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IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive Interface


A triangle mesh primitive for meshes on the surface that need to conform to terrain.

Object Model

Public Methods

Public Method Set Defines the surface mesh using the specified surfaceTriangulator. The mesh is rendered in the primitive's Reference Frame.
Public Method SetWithoutTexturing Defines the surface mesh using the specified surfaceTriangulator. The mesh is rendered in the primitive's Reference Frame.
Public Method Supported Determines whether or not the video card supports the surface mesh primitive with the given renderingMethod.
Public Method SupportedWithDefaultRenderingMethod Determines whether or not the video card supports the surface mesh primitive. This is equivalent to calling Supported with Automatic.

Public Properties

Public Property RenderingMethod Gets the rendering method used to render the mesh.
Public Property SetHint Gets the primitive's Set Hint. See the Set Hint Performance Overview for selecting an appropriate value to construct the primitive with.
Public Property Texture Gets or sets the texture applied to this primitive when rendering.
Public Property TextureFilter Gets or sets the filter used when a Texture is applied to this primitive.
Public Property TextureMatrix Gets or sets the matrix used to transform texture coordinates when a Texture is applied to this primitive.
Public Property TransparentTextureBorder Gets or set the boolean that defines if the color obtained from texture coordinates beyond the texture border should be considered transparent or not. This is typically used in conjunction with the a Texture Matrix.
Public Property TriangleWindingOrder Gets the orientation of front-facing triangles in the mesh.
Public Property Wireframe Gets or sets whether the primitive is rendered in wireframe. This is useful for debugging.


Draw a filled STK area target on terrain
[C#] Copy Code
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager; 
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlay overlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Terrain.AddUriString( 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = 
    manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute("Earth"ref positions); 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize(); 
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Color = Color.Purple; 

Draw a filled, dynamically textured extent on terrain
[C#] Copy Code
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager; 
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator activator = 
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy proxy = 
// Use reflection to set the plugin's properties 
Type plugin = proxy.RealPluginObject.GetType(); 
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, rasterFile, null); 
IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream rasterStream = proxy.RasterStream; 
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.025
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.FromRaster((IAgStkGraphicsRaster)rasterStream); 
Array extent = ((IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay)overlay).Extent; 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref extent); 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize(); 
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.2f
mesh.Texture = texture; 

Draw a filled, textured extent on terrain
[C#] Copy Code
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager; 
Array overlayExtent = ((IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay)overlay).Extent; 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = 
    manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref overlayExtent); 
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize(); 
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.3f
mesh.Texture = texture; 

Draw a moving water texture using affine transformations
[C#] Copy Code
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager; 
Array cartographicExtent = new object[] 

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = 
    manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref cartographicExtent); 
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize(); 
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.3f
mesh.Texture = texture; 
mesh.TextureFilter = manager.Initializers.TextureFilter2D.LinearRepeat; 
internal void TimeChanged(IAgStkGraphicsScene scene, AgStkObjectRoot root, double TimeEpSec) 

    //  Translate the surface mesh every animation update 
    if (m_Primitive != null
        IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager; 
        m_Translation = (float)TimeEpSec; 
        m_Translation /= 1000
        Matrix transformation = new Matrix(); 
        transformation.Translate(-m_Translation, 0); // Sign determines the direction of apparent flow 
        // Convert the matrix to an object array 
        Array transformationArray = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(object), transformation.Elements.Length); 
        for (int i = 0; i < transformationArray.Length; ++i) 
            transformationArray.SetValue((object)transformation.Elements.GetValue(i), i); 
        ((IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive)m_Primitive).TextureMatrix = 
            manager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithAffineTransform(ref transformationArray); 


Draw a filled STK area target on the globe
[C#] Copy Code
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager manager = ((IAgScenario)root.CurrentScenario).SceneManager; 
// Load the UAV image where each corner maps to a longitude and latitude defined 
// in degrees below. 
//    lower left  = (-0.386182, 42.938583) 
//    lower right = (-0.375100, 42.929871) 
//    upper right = (-0.333891, 42.944780) 
//    upper left  = (-0.359980, 42.973438) 
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D texture = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( 
// Define the bounding extent of the image.  Create a surface mesh that uses this extent. 
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive mesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize(); 
mesh.Texture = texture; 
Array cartographicExtent = new object[] 

IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth"ref cartographicExtent); 
((IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive)mesh).Translucency = 0.0f
// Create the texture matrix that maps the image corner points to their actual 
// cartographic coordinates.  A few notes: 
// 1. The TextureMatrix does not do any special processing on these values 
//    as if they were cartographic coordinates. 
// 2. Because of 1., the values only have to be correct relative to each 
//    other, which is why they do not have to be converted to radians. 
// 3. Because of 2., if your image straddles the +/- 180 degs longitude line, 
//    ensure that longitudes east of the line are greater than those west of 
//    the line.  For example, if one point were 179.0 degs longitude and the 
//    other were to the east at -179.0 degs, the one to the east should be 
//    specified as 181.0 degs. 
Array c0 = new object[] { -0.38618242.938583 }; 
Array c1 = new object[] { -0.37510042.929871 }; 
Array c2 = new object[] { -0.33389142.944780 }; 
Array c3 = new object[] { -0.35998042.973438 }; 
mesh.TextureMatrix = manager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithRectangles( 
    ref c0, ref c1, ref c2, ref c3); 
// Enable the transparent texture border option on the mesh so that the texture will not 
// bleed outside of the trapezoid. 
mesh.TransparentTextureBorder = true
// Add the surface mesh to the Scene manager 

