Object Model components specifically designed to support STK Aviator.
Objects | Description |
AgAvtrADDSMessage | Class defining a message from the NOAA ADDS service. |
AgAvtrADDSMessageCollection | Class defining a collection of messages from the NOAA ADDS service. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingElectricPowerplant | Class defining an Electric powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingEmpiricalJetEngine | Class defining the Turbojet and Turbofan empirical models in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalAero | Class defining the External Aero File aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalProp | Class defining an External Prop File powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingFourPointAero | Class defining the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryBasic | Class defining a basic geometry wing in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryVariable | Class defining a variable geometry wing in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingPistonPowerplant | Class defining a Piston powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingRamjetBasic | Class defining the basic Ramjet model. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingScramjetBasic | Class defining the basic Scramjet model. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubsonicAero | Class defining the subsonic aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicAero | Class defining the Sub/Super/Hypersonic aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicProp | Class defining a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSupersonicAero | Class defining the supersonic aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool | Class defining the options for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool of an aircraft. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABPowerplant | This class is deprecated. Use AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABProp instead. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABProp | Class defining the Turbofan - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic model) powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABPowerplant | This class is deprecated. Use AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABProp instead. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABProp | Class defining the Turbojet - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic model) powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbopropPowerplant | Class defining the Turboprop powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgAvtrAeroPropManeuverModeHelper | Class defining the The calculation mode for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper. Helper for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraft | Class defining an aircraft in Aviator. |
AgAvtrAircraftAcceleration | Class defining the aircraft acceleration category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAccelerationMode | Class defining the acceleration mode options for an advanced acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAdvAccelerationModel | Class defining the advanced acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAdvClimbModel | Class defining the advanced climb performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAdvCruiseModel | Class defining the advanced cruise performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAdvDescentModel | Class defining the advanced descent performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAdvLandingModel | Class defining the advanced landing performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAdvTakeoffModel | Class defining the advanced takeoff performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftAero | Class defining the aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModel | Class defining the basic acceleration performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicClimbModel | Class defining the basic climb performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicCruiseModel | Class defining the basic cruise performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicDescentModel | Class defining the basic descent performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingAero | Class defining the basic fixed wing aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingProp | Class defining the basic fixed wing propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicLandingModel | Class defining the basic landing performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftBasicTakeoffModel | Class defining the basic takeoff performance model for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftCategory | Class defining the aircraft category in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrAircraftClimb | Class defining the aircraft climb category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftCruise | Class defining the aircraft cruise category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftDescent | Class defining the aircraft descent category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftExternalAero | Class defining the external file aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftExternalProp | Class defining the external propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftLanding | Class defining the aircraft landing category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftModels | Class defining the User Aircraft Models in the Aviator Catalog. |
AgAvtrAircraftProp | Class defining the propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftSimpleAero | Class defining the simple aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftSimpleProp | Class defining the basic fixed wing propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftTakeoff | Class defining the aircraft takeoff category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollow | Class defining the TerrainFollow category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollowModel | Class defining the TerrainFollow performance model of an aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftVTOL | Class defining the VTOL category of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrAircraftVTOLModel | Class defining the VTOL performance model of an aircraft. |
AgAvtrAirportCategory | Class defining the airport category in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrAltitudeMSLAndLevelOffOptions | Class defining the altitude MSL and Level off options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrAltitudeMSLOptions | Class defining the altitude MSL options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrAltitudeOptions | Class defining the altitude options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrArcAltitudeAndDelayOptions | Class defining the altitude and delay options for an arc procedure. |
AgAvtrArcAltitudeOptions | Class defining the altitude options for an arc procedure. |
AgAvtrArcOptions | Class defining the arc options for a procedure. |
AgAvtrArcVerticalPlaneOptions | Class defining the vertical plane options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrARINC424Airport | Class defining an ARINC424 Airport. |
AgAvtrARINC424Helipad | Class defining an ARINC424 Helipad. |
AgAvtrARINC424Navaid | Class defining an ARINC424 Navaid. |
AgAvtrARINC424Runway | Class defining an ARINC424 Runway. |
