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EulerSequenceIndicator Enumeration

Indicates the order of the axes rotations in an Euler sequence.

Namespace:  AGI.Foundation.Coordinates
Assembly:  AGI.Foundation.Core (in AGI.Foundation.Core.dll) Version: 24.3.420.0 (24.3.420.0)
public enum EulerSequenceIndicator
  Member nameDescription
Euler123 The first axes, followed by the second and then third axes.
Euler321 The third axes, followed by the second and then first axes.
Euler231 The second axes, followed by the third and then first axes.
Euler132 The first axes, followed by the third and then second axes.
Euler312 The third axes, followed by the first and then second axes.
Euler213 The second axes, followed by the first and then third axes.
Euler212 The second axes, followed by the first and then second axes.
Euler313 The third axes, followed by the first and then third axes.
Euler121 The first axes, followed by the second and then first axes.
Euler323 The third axes, followed by the second and then third axes.
Euler131 The first axes, followed by the third and then first axes.
Euler232 The second axes, followed by the third and then second axes.
See Also