AGI STK Objects 11 Send comments on this topic.
Project Overview


The following is an overview of the classes, interfaces and enumerations of the STK Object Model.


Objects Description
AgAccessCnstrAngle Class defining Angle constraints, limiting access to intervals during which the selected angle is within the specified minimum and maximum limits.
AgAccessCnstrBackground Class related to the Background constraint, which constrains access periods based on whether the Earth is or is not in the background.
AgAccessCnstrCbObstruction Class defining constraints in terms of obstruction by a specified central body.
AgAccessCnstrCondition Class defining access constraints in terms of lighting conditions.
AgAccessCnstrCrdnCn Class related to Vector constraints.
AgAccessCnstrExclZonesCollection Collection of Exclusion Zones used in Exclusion Zone constraint.
AgAccessCnstrGroundTrack Class related to the Ground Track constraint, which constrains access to the Ascending or Descending side of the Satellite's ground track.
AgAccessCnstrIntervals Class defining the Intervals constraint.
AgAccessCnstrMinMax Class related to defining constraints in terms of minimum and/or maximum values.
AgAccessCnstrObjExAngle Class defining the Object Exclusion Angle constraint.
AgAccessCnstrPluginMinMax Class related to defining access plugin constraints in terms of minimum and/or maximum values.
AgAccessCnstrThirdBody Class defining Central Body Obstruction constraints.
AgAccessCnstrTimeSlipRange Class for controlling the use the Time Slip constraint for a missile or launch vehicle, used with the Close Approach Tool.
AgAccessCnstrZone Class defining the Exclusion Zone constraint.
AgAcGraphics 2D Graphics for an aircraft.
AgAcVO 3D Graphics properties for an aircraft.
AgAdditionalGainLoss Class defining additional gains and losses.
AgAdditionalGainLossCollection Class defining a colleciton of additional gains and losses.
AgAircraft Aircraft object.
AgAntenna Class defining the antenna object.
AgAntennaBeam Class defining an antenna beam.
AgAntennaBeamCollection Class defining an antenna beam collection.
AgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategy Class defining a beam selection strategy.
AgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategyAggregate Class defining a aggregated beam selection strategy.
AgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategyMaxGain Class defining a maximum gain beam selection strategy.
AgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategyMinBoresightAngle Class defining a minimum boresight angle beam selection strategy.
AgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategyScriptPlugin Class defining a script plugin beam selection strategy.
AgAntennaBeamTransmit Class defining a transmit antenna beam.
AgAntennaModel Class defining a generic antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularBessel Class defining a circular bessel aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularBesselEnvelope Class defining a circular bessel envelope aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosine Class defining a circular cosine aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosinePedestal Class defining a circular cosine pedestal aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosineSquared Class defining a circular cosine squared aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosineSquaredPedestal Class defining a circular cosine squared pedestal aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularSincIntPower Class defining a circular sinc integer power aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularSincRealPower Class defining a circular sinc real power aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureCircularUniform Class defining a circular uniform aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosine Class defining a rectangular cosine aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosinePedestal Class defining a rectangular cosine pedestal aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosineSquared Class defining a rectangular cosine squared aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosineSquaredPedestal Class defining a rectangular cosine squared pedestal aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularSincIntPower Class defining a rectangular sinc integer power aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularSincRealPower Class defining a rectangular sinc real power aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelApertureRectangularUniform Class defining a rectangular uniform aperture antenna model.
AgAntennaModelCosecantSquared Class defining a cosecant squared antenna model.
AgAntennaModelDipole Class defining a dipole antenna model.
AgAntennaModelElevationAzimuthCuts Class defining a pattern elevation/azimuth cuts antenna model.
AgAntennaModelExternal Class defining a external antenna model.
AgAntennaModelGaussian Class defining a gaussian antenna model.
AgAntennaModelGimroc Class defining a GIMROC antenna model.
AgAntennaModelGpsFrpa Class defining a GPS FRPA antenna model.
AgAntennaModelGpsGlobal Class defining a GPS global antenna model.
AgAntennaModelHelix Class defining a helix antenna model.
AgAntennaModelHemispherical Class defining a hemispherical antenna model.
AgAntennaModelIeee1979 Class defining a IEEE 1979 antenna model.
AgAntennaModelIntelSat Class defining a IntelSat antenna model.
AgAntennaModelIsotropic Class defining a isotropic antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuBO1213CoPolar Class defining a ITU-R BO1213 co-polar antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuBO1213CrossPolar Class defining a ITU-R BO1213 cross-polar antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuF1245 Class defining a ITU-R F1245-1 antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS1528R12Circular Class defining a ITU-R S1528 1.2 circular antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS1528R12Rectangular Class defining a ITU-R S1528 1.2 rectangular antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS1528R13 Class defining a ITU-R S1528 1.3 antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS465 Class defining a ITU-R S465-5 antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS580 Class defining a ITU-R S580-5 antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS672Circular Class defining a ITU-R S672 circular antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS672Rectangular Class defining a ITU-R S672-4 rectangular antenna model.
AgAntennaModelItuS731 Class defining a ITU-R S731 antenna model.
AgAntennaModelOpticalGaussian Class defining a gaussian optical antenna model.
AgAntennaModelOpticalSimple Class defining a simple optical antenna model.
AgAntennaModelParabolic Class defining a parabolic antenna model.
AgAntennaModelPencilBeam Class defining a pencil beam antenna model.
AgAntennaModelPhasedArray Class defining a phased array antenna model.
AgAntennaModelRectangularPattern Class defining a rectangular pattern antenna model.
AgAntennaModelScriptPlugin Class defining a script plguin antenna model.
AgAntennaModelSquareHorn Class defining a square horn antenna model.
AgAntennaNoiseTemperature Class defining antenna noise temperature.
AgAntennaSystem Class defining an antenna system.
AgAreaTarget Class defining the AreaTarget object.
AgAreaTypeEllipse Class defining the AreaTarget AreaType in terms of MajorAxis, MinorAxis and Bearing.
AgAreaTypePatternCollection Class defining the list of coordinates of the AreaTarget AreaType.
AgAtmosphere Class defining local atmosphere.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModel Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelITURP676_3 Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelITURP676_5 Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelITURP676_9 Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelScriptPlugin Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelSimpleSatcom Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelTirem320 Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelTirem331 Class defining an atmospheric absorption model.
AgAvailableFeatures Class is used to check the availability of the features such as Astrogator, etc.
AgBeamformer Class defining a beamformer.
AgBeamformerAsciiFile Class defining a beamformer ascii file.
AgBeamformerMvdr Class defining a beamformer mvdr.
AgBeamformerScript Class defining a beamformer script plugin.
AgBeerBouguerLambertLawLayer Class defining a row of an input back off vs output back off table.
AgBeerBouguerLambertLawLayerCollection Class defining collection of Beer-Bouguer-Lamber Law atmosphere layers.
AgChain AgChain Class is used to access the methods and properties of the STK Chain Object.
AgChUserSpecifiedTimePeriod User-specified time period for the chain.
AgClassicalLocationArgumentOfLatitude Argument of Latitude, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgClassicalLocationEccentricAnomaly Eccentric Anomaly, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgClassicalLocationMeanAnomaly Mean Anomaly, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgClassicalLocationTimePastAN Time Past Ascending Node, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgClassicalLocationTimePastPerigee Time Past Perigee, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgClassicalLocationTrueAnomaly True Anomaly, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude Orbit size and shape using altitude.
AgClassicalSizeShapeMeanMotion Orbit size and shape using Mean Motion and Eccentricity.
AgClassicalSizeShapePeriod Orbit size and shape using Period and Eccentricity.
AgClassicalSizeShapeRadius Orbit size and shape using Radius.
AgClassicalSizeShapeSemimajorAxis Orbit size and shape using Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity.
AgCloudsAndFogLossModel Class defining a clouds and fog model.
AgCommSystem Class defining a CommSystem object.
AgCommSystemAccessEventDetection Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemAccessEventDetectionSamplesOnly Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemAccessEventDetectionSubsample Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemAccessOptions Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemAccessSamplingMethod Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemAccessSamplingMethodAdaptive Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemAccessSamplingMethodFixed Class defining a CommSystem access options.
AgCommSystemLinkSelectionCriteria Class defining a CommSystem link selection criteria.
AgCommSystemLinkSelectionCriteriaMaximumElevation Class defining a CommSystem link selection criteria.
AgCommSystemLinkSelectionCriteriaMinimumRange Class defining a CommSystem link selection criteria.
AgCommSystemLinkSelectionCriteriaScriptPlugin Class defining a CommSystem link selection criteria.
AgConstellation Class represents the STK Constellation
AgCoverageDefinition The AgCoverageDefinition class
AgCRComplex Class defining a complex number.
AgCRComplexCollection Class defining a collection of complex numbers.
AgCRPluginConfiguration Class defining plugin configuration.
AgCustomPropagationModel Class defining a custom propatation model.
AgCvBoundsCustomBoundary Custom Boundary
AgCvBoundsCustomRegions Custom Regions
AgCvBoundsGlobal Global: grid covering the entire globe.
AgCvBoundsLat Latitude Bounds: create a grid between user-specified Minimum and Maximum Latitude boundaries.
AgCvBoundsLatLine Latitude Line: Create a set of points along a single latitude line, useful when the coverage is only expected to vary with longitude.
AgCvBoundsLatLonRegion LatLon Region: create a region between user-specified Minimum and Maximum Latitude and Longitude boundaries.
AgCvBoundsLonLine Longitude Line: Create a set of points along a single meridian, useful when the coverage is only expected to vary with latitude.
AgCvResolutionArea Area: Define the location of grid coordinates by using the specified area to determine a latitude/longitude spacing scheme at the equator.
AgCvResolutionDistance Distance: Define the location of the grid coordinates by using the specified distance to determine a latitude/longitude spacing scheme at the equator.
AgCvResolutionLatLon Lat/Lon: Determine the location of grid coordinates by specifying a latitude/longitude resolution value.
AgDataProviderGroup Group of sub data providers (e.g. "Cartesian Position" on Satellites).
AgDataPrvFixed Support for fixed data providers (i.e. non time-dependent like Facility position).
AgDataPrvInterval Support for interval data providers (e.g. Facility lighting times).
AgDataPrvTimeVar Support for time-dependent data providers (e.g. Satellite position).
AgDelaunayG Delaunay Variable G, the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum.
AgDelaunayGOverSQRTmu Delaunay Variable G/SQRT(mu), i.e. G divided the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yielding a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.
AgDelaunayH Value of Delaunay Variable H, which is the Z component of the orbital angular momentum.
AgDelaunayHOverSQRTmu Delaunay Variable H/SQRT(mu), i.e. H divided the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yielding a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.
AgDelaunayL Delaunay Variable L, which is related to the two-body orbital energy.
AgDelaunayLOverSQRTmu Delaunay Variable L/SQRT(mu), i.e. L divided the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yielding a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.
AgDemodulatorModel Class defining a demodulator model.
AgDemodulatorModel16psk Class defining a 16PSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModel8psk Class defining a 8PSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelBoc Class defining a BOC modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelBpsk Class defining a BPSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelDpsk Class defining a DPSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelExternal Class defining a external modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelExternalSource Class defining a external source modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelFsk Class defining a FSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelMsk Class defining a MSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelNarrowbandUniform Class defining a narrowband uniform modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelNfsk Class defining a NFSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelOqpsk Class defining a OQPSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelPulsedSignal Class defining a pulsed signal modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQam1024 Class defining a QAM 1024 modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQam128 Class defining a QAM 128 modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQam16 Class defining a QAM 16 modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQam256 Class defining a QAM 256 modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQam32 Class defining a QAM 32 modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQam64 Class defining a QAM 64 modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelQpsk Class defining a QPSK modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelScriptPlugin Class defining a script plugin modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelWidebandGaussian Class defining a wideband gaussian modulator model.
AgDemodulatorModelWidebandUniform Class defining a wideband uniform modulator model.
AgDirectionProvider Class defining a direction provider.
AgDirectionProviderAsciiFile Class defining an ascii file direction provider.
AgDirectionProviderLink Class defining an link direction provider.
AgDirectionProviderObject Class defining an object direction provider.
AgDirectionProviderScript Class defining an script plugin direction provider.
AgDuringAccess Class defining display intervals in terms of access to objects.
AgElement Class defining a phased array element.
AgElementCollection Class defining a phased array element collection.
AgElementConfiguration Class defining an element configuration.
AgElementConfigurationAsciiFile Class defining a ascii file element configuration.
AgElementConfigurationCircular Class defining a circular element configuration.
AgElementConfigurationHexagon Class defining a hexagon element configuration.
AgElementConfigurationLinear Class defining a linear element configuration.
AgElementConfigurationPolygon Class defining a polygon element configuration.
AgEquinoctialSizeShapeMeanMotion Mean Motion, an element of the Equinoctial coordinate type.
AgEquinoctialSizeShapeSemimajorAxis Semimajor Axis, an element of the Equinoctial coordinate type.
AgFacility Class defining the Facility object.
AgFigureOfMerit Figure of Merit properties.
AgFmDefAccessConstraint Access Constraint Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefAccessSeparation Access Separation Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefAgeOfData Age of Data Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefCompute Compute options for navigation accuracy.
AgFmDefDataBestN Navigation accuracy based on best N satellites.
AgFmDefDataMinAssets Minimum number of assets.
AgFmDefDataMinMax Minimum and maximum data values for navigation accuracy.
AgFmDefDataPercentLevel Specified percent level for the 'percent below' Navigation Accuracy compute option.
AgFmDefDilutionOfPrecision Dilution Of Precision Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefNavigationAccuracy Navigation Accuracy.
AgFmDefResponseTime Response Time Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefRevisitTime Revisit Time Figure of Merit
AgFmDefScalarCalculation Scalar Calculation Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefSimpleCoverage Simple Coverage Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefSystemResponseTime System Response Time Figure of Merit.
AgFmDefTimeAverageGap Time Average Gap Figure of Merit.
AgFmGfxAttributesAnimation Animation graphics for a Figure of Merit.
AgFmGfxContoursAnimation Animation contour properties.
AgFmNAMethodConstant Constant Value method for uncertainty in range measurements for the Navigation Accuracy Figure of Merit.
AgFmNAMethodElevationAngle Elevation Angle method for uncertainty in range measurements for the Navigation Accuracy Figure of Merit.
AgGeodeticSizeAltitude Altitude and Altitude Rate (for Geodetic coordinate type).
AgGeodeticSizeRadius Radius and Radius Rate (for Geodetic coordinate type).
AgGroundVehicle Ground vehicle object.
AgGvGraphics 2D Graphics properties for ground vehicles.
AgImmutableIntervalCollection Read-only collection of intervals.
AgIntervalCollection Class defining display intervals.
AgLaserPropagationLossModel Class defining an laser propagation loss model.
AgLaserPropagationLossModelBeerBouguerLambertLaw Class defining an laser propagation loss model.
AgLaunchVehicle Launch vehicle object.
AgLineTarget Line Target Path properties.
AgLinkMargin Class defining a link margin computation object.
AgLLAGeocentric Geocentric LLA position.
AgLLAGeodetic Geodetic LLA position.
AgLocationCrdnPoint The location based upon a Vector Geometry Tool Point.
AgMissile Missile object.
AgMixedSphericalFPAHorizontal Horizontal Flight Path Angle, an element of the Mixed Spherical coordinate type.
AgMixedSphericalFPAVertical Vertical Flight Path Angle, an element of the Mixed Spherical coordinate type.
AgModulatorModel Class defining a modulator model.
AgModulatorModel16psk Class defining a 16PSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModel8psk Class defining a 8PSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelBoc Class defining a BOC modulator model.
AgModulatorModelBpsk Class defining a BPSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelDpsk Class defining a DPSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelExternal Class defining a external modulator model.
AgModulatorModelExternalSource Class defining a external source modulator model.
AgModulatorModelFsk Class defining a FSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelMsk Class defining a MSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelNarrowbandUniform Class defining a narrowband uniform modulator model.
AgModulatorModelNfsk Class defining a NFSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelOqpsk Class defining a OQPSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelPulsedSignal Class defining a pulsed signal modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQam1024 Class defining a QAM 1024 modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQam128 Class defining a QAM 128 modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQam16 Class defining a QAM 16 modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQam256 Class defining a QAM 256 modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQam32 Class defining a QAM 32 modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQam64 Class defining a QAM 64 modulator model.
AgModulatorModelQpsk Class defining a QPSK modulator model.
AgModulatorModelScriptPluginCustomPsd Class defining a custom PSD script plugin modulator model.
AgModulatorModelScriptPluginIdealPsd Class defining a ideal PSD script plugin modulator model.
AgModulatorModelWidebandGaussian Class defining a wideband gaussian modulator model.
AgModulatorModelWidebandUniform Class defining a wideband uniform modulator model.
AgMto Multi-Track Object (MTO).
AgOrbitStateCartesian Cartesian coordinate type.
AgOrbitStateClassical Classical (Keplerian) coordinate type.
AgOrbitStateDelaunay Delaunay coordinate type, using a set of canonical action-angle variables, which are commonly used in general perturbation theories.
AgOrbitStateEquinoctial Equinoctial coordinate type, which uses the center of the Earth as the origin and the plane of the satellite's orbit as the reference plane.
AgOrbitStateGeodetic Geodetic coordinate type (available only with a Fixed coordinate system).
AgOrbitStateMixedSpherical Mixed Spherical coordinate type, using a variation of the spherical elements that combines Earth-fixed position parameters with inertial velocity parameters.
AgOrbitStateSpherical Spherical coordinate type: defines the path of an orbit using polar coordinates.
AgOrientationAscNodeLAN Earth-fixed longitude where the satellite crosses the inertial equator from south to north.
AgOrientationAscNodeRAAN Angle from the inertial X axis to the ascending node measured in a right-handed sense about the inertial Z axis in the equatorial plane.
AgPlace Class defining the Place object.
AgPlanet Class defining the Planet object.
AgPlOrbitDisplayTime Class defining display time of a planet's orbit.
AgPlPosCentralBody Class defining central body used to define Planet object.
AgPlPosFile Class defining the planetary ephemeris file.
AgPolarization Class defining an polarization.
AgPolarizationElliptical Class defining an elliptical polarization.
AgPolarizationHorizontal Class defining a horizontal polarization.
AgPolarizationLHC Class defining a LHC polarization.