AgAvtrARINC424Source | Class defining an ARINC424 source in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrARINC424Waypoint | Class defining an ARINC424 Waypoint. |
AgAvtrAtmosphereModel | Class defining the atmosphere model for a mission, scenario, or procedure. |
AgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic | Class defining the basic atmosphere model. |
AgAvtrAttitudeTransitions | Class defining the attitude transition options for an acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrBasicFixedWingFwdFlightLiftHelper | Class defining the Lift Coefficient Helper for Forward Flight in the Basic Fixed Wing Aerodynamics interface for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedOptions | Class defining the airspeed options for basic maneuver strategies. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAileronRoll | Class defining the aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotNav | Class defining the autopilot - horizontal plane strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProf | Class defining the autopiloc - vertical plane strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBallistic3D | Class defining Ballistic 3D strategy for a Basic Maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBarrelRoll | Class defining the barrel roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBezier | Class defining the Bezier strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyCruiseProfile | Class defining the Cruise profile strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyFlyAOA | Class defining the fly AOA strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyGlideProfile | Class defining the Glide profile strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyIntercept | Class defining the Intercept strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLoop | Class defining the loop strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLTAHover | Class defining the lighter than air hover strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPitch3D | Class defining Pitch 3D strategy for a Basic Maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPull | Class defining the pull strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPushPull | Class defining the Push/Pull strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeBearing | Class defining the Relative Bearing strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeCourse | Class defining the Relative Course strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeFPA | Class defining the Relative Flight Path Angle strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelSpeedAlt | Class defining the Relative Speed/Altitude strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRendezvous | Class defining the Rendezvous/Formation strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRollingPull | Class defining the rolling pull strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySimpleTurn | Class defining the simple turn strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothAccel | Class defining the smooth accel strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothTurn | Class defining the smooth turn strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStationkeeping | Class defining the Stationkeeping strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead | Class defining the Straight Ahead strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyWeave | Class defining Weave strategy for a Basic Maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVel | Class defining the target position and velocity strategies for basic maneuvers. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisyBrgRng | Class defining the position and velocity strategy, Noisy Bearing Range. |
AgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisySurfTgt | Class defining the position and velocity strategy, Noisy Surface Target. |
AgAvtrCalculationOptions | Class defining the calculation options for a procedure or phase. |
AgAvtrCatalog | Class defining the Aviator Catalog. |
AgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitions | Class defining the climb and descent transition options for an Acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrConfiguration | Class defining the aircraft configuration for an Aviator mission. |
AgAvtrCruiseAirspeedAndProfileOptions | Class defining the cruise airspeed and profile options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrCruiseAirspeedOptions | Class defining the cruise airspeed options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrCruiseAirspeedProfile | Class defining the cruise profile options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrDAFIFHelipad | Class defining an DAFIF Helipad. |
AgAvtrDAFIFRunway | Class defining an DAFIF Runway. |
AgAvtrDAFIFSource | Class defining an DAFIF source in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrDAFIFWaypoint | Class defining an DAFIF Waypoint. |
AgAvtrEnrouteAndDelayOptions | Class defining the enroute and delay options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrEnrouteOptions | Class defining the enroute options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrEnrouteTurnDirectionOptions | Class defining the enroute turn direction options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrFourPointAero | Class defining the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy. |
AgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneAFPROP | Class defining the Kerosense - AFPROP fuel type for a thermodynamic jet engine model. |
AgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneCEA | Class defining the Kerosense - CEA fuel type for a thermodynamic jet engine model. |
AgAvtrFuelTankExternal | Class defining an external fuel tank for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrFuelTankInternal | Class defining an internal fuel tank for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrHoverAltitudeOptions | Class defining the altitude options for a VTOL procedure. |
AgAvtrLandingCruiseAirspeedAndProfileOptions | Class defining the cruise airspeed and profile options for a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrLandingEnrouteOptions | Class defining the enroute options in a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrLandingEnterDownwindPattern | Class defining the enter downwind pattern options for a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrLandingInterceptGlideslope | Class defining the intercept glideslope options for a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach | Class defining the standard instrument approach options for a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrLandingVerticalPlaneOptions | Class defining the vertical plane options in a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrLevelTurns | Class defining the level turns options for an acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrMissile | Class defining a missile in Aviator. |
AgAvtrMissileAdvancedAero | Class defining the advanced aerodynamic options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileAero | Class defining the aerodynamic options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileExternalAero | Class defining the external aerodynamic options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileExternalProp | Class defining the External propulsion options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileFourPointAero | Class defining the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the Missile. |
AgAvtrMissileModels | Class defining the User Missile Models in the Aviator Catalog. |
