a cost function
while satisfying equality and
inequality constraints. |
TargetedSegmentListParameterOptimizerResults |
results that get returned from an evaluation of a
TargetedSegmentListParameterOptimizer . |
TimeIntervalFinder |
Finds the time intervals during which a constraint on a function of time is satisfied.
TranslationalMotionInterpolator |
Interpolates and extrapolates translational motion represented as
Cartesian coordinates. |
Enum | Description |
CostFunctionGoal |
Specifies whether the cost function should be minimized or maximized.
DerivativeMode |
An enumeration indicating the mode in which to calculate derivatives.
EndsOfSegment |
Specifies if the initial state or final state of a segment should be considered.
ExtremumType |
Indicates whether an extremum is a minimum or a maximum.
FiniteDifferenceMethod |
When numerically computing the derivative of a function, this will indicate if the
finite difference method should be forward, backwards or central.
FunctionSegmentSlope |
Indicates the slope of a segment of a function.
GaussJacksonCorrectionMode |
Indicates whether to use the full derivative function when computing corrections
or whether to use only "fast" derivatives when computing corrections.
InequalityBoundType | |
IntegrationSense |
Indicates whether the integration proceeds with the independent variable increasing or decreasing.
InterpolationAlgorithmType |
Indicates a type of interpolation algorithm to use when interpolating data.
KindOfStepSize |
Indicates what kind of behavior the step size will have during integration.
ScalarConstraintDifference |
Specifies the manner in which the difference is computed.