AgPolarizationLinear Class defining a linear polarization.
AgPolarizationRHC Class defining a RHC polarization.
AgPolarizationVertical Class defining a vertical polarization.
AgPropagationChannel Class defining the propagation channel.
AgPtTargetVOModel Point properties for a 3D model.
AgRadar Class defining the radar object.
AgRadarClutterGeometry Class defining a radar clutter geometry.
AgRadarClutterGeometryModel Class defining a radar clutter geometry model.
AgRadarClutterGeometryModelPlugin Class defining a radar plugin clutter geometry.
AgRadarClutterGeometryModelSinglePoint Class defining a radar single point clutter geometry.
AgRadarClutterGeometryModelSmoothOblateEarth Class defining a radar smooth oblate earth clutter geometry.
AgRadarClutterMap Class defining a radar clutter map.
AgRadarClutterMapInheritable Class defining a radar clutter map model.
AgRadarClutterMapModel Class defining a radar clutter map model.
AgRadarClutterMapModelConstantCoefficient Class defining a radar clutter map model.
AgRadarClutterMapModelPlugin Class defining a radar clutter map model.
AgRadarClutterMapModelRae Class defining a radar clutter map model.
AgRadarContinuousWaveAnalysisModeFixedTime Class defining the continuous wave fixed time analysis mode.
AgRadarContinuousWaveAnalysisModeGoalSNR Class defining the continuous wave goal SNR analysis mode.
AgRadarCrossSection Class defining a radar cross section.
AgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategy Class defining a inheritable radar cross section compute strategy.
AgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyConstantValue Class defining a inheritable radar cross section compute strategy.
AgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyExternalFile Class defining a inheritable radar cross section compute strategy.
AgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyPlugin Class defining a inheritable radar cross section compute strategy.
AgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyScriptPlugin Class defining a inheritable radar cross section compute strategy.
AgRadarCrossSectionFrequencyBand Class defining a inheritable radar cross section frequency band.
AgRadarCrossSectionFrequencyBandCollection Class defining a inheritable radar cross section frequency band collection.
AgRadarCrossSectionInheritable Class defining a inheritable radar cross section.
AgRadarCrossSectionModel Class defining a radar cross section model.
AgRadarDopplerClutterFilters Class defining the properties for doppler clutter filters.
AgRadarJamming Class defining radar jamming.
AgRadarModeBistaticReceiver Class defining a bistatic receiver radar mode.
AgRadarModeBistaticReceiverSar Class defining a bistatic receiver sar radar mode.
AgRadarModeBistaticReceiverSearchTrack Class defining a bistatic receiver search/track radar mode.
AgRadarModeBistaticTransmitter Class defining a bistatic transmitter radar mode.
AgRadarModeBistaticTransmitterSar Class defining a bistatic transmitter sar radar mode.
AgRadarModeBistaticTransmitterSearchTrack Class defining a bistatic transmitter search/track radar mode.
AgRadarModel Class defining a generic radar model.
AgRadarModelBistaticReceiver Class defining a bistatic receiver radar model.
AgRadarModelBistaticTransmitter Class defining a bistatic transmitter radar model.
AgRadarModelMonostatic Class defining a monostatic radar model.
AgRadarModeMonostatic Class defining a monostatic radar mode.
AgRadarModeMonostaticRae Class defining a monostatic rae radar mode.
AgRadarModeMonostaticSar Class defining a monostatic sar radar mode.
AgRadarModeMonostaticSearchTrack Class defining a monostatic search/track radar mode.
AgRadarModulator Class defining a radar modulator.
AgRadarProbabilityOfDetection Class defining the probability of detection.
AgRadarProbabilityOfDetectionCFAR Class defining the probability of detection cfar.
AgRadarPulseIntegrationFixedNumberOfPulses Class defining the fixed number of pulses integration method.
AgRadarPulseIntegrationGoalSNR Class defining the goal SNR integration method.
AgRadarRaeWaveform Class defining the RAE waveform.
AgRadarRaeWaveformCollection Class defining the RAE waveform collection.
AgRadarReceiver Class defining the radar transmitter.
AgRadarTransmitter Class defining the radar transmitter.
AgRadarWaveformBistaticReceiverSearchTrackContinuous Class defining a bistatic receiver continuous waveform.
AgRadarWaveformBistaticReceiverSearchTrackFixedPRF Class defining a bistatic receiver fixed PRF waveform.
AgRadarWaveformBistaticTransmitterSearchTrackContinuous Class defining a bistatic transmitter continuous waveform.
AgRadarWaveformBistaticTransmitterSearchTrackFixedPRF Class defining a bistatic transmitter fixed PRF waveform.
AgRadarWaveformMonostaticSearchTrackContinuous Class defining a monostatic continuous waveform.
AgRadarWaveformMonostaticSearchTrackFixedPRF Class defining a monostatic fixed PRF waveform.
AgRadarWaveformSarPulseDefinition Class defining the pulse definition for a SAR waveform.
AgRadarWaveformSarPulseIntegration Class defining the pulse integration for a SAR waveform.
AgRadarWaveformSearchTrackPulseDefinition Class defining the pulse definition for a search track waveform.
AgRainLossModel Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelCCIR1983 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelCrane1982 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelCrane1985 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelITURP618_10 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelITURP618_5 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelITURP618_8 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelITURP618_9 Class defining a rain loss model.
AgRainLossModelScriptPlugin Class defining a rain loss model.
AgReceivePolarizationElliptical Class defining an elliptical polarization.
AgReceivePolarizationHorizontal Class defining a horizontal polarization.
AgReceivePolarizationLHC Class defining a LHC polarization.
AgReceivePolarizationLinear Class defining a linear polarization.
AgReceivePolarizationRHC Class defining a RHC polarization.
AgReceivePolarizationVertical Class defining a receive vertical polarization.
AgReceiver Class defining the receiver object.
AgReceiverModel Class defining a generic receiver model.
AgReceiverModelCable Class defining a cable receiver model.
AgReceiverModelComplex Class defining a complex receiver model.
AgReceiverModelLaser Class defining a laser receiver model.
AgReceiverModelMedium Class defining a medium receiver model.
AgReceiverModelMultibeam Class defining a mutibeam receiver model.
AgReceiverModelScriptPluginLaser Class defining a laser script plugin receiver model.
AgReceiverModelScriptPluginRF Class defining a RF script plugin receiver model.
AgReceiverModelSimple Class defining a simple receiver model.
AgReTransmitterModelComplex Class defining a complex re-transmitter model.
AgReTransmitterModelMedium Class defining a medium re-transmitter model.
AgReTransmitterModelSimple Class defining a simple re-transmitter model.
AgRFEnvironment Class defining the RF environment.
AgRFFilterModel Class defining a generic RF filter model.
AgRFFilterModelBessel Class defining a bessel filter model.
AgRFFilterModelButterworth Class defining a butterworth filter model.
AgRFFilterModelChebyshev Class defining a Chebyshev filter model.
AgRFFilterModelCosineWindow Class defining a cosine window filter model.
AgRFFilterModelElliptic Class defining a elliptic filter model.
AgRFFilterModelExternal Class defining a external filter model.
AgRFFilterModelFir Class defining a FIR filter model.
AgRFFilterModelFirBoxCar Class defining a FIR box car filter model.
AgRFFilterModelGaussianWindow Class defining a cosine window filter model.
AgRFFilterModelHammingWindow Class defining a cosine window filter model.
AgRFFilterModelIir Class defining a IIR box car filter model.
AgRFFilterModelRaisedCosine Class defining a raised cosine filter model.
AgRFFilterModelRcLowPass Class defining a rc low pass filter model.
AgRFFilterModelRectangular Class defining a rectangular filter model.
AgRFFilterModelRootRaisedCosine Class defining a root raised cosine filter model.
AgRFFilterModelScriptPlugin Class defining a script plugin filter model.
AgRFFilterModelSinc Class defining a sinc filter model.
AgRFFilterModelSincEnvSinc Class defining a Sinc Envelope Sinc filter model.
AgSatellite Satellite properties.
AgSaVOModel All Satellite's VO Model properties.
AgScenario Class defining the Scenario object.
AgSensor Class defining the Sensor class.
AgShGraphics 2D Graphics options for a ship.
AgShip Ship object.
AgShVO 3D Graphics attributes for a ship.
AgSnAzElMaskFile Class to define a Sensor's Azimuth-Elevation mask.
AgSnComplexConicPattern Class defining the complex conic pattern for a Sensor.
AgSnCustomPattern Class defining the custom pattern for a Sensor.
AgSnEOIRPattern Class defining the EOIR pattern for a Sensor.
AgSnHalfPowerPattern Class defining the half-power pattern for a Sensor.
AgSnProjConstantAlt Class defining projection altitude options for constant altitude for a sensor.
AgSnProjDisplayDistance Class defining projection altitude options for a sensor.
AgSnProjObjectAlt Class defining projection altitude options for object altitude for a sensor.
AgSnPt3DModel Class defining the 3D model pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtExternal Class defining the external file-defined pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtFixed Class defining the fixed pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtFixedAxes Class defining the fixed in axes pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtGrazingAlt Class defining Grazing Altitude pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtSpinning Class defining the spinning pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtTargeted Class defining the targeted pointing type for a Sensor.
AgSnPtTrgtBsightFixed Class defining a targeted Sensor with fixed boresight.
AgSnPtTrgtBsightTrack Class defining a targeted sensor with tracking boresight.
AgSnRectangularPattern Class defining the rectangular pattern for a Sensor.
AgSnSARPattern Class defining the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) pattern for a Sensor.
AgSnSimpleConicPattern Class defining the simple conic pattern for a Sensor.
AgSphericalFPAHorizontal Horizontal Flight Path Angle, an element of the Spherical coordinate type.
AgSphericalFPAVertical Vertical Flight Path Angle, an element of the Spherical coordinate type.
AgSRPModelGPS GPS Solar Radiation Pressure Model
AgSRPModelPlugin Plugin Light Reflection Model
AgSRPModelPluginSettings Plugin Light Reflection Model Settings
AgSRPModelSpherical Spherical Solar Radiation Pressure Model
AgStar Class defining the Star object.
AgStkAccess Class defining Access.
AgStkObject Represents a generic STK object.
AgStkObjectModelContext AgStkObjectModelContext class provides methods to create instance of AgStkObjectRoot class
AgStkObjectRoot Top-level object in the Object Model Hierarchy.
AgStkPreferences Allows configuring STK preferences.
AgSystemNoiseTemperature Class defining system noise temperature.
AgTarget Class defining the Target object.
AgTerrainNormSlopeAzimuth Class defining Slope/Azimuth data for the TerrainNormal.
AgTimePeriod Provides methods and properties to configure start and stop times.
AgTransferFunctionInputBackOffCOverImTable Class defining an input back off vs C/Im table.
AgTransferFunctionInputBackOffCOverImTableRow Class defining a row of an input back off vs C/Im table.
AgTransferFunctionInputBackOffOutputBackOffTable Class defining an input back off vs output back off table.
AgTransferFunctionInputBackOffOutputBackOffTableRow Class defining a row of an input back off vs output back off table.
AgTransferFunctionPolynomialCollection Class defining a collection of polynomial coefficents.
AgTransmitter Class defining the transmitter object.
AgTransmitterModel Class defining a generic transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelCable Class defining a cable transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelComplex Class defining a complex transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelLaser Class defining a laser transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelMedium Class defining a medium transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelMultibeam Class defining a multibeam transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelScriptPluginLaser Class defining a laser script plugin transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelScriptPluginRF Class defining a RF script plugin transmitter model.
AgTransmitterModelSimple Class defining a simple transmitter model.
AgTroposphericScintillationLossModel Class defining a tropospheric scintillation model.
AgUrbanTerrestrialLossModel Class defining an urban/terrestrial loss model.
AgUrbanTerrestrialLossModelTwoRay Class defining an urban/terrestrial loss model.
AgUrbanTerrestrialLossModelWirelessInSiteRT Class defining an urban/terrestrial loss model.
AgVeAttitudeRealTime Real time attitude.
AgVeAttPointing Target pointing attitude parameters.
AgVeAttSlewConstrained Constrained slew mode.
AgVeAttSlewFixedRate Fixed rate slew.
AgVeAttSlewFixedTime Fixed time slew.
AgVeBreakAngleBreakByLatitude Pass break latitude.
AgVeBreakAngleBreakByLongitude Pass break longitude.
AgVeCoordinateAxesCustom Custom
AgVeEphemerisCCSDSExportTool AgVeEphemerisTypeCCSDS Class
AgVeEphemerisCCSDSv2ExportTool The Ephemeris/Attitude Export Tool for CCSDSv2 Ephemeris type.
AgVeEphemerisCode500ExportTool AgVeEphemerisTypeCode500 Class
AgVeEphemerisSpiceExportTool AgVeEphemerisTypeSpice Class
AgVeEphemerisStkBinaryExportTool AgVeEphemerisTypeSTKBinary Class
AgVeEphemerisStkExportTool AgVeEphemerisTypeSTK Class
AgVeGfxAttributesAccess Vehicle 2D Graphics display based on access intervals.
AgVeGfxAttributesCustom Vehicle 2D graphics display based on custom intervals.
AgVeGfxAttributesOrbit 2D Graphics attributes for a satellite.
AgVeGfxAttributesRealtime 2D Graphics attributes for a vehicle based on real time data state.
AgVeGfxAttributesRoute 2D Graphics attributes for aircraft, ships and ground vehicles.
AgVeGfxAttributesTimeComponents Allows configuring the 2D attributes using the time components.
AgVeGfxAttributesTrajectory 2D Graphics attributes for launch vehicles and missiles.
AgVeGfxElevationGroundElevation Ground elevation for vehicle swath.
AgVeGfxElevationSwathHalfWidth Half width for vehicle swath.
AgVeGfxElevationVehicleHalfAngle Half angle for vehicle swath.
AgVeGfxLeadDataFraction 2D Graphics pass: fraction of leading portion of vehicle track to display.
AgVeGfxLeadDataTime 2D Graphics pass: time-defined segment of leading portion of vehicle track to display.
AgVeGfxPassShowPasses Beginning and end pass numbers to display.
AgVeGfxTimeComponentsEventCollectionElement Provides properties to configure the vehicle's appearance in 2D and 3D views. The interface is used with event interval collections only.
AgVeGfxTimeComponentsEventElement Provides properties to configure the vehicle's appearance in 2D and 3D views. The interface is used with all types of event components except for the event interval collections.
AgVeGfxTimeEventTypeLine 2D Graphics time event: line type.
AgVeGfxTimeEventTypeMarker 2D Graphics time event: marker type.
AgVeGfxTimeEventTypeText 2D Graphics time event: text type.
AgVeGfxTrailDataFraction 2D Graphics pass: fraction of trailing portion of vehicle track to display.
AgVeGfxTrailDataTime 2D Graphics pass: time-defined segment of trailing portion of vehicle track to display.
AgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSEM SEM almanac properties.
AgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSP3 SP3 almanac properties.
AgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesYUMA YUMA almanac properties.
AgVeHPOPDragModelPlugin Plugin Drag Model
AgVeHPOPDragModelPluginSettings Plugin Drag Model Settings
AgVeHPOPDragModelSpherical Spherical Drag Pressure Model
AgVeImpactLLA Class defining geodetic impact latitude, longitude and altitude for a Missile.
AgVeImpactLLR Class defining geocentric impact latitude, longitude and radius for a Missile.
AgVeImpactLocationLaunchAzEl Class defining the option to use azimuth and elevation to specify the Missile's impact location.
AgVeImpactLocationPoint Class defining a Missile's impact location.
AgVeLaunchControlFixedApogeeAlt Class defining the option to set a Missile's flight parameters by specifying a fixed apogee altitude.
AgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaV Class defining the option to set a Missile's flight parameters by specifying a fixed delta V.
AgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaVMinEcc Class defining the option to set a Missile's flight parameters by specifying a fixed delta V with minimum eccentricity.
AgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight Class defining the option to set a Missile's flight parameters by specifying a fixed time of flight.
AgVeLaunchLLA Class defining geodetic launch latitude, longitude and altitude for a Missile or LaunchVehicle.
AgVeLaunchLLR Class defining geocentric launch latitude, longitude and radius for a Missile or LaunchVehicle.
AgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile for satellite.
AgVeProfileAlignedAndConstrained Aligned and Constrained attitude profile.
AgVeProfileAlignmentOffset Alignment offset for various attitude profiles.
AgVeProfileConstraintOffset Constraint offset for various attitude profiles.
AgVeProfileCoordinatedTurn Coordinated turn attitude profile for aircraft.
AgVeProfileFixedInAxes Fixed in Axes attitude profile: maintains a constant orientation of the body-fixed axes with respect to the specified reference axes, using the selected coordinate type.
AgVeProfileInertial Inertially fixed attitude profile: maintains a constant orientation of the body-fixed axes with respect to the inertial axes, using the selected coordinate type.
AgVeProfilePrecessingSpin Precessing Spin attitude profile, in which the spin axis of the satellite specified in the body frame is offset through the nutation angle away from the angular momentum direction specified in the inertial frame.
AgVeProfileSpinAboutXXX Shared for Spin About Nadir and Spin About Sun Vector profile parameters.
AgVeProfileSpinAligned This class is deprecated. The "Spin Aligned" attitude definition is now deprecated because it may become ill-posed when configured with non-inertial spin vectors. It is recommended that instead "Precessing Spin" should be used.
AgVeProfileSpinning Spinning attitude profile.
AgVeProfileYawToNadir A profile useful for satellites with highly elliptical orbits.
AgVePropagator11Param The 11-Parameter propagator models geostationary satellites using 11-Parameter files. The propagator uses an algorithm documented in Intelsat Earth Station Standards (IESS) IESS-412 (Rev. 2), available at
AgVePropagatorAviator Class defining the Mission Modler propagator for an Aircraft.
AgVePropagatorBallistic Class defining the ballistic propagator for a Missile.
AgVePropagatorGPS GPS propagator
AgVePropagatorGreatArc Class defining the Great Arc propagator for an Aircraft, Ship or GroundVehicle.
AgVePropagatorHPOP Class defining the High Precision Orbit Propagator (HPOP).
AgVePropagatorJ2Perturbation Class defining the J2 perturbation propagator.
AgVePropagatorJ4Perturbation Class defining the J4 perturbation propagator.
AgVePropagatorLOP Class defining the Long-term Orbit Predictor (LOP).
AgVePropagatorSGP4 Class defining the SGP4 propagator.