AgAvtrMissileProp | Class defining the propulsion options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileRamjetProp | Class defining the Ramjet propulsion options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileRocketProp | Class defining the Rocket propulsion options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileSimpleAero | Class defining the simple aerodynamic options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileSimpleProp | Class defining the Simple propulsion options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMissileTurbojetProp | Class defining the Turbojet propulsion options for a missile. |
AgAvtrMission | Class defining the Aviator mission. |
AgAvtrNavaidCategory | Class defining the navaid category in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrNavigationOptions | Class defining the navigation options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrPayloadStation | Class defining a payload station for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrPerformanceModel | Class defining an unknown performance model. |
AgAvtrPerformanceModelOptions | Class defining the options for the active performance model in a phase. |
AgAvtrPhase | Class defining a phase in an Aviator mission. |
AgAvtrPhaseCollection | Class defining the collection of phases. |
AgAvtrProcedure | Class defining an unknown procedure type. |
AgAvtrProcedureAirway | Class defining an Airway procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureAirwayRouter | Class defining an Airway Router procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureArcEnroute | Class defining a arc enroute procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureArcPointToPoint | Class defining a arc point to point procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureAreaTargetSearch | Class defining an Area Target Search procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuver | Class defining a Basic Maneuver procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureBasicPointToPoint | Class defining a basic point to point procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureCollection | Class defining the collection of procedures in the phase of an Aviator mission. |
AgAvtrProcedureDelay | Class defining a delay procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureEnroute | Class defining an enroute procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureExtEphem | Class defining an ExtEphem procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureFastTimeOptions | Class defining fast operations (without error or constraint checks) for time options for the current procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureFlightLine | Class defining a flight line procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureFormationFlyer | Class defining an formationflyer procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureFormationRecover | Class defining a Formation/Recover procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureHoldingCircular | Class defining a holding circular procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureHoldingFigure8 | Class defining a holding figure 8 procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureHoldingRacetrack | Class defining a holding racetrack procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureHover | Class defining a hover procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureHoverTranslate | Class defining a hover translate procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureInFormation | Class defining an In Formation procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureLanding | Class defining a landing procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureLaunch | Class defining a launch procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureLaunchDynState | Class defining a Launch Dyn State procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureLaunchWaypoint | Class defining a Launch Waypoint procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureParallelFlightLine | Class defining a Parallel Flight Line procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureReferenceState | Class defining a reference state procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureSuperProcedure | Class defining a super procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureTakeoff | Class defining a takeoff procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureTerrainFollow | Class defining a terrain following procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureTimeOptions | Class defining the time options for the current procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureTransitionToForwardFlight | Class defining a transition to forward flight procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureTransitionToHover | Class defining a transition to hover procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureVerticalLanding | Class defining a vertical landing procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureVerticalTakeoff | Class defining a vertical takeoff procedure. |
AgAvtrProcedureVGTPoint | Class defining a VGT Point procedure. |
AgAvtrPropagator | Class defining the Aviator propagator. |
AgAvtrPropulsionEfficiencies | Class defining the Propulsion Efficiencies and Losses of a jet engine powerplant in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
AgAvtrPropulsionThrust | Class defining the the thrust propulsion used in basic maneuver procedures. |
AgAvtrRefStateForwardFlightOptions | Class defining the Forward Flight options for a Reference State procedure. |
AgAvtrRefStateHoverOptions | Class defining the Hover options for a Reference State procedure. |
AgAvtrRefStateTakeoffLandingOptions | Class defining the Takeoff or Landing options for a Reference State procedure. |
AgAvtrRefStateWeightOnWheelsOptions | Class defining the Weight on Wheels options for a Reference State procedure. |
AgAvtrRefuelDumpProperties | Class defining the refuel/dump properties for the current procedure. |
AgAvtrRotorcraft | Class defining a rotorcraft in Aviator. |
AgAvtrRotorcraftAero | Class defining the aerodynamic options for a rotorcraft. |
AgAvtrRotorcraftModels | Class defining the User Rotorcraft Models in the Aviator Catalog. |
AgAvtrRotorcraftProp | Class defining the propulsion options for a rotorcraft. |
AgAvtrRunwayCategory | Class defining the runway category in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions | Class defining the runway heading options in a takeoff or landing procedure. |
AgAvtrSite | Class defining an unknown site type. |
AgAvtrSiteAirportFromCatalog | Class defining a airport from catalog site. |
AgAvtrSiteDynState | Class defining a Dyn State site. |
AgAvtrSiteEndOfPrevProcedure | Class defining an End of Previous Procedure site. |
AgAvtrSiteNavaidFromCatalog | Class defining a navaid from catalog site. |
AgAvtrSiteReferenceState | Class defining a Reference State site. |
AgAvtrSiteRelToPrevProcedure | Class defining a Relative to Previous Procedure site. |
AgAvtrSiteRelToSTKObject | Class defining a Relative to Stationary STK Object site. |
AgAvtrSiteRunway | Class defining a runway site. |
AgAvtrSiteRunwayFromCatalog | Class defining a runway from catalog site. |
AgAvtrSiteSTKAreaTarget | Class defining a STK Area Target site. |
AgAvtrSiteSTKObjectWaypoint | Class defining a STK Object Waypoint site. |
AgAvtrSiteSTKStaticObject | Class defining a STK Static Object site. |
AgAvtrSiteSTKVehicle | Class defining a STK Vehicle site. |
