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IAgAccessConstraintPluginObjectData Interface


Access Constraint Plugin Object Data interface used to get inputs and outputs during the Evaluate method call.

Public Methods

Public Method AccelerationThe object acceleration in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method Acceleration_ArrayThe object acceleration in the requested frame, returned as an array representing ax, ay, az. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method AltitudeThe altitude of the object wrt the requested reference.
Public Method AngularVelocityThe angular velocity of the body frame of the object wrt the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method AngularVelocity_ArrayThe angular velocity of the body frame of the object wrt the requested frame, returned as an array representing wx, wy, wz. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method ApparentSunPositionThe apparent sun position with respect to the object in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method ApparentSunPosition_ArrayThe apparent sun position with respect to the object in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method AttitudeThe attitude of the body frame of the object wrt the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method Attitude_ArrayThe attitude of the body frame of the object wrt the requested frame, returned as an array representing Q1, Q2, Q3 Q4. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method DateElementsThe current time of the object in requested time scale expressed in date format. Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60].
Public Method DateElements_ArrayThe current time of the object in requested time scale expressed in date format returned as the array: Year [yyyy], DayOfYear [1-366], Month [1-12], DayOfMonth [1-31], Hour [0-23], Minute [0-59], Seconds [0-60]. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method DateStringCurrent epoch expressed using the date format abbreviation specified.
Public Method DayCountThe current time in requested time scale of the object expressed in day count format.
Public Method DayCount_ArrayThe current time in requested time scale of the object expressed in day count format returned as an array representing wholeDays, secsIntoDay. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method LatLonAltThe detic latitude, detic longitude, and altitude of the object. Altitude is measured wrt the central body ellispoid of the object. (eg. Earth uses WGS84)
Public Method LatLonAlt_ArrayThe detic latitude, detic longitude, and altitude of the object, returned as an array representing latitude, longitude, altitude. Altitude is measured wrt the central body ellispoid of the object. (eg. Earth uses WGS84)
Public Method PositionThe object position in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method Position_ArrayThe object position in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported. Useful for scripting clients.
Public Method RangeApparent range between the objects.
Public Method RelativeAccelerationThe apparent relative acceleration of the other object with respect to this object, in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method RelativeAcceleration_ArrayThe apparent relative acceleration of the other object with respect to this object, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing ax, ay, az. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method RelativePositionThe apparent relative position of the other object with respect to this object, in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method RelativePosition_ArrayThe apparent relative position of the other object with respect to this object, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing x, y, z. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method RelativeVelocityThe apparent relative velocity of the other object with respect to this object, in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method RelativeVelocity_ArrayThe apparent relative velocity of the other object with respect to this object, in the requested frame, returned as an array representing vx, vy, vz. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method VelocityThe object velocity in the requested frame. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported.
Public Method Velocity_ArrayThe object velocity in the requested frame, returned as an array representing vx, vy, vz. Only eUtFrameInertial and eUtFrameFixed are supported. Useful for scripting clients.

Public Properties

Public Property CentralBodyNameThe name of the central body for this object.
Public Property DescriptorAn interface to a description of the object.
Public Property GeometryMaskA bit mask of AgEAccessConstraintDependencyFlags indicating which geometrical data was computed.
Public Property IsClockHostTrue if this object is the clock host for the access computation.
Public Property IsRefractionComputedTrue if refraction was computed for the apparent relative position of the other object.
Public Property SignalSenseThe signal sense for this object.

CoClasses that Implement IAgAccessConstraintPluginObjectData

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