AgVePropagatorSimpleAscent Class defining the simple ascent propagator for a launch vehicle.
AgVePropagatorSP3 The SP3 propagator reads .sp3 files of type 'a' and 'c' and allows you to use multiple files in sequence. These files are used to provide precise GPS orbits from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).
AgVePropagatorSPICE Class defining the SPICE propagator.
AgVePropagatorStkExternal Class defining the STK External propagator.
AgVePropagatorTwoBody Class defining the two body propagator.
AgVePropagatorUserExternal Class defining the user-external propagator.
AgVeRouteAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile for aircraft.
AgVeRouteVOModel 3D marker for great arc vehicles.
AgVeSGP4LoadFile SGP4 propagator. Allows the user to load segments from file.
AgVeSGP4OnlineAutoLoad SGP4 propagator. Allows the user to load the most current segment from online.
AgVeSGP4OnlineLoad SGP4 propagator. Allows the user to load segments from online.
AgVeSGP4SpaceTrackLoad This class is deprecated. SGP4 propagator. Allows the user to load segments from Space Track.
AgVeSolarFluxGeoMagEnterManually Class defining the option to enter a vehicle's solar flux and/or GeoMag properties manually, depending on the selected atmospheric density model.
AgVeSolarFluxGeoMagUseFile Class defining the option to load a vehicle's solar flux and/or GeoMag properties from an external file.
AgVeTrajectoryAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile for launch vehicle or missile.
AgVeTrajectoryVOModel Marker for launch vehicle or missile.
AgVeVOAttributesBasic Basic 3D graphics for covariance pointing contours.
AgVeVOAttributesIntervals 3D graphics based on intervals for covariance pointing contours.
AgVeVOBearingBox Defines a volume, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object.
AgVeVOBearingEllipse Defines an ellipse, relative to a bearing from the North, around the object.
AgVeVOControlBox Defines a volume around the object that moves with the object.
AgVeVODataFraction Fraction for 3D track display.
AgVeVODataTime Time
AgVeVOEllipsoid Defines an ellipsoid around the vehicle object.
AgVeVOLineOfBearing Defines a line of bearing which is drawn from an origin in the direction of a bearing.
AgVeVOOrbitProximity Proximity graphics.
AgVeVORouteProximity Proximity graphics for GreatArc Vehicles.
AgVeVOSigmaScaleProbability Sigma probability for indirect sizing of covariance pointing contours.
AgVeVOSigmaScaleScale Sigma scale for direct sizing of covariance pointing contours.
AgVeVOSystemsElement Element for reference system used for displaying vehicle orbits and trajectories.
AgVeVOSystemsSpecialElement Defines methods and properties to configure 3D properties of Inertial or Fixed reference system used for displaying vehicle orbits and trajectories.
AgVeVOTickDataLine Line type tick marks.
AgVeVOTickDataPoint Point type tick mark.
AgVeVOTrajectoryProximity AgVeTrajectoryProximity Class
AgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain Terrain altitude reference.
AgVmAdvanced Class defining the volumetric Computed Data Save options.
AgVmAnalysisInterval Class defining the volumetric analysis interval.
AgVmExportTool The Volumetric Export Tool.
AgVmExternalFile Class defining the volume external file.
AgVmGridSpatialCalculation Class defining the volume grid spatial calculation.
AgVmVO Class defining 3D graphics properties of volumetric object.
AgVmVOActiveGridPoints Class defining Active Grid Points for Volumetric Object.
AgVmVOCrossSection Class defining planar cross-sections through the volumetric grid.
AgVmVOCrossSectionPlane Class defining cross-section plane for volumetric grid.
AgVmVOCrossSectionPlaneCollection Class defining collection of cross-section planes for volumetric grid.
AgVmVOGrid Class defining grid properties of 3D graphics for volumetric object.
AgVmVOLegend Class defining Boundary/Fill legend for volumetric object.
AgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevel Class defining Spatial Calculation Boundary/Fill Levels for volumetric grid.
AgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevelCollection Class defining collections of defining Spatial Calculation Boundary/Fill Levels for volumetric grid.
AgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevels Class defining Spatial Calculation Levels for Volumetric Object.
AgVmVOVolume Class defining planar cross-sections through the volumetric grid.
AgVolumetric The AgVolumetric class
AgVOMarkerFile Class defining 3D marker file attributes.
AgVOMarkerShape Class defining the marker type that represents the object in the 3D Graphics window.
AgVOModelCollection Collection representing 3D model list.
AgVOModelFile Class defining 3D model file.
AgVORefCrdnAngle Class defining a reference angle (3D Graphics, Vector Geometry Tool).
AgVORefCrdnAxes Class defining a set of reference axes (3D Graphics, Vector Geometry Tool).
AgVORefCrdnPlane Class defining a reference plane (3D Graphics, Vector Geometry Tool).
AgVORefCrdnPoint Class defining a reference point (3D Graphics, Vector Geometry Tool).
AgVORefCrdnVector Class defining a reference vector (3D Graphics, Vector Geometry Tool).
AgWirelessInSiteRTGeometryData Class defining the REMCOM Wireless InSite RT geometry data.


Objects Description
IAgAccessAdvanced Interface for configuring advanced targeting access computation properties.
IAgAccessCnstrAngle Access Constraint used for angle constraints.
IAgAccessCnstrBackground Access Constraint used for Background Constraints.
IAgAccessCnstrCbObstruction Access Constraint used for Central Body Obstruction.
IAgAccessCnstrCondition Access Constraint used for lighting conditions.
IAgAccessCnstrCrdnCn Access Constraint used for Vector Constraints.
IAgAccessCnstrExclZonesCollection AgAccessCnstrExclZonesCollection used to access the Exclusion Zones List interface
IAgAccessCnstrGroundTrack Access Constraint used for GroundTrack Constraints.
IAgAccessCnstrIntervals Access Constraint used for time intervals.
IAgAccessCnstrMinMax Access Constraint used for min/max constraints.
IAgAccessCnstrObjExAngle Access Constraint used for Object Exclusion Angles.
IAgAccessCnstrPluginMinMax Access Constraint used for min/max plugin constraints.
IAgAccessCnstrThirdBody Access Constraint Used for Third Body Obstructions.
IAgAccessCnstrTimeSlipRange IAgAccessCnstrTimeSlipRange used to access the Time Slip Range.
IAgAccessCnstrZone IAgAccessCnstrZone used to access the Zone access constraints.
IAgAccessConstraint AgAccessConstraint used to access the AccessConstraint attributes
IAgAccessConstraintCollection AgAccessConstraintCollection used to access the list of constraints
IAgAccessEventDetection Defines properties and methods to configure the event detection strategy used in access computations.
IAgAccessInterval Base interface for IAgTimePeriod and IAgIntervalCollection.
IAgAccessSampling Defines properties and methods to configure the sampling strategy used in access computations.
IAgAccessTime IAgAccessTime Interface, part of the target times scheme for specifying when a satellite or sensor can access a given object.
IAgAccessTimeCollection IAgAccessTimeCollection Interface.
IAgAccessTimeEventIntervals Allows configuring the access time period using a list of timeline intervals.
IAgAccessTimePeriod Allows configuring the object's access interval.
IAgAcExportTools Interface used to define the export to data file options.
IAgAcGraphics 2D Graphics for an aircraft.
IAgAcVO 3D Graphics properties for an aircraft.
IAgAdditionalGainLoss Provides access to an additional gain/loss.
IAgAdditionalGainLossCollection Represents a collection of gains and losses.
IAgAircraft Interface for aircraft object.
IAgAnimation Provides methods to control scenario animation.
IAgAntenna Provides access to the properties and methods defining an Antenna object.
IAgAntennaBeam Provides access to an antenna beam.
IAgAntennaBeamCollection Represents a collection of antenna beams.
IAgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategy Provides access to a beam selection strategy.
IAgAntennaBeamSelectionStrategyScriptPlugin Provides access to a script plugin beam selection strategy.
IAgAntennaBeamTransmit Provides access to an transmit antenna beam.
IAgAntennaContour IAgAntennaContour Interface for a antenna's contour properties.
IAgAntennaContourEirp IAgAntennaContourEirp Interface for a antenna's eirp contour properties.
IAgAntennaContourFluxDensity IAgAntennaContourFluxDensity Interface for a antenna's flux density contour properties.
IAgAntennaContourGain IAgAntennaContourGain Interface for a antenna's gain contour properties.
IAgAntennaContourGraphics IAgAntennaContourGraphics Interface for a antenna's contour properties.
IAgAntennaContourLevel IAgAntennaContourLevel Interface for an antenna contour level.
IAgAntennaContourLevelCollection Represents a collection of antenna contour levels.
IAgAntennaContourRip IAgAntennaContourRip Interface for a antenna's rip contour properties.
IAgAntennaContourSpectralFluxDensity IAgAntennaContourSpectralFluxDensity Interface for a antenna's spectral flux density contour properties.
IAgAntennaControl Provides access to the properties and methods of the antenna control.
IAgAntennaGraphics IAgAntennaGraphics Interface for a antenna's 2D Graphics properties.
IAgAntennaModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining an antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularBessel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular bessel aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularBesselEnvelope Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular bessel envelope aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosine Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular cosine aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosinePedestal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular cosine pedestal aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosineSquared Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular cosine squared aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularCosineSquaredPedestal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular cosine squared pedestal aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularSincIntPower Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular sinc integer power aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularSincRealPower Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular sinc real power aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureCircularUniform Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular uniform aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosine Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular cosine aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosinePedestal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular cosine pedestal aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosineSquared Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular cosine squared aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularCosineSquaredPedestal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular cosine squared pedestal aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularSincIntPower Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular sinc integer power aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularSincRealPower Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular sinc real power aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelApertureRectangularUniform Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular uniform aperture antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelCosecantSquared Provides access to the properties and methods defining a cosecant squared antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelDipole Provides access to the properties and methods defining a dipole antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelElevationAzimuthCuts Provides access to the properties and methods defining a pattern elevation/azimuth cuts antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelExternal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a external antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelGaussian Provides access to the properties and methods defining a gaussian antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelGimroc Provides access to the properties and methods defining a GIMROC antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelGpsFrpa Provides access to the properties and methods defining a GPS FRPA antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelGpsGlobal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a GPS global antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelHelix Provides access to the properties and methods defining a helix antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelHemispherical Provides access to the properties and methods defining a hemispherical antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelIeee1979 Provides access to the properties and methods defining a IEEE 1979 antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelIntelSat Provides access to the properties and methods defining an IntelSat antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelIsotropic Provides access to the properties and methods defining an isotropic antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuBO1213CoPolar Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R BO1213 co-polar antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuBO1213CrossPolar Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R BO1213 cross-polar antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuF1245 Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R F1245-1 antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS1528R12Circular Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S1528 1.2 circular antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS1528R12Rectangular Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S1528 1.2 rectangular antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS1528R13 Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S1528 1.3 antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS465 Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S465-5 antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS580 Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S580-5 antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS672Circular Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S672-4 circular antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS672Rectangular Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S672-4 1.2 rectangular antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelItuS731 Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ITU-R S731 antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelOpticalSimple Provides access to the properties and methods defining a simple optical antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelParabolic Provides access to the properties and methods defining a parabolic antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelPencilBeam Provides access to the properties and methods defining a pencil beam antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelPhasedArray Provides access to the properties and methods defining a phased array antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelRectangularPattern Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rectangular pattern antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a script plugin antenna model.
IAgAntennaModelSquareHorn Provides access to the properties and methods defining a square horn antenna model.
IAgAntennaNoiseTemperature Provides access to the antenna noise temperature parameters.
IAgAntennaSystem Provides access to the properties for a antenna system.
IAgAntennaVO IAgAntennaVO Interface for a antenna's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgAntennaVolumeGraphics IAgAntennaVolumeGraphics Interface for a antenna's 3D volume properties.
IAgAreaTarget Provides access to the properties and methods defining an AreaTarget object.
IAgAreaTypeData Base interface IAgAreaTypeData. IAgAreaTypePatternCollection and IAgAreaTypeEllipse derive from it.
IAgAreaTypeEllipse AgAreaTypeEllipse used to access the MajorAxis MinorAxis and Bearing of the AreaTarget AreaType
IAgAreaTypePattern AgAreaTypePattern used to access the List of coordinates of the AreaTarget AreaType interface
IAgAreaTypePatternCollection AgAreaTypePatternCollection used to access the List of coords of the AreaTarget AreaType
IAgATCommonTasks AreaTarget common tasks.
IAgATGraphics AgATGraphics used to access the 2D Graphics attributes of an AreaTarget interface
IAgAtmosphere Provides access to the properties and methods defining the local atmosphere.
IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModel Provides access to the properties and methods an atmospheric absorption model.
IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelITURP676 Provides access to the properties and methods of the ITU-R P676 atmospheric absorption model.
IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods of the script plugin atmospheric absorption model.
IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelSimpleSatcom Provides access to the properties and methods of the Simple Satcom atmospheric absorption model.
IAgAtmosphericAbsorptionModelTirem Provides access to the properties and methods of the TIREM atmospheric absorption model.
IAgATVO AgATVO used to access the 3D attributes of an AreaTarget interface
IAgAvailableFeatures Defines methods to inquiry available and supported features, object types, etc.
IAgAzElMaskData Base interface IAgAzElMaskData. IAgSnAzElMaskFile implements this interface.
IAgBasicAzElMask AgAzElMask Azimuth-elevation access points
IAgBeamformer Provides access to the properties and methods defining a beamformer.
IAgBeamformerAsciiFile Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ascii file beamformer.
IAgBeamformerMvdr Provides access to the properties and methods defining an MVDR beamformer.
IAgBeamformerScript Provides access to the properties and methods defining an script plugin beamformer.
IAgBeerBouguerLambertLawLayer Provides access to the a atmosphere layer used in the Beer-Bouguer-Lambert law propagation loss model.
IAgBeerBouguerLambertLawLayerCollection Represents a collection of complex numbers.
IAgCelestialBodyCollection Represents a collection of celestial bodies.
IAgCelestialBodyInfo The interface represents information associated with a celestial body.
IAgCentralBodyTerrainCollection Represents a collection of terrains associated with central bodies. This collection enables adding terrain to any central bodies and not just to the current scenario's central body.
IAgCentralBodyTerrainCollectionElement Element of collection of terrain associated with central body.
IAgChain Configuration options for chains.
IAgChConstraints Chain constraints.
IAgChGfxAnimation 2D Animation graphics for a chain.
IAgChGfxStatic 2D static graphics for a chain.
IAgChGraphics 2D graphics properties of a chain.
IAgChTimePeriodBase Chain time period options.
IAgChUserSpecifiedTimePeriod User-specified time period for the chain.
IAgChVO 3D graphics properties of a chain.
IAgClassicalLocation Base Interface of all IAgClassicalLocation* interfaces.
IAgClassicalLocationArgumentOfLatitude Interface for Argument of Latitude, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
IAgClassicalLocationEccentricAnomaly Interface for Eccentric Anomaly, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
IAgClassicalLocationMeanAnomaly Interface for Mean Anomaly, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
IAgClassicalLocationTimePastAN Interface for Time Past Ascending Node, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
IAgClassicalLocationTimePastPerigee Interface for Time Past Perigee, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
IAgClassicalLocationTrueAnomaly Interface for True Anomaly, used in specifying the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
IAgClassicalOrientation Interface for specifying orbit orientation in the Classical (Keplerian) system.
IAgClassicalSizeShape Base Interface for SizeShape property. IAgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude, IAgClassicalSizeShapeMeanMotion, IAgClassicalSizeShapePeriod, IAgClassicalSizeShapeRadius and IAgClassicalSizeShapeSemimajorAxis derive from this.
IAgClassicalSizeShapeAltitude Interface for specifying orbit size and shape using altitude.
IAgClassicalSizeShapeMeanMotion Interface for specifying orbit size and shape using Mean Motion and Eccentricity.
IAgClassicalSizeShapePeriod Interface for specifying orbit size and shape using Period and Eccentricity.
IAgClassicalSizeShapeRadius Interface for specifying orbit size and shape using Radius.
IAgClassicalSizeShapeSemimajorAxis Interface for specifying orbit size and shape using Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity.
IAgCloneable Interface for a component.
IAgCloudsAndFogLossModel Provides access to the properties and methods a clouds and fog loss model.
IAgCnCnstrObjectRestriction A restriction interface that is satisfied only when specified number of objects meets the conditions for the chain access.
IAgCnCnstrRestriction This is a base interface of all interfaces returned by the Restriction property of the IAgCnConstraints interface.
IAgCnConstraints Constellation Constraints
IAgCnGraphics Graphics options for constellation.
IAgCommSystem Provides access to the properties and methods defining an CommSystem object.
IAgCommSystemAccessEventDetection Provides access to the properties an acess event detection algorithm.
IAgCommSystemAccessEventDetectionSubsample Provides access to the properties an acess sub-sample event detection algorithm.
IAgCommSystemAccessOptions Provides access to the CommSystem object access options.
IAgCommSystemAccessSamplingMethod Provides access to the properties for the sampling method.
IAgCommSystemAccessSamplingMethodAdaptive Provides access to the properties for a adaptive sampling method.
IAgCommSystemAccessSamplingMethodFixed Provides access to the properties for a fixed sampling method.
IAgCommSystemGraphics IAgCommSystemGraphics Interface for a CommSystem's 2D Graphics properties.
IAgCommSystemLinkSelectionCriteria Provides access to a link selection criteria.
IAgCommSystemLinkSelectionCriteriaScriptPlugin Provides access to a script plugin link selection criteria.
IAgCommSystemVO IAgCommSystemVO Interface for a CommSystem's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgComponentDirectory Manages all components.
IAgComponentInfo Interface for a component.
IAgComponentInfoCollection The collection of components and component folders.
IAgConstellation Configuration options for constellations.
IAgCoverageDefinition Coverage definition properties.
IAgCRComplex Provides access to the real and imaginary parts of a complex number.
IAgCRComplexCollection Represents a collection of complex numbers.
IAgCRPluginConfiguration Provides access to plugin properties.
IAgCustomPropagationModel Provides access to the properties and methods for a custom propagation model.
IAgCvAdvanced Advanced Properties
IAgCvAreaTargetsCollection Area Targets
IAgCvAssetListCollection Asset List
IAgCvAssetListElement Coverage asset.