AgAvtrSiteSuperProcedure | Class defining a Super Procedure site. |
AgAvtrSiteVTOLPoint | Class defining a VTOL Point site. |
AgAvtrSiteVTOLPointFromCatalog | Class defining a VTOL point from catalog site. |
AgAvtrSiteWaypoint | Class defining a waypoint site. |
AgAvtrSiteWaypointFromCatalog | Class defining a waypoint from catalog site. |
AgAvtrStationCollection | Class defining a collection of payload stations for an Aviator aircraft. |
AgAvtrTakeoffDeparturePoint | Class defining the departure point options for a takeoff procedure. |
AgAvtrTakeoffLowTransition | Class defining the low transition options for a takeoff procedure. |
AgAvtrTakeoffNormal | Class defining the normal options for a takeoff procedure. |
AgAvtrUserRunway | Class defining the user runway in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrUserRunwaySource | Class defining the user runways in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrUserVTOLPoint | Class defining the user VTOL Point in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrUserVTOLPointSource | Class defining the user VTOL Point source in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrUserWaypoint | Class defining the user waypoint in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrUserWaypointSource | Class defining the user waypoint source in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrVerticalPlaneAndFlightPathOptions | Class defining the vertical plane options for an arc procedure. |
AgAvtrVerticalPlaneOptions | Class defining the vertical plane options in a procedure. |
AgAvtrVTOLPointCategory | Class defining the VTOL point category in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrWaypointCategory | Class defining the waypoint category in the Aviator catalog. |
AgAvtrWindModel | Class defining the wind model for a mission, scenario, or procedure. |
AgAvtrWindModelADDS | Class defining a wind model using the NOAA ADDS service for a mission. |
AgAvtrWindModelConstant | Class defining a constant bearing/speed wind model for a mission. |
Objects | Description |
IAgAvtrADDSMessage | Interface used to access a message from the NOAA ADDS forecast. |
IAgAvtrADDSMessageCollection | Interface used to access the collection of messages from the NOAA ADDS forecast. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingElectricPowerplant | Interface used to access the options for the Electric powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingEmpiricalJetEngine | Interface used to access the options for the Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalAero | Interface used to access the options for an external file aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalProp | Interface used to access the options for the External Prop File powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingFourPointAero | Interface used to access the options for the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometry | Interface used to access the options for the wing geometry in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryBasic | Interface used to access the options for a basic geometry wing in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryVariable | Interface used to access the options for a variable geometry wing in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingPistonPowerplant | Interface used to access the options for the Piston powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplant | Interface for a powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingRamjetBasic | Interface used to access the options for a basic Ramjet mode. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingScramjetBasic | Interface used to access the options for a basic Scramjet mode. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubsonicAero | Interface used to access the options for the subsonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicAero | Interface used to access the options for the Sub/Super/Hypersonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicProp | Interface used to access the options for the Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSupersonicAero | Interface used to access the options for the supersonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTool | Interface used to access the options for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABPowerplant | This interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABProp instead. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABProp | Interface used to access the options for the Turbofan - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic) powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABPowerplant | This interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABProp instead. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABProp | Interface used to access the options for the Turbojet - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic) powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbopropPowerplant | Interface used to access the options for the Turboprop powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrAeroPropManeuverModeHelper | Interface used to access the The calculation mode for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper. Helper found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraft | Interface used to access the aircraft options in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAcceleration | Interface used to access the acceleration options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAccelerationMode | Interface used to set the Acceleration Mode for the Advanced Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvAccelerationModel | Interface used to access the Advanced Acceleration Model options of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvClimbModel | Interface used to access the advanced climb model options for a climb model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvCruiseModel | Interface used to access the advanced cruise model options for a cruise model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvDescentModel | Interface used to access the advanced descent model options for a descent model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvLandingModel | Interface used to access the advanced landing model options for a landing model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvTakeoffModel | Interface used to access the advanced takeoff model options for a takeoff model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftAero | Interface used to access the Aerodynamics options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModel | Interface used to access the basic acceleration model options for an acceleration model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicClimbModel | Interface used to access the basic climb model options for a climb model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicCruiseModel | Interface used to access the basic cruise model options for a cruise model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicDescentModel | Interface used to access the basic descent model options for a descent model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingAero | Interface used to access Basic Fixed Wing Aerodynamics interface for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingProp | Interface used to access the Basic Fixed Wing Propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicLandingModel | Interface used to access the basic landing model options for a landing