Schedule Menu
Schedule Menu
Starts the schedule deconfliction engine for all non-deferred tasks using the selected scheduling algorithm.
Initiates Schedule Validation on the active schedule.
Rebuild Schedule -> Reset Settings
Re-calculates the possibilities for every defined task and recalculates all constraints and STK reports. Previous values in the resource usage definition will be discarded in favor of default values upon creation.
This action will remove all task assignments
Rebuild Schedule -> Retain Settings
Re-calculates the possibilities for every defined task and recalculates all constraints and STK reports. Previous values in the resource usage definitions will be retained if compatibility exists. An example of values not being retained due to incompatibility is if a resource definition changed from Capacity Applicable to Capacity Not Applicable.
This action will remove all task assignments.
Rebuild Schedule -> Retain Assignments
Re-calculates the possibilities for every defined task and recalculates all constraints and STK reports. Previous values in the resource usage definitions will be retained if compatibility exists. All assignments will be retained so long as the task and possibility they use still exist.
Some task assignments may be removed, and the retained assignments may have violations.
Rebuild Schedule -> Adjust Assignments to Fit
Re-calculates the possibilities for every defined task and recalculates all constraints and STK reports. Previous values in the resource usage definitions will be retained if compatibility exists. All assignments will be retained so long as the task and possibility they use still exist. Assigment start and stop times may be adjusted in order to fit within any altered timeslots.
Some task assignments may be removed, and the retained assignments may have violations.
Defined Start/Stop...
Opens the General Tab of the Schedule Properties Form to allow you to define or edit the start and stop times of the scheduling period.
Select Algorithm
This option allows you to choose between the various schedule deconfliction algorithms used to schedule tasks.
One Pass
The One Pass option selects the One Pass deconfliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
The Sequential option selects the Sequential deconfliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
The Multi-Pass option selects the Multi Pass deconfliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
Neural Network
The Neural Network option selects the Neural Network deconfliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
The Random option selects the Random deconfliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
The Squeaky-Wheel option selects the Squeaky-Wheel deconfliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
The Load-Leveling option selects the Load-Leveling de-confliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
The Greedy option selects the Greedy de-confliction algorithm. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
Create Algorithm...
The Create Algorithm... option starts the Algorithm Builder. See Algorithm Definitions for more details.
Figure of Merit
Opens the FOM Properties Tab of the Schedule Properties Form to allow you to view and edit the Figure of Merit (FOM) formula.
Opens the Schedule Properties Form to allow you to view and edit the various attributes of the schedule.
The STK option allows you to manage the interface between STK and STK Scheduler.
Start STK
The Start STK option causes a new instance of STK to start.
If an error message is encountered while starting STK, click here for more information.
Load STK Scenario
Opens the STK Properties Tab of the Schedule Properties Form to allow you to determine the path and name of an associated STK Scenario file.
If an error message is encountered while starting STK, click here for more information.
Unload STK Scenario
The Unload STK Scenario option disassociates any STK scenario from the active schedule.
Refresh STK Data
The refresh STK Data option provides a quick method for uploading any data that is derived from STK. Use this option after any changes are made to the associated STK scenario.
This feature will perform the following functions:
- Update all STK reports used to define a resource's availability
- Update all STK reports to define a task's scheduling times
- Recalculate timeslots with the new availability, scheduling times, and accesses
The animate feature will run the STK Animation of the associated STK scenario for the scheduling period. For tasks that require STK objects to have access to each other during the task (access reports applied under the Task Resources Timeslots tab), magenta lines will be shown connecting the STK objects during the task execution times. In addition, task names (up to 10 at a time) will be displayed in the upper left hand corner of the 3D Graphics window during their assigned times (start to stop). While the animation is in progress, you may use any of the normal STK animation controls to modify how the animation is displayed.
STK/VO 3D Animation Snapshot
The access lines are only visible in the STK 3D Graphics Window.
The Scheduler animation feature does not support chain object resources due to object ambiguity related to constellations.
The Report option allows you to view one of several scheduling summary reports.
Creates and displays a Summary Report. The report contains a summary of the deconflicted schedule.
A summary report is available only after the schedule has been deconflicted.
Creates and displays a Schedule Report for the active schedule.
Creates and displays a Resource Report for the selected or active resources. If no resource is selected, a form will open that will allow you to choose one or more resources.
Creates and displays a Task Report for the selected of active task. If no task is selected, a form will open that will allow you to choose one or more tasks.
Task Conflicts
Creates and displays a Task Conflicts Report for the selected or active task. If no task is selected, a form will open that will allow you to choose one or more tasks.
Creates and displays a Schedule Comparison Report for the active schedule and a second schedule that you select from a saved file.