IAgCvBounds Base interface for IAgCvBoundsCustom, IAgCvBoundsGlobal, IAgCvBoundsLat, IAgCvBoundsLatLines, IAgCvBoundsLonLines, IAgCvBoundsCustomBoundary.
IAgCvBoundsCustomBoundary Custom Boundary
IAgCvBoundsCustomRegions Custom Regions
IAgCvBoundsGlobal Global: grid covering the entire globe.
IAgCvBoundsLat Latitude Bounds: create a grid between user-specified Minimum and Maximum Latitude boundaries.
IAgCvBoundsLatLine Latitude Line: Create a set of points along a single latitude line, useful when the coverage is only expected to vary with longitude.
IAgCvBoundsLatLonRegion LatLon Region: create a region between user-specified Minimum and Maximum Latitude and Longitude boundaries.
IAgCvBoundsLonLine Longitude Line: Create a set of points along a single meridian, useful when the coverage is only expected to vary with latitude.
IAgCvGfxAnimation 2D animation graphics options for the coverage grid.
IAgCvGfxProgress Progress graphics for access calculations.
IAgCvGfxStatic Static 2D graphics display options for the coverage grid.
IAgCvGraphics 2D graphics display options for the coverage grid.
IAgCvGrid Grid Definition and resolution.
IAgCvGridInspector Provides access to the Coverage Definition grid inspector properties.
IAgCvGridPointSelection Represents a set of coverage grid points.
IAgCvInterval Coverage interval: the time period over which coverage is computed.
IAgCvPointDefinition Point Definition: methods and parameters for specifying the location of points on the coverage grid.
IAgCvPointFileListCollection Point file list collection
IAgCvRegionFilesCollection Region Files
IAgCvResolution Base interface for IAgCvResolutionArea, IAgCvResolutionDistance and IAgCvResolutionLatLon, used to define coverage resolution (spacing between grid points).
IAgCvResolutionArea Area: Define the location of grid coordinates by using the specified area to determine a latitude/longitude spacing scheme at the equator.
IAgCvResolutionDistance Distance: Define the location of the grid coordinates by using the specified distance to determine a latitude/longitude spacing scheme at the equator.
IAgCvResolutionLatLon Lat/Lon: Determine the location of grid coordinates by specifying a latitude/longitude resolution value.
IAgCvSelectedGridPoint Represents a point selected with the grid inspector.
IAgCvVO 3D graphics options for the coverage grid.
IAgCvVOAttributes 3D animation or static graphics options.
IAgDataProvider Represents the Sub Data Provider (i.e. "Fixed" in "Cartesian Position" group on satellites, or "Cartesian Position" on facilities).
IAgDataProviderCollection Represents a collection of data providers.
IAgDataProviderGroup Represents a group of data providers (for instance "Cartesian Position" on satellite).
IAgDataProviderInfo Provides methods for retrieving the information about data providers.
IAgDataProviders Represents a collection of data providers.
IAgDataPrvElement Provides methods to access the information about the element (for instance "x").
IAgDataPrvElements Represents a collection of elements in the data provider (for instance "x", "y", "z").
IAgDataPrvFixed Represents the Fixed Data Provider (i.e. non time dependent like facility position).
IAgDataPrvInterval Represents the Interval Data Provider (for instance facility lighting times).
IAgDataPrvTimeVar Represents the Time-dependent Data Provider (for instance satellite position).
IAgDelaunayActionVariable Interface for Delaunay Variable L, which is related to the two-body orbital energy.
IAgDelaunayG Interface for Delaunay Variagle G, the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum.
IAgDelaunayGOverSQRTmu Interface for Delaunay Variable G/SQRT(mu), i.e. G divided the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yielding a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.
IAgDelaunayH Value of Delaunay Variable H, which is the Z component of the orbital angular momentum.
IAgDelaunayHOverSQRTmu Interface for Delaunay Variable H/SQRT(mu), i.e. H divided the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yielding a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.
IAgDelaunayL Interface for Delaunay Variable L, which is related to the two-body orbital energy.
IAgDelaunayLOverSQRTmu Interface for Delaunay Variable L/SQRT(mu), i.e. L divided the square root of the central-body gravitational constant, yielding a geometric version of the Delaunay set that is independent of the central body.
IAgDemodulatorModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a demodulator model.
IAgDemodulatorModelExternal Provides access to the properties and methods defining an external file demodulator model.
IAgDemodulatorModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining an script plugin demodulator model.
IAgDirectionProvider Provides access to the properties and methods defining an direction provider.
IAgDirectionProviderAsciiFile Provides access to the properties and methods defining an ascii file direction provider.
IAgDirectionProviderLink Provides access to the properties and methods defining an link direction provider.
IAgDirectionProviderObject Provides access to the properties and methods defining an object direction provider.
IAgDirectionProviderScript Provides access to the properties and methods defining an script plugin direction provider.
IAgDisplayDistance Base interface IAgDisplayDistance. IAgSnProjDisplayDistance, IAgSnProjConstantAlt and IAgSnProjObjectAlt derive from this.
IAgDisplayTimesData Base Interface IAgDisplayTimesData. IAgIntervalCollection, IAgDuringAccess and IAgDisplayTimesTimeComponent derive from this.
IAgDisplayTimesTimeComponent Interface provides methods to configure the display times using Timeline API components.
IAgDisplayTm The display time interface
IAgDrDataSet Represents a dataset element.
IAgDrDataSetCollection Represents a collection of dataset elements.
IAgDrInterval Represents a data interval element.
IAgDrIntervalCollection Represents a collection of intervals.
IAgDrResult Provides methods to access the results returned by the data provider.
IAgDrSubSection Represents a sub-section data element.
IAgDrSubSectionCollection Represents a collection of sub-section data elements.
IAgDrTextMessage Represents notification/failure message returned by the data provider.
IAgDrTimeArrayElements Provides a array result of element values for each time array value.
IAgDuringAccess AgDuringAccess used to access the display intervals and Access objects.
IAgElement Provides access to the properties and methods defining a phased array element.
IAgElementCollection Represents a collection of phased array elements.
IAgElementConfiguration Provides access to the properties and methods defining an element configuration.
IAgElementConfigurationAsciiFile Provides access to the properties and methods defining a ascii file element configuration.
IAgElementConfigurationCircular Provides access to the properties and methods defining a circular element configuration.
IAgElementConfigurationLinear Provides access to the properties and methods defining a linear element configuration.
IAgElementConfigurationPolygon Provides access to the properties and methods defining a polygon element configuration.
IAgEquinoctialSizeShapeMeanMotion Interface for Mean Motion, an element of the Equinoctial coordinate type.
IAgEquinoctialSizeShapeSemimajorAxis Interface for Semimajor Axis, an element of the Equinoctial coordinate type.
IAgEventDetectionNoSubSampling Defines event detection strategy that uses samples only (without sub-sampling).
IAgEventDetectionStrategy Defines a base interface for the event detection strategies
IAgEventDetectionSubSampling Interface for event detection strategy involving subsampling.
IAgExportToolStepSize The step size.
IAgExportToolTimePeriod Specify Time Period
IAgFacility Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a facility object.
IAgFaGraphics AgFaGraphics used to access the 2D graphics for a Facility object interface
IAgFaVO AgFaVO Interface. For 3D properties of a Facility object interface
IAgFigureOfMerit Figure of Merit properties.
IAgFlightPathAngle Base Interface IAgFlightPathAngle. IAgMixedSphericalFPAHorizontal, IAgMixedSphericalFPAVertical, IAgSphericalFPAHorizontal and IAgSphericalFPAVertical derive from this.
IAgFmAssetListCollection List of assets available for specifying range uncertainty (for Navigation Accuracy FOM).
IAgFmAssetListElement Asset list item (for Navigation Accuracy FOM).
IAgFmDefAccessConstraint Access Constraint Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefAccessSeparation Access Separation Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefAgeOfData Age of Data Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefCompute Compute options for navigation accuracy.
IAgFmDefDataBestN Navigation accuracy based on best N satellites.
IAgFmDefDataMinAssets Minimum number of assets.
IAgFmDefDataMinMax IAgFmDefDataMinMax
IAgFmDefDataPercentLevel Specified percent level for the 'percent below' Navigation Accuracy compute option.
IAgFmDefDilutionOfPrecision Dilution Of Precision Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefinition Figure of Merit definition.
IAgFmDefinitionData IAgFmDefinitionData
IAgFmDefNavigationAccuracy Navigation Accuracy.
IAgFmDefResponseTime Response Time Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefRevisitTime Revisit Time Figure of Merit
IAgFmDefScalarCalculation Figure of Merit using an Analysis Workbench scalar calculation component as the metric.
IAgFmDefSimpleCoverage Simple Coverage Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefSystemResponseTime System Response Time Figure of Merit.
IAgFmDefTimeAverageGap Time Average Gap Figure of Merit.
IAgFmGfxAttributes Figure of Merit 2D graphics properties.
IAgFmGfxAttributesAnimation Animation graphics for a Figure of Merit.
IAgFmGfxColorOptions Color options for contour legend.
IAgFmGfxContours Coverage contours.
IAgFmGfxContoursAnimation Animation contour properties.
IAgFmGfxLegend Contour legend properties.
IAgFmGfxLegendWindow Properties of contour legend on 2D map.
IAgFmGfxLevelAttributesCollection Level Attributes
IAgFmGfxLevelAttributesElement 2D graphics attributes of contour levels.
IAgFmGfxPositionOnMap Coordinates of contour legend in pixels on 2D map.
IAgFmGfxRampColor Color ramp method for contours: select start and end colors to define spectrum segment.
IAgFmGfxRangeColorOptions Range color options for contour legend.
IAgFmGfxTextOptions Text display options for contour legend.
IAgFmGraphics 2D graphics for a Figure of Merit.
IAgFmGridInspector Provides access to the FOM grid inspector properties.
IAgFmNAMethod Navigation Accuracy Figure of Merit type.
IAgFmNAMethodConstant Constant Value method for uncertainty in range measurements for the Navigation Accuracy Figure of Merit.
IAgFmNAMethodElevationAngle Elevation Angle method for uncertainty in range measurements for the Navigation Accuracy Figure of Merit.
IAgFmSatisfaction Satisfaction properties for a Figure of Merit.
IAgFmUncertainties Receiver range uncertainty (for Navigation Accuracy FOM).
IAgFmVO Figure of Merit 3D graphics.
IAgFmVOAttributes 3D static graphics properties for a Figure of Merit.
IAgFmVOLegendWindow 3D graphics contours legend.
IAgGeodeticSize Base Interface IAgGeodeticSize. IAgGeodeticSizeAltitude and IAgGeodeticSizeRadius derive from this.
IAgGeodeticSizeAltitude Interface for Altitude and Altitude Rate (for Geodetic coordinate type).
IAgGeodeticSizeRadius Interface for Radius and Radius Rate (for Geodetic coordinate type).
IAgGfxRangeContours AgGfxRangeContours used to access contours of 2-d object
IAgGreatArcGraphics 2D Graphics common for all Great Arc Vehicles.
IAgGreatArcVehicle A base interface for all Great Arc Vehicles.
IAgGreatArcVO 3D Graphics common for all Great Arc Vehicles.
IAgGroundVehicle Interface for a ground vehicle object.
IAgGvExportTools Interface used to define the export to data file options.
IAgGvGraphics 2D Graphics properties for ground vehicles.
IAgGvVO 3D Graphics properties for ground vehicles.
IAgImmutableIntervalCollection IAgImmutableIntervalCollection represents a immutable (read-only) collection of intervals.
IAgIntervalCollection AgIntervalCollection used to access the Intervals Collection interface
IAgKeyValueCollection A collection of keys and values associated with the keys.
IAgLabelNote AgLabelNote used to access the label note.
IAgLabelNoteCollection AgLabelNoteCollection used to access the list of label notes
IAgLaserPropagationLossModel Provides access to the properties and methods for a laser propagation loss model.
IAgLaserPropagationLossModelBeerBouguerLambertLaw Provides access to the properties and methods a Beer-Bouguer-Lambert law laser propagation loss model.
IAgLaunchVehicle Interface for a launch vehicle object.
IAgLevelAttribute AgLevelAttribute used to access individual contour level attributes
IAgLevelAttributeCollection AgLevelAttributeCollection used to access level attributes
IAgLifetimeInformation Provides the information about the lifetime of the object.
IAgLineTarget Line Target Path properties.
IAgLinkMargin Provides access to the properties for configuring the link margin computation.
IAgLinkToObject IAgLinkToObject represents a link to STK object.
IAgLLAGeocentric Geocentric LLA position interface:
IAgLLAGeodetic Geodetic LLA position interface.
IAgLLAPosition Interface to set and retrieve the LLA position type.
IAgLocationCrdnPoint The location based upon a Vector Geometry Tool Point.
IAgLtGraphics Line Target 2D graphics.
IAgLtPoint Line Target Point interface.
IAgLtPointCollection The collection of points for the line target
IAgLtVO Line Target 3D Graphics properties.
IAgLvExportTools Interface for a launch vehicle object.
IAgLvGraphics 2D Graphics for a launch vehicle.
IAgLvVO 3D Graphics for a launch vehicle.
IAgMissile Interface for a missile object.
IAgMixedSphericalFPAHorizontal Interface for Horizontal Flight Path Angle, an element of the Mixed Spherical coordinate type.
IAgMixedSphericalFPAVertical Interface for Vertical Flight Path Angle, an element of the Mixed Spherical coordinate type.
IAgModulatorModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a modulator model.
IAgModulatorModelBoc Provides access to the properties and methods defining a BOC modulator model.
IAgModulatorModelExternal Provides access to the properties and methods defining an external file modulator model.
IAgModulatorModelPulsedSignal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a pulsed signal modulator model.
IAgModulatorModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining an script plugin modulator model.
IAgMsExportTools Interface used to define the export to data file options.
IAgMsGraphics 2D Graphics for missiles.
IAgMsVO 3D Graphics for missiles.
IAgMto Multi-Track Object (MTO) interface.
IAgMtoAnalysis MTO spatial state info.
IAgMtoAnalysisFieldOfView MTO Field Of View computation.
IAgMtoAnalysisPosition MTO position.
IAgMtoAnalysisRange MTO range computation.
IAgMtoAnalysisVisibility MTO Visibility computation.
IAgMtoDefaultGfxTrack Interface to set 2D graphics attributes for default MTO tracks.
IAgMtoDefaultTrack Default MTO track.
IAgMtoDefaultVOTrack Interface for setting 3D graphics properties for default MTO tracks.
IAgMtoGfxFadeTimes MTO track fade times interface.
IAgMtoGfxGlobalTrackOptions Interface for global 2D graphics options for an MTO.
IAgMtoGfxLeadTrailTimes MTO track lead/trail times interface.
IAgMtoGfxLine MTO track line display options.
IAgMtoGfxMarker Interface to define the 2D graphics attributes of the selected MTO track or tracks.
IAgMtoGfxTrack Interface to set 2D graphics attributes for each track in the MTO.
IAgMtoGfxTrackCollection MTO 2D Graphics Track List
IAgMtoGlobalTrackOptions Global MTO track options.
IAgMtoGraphics MTO 2D Graphics interface.
IAgMtoTrack List of MTO tracks with basic information about each.
IAgMtoTrackCollection MTO Track List
IAgMtoTrackPoint The points defined for the selected track.
IAgMtoTrackPointCollection MTO track point list.
IAgMtoVO Interface for MTO 3D graphics properties.
IAgMtoVODropLines Interface for MTO droplines.
IAgMtoVOGlobalTrackOptions Interface for global 3D graphics MTO track options.
IAgMtoVOMarker Interface for MTO 3D graphics marker options.
IAgMtoVOModel Interface for MTO track model options
IAgMtoVOModelArtic MTO ModelArticulation Interface.
IAgMtoVOPoint MTO track 3D marker point options interface.
IAgMtoVOSwapDistances Interface for MTO track 3D swap distances.
IAgMtoVOTrack Interface for setting 3D graphics properties for MTO tracks.
IAgMtoVOTrackCollection MTO 3D Graphics Track List
IAgObjectCoverageFOM Provides access to the Figure of Merit on the Object Coverage tool.
IAgObjectLink IAgObjectLink provides methods and properties of elements stored in IAgObjectLinkCollection collection.
IAgObjectLinkCollection IAgObjectLinkCollection represents a collection of names of STK objects that are available in the current scenario.
IAgOnePtAccess One Point Access.
IAgOnePtAccessConstraint One Point Access Result.
IAgOnePtAccessConstraintCollection Represents the access constraints for the one point access computation.
IAgOnePtAccessResult One Point Access Result.
IAgOnePtAccessResultCollection Represents the data sets for one point access.
IAgOrbitDisplayData IAgOrbitDisplayData Interface. IAgPlOrbitDisplayTime derives from this.
IAgOrbitStateCartesian Cartesian coordinate type.
IAgOrbitStateClassical Classical (Keplerian) coordinate type.
IAgOrbitStateCoordinateSystem Interface for selecting coordinate epoch for coordinate systems that do not have pre-established epochs.
IAgOrbitStateDelaunay Delaunay coordinate type, using a set of canonical action-angle variables, which are commonly used in general perturbation theories.
IAgOrbitStateEquinoctial Equinoctial coordinate type, which uses the center of the Earth as the origin and the plane of the satellite's orbit as the reference plane.
IAgOrbitStateGeodetic Geodetic coordinate type (available only with a Fixed coordinate system).
IAgOrbitStateMixedSpherical Mixed Spherical coordinate type, using a variation of the spherical elements that combines Earth-fixed position parameters with inertial velocity parameters.
IAgOrbitStateSpherical Spherical coordinate type: defines the path of an orbit using polar coordinates.
IAgOrientationAscNode Base Interface to IAgOrientationAscNodeLAN and IAgOrientationAscNodeRAAN.
IAgOrientationAscNodeLAN Longitude of Ascending Node: the Earth-fixed longitude where the satellite crosses the inertial equator from south to north.
IAgOrientationAscNodeRAAN Right Ascension of Ascending Node: the angle from the inertial X axis to the ascending node measured in a right-handed sense about the inertial Z axis in the equatorial plane.
IAgPctCmpltEventArgs Represents a structure used by the Percent Complete events
IAgPlace Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a place object.
IAgPlaceGraphics IAgPlaceGraphics used to access the 2-d graphics properties for a Place object.
IAgPlaceVO IAgPlaceVO Interface. For 3D properties of a Place object.
IAgPlanet Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a planet object.
IAgPlCommonTasks IAgPlCommonTasks.
