Current Connect Changes (STK Version 12.10)

The following Connect commands have been implemented or changed in STK version 12.10:

Command Description Change Version
ACAT Set Advanced CAT properties SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ACAT RelationFile Set a relationship file for STK to use during Advanced CAT computations. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ACAT SSCFile Set an SSC reference file for STK to use during Advanced CAT computations. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
AttitudeSegment Add, modify, and delete attitude profile and file segments. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
CAT Set properties for a close approach computation. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
CalculationTool Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
CalculationTool Scalar Calculation Define and modify Scalar Calculation components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Chains Configure a chain object or computes access for a chain Added new Duration option to the OptStrand Metric. 12.10
Cov Access Compute or clear coverage calculations and set auto-recompute options SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Cov FOMDefine Define a figure of merit object SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Cov Grid Define a coverage grid SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
CreateTLEFile Creates a TLE file using satellites obtained from the Satellite database. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
DataSource Set Data Services preferences. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Database Update the satellite database from the AGI Web site, or set the default and auxiliary databases. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
DeckAccess Calculate deck access SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Define (Planet) Define the basic properties of a planet SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Define (Sensor) Define the basic properties of a sensor. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
DisplayTimes Control the display of object graphics SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ExportDataFile Create an external ephemeris or attitude file for a vehicle, or create an Az-El Mask file for a Facility, Place, or Target. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
GIS Export Export STK object data into a shapefile SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
GIS Pattern Export the footprint of a sensor to a shapefile SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
GIS Swath Export a sensor swath to a shapefile SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics BackgroundImage Set background image options for the 2D Graphics window. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics Boresight (Comm) Control the display of boresight graphics in the 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics Boresight (Sensor) Control the display of the sensor boresight in the 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics CustomIntervals (Vehicles) Control the display of different graphics attributes at specific time intervals during animation SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics ImageInlay Set properties for an inlay image on a 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics Marker Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics Nightlights Set options for displaying night lights in the 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Graphics ObjectLine Display lines connecting objects in the 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
HPOP Drag Set options for modeling drag for the HPOP propagator. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
HPOP Force Set options for the HPOP force model SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ImportAlmanacFile Import satellite(s) from a GPS file or Almanac file. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ImportTLEFile (Satellites) Import satellite(s) from TLE data SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
InitialState The InitialState Connect command enables you to import or export initial state data (i.e., epoch, position, and velocity) for satellites and missiles. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
KeyValueMetaData Save properties to STK objects for search. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
KeyValueMetaData_RM Return information about KeyValueMetaData. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
LaserCAT Set LaserCAT properties SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
LaunchWindow Set properties for a launch window analysis. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
LoadGPSConstellation Enables you to load a GPS Constellation from the database. Updated the command to add the Server and Update options 12.10
OrbitWizard Define a satellite or missile using the Orbit Wizard options. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
PatternTool Create and save a custom sensor pattern SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
PersonalAccessToken Authorize STK Desktop or custom engine applications to access resources stored in the Geospatial Content Server (GCS) SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Point External Point a sensor using data from an external file SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Point Targeted Point sensors to track or target other objects in a scenario SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
RFI Set radio frequency interference options for facilities, ships, aircraft, and ground vehicles. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ReportCreate Generate a report file to display or save. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
ReportStyle Load a report style file to your local config area. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SEDS Configure STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SEDS_RM Return information about STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetAttitude File Reset attitude to read from an external attitude file SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetAttitude Profile Reset attitude to use the attitude profile and offsets specified Add GalileoNominal and GalileoIOV to GPS Model Type. 12.10
SetAttitude Target Reset attitude to use a targeted type SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetAzElMask (Facility, Place & Target) Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a facility, place, or target SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetAzElMask (Sensor) Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a sensor SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetConstraint (Chain or Constellation) Set a constraint for a chain or constellation SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetConstraint (Vehicles) Set an access constraint for a vehicle SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetLifetime Set parameters for lifetime calculations SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetPreferences Set your STK preferences. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetPropagator File Define a vehicle (any type) using an external file SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetState 11Parameter Set the orbit state of a satellite from an 11-Parameter file. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetState FromFile Set the path of a vehicle from an external ephemeris file SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetState GPS Set the orbit state of a satellite from a GPS file. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetState SGP4 (Satellites) Set the orbit state of a satellite and propagate an SGP4 orbit SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetState SP3 Set the orbit state of a satellite from an SP3 file. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SetState SPICE Set the orbit state of a satellite from an SPICE file. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SpatialTool Define volumes and elements used in constructing them, including templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
SpatialTool Spatial Calculation Define and modify Spatial Calculation components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
TLEFileOptions Add TLE files to SGP4 vehicles SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
TimeTool Define components defining instances or intervals of time. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
TimeTool Interval Define and modify Interval components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
TimeTool Interval List Define and modify Interval List components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Track Define a track in a Multi-Track Object (MTO). SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Track3d Defines 3D Graphics of tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Annotation Control the display of annotations in the 3D window. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO ArticulationFile Controls the articulation file used for 3D model articulations. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Attributes (Scenario) Set the attributes of a 3D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO AzElMaskTool Generate static body masking files (.bmsk), which are used to restrict visibility to a sensor. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Celestial Define the graphical display of the sun, moon, and celestial sphere in the 3D Graphics window. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO DynDataText Control the display of dynamic data text reports in the 3D window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Marker Define the display of markers representing objects in the 3D Graphics window. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Model Assign a model to a facility, place, target, or vehicle (any type). SDF is no longer available; removed from this commandAdded the glTF model as a supported model type. 12.1012.1
VO ModelList Set up a model list to be used during animation SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO ModelPointing Point parts of a model representing a facility, place, target or vehicle toward another object SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO ObjectLine Display lines connecting objects in the 3D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Overlay Control the display and placement of overlay images in a 3D Graphics window. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Position Covariance Set or modify Position Covariance graphics properties SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Primitive Defines and modifies programmable graphics primitives. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO SetVectorGeometry Define the display of geometric components in the 3D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO TerrainAndImagery Manipulate VO terrain and imagery. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO VaporTrail Define a vapor trail to be displayed around a vehicle, facility, place, or target. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO Velocity Covariance Set or modify Velocity Covariance graphics properties SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VO WaypointAttributes Set the 3D Graphics properties for existing waypoints and external ephemeris points. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VectorTool Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VectorTool Axes Define and modify Axes geometry components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VectorTool Point Define and modify Point geometry components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
VectorTool Vector Define and modify Vector geometry components and templates. SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Volumetric Define the basic properties of a Volumetric object SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10
Zoom Zoom in or out in a 2D Graphics window SDF is no longer available; removed from this command 12.10