model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicTakeoffModel | Interface used to access the basic takeoff model options for a takeoff model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftCategory | Interface used to access the Aircraft Category in the Aviator Catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftClimb | Interface used to access the climb options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftCruise | Interface used to access the cruise options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftDescent | Interface used to access the descent options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftExternalAero | Interface used to access the External File Aerodynamics options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftExternalProp | Interface used to access the External File Propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftLanding | Interface used to access the landing options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftModels | Interface for the User Aircraft Models in the Aviator Catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftProp | Interface used to access the propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleAero | Interface used to access the Simple Aerodynamics options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleProp | Interface used to access the Simple Propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftTakeoff | Interface used to access the takeoff options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollow | Interface used to access the TerrainFollow options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollowModel | Interface used to access the options for a TerrainFollow performance model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAircraftVTOL | Interface used to access the VTOL options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAircraftVTOLModel | Interface used to access the options for a VTOL performance model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrAirportCategory | Interface used to access the airports in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAltitudeMSLAndLevelOffOptions | Interface used to access the altitude MSL and Level off options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrAltitudeMSLOptions | Interface used to access the altitude MSL options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrAltitudeOptions | Interface used to access the altitude options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrArcAltitudeAndDelayOptions | Interface used to access the altitude options for an Arc procedure. |
IAgAvtrArcAltitudeOptions | Interface used to access the altitude options for an Arc procedure. |
IAgAvtrArcOptions | Interface used to access the arc options for a procedure. |
IAgAvtrArcVerticalPlaneOptions | Interface used to access the Vertical Plane options for an arc procedure. |
IAgAvtrARINC424Airport | This interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrARINC424Item instead. |
IAgAvtrARINC424Item | Interface used to access the options for an ARINC424 Item found in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrARINC424Runway | This interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrARINC424Item instead. |
IAgAvtrARINC424Source | Interface used to access the options for any ARINC424 source in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModel | Interface used to access the atmosphere model for a mission, scenario, or procedure. |
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasic | Interface used to access the basic atmosphere model. |
IAgAvtrAttitudeTransitions | Interface used to access the Attitude Transitions options found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrBasicFixedWingLiftHelper | Interface used to access Lift Coefficient Helper in the Basic Fixed Wing Aerodynamics interface for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedOptions | Interface used to access airspeed options for basic maneuver strategies. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategy | Interface used to access options for a Basic Maneuver Strategy. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAileronRoll | Interface used to access options for a Aileron Roll Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotNav | Interface used to access options for the Autopilot - Horizontal Plane Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProf | Interface used to access options for the Autopilot - Vertical Plane Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBallistic3D | Interface used to access options for a balistic 3D strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBarrelRoll | Interface used to access options for a Barrel Roll Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBezier | Interface used to access options for a Bezier Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyCruiseProfile | Interface used to access options for a Cruise Profile Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyFlyAOA | Interface used to access options for a Fly AOA Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyGlideProfile | Interface used to access options for a Glide Profile Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyIntercept | Interface used to access options for an Intercept Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLoop | Interface used to access options for a Loop Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLTAHover | Interface used to access options for a Lighter than Air Hover Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPitch3D | Interface used to access options for a pitch 3D strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPull | Interface used to access options for a Pull Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPushPull | Interface used to access options for a Push/Pull Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeBearing | Interface used to access options for a Relative Bearing Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeCourse | Interface used to access options for a Relative Course Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeFPA | Interface used to access options for the Relative Flight Path Angle Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelSpeedAlt | Interface used to access options for a Relative Speed/Altitude Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRendezvous | Interface used to access options for a Rendezvous Formation Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRollingPull | Interface used to access options for a Rolling Pull Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySimpleTurn | Interface used to access options for a Simple Turn Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothAccel | Interface used to access options for a Smooth Accel Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothTurn | Interface used to access options for a Smooth Turn Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStationkeeping | Interface used to access options for a Stationkeeping Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAhead | Interface used to access options for a Straight Ahead Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyWeave | Interface used to access options for a weave strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVel | Interface used to access target position and velocity strategies for basic maneuvers. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisyBrgRng | Interface used to access target position and velocity strategy, NoisyBrnRng. |