IAgPlGraphics AgPlGraphics used to access the 2D graphics of the planet.
IAgPlOrbitDisplayTime IAgPlOrbitDisplayTime Interface.
IAgPlPosCentralBody IAgPlPosCentralBody Interface.
IAgPlPosFile IAgPlPosFile Interface.
IAgPlVO AgPlVO interface. Used to access the 3D graphics of the planet.
IAgPolarization Provides the base interface for the a polarization object.
IAgPolarizationCrossPolLeakage Provides the interface for polarization cross pol leakage.
IAgPolarizationElliptical Provides the interface for elliptical polarization.
IAgPolarizationHorizontal Provides the interface for linear polarization.
IAgPolarizationLinear Provides the interface for linear polarization.
IAgPolarizationVertical Provides the interface for linear polarization.
IAgPositionSourceData Base interface to IAgPlPosCentralBody and IAgPlPosFile.
IAgPropagationChannel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a propagation channel.
IAgProvideSpatialInfo Provides methods for accessing spatial information for an object.
IAgPtTargetVOModel AgPtTargetVOModel used to access the 3D model attributes.
IAgRadar Provides access to the properties and methods defining an Radar object.
IAgRadarAccessGraphics IAgRadarAccessGraphics Interface for a radar's access graphics properties.
IAgRadarClutterGeometry Interface which defines a radar's clutter geometry.
IAgRadarClutterGeometryModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter geometry model.
IAgRadarClutterGeometryModelPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter geometry plugin model.
IAgRadarClutterMap Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter map.
IAgRadarClutterMapInheritable Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar inheritable clutter map.
IAgRadarClutterMapModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter map model.
IAgRadarClutterMapModelConstantCoefficient Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter map constant coefficient model.
IAgRadarClutterMapModelPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter map plugin model.
IAgRadarClutterMapModelRae Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar clutter map RAE model.
IAgRadarContinuousWaveAnalysisMode Interface which defines an continuous wave analysis.
IAgRadarContinuousWaveAnalysisModeFixedTime Interface which defines an continuous wave fixed time analysis.
IAgRadarContinuousWaveAnalysisModeGoalSNR Interface which defines an continuous wave goal SNR analysis.
IAgRadarCrossSection Provides access to the properties and methods defining radar cross section.
IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategy Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar cross section compute Strategy.
IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyConstantValue Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar cross section constant value compute Strategy.
IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyExternalFile Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar cross section external file compute Strategy.
IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar cross section plugin compute Strategy.
IAgRadarCrossSectionComputeStrategyScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar cross section script plugin compute Strategy.
IAgRadarCrossSectionFrequencyBand Provides access to the properties and methods defining radar cross section frequency band.
IAgRadarCrossSectionFrequencyBandCollection Represents a collection of radar cross section frequency bands.
IAgRadarCrossSectionInheritable Provides access to the properties and methods defining a inheritable radar cross section.
IAgRadarCrossSectionModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar cross section model.
IAgRadarDopplerClutterFilters Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar doppler clutter filter.
IAgRadarGraphics IAgRadarGraphics Interface for a radar's 2D Graphics properties.
IAgRadarJamming Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar jamming.
IAgRadarModeBistaticReceiver Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic receiver mode.
IAgRadarModeBistaticReceiverSar Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic receiver sar mode.
IAgRadarModeBistaticReceiverSearchTrack Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic receiver search/track mode.
IAgRadarModeBistaticTransmitter Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic transmitter mode.
IAgRadarModeBistaticTransmitterSar Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic transmitter sar mode.
IAgRadarModeBistaticTransmitterSearchTrack Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic transmitter search/track mode.
IAgRadarModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a radar model.
IAgRadarModelBistaticReceiver Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic receiver radar model
IAgRadarModelBistaticTransmitter Provides access to the properties and methods defining a bistatic transmitter radar model
IAgRadarModelMonostatic Provides access to the properties and methods defining a monostatic radar model
IAgRadarModeMonostatic Provides access to the properties and methods defining a monostatic mode.
IAgRadarModeMonostaticRae Provides access to the properties and methods defining a monostatic rae mode.
IAgRadarModeMonostaticSar Provides access to the properties and methods defining a monostatic sar mode.
IAgRadarModeMonostaticSearchTrack Provides access to the properties and methods defining a monostatic search/track mode.
IAgRadarModulator Provides access to the properties and methods defining the radar modulator.
IAgRadarMultipathGraphics IAgRadarMultipathGraphics Interface for a radar's multipath graphics properties.
IAgRadarProbabilityOfDetection Provides access to the properties and methods for configuring probability of detection parameters.
IAgRadarProbabilityOfDetectionCFAR Provides access to the properties and methods for configuring probability of detection parameters.
IAgRadarPulseIntegration Interface which defines an integration method.
IAgRadarPulseIntegrationFixedNumberOfPulses Interface which defines a fixed nuber of pulses integration method.
IAgRadarPulseIntegrationGoalSNR Interface which defines a goal SNR integration method.
IAgRadarRaeWaveform Provides access to the properties and methods defining an RAE waveform.
IAgRadarRaeWaveformCollection Represents a collection of RAE waveforms.
IAgRadarReceiver Interface which defines a radar receiver.
IAgRadarTransmitter Interface which defines a radar transmitter.
IAgRadarVO IAgRadarVO Interface for a radar's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgRadarWaveformBistaticReceiverSearchTrackContinuous Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformBistaticReceiverSearchTrackFixedPRF Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformBistaticTransmitterSearchTrackContinuous Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformBistaticTransmitterSearchTrackFixedPRF Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformMonostaticSearchTrackContinuous Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformMonostaticSearchTrackFixedPRF Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformSarPulseDefinition Provides access to the properties and methods defining the pulse definition for a Sar waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformSarPulseIntegration Provides access to the properties and methods defining the pulse integration for a SAR waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformSearchTrack Interface which is implemented by a search/track waveform.
IAgRadarWaveformSearchTrackPulseDefinition Provides access to the properties and methods defining the pulse definition for a search track waveform.
IAgRainLossModel Provides access to the properties and methods a rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelCCIR1983 Provides access to the properties and methods for a CCIR 1983 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelCrane1982 Provides access to the properties and methods for a CCIR 1983 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelCrane1985 Provides access to the properties and methods for a CCIR 1983 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelITURP618_10 Provides access to the properties and methods for a ITU-R P618-10 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelITURP618_5 Provides access to the properties and methods for a ITU-R P618-5 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelITURP618_8 Provides access to the properties and methods for a ITU-R P618-8 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelITURP618_9 Provides access to the properties and methods for a ITU-R P618-9 rain loss model.
IAgRainLossModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods of a script plugin rain loss model.
IAgReceiver Provides access to the properties and methods defining an Receiver object.
IAgReceiverGraphics IAgReceiverGraphics Interface for a receiver's 2D Graphics properties.
IAgReceiverModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelCable Provides access to the properties and methods defining a cable receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelComplex Provides access to the properties and methods defining a complex receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelLaser Provides access to the properties and methods defining a laser receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelMedium Provides access to the properties and methods defining a medium receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelMultibeam Provides access to the properties and methods defining a multibeam receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a script plugin receiver model.
IAgReceiverModelSimple Provides access to the properties and methods defining a simple receiver model.
IAgReceiverVO IAgReceiverVO Interface for a receiver's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgReTransmitterModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a re-transmitter model.
IAgReTransmitterModelComplex Provides access to the properties and methods defining a complex re-transmitter model.
IAgReTransmitterModelMedium Provides access to the properties and methods defining a medium re-transmitter model.
IAgReTransmitterModelSimple Provides access to the properties and methods defining a simple re-transmitter model.
IAgRfCoefficients Coefficients for a polynomial in time_since_year_start that models the refraction index
IAgRFEnvironment Provides access to the properties and methods defining the RF environment.
IAgRFFilterModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining an RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelBessel Provides access to the properties and methods defining an bessel RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelButterworth Provides access to the properties and methods defining an butterworth RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelChebyshev Provides access to the properties and methods defining an Chebyshev analog RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelCosineWindow Provides access to the properties and methods defining a cosine window RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelElliptic Provides access to the properties and methods defining an elliptic analog RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelExternal Provides access to the properties and methods defining a external RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelFir Provides access to the properties and methods defining a FIR RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelFirBoxCar Provides access to the properties and methods defining a FIR box car RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelGaussianWindow Provides access to the properties and methods defining a gaussian window RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelHammingWindow Provides access to the properties and methods defining a Hamming window RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelIir Provides access to the properties and methods defining a IIR RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelRaisedCosine Provides access to the properties and methods defining a raised cosine RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelRcLowPass Provides access to the properties and methods defining a rc low pass RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelRootRaisedCosine Provides access to the properties and methods defining a root raised cosine RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a script plugin RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelSinc Provides access to the properties and methods defining a sinc RF filter model.
IAgRFFilterModelSincEnvSinc Provides access to the properties and methods defining a sinc envelope sinc analog RF filter model.
IAgRfModelBase A base interface for the Refraction Models
IAgRfModelEffectiveRadiusMethod Effective Radius Method
IAgRfModelITURP8344 ITU-R P.834-4
IAgRfModelSCFMethod SCF Method
IAgSaExportTools Interface used to define the export to data file options.
IAgSaGraphics Satellite 2D Graphics properties.
IAgSamplingMethodAdaptive Defines an adaptive sampling method.
IAgSamplingMethodFixedStep Defines a fixed time-step sampling method
IAgSamplingMethodStrategy Defines a base interface for the sampling method strategies.
IAgSatellite Satellite properties.
IAgSaVO 3D Graphics properties of a satellite.
IAgSaVOModel Interface IAgSaVOModel exposes all Satellite's VO Model properties.
IAgSc3dFont IAgSc3dFont Interface.
IAgScAnimation IAgScAnimation Interface for Scenario-level properties that control the animation cycle, animation step definition and the intervals between refresh updates in the 2D and 3D windows.
IAgScAnimationTimePeriod IAgScAnimationTimePeriod defines methods and properties to configure the scenario's animation time.
IAgScEarthData IAgScEarthData Interface for Earth Orientation Parameters.
IAgScenario IAgScenario Interface for Scenario-level properties.
IAgScenarioBeforeSaveEventArgs Contains information about the changes in the object's state
IAgScGenDb Represents a scenario database.
IAgScGenDbCollection Represents a collection of the scenario's databases.
IAgScGlobeServerConfigData Elements of the IAgScGlobeServerConfigData are stored in the collection of Globeservers.
IAgScGlobeServersCollection List of Available Globeservers
IAgScGraphics IAgScGraphics Interface for Scenario-level 2D Graphics attributes.
IAgScheduleTime IAgScheduleTime Interface, part of the target times scheme for specifying when a satellite or sensor can access a given object.
IAgScheduleTimeCollection You can modify the scheduled times by disabling Use Access Times.
IAgScVO Scenario 3D Graphics Attributes.
IAgSensor Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a sensor object.
IAgShExportTools Interface used to define the export to data file options.
IAgShGraphics 2D Graphics options for a ship.
IAgShip Interface for a ship object.
IAgShVO 3D Graphics attributes for a ship.
IAgSnAccessAdvanced Interface for configuring sensor's advanced targeting access computation properties.
IAgSnAzElMaskFile IAgSnAzElMaskFile Interface.
IAgSnCommonTasks The common tasks available for the sensor object
IAgSnComplexConicPattern IAgSnComplexConicPattern Interface for defining sensor patterns by the inner and outer half angles and minimum and maximum clock angles of the sensor's cone.
IAgSnCustomPattern IAgSnCustomPattern Interface for custom sensor patterns.
IAgSnEOIRBand IAgSnEOIRBand Interface for defining the individual band properties.
IAgSnEOIRBandCollection IAgSnEOIRBandCollection Interface. A collection of EOIR bands.
IAgSnEOIRPattern IAgSnEOIRPattern Interface for a sensor pattern
IAgSnEOIRRadiometricPair IAgSnEOIRRadiometricPair Interface for defining the individual band properties.
IAgSnEOIRSaturationCollection IAgSnEOIRSaturationCollection Interface. A collection of Radiometric pairs defining the saturations
IAgSnEOIRSensitivityCollection IAgSnEOIRFCollection Interface. A collection of Radiometric pairs defining the Sensitivities
IAgSnGraphics IAgSnGraphics Interface for a sensor's 2D Graphics properties.
IAgSnHalfPowerPattern IAgSnHalfPowerPattern Interface for half power sensors designed to model parabolic antennas.
IAgSnPattern Base interface IAgSnPattern. IAgSnComplexConicPattern, IAgSnCustomPattern, IAgSnHalfPowerPattern, IAgSnRectangularPattern, IAgSnSARPattern, IAgSnEOIRPattern and IAgSnSimpleConicPattern implement this interface.
IAgSnPointing Base interface IAgSnPointing. IAgSnPt3DModel, IAgSnPtExternal, IAgSnPtFixed, IAgSnPtFixedAxes, IAgSnPtGrazingAlt and IAgSnPtTargeted implement this interface.
IAgSnProjConstantAlt IAgSnProjConstantAlt Interface for setting projection altitude options for constant altitude for a sensor.
IAgSnProjDisplayDistance IAgSnProjDisplayDistance Interface for setting projection altitude options for a sensor.
IAgSnProjection IAgSnProjection Interface for setting and retrieving 2D Graphics Projection properties for a sensor.
IAgSnProjObjectAlt IAgSnProjObjectAlt Interface for setting projection altitude options for object altitude for a sensor.
IAgSnPt3DModel IAgSnPt3DModel Interface for a sensor with pointing along one of the available elements of a 3D model.
IAgSnPtExternal IAgSnPtExternal Interface for antennas oriented with a custom pointing file.
IAgSnPtFixed IAgSnPtFixed Interface for sensors that are fixed in the parent object's body coordinate frame, so that they always point in the same direction relative to the parent.
IAgSnPtFixedAxes IAgSnPtFixedAxes Interface for sensors pointed with reference to a set of reference axes.
IAgSnPtGrazingAlt IAgSnPtGrazingAlt Interface for a sensor pointed in such a way that the boresight vector will graze the central body at a specified altitude.
IAgSnPtSpinning IAgSnPtSpinning Interface for defining the pointing properties of a spinning sensor.
IAgSnPtTargeted IAgSnPtTargeted Interface for targeted sensors.
IAgSnPtTrgtBsight Base interface IAgSnPtTrgtBsight. IAgSnPtTrgtBsightFixed and IAgSnPtTrgtBsightTrack derive from this.
IAgSnPtTrgtBsightFixed IAgSnPtTrgtBsightFixed Interface for targeted sensors with fixed boresight.
IAgSnPtTrgtBsightTrack IAgSnPtTrgtBsightTrack Interface for targeted sensor with fixed boresight.
IAgSnRectangularPattern IAgSnRectangularPattern Interface for rectangular sensor types typically used with satellites or aircraft for modeling the field of view of instruments such as push broom sensors and star trackers.
IAgSnSARPattern IAgSnSARPattern Interface for the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor type, designed to model the field of regard of a SAR sensor with respect to the surface of the Earth.
IAgSnSimpleConicPattern IAgSnSimpleConicPattern Interface for a sensor pattern defined by a simple cone angle.
IAgSnTarget IAgSnTarget Interface.
IAgSnTargetCollection IAgSnTargetCollection Interface. A collection of targets.
IAgSnVO IAgSnVO Interface for a sensor's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgSnVOOffset IAgSnVOOffset Interface for setting and retrieving 3D Graphics Vertex Offset properties of a sensor.
IAgSnVOProjectionElement Represents elements of the space and target projection collections
IAgSnVOPulse IAgSnVOPulse Interface, for setting and retrieving 3D Graphics Pulse properties of a sensor.
IAgSnVOSpaceProjectionCollection Time Dependent Space Projection List
IAgSnVOTargetProjectionCollection Time Dependent Target Projection List
IAgSpatialState Represents a position and an attitude of an object
IAgSpEnvMagFieldGfx Graphics settings for showing the magnetic field.

Note: late-bound clients (e.g., VB, JScript) must use the ComputeBFieldAsArray method instead of ComputeBField to get the results as an array.

IAgSpEnvRadEnergyMethodSpecify Customized energy lists for protons and electrons
IAgSpEnvRadEnergyValues Energy values for computing electron and proton flux
IAgSpEnvRadiationEnvironment Radiation environment settings
IAgSpEnvSAAContour SAA Contour settings
IAgSpEnvScenExtVO Graphics settings for space environment
IAgSpEnvScenSpaceEnvironment no helpstring provided
IAgSphericalFPAHorizontal Interface for Horizontal Flight Path Angle, an element of the Spherical coordinate type.
IAgSphericalFPAVertical Interface for Vertical Flight Path Angle, an element of the Spherical coordinate type.
IAgSRPModelBase A base interface for solar radiation pressure models
IAgSRPModelGPS GPS Solar Radiation Pressure Model
IAgSRPModelPlugin Plugin Light Reflection Model
IAgSRPModelPluginSettings Plugin Light Reflection Model Settings
IAgSRPModelSpherical Spherical Solar Radiation Pressure Model
IAgStar Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a star object.
IAgStdMil2525bSymbols Represents the automation interface to generate 2525b symbology markers (military standard).
IAgStGraphics AgStGraphics used to access the Star's 2D graphics.
IAgStkAccess Provides access to the Data Providers and access computations.
IAgStkAccessAdvanced Provides access to the Advanced properties for Access Computations.
IAgStkAccessGraphics Provides access to the Graphics for Access Computations.
IAgStkCentralBody A central body interface.
IAgStkCentralBodyCollection A collection of available central bodies.
IAgStkCentralBodyEllipsoid Provides information about the central body's equatorial and polar radii.
IAgStkObject Represents the instance of STK object.
IAgStkObjectChangedEventArgs Contains information about the changes in the object's state
IAgStkObjectCollection Represents a collection of STK objects.
IAgStkObjectCoverage Provides access to the Data Providers on an ObjectCoverage Object.
IAgStkObjectElementCollection Represents a collection of STK objects.
IAgStkObjectModelContext Represents a factory class to create instances of the AgStkObjectRoot class
IAgStkObjectRoot Represents the automation interface supported by the root object of the Automation Object Model.
IAgStkObjectRootEvents Events raised by AgStkObjectRoot coclass.
IAgStkObjectRootRawEvents Raw events raised by AgStkObjectRoot coclass.
IAgStkPreferences Configures STK preferences.
IAgStkPreferencesConnect Connect settings.