Draw a filled STK area target on terrain
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim overlay As IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlay = scene.CentralBodies.Earth.Terrain.AddUriString( _

Dim triangles As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult = manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute("Earth", positions)

Dim mesh As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize()
DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Color = Color.Purple
manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

Draw a filled, dynamically textured extent on terrain
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager

Dim activator As IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator = manager.Initializers.ProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator.Initialize()
Dim proxy As IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy = activator.CreateFromDisplayName("ProjectionRasterStreamPlugin.VBNET")

' Use reflection to set the plugin's properties
Dim plugin As Type = proxy.RealPluginObject.[GetType]()
plugin.GetProperty("RasterPath").SetValue(proxy.RealPluginObject, rasterFile, Nothing)

Dim rasterStream As IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream = proxy.RasterStream
rasterStream.UpdateDelta = 0.025

Dim texture As IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D = manager.Textures.FromRaster(DirectCast(rasterStream, IAgStkGraphicsRaster))
Dim extent As Array = DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay).Extent
Dim triangles As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth", extent)
Dim mesh As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize()
DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Translucency = 0.2F
mesh.Texture = texture
manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

Draw a filled, textured extent on terrain
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim overlayExtent As Array = DirectCast(overlay, IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay).Extent
Dim triangles As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth", overlayExtent)
Dim texture As IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( _
Dim mesh As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize()
DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Translucency = 0.3F
mesh.Texture = texture
manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

Draw a moving water texture using affine transformations
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
Dim cartographicExtent As Array = New Object() {-96, 22, -85, 28}

Dim triangles As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth", cartographicExtent)

Dim texture As IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( _
Dim mesh As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize()
DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Translucency = 0.3F
mesh.Texture = texture
mesh.TextureFilter = manager.Initializers.TextureFilter2D.LinearRepeat
manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

Friend Sub TimeChanged(scene As IAgStkGraphicsScene, root As AgStkObjectRoot, TimeEpSec As Double)
    ' Translate the surface mesh every animation update
    If m_Primitive IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager

        m_Translation = CSng(TimeEpSec)
        m_Translation /= 1000

        Dim transformation As New Matrix()
        transformation.Translate(-m_Translation, 0)
        ' Sign determines the direction of apparent flow
        ' Convert the matrix to an object array
        Dim transformationArray As Array = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Object), transformation.Elements.Length)
        For i As Integer = 0 To transformationArray.Length - 1
            transformationArray.SetValue(DirectCast(transformation.Elements.GetValue(i), Object), i)

        DirectCast(m_Primitive, IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive).TextureMatrix = manager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithAffineTransform(transformationArray)
    End If
End Sub

Draw a filled STK area target on the globe
[Visual Basic .NET] Copy Code
Dim manager As IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager = DirectCast(root.CurrentScenario, IAgScenario).SceneManager
' Load the UAV image where each corner maps to a longitude and latitude defined
' in degrees below.
' lower left = (-0.386182, 42.938583)
' lower right = (-0.375100, 42.929871)
' upper right = (-0.333891, 42.944780)
' upper left = (-0.359980, 42.973438)

Dim texture As IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D = manager.Textures.LoadFromStringUri( _

' Define the bounding extent of the image. Create a surface mesh that uses this
' extent.
Dim mesh As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize()
mesh.Texture = texture

Dim cartographicExtent As Array = New Object() {-0.386182, 42.929871, -0.333891, 42.973438}

Dim triangles As IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult = manager.Initializers.SurfaceExtentTriangulator.ComputeSimple("Earth", cartographicExtent)
DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive).Translucency = 0.0F

' Create the texture matrix that maps the image corner points to their actual
' cartographic coordinates. A few notes:
' 1. The TextureMatrix does not do any special processing on these values
' as if they were cartographic coordinates.
' 2. Because of 1., the values only have to be correct relative to each
' other, which is why they do not have to be converted to radians.
' 3. Because of 2., if your image straddles the +/- 180 degs longitude line,
' ensure that longitudes east of the line are greater than those west of
' the line. For example, if one point were 179.0 degs longitude and the
' other were to the east at -179.0 degs, the one to the east should be
' specified as 181.0 degs.

Dim c0 As Array = New Object() {-0.386182, 42.938583}
Dim c1 As Array = New Object() {-0.3751, 42.929871}
Dim c2 As Array = New Object() {-0.333891, 42.94478}
Dim c3 As Array = New Object() {-0.35998, 42.973438}

mesh.TextureMatrix = manager.Initializers.TextureMatrix.InitializeWithRectangles(c0, c1, c2, c3)

' Enable the transparent texture border option on the mesh so that the texture will not
' bleed outside of the trapezoid.
mesh.TransparentTextureBorder = True

' Add the surface mesh to the Scene manager
manager.Primitives.Add(DirectCast(mesh, IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive))

Draw a new Surface Mesh
[MATLAB] Copy Code
% IAgScenario scenario: Scenario object 
manager = scenario.SceneManager; 
cartesianPts = {6030.721052;1956.627139;-692.397578; 
    5680.743568;2490.379622;-1480.882721};  % X,Y,Z (km) 
triangles = manager.Initializers.SurfacePolygonTriangulator.Compute('Earth',cartesianPts); 
surfaceMesh = manager.Initializers.SurfaceMeshPrimitive.Initialize(); 
surfaceMesh.Color = 255;    % red 

See Also

CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive

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