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisySurfTgt | Interface used to access target position and velocity strategy, Surf Tgt Pos Vel. |
IAgAvtrCalculationOptions | Interface used to access the calculation options for a procedure or phase. |
IAgAvtrCatalog | Interface used to access the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrCatalogAirport | Interface used to access a airport in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrCatalogItem | Interface used to access the options for a Catalog Item in the Aviator Catalog. Use this interface to Create, Remove, Duplicate, or Rename items in the catalog. |
IAgAvtrCatalogNavaid | Interface used to access a navaid in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrCatalogRunway | Interface used to access a runway in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrCatalogSource | Interface used to access options for a source in the Aviator Catalog. Examples of sources include User Aircraft Models, ARINC424runways, User Runways, etc. |
IAgAvtrCatalogVTOLPoint | Interface used to access a VTOL Point in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrCatalogWaypoint | Interface used to access a waypoint in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitions | Interface used to access the Climb and Descent Transitions options found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrConfiguration | Interface used to change an aircraft's configuration for an Aviator mission. |
IAgAvtrConnect | Interface used to send connect commands to Aviator objects. |
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedAndProfileOptions | Interface used to access the cruise airspeed options that also include a profile field. |
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedOptions | Interface used to access the Cruise Airspeed options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedProfile | Interface used to access the Cruise Profile options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrDAFIFItem | Interface used to access the options for an DAFIF Item found in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrDAFIFSource | Interface used to access the options for any DAFIF source in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrEnrouteAndDelayOptions | Interface used to access the Enroute options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrEnrouteOptions | Interface used to access the Enroute options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrEnrouteTurnDirectionOptions | Interface used to access the Enroute Turn Direction options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrFourPointAero | Interface used to access the options for the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy. |
IAgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneAFPROP | Interface used to access the options for Kerosense - CEA fuel for a thermodynamic a jet engine model. |
IAgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneCEA | Interface used to access the options for Kerosense - CEA fuel for a thermodynamic a jet engine model. |
IAgAvtrFuelTankExternal | Interface used to set an aircraft's external fuel tank. |
IAgAvtrFuelTankInternal | Interface used to set an aircraft's internal fuel tank. |
IAgAvtrHoverAltitudeOptions | Interface used to access the altitude options for VTOL procedure. |
IAgAvtrLandingEnterDownwindPattern | The interface used to access the options for a Downwind Pattern approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Downwind Pattern to access this interface. |
IAgAvtrLandingInterceptGlideslope | The interface used to access the options for an Intercept Glideslope approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Intercept Glideslope to access this interface. |
IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproach | The interface used to access the options for a Standard Instrument Approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Standard Instrument Approach to access this interface. |
IAgAvtrLevelTurns | Interface used to access the Level Turns Transitions options found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft. |
IAgAvtrMissile | Interface used to access the missile options in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrMissileAdvancedAero | Interface used to access the Advanced aerodynamics options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileAero | Interface used to access the aerodynamics options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileExternalAero | Interface used to access the External aerodynamics options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileExternalProp | Interface used to access the External Prop file options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileFourPointAero | Interface used to access the options for the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileModels | Interface for the User Missile Models in the Aviator Catalog. |
IAgAvtrMissileProp | Interface used to access the Propulsion options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileRamjetProp | Interface used to access the Ramjet propulsion options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileRocketProp | Interface used to access the Rocket propulsion options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileSimpleAero | Interface used to access the Simple aerodynamics options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileSimpleProp | Interface used to access the Simple propulsion options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMissileTurbojetProp | Interface used to access the Turbojet propulsion options for a missile. |
IAgAvtrMission | Interface for the mission of an aircraft using the Aviator propagator. |
IAgAvtrNavaidCategory | Interface used to access the navaids in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrNavigationOptions | Interface used to access the navigation options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrPayloadStation | Interface used to set an aircraft's payload station. |
IAgAvtrPerformanceModel | Interface for a performance model of an Aviator vehicle. |
IAgAvtrPerformanceModelOptions | Interface used to change the active performance model in a phase for a given model type. |
IAgAvtrPhase | Interface used to access the phase options for a mission. |
IAgAvtrPhaseCollection | Interface used to access the collection of phases for a mission. |