IAgStkPreferencesVDF VDF Load/Save settings.
IAgStVO AgStVO used to access the Star's 3D graphics.
IAgSwath Provides access to the Swath properties.
IAgSystemNoiseTemperature Provides access to the system noise temperature parameters.
IAgTarget Provides access to the properties and methods used in defining a target object.
IAgTargetGraphics IAgTargetGraphics used to access the 2-d graphics properties for a Target object.
IAgTargetVO IAgTargetVO Interface. For 3D properties of a Target object.
IAgTerrain IAgTerrain Interface.
IAgTerrainCollection IAgTerrainCollection lists all the terrain data files available in this scenario for visualization and analysis.
IAgTerrainNormData Base Interface IAgTerrainNormData. IAgTerrainNormSlopeAzimuth derives from this interface.
IAgTerrainNormSlopeAzimuth AgTerrainNormSlopeAzimuth used to access the Slope/Azimuth data for the TerrainNormal.
IAgTimePeriod Provides methods and properties to configure start and stop times.
IAgTimePeriodValue Provides methods and properties to configure a time value.
IAgTransferFunctionInputBackOffCOverImTable Represents a collection of input back off vs C/Im values.
IAgTransferFunctionInputBackOffCOverImTableRow Provides access to the row of an input back off vs C/Im table.
IAgTransferFunctionInputBackOffOutputBackOffTable Represents a collection of input back off vs output back off values.
IAgTransferFunctionInputBackOffOutputBackOffTableRow Provides access to the row of an input back off vs output back off table.
IAgTransferFunctionPolynomialCollection Represents a transfer function polynomial collection.
IAgTransmitter Provides access to the properties and methods defining an Transmitter object.
IAgTransmitterGraphics IAgTransmitterGraphics Interface for a transmitter's 2D Graphics properties.
IAgTransmitterModel Provides access to the properties and methods defining a transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelCable Provides access to the properties and methods defining a cable transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelComplex Provides access to the properties and methods defining a complex transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelLaser Provides access to the properties and methods defining a laser transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelMedium Provides access to the properties and methods defining a medium transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelMultibeam Provides access to the properties and methods defining a multibeam transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelScriptPlugin Provides access to the properties and methods defining a script plugin transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterModelSimple Provides access to the properties and methods defining a simple transmitter model.
IAgTransmitterVO IAgTransmitterVO Interface for a transmitter's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgTroposphericScintillationLossModel Provides access to the properties and methods a clouds and fog loss model.
IAgUrbanTerrestrialLossModel Provides access to the properties and methods for an urban/terrestrial loss model.
IAgUrbanTerrestrialLossModelTwoRay Provides access to the properties and methods for an urban/terrestrial loss two ray model.
IAgUrbanTerrestrialLossModelWirelessInSiteRT Provides access to the properties and methods for an urban/terrestrial loss two ray model.
IAgVeAccessAdvanced Interface for configuring a vehicle's advanced targeting access computation properties.
IAgVeAdvanced Interface for advanced drag options for LOP propagator.
IAgVeAttExternal Interface for using an external attitude (*.a) file.
IAgVeAttitude Base interface for vehicle attitude options.
IAgVeAttitudeExportTool Attitude file for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude File Tool.
IAgVeAttitudeRealTime Real time attitude interface.
IAgVeAttitudeRealTimeDataReference Real time attitude data reference.
IAgVeAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile.
IAgVeAttMaximumSlewAcceleration Define the maximum slew acceleration by entering maximum overall magnitude. You can constrain the slew acceleration in specific directions by selecting one or more Per Axis rates and defining separate maximum rates for those axes.
IAgVeAttMaximumSlewRate Define the maximum slew rate by entering a maximum overall magnitude. You can constrain the slew rate in specific directions by selecting one or more Per Axis rates and defining separate maximum rates for those axes.
IAgVeAttPointing Target pointing attitude parameters.
IAgVeAttProfile The base interface that all vehicle attitude profiles are derived from.
IAgVeAttSlewBase Represents an attitude slew base type.
IAgVeAttSlewConstrained Constrained slew mode.
IAgVeAttSlewFixedRate Fixed Rate slew.
IAgVeAttSlewFixedTime Fixed Time slew.
IAgVeAttTargetSlew Define the time required for a vehicle to move from its basic attitude to its target pointing attitude, and to change from the target pointing attitude back to the basic attitude.
IAgVeBreakAngle Base Interface IAgVeBreakAngle. IAgVeBreakAngleBreakByLatitude and IAgVeBreakAngleBreakByLongitude derive from this.
IAgVeBreakAngleBreakByLatitude Pass break latitude.
IAgVeBreakAngleBreakByLongitude Pass break longitude.
IAgVeCentralBodies Satellite Central Bodies interface.
IAgVeConsiderAnalysisCollection AgVeConsiderAnalysisCollection
IAgVeConsiderAnalysisCollectionElement Item in Consider Analysis list for HPOP covariance.
IAgVeCoordinateAxes IAgVeCoordinateAxes
IAgVeCoordinateAxesCustom Custom
IAgVeCorrelationListCollection Consider Analysis list for HPOP covariance.
IAgVeCorrelationListElement Item in Consider Cross Correlation list.
IAgVeCovariance HPOP covariance interface.
IAgVeDefinition Pass break definition properties.
IAgVeDuration Look ahead and look behind duration options.
IAgVeEclipseBodies Satellite Eclipse Bodies interface, for defining the eclipse central body list used for lighting computations.
IAgVeEclipsingBodies Interface for eclipsing bodies.
IAgVeEllipseDataCollection Ellipse Data Collection
IAgVeEllipseDataElement Ground ellipse data.
IAgVeEphemerisCCSDSExportTool The CCSDS Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.
IAgVeEphemerisCCSDSv2ExportTool The CCSDSv2 Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.
IAgVeEphemerisCode500ExportTool The Code 500 Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.
IAgVeEphemerisSpiceExportTool The SPICE Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.
IAgVeEphemerisStkBinaryExportTool The STK Binary Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.
IAgVeEphemerisStkExportTool The STK Ephemeris type for the Export Ephemeris/Attitude Tool.
IAgVeExpDensModelParams Interface for exponential density model (for LOP propagator).
IAgVeGfxAttributes Base Interface for Vehicle 2D Graphics Attributes.
IAgVeGfxAttributesAccess Vehicle 2D Graphics display based on access intervals.
IAgVeGfxAttributesBasic Basic 2D Graphics Attributes for a vehicle.
IAgVeGfxAttributesCustom Vehicle 2D graphics display based on custom intervals.
IAgVeGfxAttributesDisplayState Provides access to non-trivial properties of 2D vehicle attributes.
IAgVeGfxAttributesOrbit 2D Graphics attributes for a satellite.
IAgVeGfxAttributesRealtime 2D Graphics attributes for a vehicle based on real time data state.
IAgVeGfxAttributesRoute 2D Graphics attributes for aircraft, ships and ground vehicles.
IAgVeGfxAttributesTimeComponents Allows configuring the 2D attributes using the time components.
IAgVeGfxAttributesTrajectory 2D Graphics attributes for launch vehicles and missiles.
IAgVeGfxElevation Base Interface IAgVeGfxElevation. IAgVeGfxElevationGroundElevation, IAgVeGfxElevationsSwathHalfWidth and IAgVeGfxElevationsSwathHalfAngle derive from this.
IAgVeGfxElevationGroundElevation Ground elevation interface for vehicle swath.
IAgVeGfxElevationsCollection Collection for elevation contours. Used by vehicles.
IAgVeGfxElevationsElement 2D Graphics settings for elevation contours.
IAgVeGfxElevationSwathHalfWidth Half width interface for vehicle swath.
IAgVeGfxElevationVehicleHalfAngle Half angle interface for vehicle swath.
IAgVeGfxElevContours General settings regarding display of elevation contours.
IAgVeGfxGroundEllipsesCollection Collection of ground ellipse 2D graphics properties.
IAgVeGfxGroundEllipsesElement Ground ellipse 2D graphics properties.
IAgVeGfxInterval 2D Graphics display based on custom intervals.
IAgVeGfxIntervalsCollection Custom Intervals Graphics List
IAgVeGfxLeadDataFraction This interface is deprecated. Use IAgVeLeadTrailDataFraction instead. 2D Graphics pass: fraction of leading portion of vehicle track to display.
IAgVeGfxLeadDataTime This interface is deprecated. Use IAgVeLeadTrailDataTime instead. 2D Graphics pass: time-defined segment of leading portion of vehicle track to display.
IAgVeGfxLeadTrailData 2D Graphics pass properties: lead/trail for ground tracks.
IAgVeGfxLighting Lighting
IAgVeGfxLightingElement Lighting condition properties.
IAgVeGfxLine Line Style and Line Width properties used in displaying vehicle tracks.
IAgVeGfxOrbitPassData 2D Graphics ground track and orbit pass properties.
IAgVeGfxPass interface IAgVeGfxPass. IAgVeGfxPassShowPasses and IAgVeGfxPassResolution derive from this.
IAgVeGfxPasses Interface for setting satellite pass display graphics.
IAgVeGfxPassResolution Ground track and orbit resolution for satellites defined in terms of ephemeris steps.
IAgVeGfxPassShowPasses Beginning and end pass numbers to display.
IAgVeGfxRoutePassData Great arc route pass data.
IAgVeGfxRouteResolution Route resolution for great arc vehicles defined in terms of ephemeris steps.
IAgVeGfxSAA South Atlantic Anomaly contour settings.
IAgVeGfxSwath Vehicle swath interface.
IAgVeGfxTimeComponentsCollection A collection of time components used to configure the object appearance in 2D and 3D views.
IAgVeGfxTimeComponentsElement Provides properties to configure the vehicle's appearance in 2D and 3D views.
IAgVeGfxTimeComponentsEventCollectionElement Provides properties to configure the vehicle's appearance in 2D and 3D views. The interface is used with event interval collections only.
IAgVeGfxTimeComponentsEventElement Provides properties to configure the vehicle's appearance in 2D and 3D views. The interface is used with all types of event components except for the event interval collections.
IAgVeGfxTimeEventsCollection A satellite's time events collection.
IAgVeGfxTimeEventsElement 2D Graphics time event.
IAgVeGfxTimeEventType Base Interface IAgVeGfxTimeEventType. IAgVeGfxTimeEventTypeLine, IAgVeGfxTimeEventTypeMarker and IAgVeGfxTimeEventTypeText derive from this.
IAgVeGfxTimeEventTypeLine 2D Graphics time event: line type.
IAgVeGfxTimeEventTypeMarker 2D Graphics time event: marker type.
IAgVeGfxTimeEventTypeText 2D Graphics time event: text type.
IAgVeGfxTrailDataFraction This interface is deprecated. Use IAgVeLeadTrailDataFraction instead. 2D Graphics pass: fraction of trailing portion of vehicle track to display.
IAgVeGfxTrailDataTime This interface is deprecated. Use IAgVeLeadTrailDataTime instead. 2D Graphics pass: time-defined segment of trailing portion of vehicle track to display.
IAgVeGfxTrajectoryPassData 2D Graphics ground track and trajectory properties.
IAgVeGfxTrajectoryResolution Ground track and trajectory resolution for launch vehicles and missiles in terms of ephemeris steps.
IAgVeGfxWaypointMarker Display options for waypoint and turn markers in the 2D Graphics window.
IAgVeGfxWaypointMarkersCollection A list of 2D definitions for the vehicle way points
IAgVeGfxWaypointMarkersElement 2D Graphics properties of element of waypoint collection.
IAgVeGPSAlmanacProperties A common base interface for GPS almanac properties.
IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSEM SEM almanac properties.
IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesSP3 SP3 almanac properties.
IAgVeGPSAlmanacPropertiesYUMA YUMA almanac properties.
IAgVeGPSAutoUpdate Interface for GPS AutoUpdate.
IAgVeGPSAutoUpdateFileSource Interface to configure the GPS automatic updates using almanac file(s).
IAgVeGPSAutoUpdateOnlineSource Interface to configure the GPS automatic updates using online source (AGI server).
IAgVeGPSAutoUpdateProperties Interface for GPS AutoUpdate properties.
IAgVeGPSElement An element of the GPS element collection.
IAgVeGPSElementCollection A collection of GPS elements.
IAgVeGPSSpecifyAlmanac Interface to specify a GPS almanac.
IAgVeGravity Gravity options for covariance matrix.
IAgVeGroundEllipseElement Ground ellipse.
IAgVeGroundEllipsesCollection Ground Ellipses
IAgVeHPOPCentralBodyGravity Central Body Gravity interface.
IAgVeHPOPDragModel A base interface for drag models
IAgVeHPOPDragModelPlugin Plugin Drag Model
IAgVeHPOPDragModelPluginSettings Plugin Drag Model Settings
IAgVeHPOPDragModelSpherical Spherical Drag Model
IAgVeHPOPForceModel Interface for HPOP force models.
IAgVeHPOPForceModelDrag Atmospheric Drag interface.
IAgVeHPOPForceModelDragOptions Interface for additional options for atmospheric drag.
IAgVeHPOPForceModelMoreOptions Interface for additional force model options.
IAgVeHPOPSolarRadiationPressure Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) interface.
IAgVeHPOPSolarRadiationPressureOptions Interface for additional solar radiation pressure options.
IAgVeHPOPSRPModel HPOP Solar Radiation Pressure Model
IAgVeImpact Base Interface IAgVeImpact. IAgVeImpactLLA and IAgVeImpactLLR derive from this.
IAgVeImpactLLA Interface for LLA (geodetic) coordinates for a missile's impact location.
IAgVeImpactLLR Interface for LLR (geocentric) coordinates for a missile's impact location.
IAgVeImpactLocation Base interface IAgVeImpactLocation. IAgVeImpactLocationLaunchAzEl and IAgVeImpactLocationPoint derive from this.
IAgVeImpactLocationLaunchAzEl Launch AzEl interface for missile impact location.
IAgVeImpactLocationPoint Missile impact point interface.
IAgVeInertia Satellite inertia matrix parameters.
IAgVeInitialState Propagator Initial State.
IAgVeIntegratedAttitude Integrated Attitude interface generates an external attitude file for a satellite by numerically integrating Euler's equations for the current satellite.
IAgVeIntegrator Interface for HPOP integrator.
IAgVeInterpolation Interpolation interface.
IAgVeJxInitialState Initial state interface for J2/J4 perturbation propagators.
IAgVeLaunch Base interface IAgVeLaunch. IAgVeLaunchLLA and IAgVeLaunchLLR derive from this.
IAgVeLaunchControl Base Interface IAgVeLaunchControl. IAgVeLaunchControlFixedApogeeAlt, IAgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaV, IAgVeLaunchControlDixedDeltaVMinEcc and IAgVeLaunchControlTimeOfFlight derive from this.
IAgVeLaunchControlFixedApogeeAlt Fixed apogee altitude interface for missile flight parameters.
IAgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaV Fixed Delta V interface for missile flight parameters.
IAgVeLaunchControlFixedDeltaVMinEcc Fixed Delta V minimum eccentricity interface for missile flight parameters.
IAgVeLaunchControlFixedTimeOfFlight Fixed time of flight interface for missile flight parameters.
IAgVeLaunchLLA Interface for geodetic LLA position.
IAgVeLaunchLLR Interface for geocentric LLR position.
IAgVeLeadTrailData Base interface IAgVeLeadTrailData.
IAgVeLeadTrailDataFraction The percentage of the leading or trailing portion of a vehicle's path that will display in the 2D or 3D window.
IAgVeLeadTrailDataTime Configure the amount of time to display the vehicle's path in 2D or 3D window.
IAgVeLOPCentralBodyGravity Central body gravity interface for Long-range Orbit Predictor (LOP) propagator.
IAgVeLOPForceModel Force model interface for LOP propagator.
IAgVeLOPForceModelDrag Interface for atmospheric drag for LOP propagator.
IAgVeLOPSolarRadiationPressure Solar radiation pressure interface for LOP propagator.
IAgVeLvInitialState Simple Ascent propagator initial state interface.
IAgVeMassProperties Satellite Mass properties.
IAgVeOceanTides Interface for additional force model options related to ocean tides.
IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile for satellite.
IAgVePassBreak Satellite Pass Break properties.
IAgVePassNumbering Base Interaface IAgVePassNumbering. IAgVePassNumberingDateOfFirstPass and IAgVePassNumberingFirstPassNum derive from this.
IAgVePassNumberingDateOfFirstPass Date of first pass for pass numbering.
IAgVePassNumberingFirstPassNum First pass number.
IAgVePhysicalData Physical data interface for LOP propagator.
IAgVePluginPropagator Interface for propagator plugin.
IAgVePluginSettings Interface for HPOP plugin settings.
IAgVePointing Interface for target pointing attitude profiles, which override the basic attitude profile for a satellite and have a selected axis point in the direction of one or more selected targets, subject to applicable access constraints.
IAgVePositionVelocityCollection An initial state error covariance matrix used to represent the uncertainty in the vehicle's position and velocity. Because the matrix is symmetric, you only need to enter the lower triangle of the 6x6 matrix.
IAgVePositionVelocityElement Covariance matrix interface.
IAgVeProfileAlignedAndConstrained Aligned and Constrained attitude profile.
IAgVeProfileAlignmentOffset Interface for alignment offset for various attitude profiles.
IAgVeProfileConstraintOffset Interface for constraint offset for various attitude profiles.
IAgVeProfileCoordinatedTurn Coordinated turn attitude profile for aircraft.
IAgVeProfileFixedInAxes Fixed in Axes attitude profile: maintains a constant orientation of the body-fixed axes with respect to the specified reference axes, using the selected coordinate type.
IAgVeProfileGPS GPS Attitude profile.
IAgVeProfileInertial Inertially fixed attitude profile: maintains a constant orientation of the body-fixed axes with respect to the inertial axes, using the selected coordinate type.
IAgVeProfilePrecessingSpin Precessing Spin attitude profile, in which the spin axis of the satellite specified in the body frame is offset through the nutation angle away from the angular momentum direction specified in the inertial frame.
IAgVeProfileSpinAboutXXX Shared interface for Spin About Nadir and Spin About Sun Vector profile parameters.
IAgVeProfileSpinAligned This interface is deprecated. The "Spin Aligned" attitude definition is now deprecated because it may become ill-posed when configured with non-inertial spin vectors. It is recommended that instead "Precessing Spin" should be used.
IAgVeProfileSpinning Spinning attitude profile.
