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IAgStkGraphicsProjectedRasterOverlay Interface


A Globe Image Overlay which projects a Raster onto the terrain or surface of the Central Body. You can also enable projection onto models by setting ProjectedRasterModelProjection to true for a Scene. The Projected Raster Overlay can also be used with RasterStream and ProjectionStream to stream video and other raster data to a projection that moves with time.

Public Properties

Public Property BorderColorGets or sets the color of the Projection's border.
Public Property BorderTranslucencyGets or sets the translucency of the Projection's border.
Public Property BorderWidthGets or sets the width of the Projection's border.
Public Property ColorGets or sets the color of the projected Raster.
Public Property DirectionsGets the direction vectors in the central body's fixed reference frame that define the Projection's frustum. The collection contains the direction vector down the center of the projection, and the bottom left, bottom right, upper right, and upper left corner direction vectors, in that order. If no direction can be calculated, Cartesian.Zero is returned. Each vector is represented in the array as its individual components in the order x, y, z.
Public Property FarPlaneColorGets or sets the color of the Projection's far plane.
Public Property FarPlaneTranslucencyGets or sets the translucency of the Projection's far plane.
Public Property FrustumColorGets or sets the color of the Projection's frustum.
Public Property FrustumTranslucencyGets or sets the translucency of the Projection's frustum.
Public Property ProjectionGets or sets the Projection that projects the raster.
Public Property RasterGets or sets the Raster that is projected.
Public Property ShadowColorGets or sets the color of the Projection's shadow.
Public Property ShadowTranslucencyGets or sets the translucency of the Projection's shadow.
Public Property ShowFarPlaneGets or sets whether to show the far plane of the Projection. If this is set to true, you will see the projected Raster even when it does not intersect terrain.
Public Property ShowFrustumGets or sets whether to show the frustum of the Projection.
Public Property ShowShadowsGets or sets whether to show shadows or not. When set to true, the Raster will only be projected onto parts of the terrain visible from the Projection's position. When false, the Raster will project onto any terrain inside the Projection's view frustum. Shadows are more realistic, but are slower to render.
Public Property SupportedGets whether or not the video card supports the Projected Raster Overlay.
Public Property TransparentColorGets or sets the Color that will become transparent.
Public Property UseTransparentColorGets or sets whether Transparent Color should be used.


CoClasses that Implement IAgStkGraphicsProjectedRasterOverlay

See Also

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