IAgAvtrProcedure | Interface used to access the options for a procedure. Use this interface to get the Site and Get the time options for the current procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureAirway | Interface used to access the options for an Airway procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureAirwayRouter | Interface used to access the options for an Airway Router procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureArcEnroute | Interface used to access the options for an arc enroute procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureArcPointToPoint | Interface used to access the options for an arc point to point procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureAreaTargetSearch | Interface used to access the options for an Area Target Search procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuver | Interface used to access the options for a Basic Maneuver procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureBasicPointToPoint | Interface used to access the options for a basic point to point procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureCollection | Interface used to access the collection of procedures for a given phase in a mission. Use this interface to Get, Add, or Remove a procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureDelay | Interface used to access the options for a delay procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureEnroute | Interface used to access the options for an enroute procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureExtEphem | Interface used to access the options for an ExtEphem procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureFastTimeOptions | Interface used to access the fast time options (without error or constraint checks) for the current procedure. Use this interface to set an Interrupt Time or Fixed Duration for a procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureFlightLine | Interface used to access the options for a flight line procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureFormationFlyer | Interface used to access the options for an enroute procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureFormationRecover | Interface used to access the options for a Formation Recover procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureHoldingCircular | Interface used to access the options for a holding circular procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureHoldingFigure8 | Interface used to access the options for a holding figure 8 procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureHoldingRacetrack | Interface used to access the options for a holding racetrack procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureHover | Interface used to access the options for a hover procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureHoverTranslate | Interface used to access the options for a hover translate procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureInFormation | Interface used to access the options for an In Formation procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureLanding | Interface used to access the options for a landing procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureLaunch | Interface used to access the options for a launch procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureLaunchDynState | Interface used to access the options for a dyn state launch procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureLaunchWaypoint | Interface used to access the options for a waypoint launch procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureParallelFlightLine | Interface used to access the options for a Parallel Flight Line procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureReferenceState | Interface used to access the options for a reference state procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureSuperProcedure | Interface used to access the options for a super procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureTakeoff | Interface used to access the options for a takeoff procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureTerrainFollow | Interface used to access the options for a terrain following procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureTimeOptions | Interface used to access the time options for the current procedure. Use this interface to set an Interrupt Time or Fixed Duration for a procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureTransitionToForwardFlight | Interface used to access the options for a transition to forward flight procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureTransitionToHover | Interface used to access the options for a transition to hover procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureVerticalLanding | Interface used to access the options for a vertical landing procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureVerticalTakeoff | Interface used to access the options for a vertical takeoff procedure. |
IAgAvtrProcedureVGTPoint | Interface used to access the options for a VGT Point procedure. |
IAgAvtrPropagator | Interface used to access the Aviator interface for an aircraft. Use this interface to get the mission or Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrPropulsionEfficiencies | Interface used to access the options for the Efficiencies and Losses of a jet engine powerplant in the advanced fixed wing tool. |
IAgAvtrPropulsionThrust | Interface used to access propulsion thrust for basic maneuver strategies. |
IAgAvtrRefStateForwardFlightOptions | Interface used to access the forward flight options for a reference state procedure. |
IAgAvtrRefStateHoverOptions | Interface used to access the hover options for a reference state procedure. |
IAgAvtrRefStateTakeoffLandingOptions | Interface used to access the takeoff or landing options for a reference state procedure. |
IAgAvtrRefStateWeightOnWheelsOptions | Interface used to access the weight on wheels options for a reference state procedure. |
IAgAvtrRefuelDumpProperties | Interface used to access the refuel/dump properties for the current procedure. |
IAgAvtrRotorcraft | Interface used to access the rotorcraft options in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrRotorcraftAero | Interface used to access the aerodynamics options for a rotorcraft. |
IAgAvtrRotorcraftModels | Interface for the User Rotorcraft Models in the Aviator Catalog. |
IAgAvtrRotorcraftProp | Interface used to access the Propulsion options for a rotorcraft. |
IAgAvtrRunwayCategory | Interface used to access runways in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptions | Interface for the Runway Heading Options found in a Takeoff or Landing procedure. |
IAgAvtrSite | Interface to access Site options. |
IAgAvtrSiteAirportFromCatalog | Interface used to access the options for a airport From Catalog site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteDynState | Interface used to access the options for a dyn state site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteEndOfPrevProcedure | Interface used to access the options for an End of Previous Procedure site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteNavaidFromCatalog | Interface used to access the options for a navaid From Catalog site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteReferenceState | Interface used to access the options for a Reference State site. |
IAgAvtrSiteRelToPrevProcedure | Interface used to access the options for a Relative to Previous Procedure site. |
IAgAvtrSiteRelToSTKObject | Interface used to access the options for a Relative to Stationary STK Object site. |
IAgAvtrSiteRunway | Interface used to access the options for a Runway site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteRunwayFromCatalog | Interface used to access the options for a Runway From Catalog site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteSTKAreaTarget | Interface used to access the options for a STK Area Target site. |
IAgAvtrSiteSTKObjectWaypoint | Interface used to access the options for a STK Object Waypoint site. |
IAgAvtrSiteSTKStaticObject | Interface used to access the options for a STK Static Object site. |
IAgAvtrSiteSTKVehicle | Interface used to access the options for a STK Vehicle site. |
IAgAvtrSiteSuperProcedure | Interface used to access the options for a Super Procedure site. |
IAgAvtrSiteUnknown | Interface of an unknown site. |
IAgAvtrSiteVTOLPoint | Interface used to access the options for a VTOL Point site. |
IAgAvtrSiteVTOLPointFromCatalog | Interface used to access the options for a VTOL Point From Catalog site type. |