IAgVeProfileYawToNadir A profile useful for satellites with highly elliptical orbits.
IAgVePropagator Base vehicle propagator interface.
IAgVePropagator11Param The 11-Parameter propagator models geostationary satellites using 11-Parameter files. The propagator uses an algorithm documented in Intelsat Earth Station Standards (IESS) IESS-412 (Rev. 2), available at
IAgVePropagator11ParamDescriptor 11-Param file definition.
IAgVePropagator11ParamDescriptorCollection A collection of 11-Parameter files.
IAgVePropagatorAviator Mission Modler propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorBallistic Ballistic propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorGPS Allows the user to configure and propagate a vehicle using the GPS propagator.
IAgVePropagatorGreatArc Great arc propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorHPOP HPOP propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorJ2Perturbation J2 Perturbation propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorJ4Perturbation J4 Perturbation propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorLOP LOP (Long-Range Orbit Predictor) propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorRealtime Realtime propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorSGP4 SGP4 propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorSGP4CommonTasks Interface provides methods encapsulating most commonly used functionality when working with SGP4 propagator.
IAgVePropagatorSimpleAscent SimpleAscent Propagator.
IAgVePropagatorSP3 The SP3 propagator reads .sp3 files of type 'a' and 'c' and allows you to use multiple files in sequence. These files are used to provide precise GPS orbits from the National Geodetic Survey (NGS).
IAgVePropagatorSP3File SP3 file data.
IAgVePropagatorSP3FileCollection A collection of SP3 files.
IAgVePropagatorSPICE SPICE propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorStkExternal StkExternal propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorTwoBody Two-body propagator interface.
IAgVePropagatorUserExternal User-external propagator interface.
IAgVePropDefExportTool Interface used to define the export to data file options.
IAgVeRadiationPressure Interface for additional radiation pressure options.
IAgVeRateOffset Rate and offset interface for precession and spin.
IAgVeRealtimeCartesianPoints Adds one ephemeris point using cartesian coordinates
IAgVeRealtimeLLAHPSPoints Adds one ephemeris point using latitude/longitude/altitude coordinate system
IAgVeRealtimeLLAPoints Adds one ephemeris point using latitude/longitude/altitude coordinate system
IAgVeRealtimePointBuilder Allows the user to create vehicle's ephemeris by appending ephemeris points.
IAgVeRealtimeUTMPoints Adds one ephemeris point.
IAgVeRepeatGroundTrackNumbering Repeat ground track numbering: The path number in the repeat ground track cycle corresponding to the initial conditions and the number of revolutions in the repeat cycle.
IAgVeRouteAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile for aircraft.
IAgVeRouteVOModel 3D marker interface for great arc vehicles.
IAgVeScheduleTimesCollection List of scheduled accesses
IAgVeScheduleTimesElement Parameters for scheduled times for target pointing attitude.
IAgVeSegmentsCollection Set of segments
IAgVeSGP4AutoUpdate SGP4 TLE Automatic Update properties.
IAgVeSGP4AutoUpdateFileSource Interface to configure the SGP4 automatic updates using file(s).
IAgVeSGP4AutoUpdateOnlineSource Interface to configure the SGP4 automatic updates using online source (AGI server).
IAgVeSGP4AutoUpdateProperties SGP4 TLE AutoUpdate properties.
IAgVeSGP4LoadData Load Method Data interface.
IAgVeSGP4LoadFile Interface for SGP4 propagator.
IAgVeSGP4OnlineAutoLoad Interface for SGP4 propagator. Loads the most current segment from online.
IAgVeSGP4OnlineLoad Interface for SGP4 propagator. Loads segments from online.
IAgVeSGP4PropagatorSettings Encapsulates the SGP4 propagator settings
IAgVeSGP4Segment Interface for SGP4 propagator.
IAgVeSGP4SegmentCollection Set of Trajectories
IAgVeSGP4SpaceTrackLoad This interface is deprecated. Interface for SGP4 propagator. Loads segments from Space Track.
IAgVeSolarFluxGeoMag Base Interface IAgVeSolarFluxGeoMag. IAgVeSolarFluxGeoMagEnterManually and IAgVeSolarFluxGeoMagUseFile derive from this interface.
IAgVeSolarFluxGeoMagEnterManually Interface for specifying solar and geomagnetic flux directly.
IAgVeSolarFluxGeoMagUseFile Interface for specifying solar and geomagnetic flux via a file.
IAgVeSolidTides Interface for additional force model options related to solid tides.
IAgVeSpatialInfo Represents a spatial information of the vehicle
IAgVeSpEnvGraphics Graphics settings for space environment
IAgVeSpEnvMagFieldLine Graphics settings for showing magnetic field line
IAgVeSpEnvMagneticField Magnetic field model.

Note: late-bound clients (e.g., VB, JScript) must use the ComputeBFieldAsArray method instead of ComputeBField to get the results as an array.

IAgVeSpEnvParticleFlux Particle Flux model
IAgVeSpEnvRadDoseRateCollection The collection holds dose rate elements computed for each shielding thickness.
IAgVeSpEnvRadDoseRateElement Dose rate interface.
IAgVeSpEnvRadiation Radiation model
IAgVeSpEnvSpaceEnvironment no helpstring provided
IAgVeSpEnvVehTemperature Vehicle temperature model
IAgVeSPICESegment Interface for SPICE propagator segment.
IAgVeStandardBasic Basic attitude profile.
IAgVeStatic Interface for additional static force model options.
IAgVeStepSizeControl Interface for step size control.
IAgVeTargetPointingCollection Attitude Targets
IAgVeTargetPointingElement Target pointing data for target pointing attitude.
IAgVeTargetPointingIntervalCollection Represents a collection of scheduled targeting intervals
IAgVeTargetTimes Target times for target pointing attitude.
IAgVeThirdBodyGravity Third body gravity interface options for Long-range Orbit Predictor (LOP) propagator.
IAgVeThirdBodyGravityCollection Third Body Gravity Collection
IAgVeThirdBodyGravityElement Third-body gravity interface.
IAgVeTimeRegularization Interface for time regularization.
IAgVeTorque Torque file to use in defining integrated attitude.
IAgVeTrajectoryAttitudeStandard Standard attitude profile for launch vehicle or missile.
IAgVeTrajectoryVOModel Marker interface for launch vehicle or missile.
IAgVeVector Aligned and Constrained attitude profile.
IAgVeVOAttributes Base Interface IAgVeVOAttributes. IAgVeVOAttributesBasic and IAgVeVOAttributesIntervals derive from this.
IAgVeVOAttributesBasic Interface for basic 3D graphics for covariance pointing contours.
IAgVeVOAttributesIntervals Interface for 3D graphics based on intervals for covariance pointing contours.
IAgVeVOBearingBox Defines a volume, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object.
IAgVeVOBearingEllipse Defines an ellipse, relative to a bearing from the North, around the object.
IAgVeVOBPlaneEvent 3D BPlane Event.
IAgVeVOBPlaneInstance Properties of an instance of a B-Plane template.
IAgVeVOBPlaneInstancesCollection A list of available b-plane instances
IAgVeVOBPlanePoint 3D BPlane Additional Point
IAgVeVOBPlanePointCollection A list of available additional points
IAgVeVOBPlanes 3D BPlanes properties.
IAgVeVOBPlaneTargetPoint 3D BPlane TargetPoint
IAgVeVOBPlaneTargetPointPosition A base class for BPlane target point position interfaces
IAgVeVOBPlaneTargetPointPositionCartesian Cartesian
IAgVeVOBPlaneTargetPointPositionPolar 3D BPlane target point position polar
IAgVeVOBPlaneTemplate An element of IAgVeVOBPlaneTemplatesCollection.
IAgVeVOBPlaneTemplateDisplayCollection 3D DisplayElements collection for BPlane.
IAgVeVOBPlaneTemplateDisplayElement Element of IAgVeVOBPlaneTemplateDisplayCollection.
IAgVeVOBPlaneTemplatesCollection A list of available b-plane templates
IAgVeVOControlBox Defines a volume around the object that moves with the object.
IAgVeVOCovariance Interface for 3D covariance ellipsoids.
IAgVeVOCovariancePointingContour Interface for covariance pointing contours.
IAgVeVODataFraction This interface is deprecated. Use IAgVeLeadTrailDataFraction instead. Fraction interface for 3D track display.
IAgVeVODataTime This interface is deprecated. Use IAgVeLeadTrailDataTime instead. Time
IAgVeVODefaultAttributes Default graphics attributes for covariance pointing contours.
IAgVeVODropLinePathItem Interface for drop lines at intervals along the vehicle's path.
IAgVeVODropLinePathItemCollection Interface for drop lines from the vehicle's orbit or trajectory.
IAgVeVODropLinePosItem Interface for drop lines from the vehicle's current position.
IAgVeVODropLinePosItemCollection Lines dropped from the vehicle's position
IAgVeVOElevContours Interface for 3D elevation angle contours.
IAgVeVOEllipsoid Defines an ellipsoid around the vehicle object.
IAgVeVOGeoBox Interface for geostationary box, a fixed plane used to visually check that a GEO satellite stays within a certain area.
IAgVeVOIntervalsCollection Intervals
IAgVeVOIntervalsElement Intervals graphics interface for covariance pointing contour.
IAgVeVOLeadTrailData Interface for vehicle's lead/trail data.
IAgVeVOLineOfBearing Defines a line of bearing which is drawn from an origin in the direction of a bearing.
IAgVeVOOrbitDropLines Interface for droplines collections.
IAgVeVOOrbitPassData Interface for satellite 3D ground and orbit track data.
IAgVeVOOrbitProximity Proximity graphics interface.
IAgVeVOOrbitTickMarks Tick mark interface for satellites.
IAgVeVOOrbitTrackData Interface for 3D leading/trailing track data for satellites.
IAgVeVOPass 3D pass interface for satellites.
IAgVeVOPathTickMarks Interface for tick marks for 3D trajectory graphics. Tick marks represent milestones at specified intervals along the trajectory in the 3D window.
IAgVeVOProximity Base Proximity graphics interface.
IAgVeVOProximityAreaObject A base class that defines methods and properties common to all proximity area objects.
IAgVeVORoute 3D route graphics interface for great arc vehicles.
IAgVeVORouteDropLines Interface for droplines for great arc vehicles.
IAgVeVORouteProximity Proximity graphics interface for GreatArc Vehicles.
IAgVeVOSAA Interface for 3D South Atlantic Anomaly contours.
IAgVeVOSigmaScale Base Interface IAgVeVOSigmaScale. IAgVeVOSigmaScaleScale and IAgVeVOSigmaScaleProbability derive from this.
IAgVeVOSigmaScaleProbability Interface for sigma probability for indirect sizing of covariance pointing contours.
IAgVeVOSigmaScaleScale Interface for sigma scale for direct sizing of covariance pointing contours.
IAgVeVOSize 3D graphics vector size interface.
IAgVeVOSystemsCollection List of Systems
IAgVeVOSystemsElement Element for reference system used for displaying vehicle orbits and trajectories.
IAgVeVOSystemsElementBase Defines methods and properties used to configure the 3D properties of a reference system used for displaying vehicle orbits and trajectories.
IAgVeVOSystemsSpecialElement Defines methods and properties to configure 3D properties of Inertial or Fixed reference system used for displaying vehicle orbits and trajectories.
IAgVeVOTickData Base interface IAgVeVOTickData. IAgVeVOTickDataLine and IAgVeVOTickDataPoint derive from this.
IAgVeVOTickDataLine Interface for line type tick marks.
IAgVeVOTickDataPoint Interface for point type tick mark.
IAgVeVOTrajectory 3D pass interface for launch vehicles and missiles.
IAgVeVOTrajectoryDropLines Interface for droplines for launch vehicles and missiles.
IAgVeVOTrajectoryPassData Interface for 3D ground track and trajectory data for a launch vehicle or missile.
IAgVeVOTrajectoryProximity Proximity graphics for a launch vehicle or missile.
IAgVeVOTrajectoryTickMarks Tick mark data interface for launch vehicles and missiles.
IAgVeVOTrajectoryTrackData Interface for 3D leading/trailing track data for launch vehicles and missiles.
IAgVeVOWaypointMarkersCollection Waypoint markers collection interface.
IAgVeVOWaypointMarkersElement 3D waypoint interface.
IAgVeWaypointsCollection Represents a collection of waypoints used with GreatArc vehicles
IAgVeWaypointsElement Interface for representing a waypoint in a collection of waypoints.
IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRef Base interface for the altitude references.
IAgVeWayPtAltitudeRefTerrain Interface for terrain altitude reference.
IAgVmAdvanced IAgVmAdvanced Interface for advanced volumetric options.
IAgVmAnalysisInterval IAgVmAnalysisInterval Interface for volume analysis interval.
IAgVmExportTool The Volumetric Export Tool.
IAgVmExternalFile IAgVmExternalFile Interface for volume external file.
IAgVmGridDefinition Base interface IAgVmGridDefinition. IAgVmGridSpatialCalculation and IAgVmExternalFile implement this interface.
IAgVmGridSpatialCalculation IAgVmGridSpatialCalculation Interface volume grid spatial calculation.
IAgVmVO IAgVmVO Interface for a volumetric object's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgVmVOActiveGridPoints IAgVmVOActiveGridPoints Interface for defining Active Grid Points for Volumetric Object.
IAgVmVOCrossSection IAgVmVOCrossSection Interface for defining planar cross-sections through the volumetric grid.
IAgVmVOCrossSectionPlane IAgVmVOCrossSectionPlane Interface for defining planar cross-sections through the volumetric grid.
IAgVmVOCrossSectionPlaneCollection IAgVmVOCrossSectionPlaneCollection Interface for defining collections of planar cross-sections for the volumetric grid.
IAgVmVOGrid IAgVmVO Interface for a volumetric object's 3D Graphics properties.
IAgVmVOLegend IAgVmVOLegend Interface for defining boundary/fill legend for volumetric object.
IAgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevel IAgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevel Interface for defining Spatial Calculation Boundary/Fill Levels for volumetric grid.
IAgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevelCollection IAgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevelCollection Interface for defining collections of defining Spatial Calculation Boundary/Fill Levels for volumetric grid.
IAgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevels IAgVmVOSpatialCalculationLevels Interface for defining Spatial Calculation Levels for Volumetric Object.
IAgVmVOVolume IAgVmVOVolume Interface for defining volume for volumetric object.
IAgVOAzElMask Use to display labels and adjust the translucency of the azimuth-elevation mask for a facility, place or target.
IAgVOBorderWall Border Wall Properties
IAgVODataDisplayCollection Data Display Text
IAgVODataDisplayElement Interface for 3D Graphics window data display element.
IAgVODetailThreshold AgVODetailThreshold used to access the 3D DetailThreshold values.
IAgVOLabelSwapDistance Interface to control the level of detail in labels and other screen objects at specified distances.
IAgVolumetric Volumetric properties.
IAgVOMarker AgVOMarker used to access the Marker values.
IAgVOMarkerData Base Interface IAgVOMarkerData.
IAgVOMarkerFile AgVOMarkerFile used to access the 3D MarkerFile attributes.
IAgVOMarkerShape AgVOMarkerShape used to access the 3D markerShape attributes.
IAgVOModel AgVOModel used to access the 3D model attributes.
IAgVOModelArtic ModelArticulation Interface.
IAgVOModelCollection IAgVOModelCollection used to access the 3D Model List
IAgVOModelData IAgVOModelData base interface. IAgVOModelFile and IAgVOModelCollection derive from this.
IAgVOModelFile IAgVOModelFile Interface. Used to specify the model's file.
IAgVOModelItem AgVOModelItem used to access the Model Item in the ModelCollection.
IAgVOModelPointing List of pointable model elements.
IAgVOModelTrans IAgVOModelTrans Interface. Used to modify the transformation value.
IAgVOModelTransCollection IAgVOModelTransCollection Interface. A collection of available transformations in the model.
IAgVOOffset AgVOOffset used to access the 3D offset attributes
IAgVOOffsetAttach Interface for specifying attach points for the attachment of lines to objects.
IAgVOOffsetLabel AgVOOffsetLabel used to access the 3D Label attributes
IAgVOOffsetRotate AgVOOffsetRotate used to access the 3D Rotational attributes
IAgVOOffsetTrans AgVOOffsetTrans used to access the 3D Translational attributes
IAgVOPointableElementsCollection List of Pointable Elements
IAgVOPointableElementsElement Pointable elements interface for 3D model pointing.
IAgVORangeContours AgVORangeContour used to access the 3D RangeContour attributes
IAgVORefCrdn IAgVORefCrdn used to access the shared properties of all 3D RefCrdn.
IAgVORefCrdnAngle Configure the visual representation of a Vector Geometry angle component in 3D.
IAgVORefCrdnAxes Configure the visual representation of a Vector Geometry axes component in 3D.
IAgVORefCrdnCollection Manages the collection of elements that are used to visualize the Vector Geometry Tool components in 3D.
IAgVORefCrdnPlane Configure the visual representation of a Vector Geometry plane component in 3D.
IAgVORefCrdnPoint Configure the visual representation of a Vector Geometry point component in 3D.
IAgVORefCrdnVector Configure the visual representation of a Vector Geometry vector component in 3D.
IAgVOVaporTrail Configure the vapor trail 3D attributes.
IAgVOVector Configures the Vector Geometry Tool 3D visualization.
IAgWirelessInSiteRTGeometryData Provides access to the properties and methods for geometry data for the Wireless InSite RT model.


Enumeration Description
AgE3dMarkerShape 3D marker shapes.
AgEAberrationType The model of aberration to be used in access computations.
AgEAccessConstraints Available Access Constraint
AgEAccessTimeType The time period to use for the access computation.
AgEActionType Specifies the action type for the Interval Access Constraint.
AgEAcWGS84WarningType Display mode options for aircraft mission modeler WGS84 warning.
AgEAltRefType Altitude reference options.
AgEAnimationActions Animation action options.
AgEAnimationDirections Animation direction options.
AgEAnimationModes Animation modes.
AgEAnimationOptions Animation Options
AgEAntennaContourType Antenna contour types.
AgEAntennaControlRefType Antenna control reference type.
AgEAntennaModelInputType Diameter computation input type.
AgEAntennaModelType Antenna model types.
AgEAreaType Methods of defining the area target's boundaries.
AgEArrowType The arrow type for a vector or axes.
AgEAtmosphericAbsorptionModelType Atmospheric absorption model types.
AgEAtmosphericDensityModel Atmospheric density models.
AgEAttCoordinateAxes Attitude export options.
AgEAttInclude Details to include in an exported Attitude file.
AgEAttitudeStandardType AgEAttitudeStandardType tells the user which interface to cast to. eRouteAttitudeStandard -> IAgVeRouteAttitudeStandard, eTrajectoryAttitudeStandard -> IAgVeTrajectoryAttitudeStandard, eOrbitAttitudeStanard -> IAgVeOrbitAttitudeStandard
AgEAxisOffset Specifies the axis offset for the sensor 3D Vertex Offset
AgEAzElMaskType Obscura types of the facility, place or target for AzElMask definition.
AgEBeamformerType Beamformer types.
AgEBeamSelectionStrategyType Beam selection strategy types.
AgEBorderWallUpperLowerEdgeAltRef Border Wall upper and lower edge altitude references.
AgEBoresightType About boresight options for sensors of targeted pointing type.
AgEBuildHeightReferenceMethod REMCOM Wireless InSite RT building height reference method.
AgEBuildHeightUnit REMCOM Wireless InSite RT building height unit.
AgECCSDSDateFormat The date format of the file.
AgECCSDSEphemFormat The ephemeris format of the file.
AgECCSDSReferenceFrame Reference Frame
AgECCSDSTimeSystem Time System
AgEChTimePeriodType Compute Time Period Type
AgECircularApertureInputType Circular aperture antenna input type.
AgEClassicalLocation Classical (Keplerian) element used to specify the spacecraft's location within its orbit at epoch.
AgEClassicalSizeShape Pairs of Classical (Keplerian) elements used to specify orbit size and shape.
AgECnCnstrRestriction The values of the enumeration are used to define constellation constraints that allow you to specify the criteria to be used when constellations are combined with other objects in a chain.
AgECnstrBackground Options for the Background constraint, and Advanced vehicle constraint.
AgECnstrGroundTrack Options for the Ground Track constraint, an Advanced vehicle constraint.
AgECnstrLighting Options for the Lighting access constraint.
AgECommSystemAccessEventDetectionType CommSystem access options event detection type.
AgECommSystemAccessSamplingMethodType CommSystem access options sampling method type.
AgECommSystemConstrainingRole CommSystem constraining role.
AgECommSystemLinkSelectionCriteriaType Link selection strategy types.
AgECommSystemReferenceBandwidth CommSystem reference bandwidth.
AgECommSystemSaveMode CommSystem save mode.
AgEComponent The different types of components in the component browser.
AgECv3dDrawAtAltMode Coverage definition drawing modes for filled graphics when showing at altitude in 3D Graphics window
AgECvAltitudeMethod Method for specifying the altitude of a grid point.
AgECvAssetGrouping Coverage asset grouping options.
AgECvAssetStatus Coverage asset status.
AgECvBounds Coverage bounds options: values of the enumeration represent polymorphic object types.
AgECvCustomRegionAlgorithm The enumerations are used to enable/disable the special gridding algorithms triggered when Custom Region grid includes a single small region (longitude span less than 1 deg).
AgECvDataRetention Data retention options.
AgECvGridClass Classes of objects that can be used as templates to associate access constraints, basic object properties and, in some cases, altitude with points in the grid.
AgECvGroundAltitudeMethod Method for specifying the ground altitude of a grid point.
AgECvPointAltitudeMethod Custom point altitude method.
AgECvPointLocMethod Point location method.
AgECvRegionAccessAccel Regional acceleration options.
AgECvResolution Coverage grid resolution options: values of the enumeration represent polymorphic object types.
AgECvSatisfactionType The condition on the number of assets covering a grid point that must be satisfied for a valid access.
AgEDataProviderType Specifies the type of the result returned by data providers.
AgEDataPrvElementType Specifies the type of data returned by data providers.
AgEDataSaveMode Access Save Mode
AgEDelaunayGType Select whether to use the default representation of Delaunay G or G/SQRT(mu).
AgEDelaunayHType Select whether to use the default representation of Delaunay H or H/SQRT(mu).
AgEDelaunayLType Select whether to use the default representation of Delaunay L or L/SQRT(mu).
AgEDemodulatorModelType Demodulator model types.
AgEDirectionProviderType Direction Provider types.
AgEDisplayTimesType Display times options for the object.
AgEDistanceOnSphere Type of line which connects the two points.
AgEDragModel Drag model types.
AgEDrCategories Specifies the category of results returned by the data providers.
AgEElementConfigurationType Element configuration types.
AgEEphemSourceType Central body ephemeris sources.
AgEEquinoctialFormulation Formulation: retrograde or posigrade.
AgEEquinoctialSizeShape Opt whether to use Mean Motion or Semimajor Axis to specify the orbit size (Equinoctial coordinate type).
AgEEventDetection Available event detection strategies.
AgEExportToolStepSize The Step Size type for an attitude file.
AgEExportToolTimePeriod Values of the enumeration represent polymorphic object types.
AgEExportToolVersionFormat The version format of the file.
AgEFmAcrossAssets Across Assets options: specify which value of the constraint is to be selected based on all currently available assets.
AgEFmCompute Figure of Merit compute options.
AgEFmComputeType Allowed number of assets for the navigation solution.
AgEFmConstraintName Available constraints to use for the Access Constraint Figure of Merit.
AgEFmDefinitionType Figure of Merit types: values of the enumeration represent polymorphic object types.
AgEFmEndGapOption End gap options: control consideration of gaps at ends of analysis intervals.
AgEFmGfxAccumulation Accumulation options: control the sense and persistence of animation graphics for a Figure of Merit.
AgEFmGfxColorMethod Methods for assigning colors to contour levels.
AgEFmGfxContourType Contour fill options.
AgEFmGfxDirection Level order display options for the contour legend.
AgEFmGfxFloatingPointFormat Format options for floating point numbers.
AgEFmInvalidValueActionType Invalid Value Action: Controls consideration of time samples usage for computing navigation solution when insufficient number of assets are available at one or more of the time samples used.
AgEFmMethod Dilution of Precision method.
AgEFmNAMethodType Options for uncertainty in one-way range measurements for the Navigation Accuracy Figure of Merit.
AgEFmSatisfactionType Satisfaction options: determine whether satisfaction is achieved based on the value of the figure of merit.
AgEGeodeticSize Size options for the Geodetic coordinate type.
AgEGeometricElemType Options for the VORefCrdn Type
AgEGPSAttModelType GPS attitude profile model types
AgEGPSReferenceWeek GPS almanac reference week
AgEGraphicsFillStyle Specifies the 2D Graphics fill style.
AgEIntersectionType Intersection display options for sensor projection.
AgEIvClockHost Clock host options for access. Time values are reported with a clock colocated with the clock host object.
AgEIvTimeSense Mode of signal transmission of the designated clock host.
AgELaserPropagationLossModelType Laser propagation loss model types.
AgELatticeType Lattice types.
AgELeadTrailData Lead and trail types for track display.
AgELineWidth Line widths.
AgELinkMarginType Link margin types.
AgELLAPositionType LLA Position Types/
AgELoadMethodType TLE load options.
AgELookAheadPropagator Propagators used for calculating ephemeris for look ahead purposes. The enumeration is used with realtime propagators.
AgEMarkerType Marker style options for a waypoint.
AgEMethodToComputeSunPosition Methods to compute sun position.
AgEMixedSphericalFPA Opt whether to use Horizontal or Vertical Flight Path Angle.
AgEModelType Display options 3D model.
AgEModulatorModelType Modulator model types.
AgEMtoEntirety MTO Entirety Mode
AgEMtoObjectInterval MTO object interval type
AgEMtoRangeMode MTO Range Mode
AgEMtoTrackEval MTO Track Eval Mode
AgEMtoVisibilityMode MTO Visibility Mode
AgENoiseTempComputeType System noise temperature compute type.
AgENoteShowType Options for specifying when a label note displays.
AgENotificationFilterMask The notification flags are used to enable/disable STK Object Model event notifications.
AgEOffsetFrameType Frame options for label offset.
AgEOnePtAccessStatus One point access status.
AgEOnePtAccessSummary One point access summary type.
AgEOrientationAscNode Ascending node-related options for use in specifying orbit orientation.
AgEPlOrbitDisplayType Orbit display options for a planet.
AgEPlPositionSourceType Options for defining a planet.
AgEPolarizationReferenceAxis Polarization reference axis.
AgEPolarizationType Polarization Type.
AgEProjectionHorizontalDatumType REMCOM Wireless InSite RT project/horizontal datum type.
AgERadarClutterGeometryModelType Radar clutter geometry model type.
AgERadarClutterMapModelType Radar clutter map model type.
AgERadarContinuousWaveAnalysisModeType Radar continuous wave analysis mode.
AgERadarFrequencySpec SNR Contour Type.
AgERadarModelType Radar system types.
AgERadarModeType Radar mode types.
AgERadarPDetType Radar probability of detection type.
AgERadarPulseIntegrationType Radar pulse integration type.
AgERadarPulseIntegratorType Radar pulse integrator type.
AgERadarSarPcrMode Radar SAR pulse compression ratio modes.
AgERadarSarPRFMode Radar SAR prf modes.
AgERadarSarPulseIntegrationAnalysisModeType Radar sar pulse integration mode.
AgERadarSarRangeResolutionMode Radar SAR range resolution modes.
AgERadarSearchTrackPRFMode Radar search/track prf modes.
AgERadarSearchTrackPulseWidthMode Radar search/track pulse width modes.
AgERadarSNRContourType SNR Contour Type.
AgERadarSwerlingCase Radar swerling case.
AgERadarWaveformSearchTrackType Radar search/track waveform types.
AgERainLossModelType Rain loss model types.
AgERCSComputeStrategy Radar cross section compute strategy.
AgEReceiverModelType Receiver model types.
AgERectangularApertureInputType Rectangular aperture antenna input type.
AgEReTransmitterOpMode Re-Transmitter operational mode.
AgERFFilterModelType RF filter model types.
AgERouteVOMarkerType Waypoint marker options.
AgESamplingMethod Available sampling methods.
AgESc3dPtSize Font size in points.
AgEScEndLoopType Scenario animation cycle options.
AgEScRefreshDeltaType Scenario animation refresh update options.
AgEScTimeStepType Scenario animation time step options.
AgEShadowModel Shadow model options for solar radiation pressure.
AgESnAltCrossingDirection Options for specifying the direction in which the sensor's field of view crosses the specified altitude.
AgESnAltCrossingSides Options for specifying which crossings are computed and displayed in the 2D Graphics window
AgESnAzElBsightAxisType Primary boresight axis for Sensor Az-El mask.
AgESnEOIRBandDynamicRangeMode EOIR band dynamic range limit mode
AgESnEOIRBandImageQuality EOIR band image quality levels
AgESnEOIRBandSaturationMode EOIR band irradiance or radiance reference mode
AgESnEOIRBandWavelengthType EOIR band diffraction wavelength reference type
AgESnEOIRProcessingLevels EOIR processing levels
AgESnLocation Sensor Location Type options.
AgESnPattern Sensor patterns.
AgESnPointing Sensor pointing options.
AgESnProjectionDistanceType Sensor 2D Graphics Projection 'Project To' options.
AgESnPtTrgtBsightType Boresight types for sensors of targeted pointing type.
AgESnRefractionType Sensor refraction models.
AgESnScanMode Options for the Sensor Spinning Scan Mode.
AgESnVOInheritFrom2D Options for how projection distances that are computed based on 2D Graphics projection settings are displayed in the 3D Graphics window.
AgESnVOProjectionType Options for a sensor's 3D Graphics Projection Type.
AgESnVOPulseFrequencyPreset Options for a sensor's 3D Graphics Pulse Frequency presets.
AgESnVOPulseStyle Options for a sensor's 3D Graphics Pulse Style.
AgESolidTide The Solid Tide Type for force modeling.
AgESpEnvCrresProtonActivity Activity level for CRRESPRO model
AgESpEnvCrresRadiationActivity Activity level for CRRESRAD model
AgESpEnvMagFieldColorMode Mode by which color is assigned
AgESpEnvMagFieldColorScale Scaling of magnetic field to use when assigning color/translucency
AgESpEnvMagneticExternalField External magnetic field
AgESpEnvMagneticMainField Main magnetic field
AgESpEnvNasaModelsActivity Activity level for the NASA models NASAELE and NASAPRO
AgESpEnvSAAChannel Energy level for SAA protons
AgESpEnvSAAFluxLevel Flux level for SAA contour
AgESphericalFPA Opt whether to use Horizontal or Vertical Flight Path Angle.
AgESpiceInterpolation The SPICE interpolation type.
AgESRPModel Solar radiation pressure model types.
AgEStarReferenceFrame Star reference frame types
AgEStkEphemCoordinateSystem The Coordinate System of the file.
AgEStkEphemCovarianceType The covariance data export type.
AgEStkExternalEphemerisFormat Ephemeris file formats supported by the Stk external propagator
AgESTKObjectType STK objects.
AgESurfaceReference Options for surface reference of earth globes.
AgESwathComputationalMethod Computationals methods for generating swaths.
AgETerrainFileType Terrain file type options.
AgETerrainNormType Methods of defining the slope of the local terrain for the facility, place or target.
AgETextOutlineStyle The text outline style for 2D graphics display.
AgEThirdBodyGravSourceType Sources for 3rd body gravitation data.
AgETickData Tick mark options. Tick marks represent milestones at specified intervals along a vehicle's track in the 3D Graphics window.
AgETimePeriodValueType Time value types
AgETrackModeType Track mode options for tracking boresights.
AgETrajectoryType Trajectory type for a point.
AgETransferFunctionType Transmitter model types.
AgETransmitterModelType Transmitter model types.
AgEUrbanTerrestrialLossModelType Atmospheric absorption model types.
AgEVeAltitudeRef Reference altitude options for waypoints.
AgEVeAttitude Available attitude types.
AgEVeBreakAngleType Definition options for setting pass breaks:
AgEVeConsiderAnalysisType Consider parameters for HPOP covariance.
AgEVeCoordinateSystem Coordinate system used for measurement of latitude and longitude.
AgEVeCorrelationListType Correlation List row and column values.
AgEVectorAxesConnectType Methods for connecting geometric elements.
AgEVeDirection Direction of latitude crossing at the beginning of a pass.
AgEVeEllipseOptions Elliptical motion modeling options.
AgEVeFrame Frame options for covariance matrix.
AgEVeGeomagFluxSrc GeomagFluxSrc
AgEVeGeomagFluxUpdateRate Geomagnetic flux update rate options.
AgEVeGfxAttributes Criteria for displaying a vehicle's 2D Graphics attributes.
AgEVeGfxElevation Options for vehicle swath.
AgEVeGfxOffset Options for offset direction for 2D time events graphics.
AgEVeGfxOptions Display options for vehicle swath.
AgEVeGfxPass Pass display options.
AgEVeGfxTimeEventType 2D Graphics time event graphics options.
AgEVeGfxVisibleSides Pass display direction options.
AgEVeGPSAlmanacType GPS Almanac types.
AgEVeGPSAutoUpdateSource The sources to retrieve GPS elements from upon propagation.
AgEVeGPSElemSelection GPS Selection method for the GPS propagator.
AgEVeGPSSwitchMethod GPS Switch method for the GPS propagator.
AgEVeImpact Impact location options.
AgEVeImpactLocation Options for specifying missile impact point.
AgEVeIntegrationModel Integration methods.
AgEVeInterpolationMethod Interpolation methods.
AgEVeLaunch Options for launch coordinates.
AgEVeLaunchControl Flight parameters for a missile.
AgEVeLookAheadMethod Look ahead duration methods.
AgEVeMethod Step size control options.
AgEVePartialPassMeasurement Partial Pass Measurement methods (typically used for reporting data).
AgEVePassNumbering Pass numbering options.
AgEVePredictorCorrectorScheme Predictor Corrector schemes.
AgEVeProfile Predefined attitude profiles.
AgEVePropagationFrame Propagation frames used by J2/J4/TwoBody propagators
AgEVePropagatorType Vehicle propagators (available for vehicle types listed in parentheses).
AgEVeSGP4AutoUpdateSource The TLE sources where the SGP4 propagator retrieves TLEs from automatically upon propagation.
AgEVeSGP4SwitchMethod TLE Switch method for the SGP4 propagator.
AgEVeSGP4TLESelection TLE Selection method for the SGP4 propagator.
AgEVeSlewMode Target slew modes.
AgEVeSlewTimingBetweenTargets Choose an event within the window of opportunity to trigger each slew, or select Optimal to change attitude whenever the slew can be perfomed most efficiently.
AgEVeSolarFluxGeoMag Options for specifying solar and geomagnetic flux.
AgEVeSpEnvApSource Mode for computing 15 day average Ap
AgEVeSpEnvComputationMode Models that are to be included when modeling radiation
AgEVeSpEnvDetectorGeometry Detector geometry
AgEVeSpEnvDetectorType Detector material
AgEVeSpEnvDoseChannel Dose channel
AgEVeSpEnvF10p7Source Mode for computing 13-month average F10.7
AgEVeSpEnvMaterial Material
AgEVeSpEnvShapeModel Thermal shape model
AgEVeVOAttributes Options for 3D graphics for covariance pointing contours.
AgEVeVOBPlaneTargetPointPosition Values of the enumeration represent polymorphic object types
AgEVeVODropLineType Options for where to end drop lines.
AgEVeVOSigmaScale Sigma scale options for sizing covariance pointing contours.
AgEVeWayPtCompMethod Methods for computing waypoints.
AgEVeWayPtInterpMethod Interpolation methods.
AgEVmDataExportFormatType Volumetric data export format types.
AgEVmDefinitionType Volume grid definition types.
AgEVmDisplayQualityType Quality of the graphics display types.
AgEVmLegendNumericNotation Legend numeric notation types.
AgEVmLevelOrder Legend level display order.
AgEVmSaveComputedDataType Save Computed Data types.
AgEVmSpatialCalcEvalType Evaluation of Spatial Calculation types.
AgEVmVolumeGridExportType Volumetric data export types.
AgEVOFontSize Font size for data display.
AgEVOFormat Font format for data display.
AgEVOLabelSwapDistance Label swap distance options
AgEVOLocation Location options for the display of textual data in the 3D Graphics window.
AgEVOMarkerOrientation 3D graphics marker orientations
AgEVOMarkerOriginType Options for the AgVOMarker X or Y Origin property.
AgEVOXOrigin X origin options for positioning data display.
AgEVOYOrigin Y origin options for positioning data display.
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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1