IAgAvtrSiteWaypoint | Interface used to access the options for a waypoint site. |
IAgAvtrSiteWaypointFromCatalog | Interface used to access the options for a waypoint From Catalog site type. |
IAgAvtrStation | Interface used to access a station for an Aviator aircraft. |
IAgAvtrStationCollection | Interface used to access the list of stations for an Aviator aircraft. |
IAgAvtrTakeoffDeparturePoint | The interface used to access the options for a Departure Point takeoff mode. The mode must be set to Departure Point to access this interface. |
IAgAvtrTakeoffLowTransition | The interface used to access the options for a Low Transition takeoff mode. The mode must be set to Low Transition to access this interface. |
IAgAvtrTakeoffNormal | The interface used to access the options for a Normal takeoff mode. The mode must be set to Normal to access this interface. |
IAgAvtrUserRunway | Interface used to access a user runway in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrUserRunwaySource | Interface used to access the user runways in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrUserVTOLPoint | Interface used to access a user VTOL Point in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrUserVTOLPointSource | Interface used to access the user VTOL Points in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrUserWaypoint | Interface used to access a user waypoint in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrUserWaypointSource | Interface used to access the user waypoints in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrVehicle | Interface for a vehicle in Aviator. |
IAgAvtrVerticalPlaneAndFlightPathOptions | Interface used to access the Vertical Plane and Final Flight Path Angle options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrVerticalPlaneOptions | Interface used to access the Vertical Plane options for an Aviator procedure. |
IAgAvtrVTOLPointCategory | Interface used to access the VTOL Points in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrWaypointCategory | Interface used to access the waypoints in the Aviator catalog. |
IAgAvtrWindModel | Interface used to access the wind model for a mission, scenario, or procedure. |
IAgAvtrWindModelADDS | Interface used to access the options for a NOAA ADDS wind model. |
IAgAvtrWindModelConstant | Interface used to access the options for a Constant Bearing/Speed wind model. |
Enumeration | Description |
AgEAvtrAccelerationAdvAccelMode | Acceleration mode for aircraft advanced acceleration models. |
AgEAvtrAccelManeuverAeroPropMode | The mode used for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper for aircraft basic acceleration models. |
AgEAvtrAccelManeuverMode | The mode that the aircraft will adhere to the specified acceleration parameters. |
AgEAvtrAccelMode | The acceleration/decelation option for a push/pull profile strategy. |
AgEAvtrAccelPerfModelOverride | The acceleration performance model override mode. |
AgEAvtrADDSForecastType | The forecast type for the NOAA ADDS message. |
AgEAvtrADDSMissingMsgType | The wind effect to apply if there is an interval gap between messages. |
AgEAvtrADDSMsgExtrapType | The wind effect to apply if the procedure(s) extend beyond the intervals of any available messages. |
AgEAvtrADDSMsgInterpType | The interpolation method for the wind conditions. |
AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategy | The aerodynamic strategy for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometry | The method to define the wing geometry of an aircraft in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategy | The powerplant strategy for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool. |
AgEAvtrAeroPropFlightMode | Flight mode for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper in aircraft acceleration models. |
AgEAvtrAeroPropSimpleMode | Aircraft operating mode for basic acceleration models with aerodynamics set to Simple. |
AgEAvtrAFPROPFuelType | The AFPROP fuel type. |
AgEAvtrAGLMSL | The altitude mode. |
AgEAvtrAileronRollFlightPath | The flight path option for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrAileronRollMode | The roll mode aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategy | The aerodynamic strategy used to compute lift, drag, angle of attack, sideslip and intermediate / derived values. |
AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategy | The propulsion strategy used to compute thrust and throttle setting. |
AgEAvtrAirspeedType | Airspeed types. |
AgEAvtrAltitudeConstraintManeuverMode | Turn mode for procedures that may require a level off maneuver. |
AgEAvtrAltitudeRef | The altitude reference. |
AgEAvtrAndOr | The option to specify AND or OR. |
AgEAvtrAngleMode | The angle mode for a barrel roll strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrApproachMode | Landing procedure approach mode. |
AgEAvtrAtmosphereModel | The basic atmosphere model type. |
AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeControlMode | The altitude control mode for the autopilot - vertical plane strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeMode | The altitude mode for the autopilot - vertical plane strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrAutopilotHorizPlaneMode | The autopilot mode for an autopilot - horizontal plane strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrBallistic3DControlMode | The control mode used to define the ballistic 3D strategy of the basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrBasicFixedWingPropMode | The option to specify the thrust (jet engines) or power (propellers). |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedMode | The basic maneuver airspeed mode. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAltitudeLimit | The type of response Aviator will have if the maneuver attempts to exceed the altitude limit. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverFuelFlowType | Fuel flow type for basic maneuver procedures. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverGlideSpeedControlMode | The modes used to define basic maneuver glide speed control modes. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverRefFrame | Reference frame for the basic maneuver strategy. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategy | Basic maneuver strategy types. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAirspeedPerfLimits | The type of response Aviator will have if the basic maneuver attempts to exceed the airspeed limit. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyNavControlLimit | Define the control limits for the aircraft during the maneuver. |
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPoweredCruiseMode | Powered Cruise Options. |
AgEAvtrCEAFuelType | The CEA fuel type. |
AgEAvtrClimbSpeedType | The mode to calculate the aircraft's airspeed while climbing for an advanced climb performance model. |
AgEAvtrClosureMode | The closure mode for guidance strategies of the basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrCruiseMaxPerfSpeedType | The method for defining the maximum performance airspeed of the aircraft for an advanced cruise model. |
AgEAvtrCruiseSpeed | Cruise airspeed type for the procedure. |
AgEAvtrDelayAltMode | The altitude options for a delay procedure. |
AgEAvtrDelayTurnDir | Turn mode for procedures with Delay options. |
AgEAvtrDepartureSpeedMode | The method for calculating the aircraft's airspeed upon leaving the ground. |
AgEAvtrDescentSpeedType | The method for calculating the aircraft's airspeed while descending. |
AgEAvtrEphemShiftRotateAltMode | Ephem alt mode. |
AgEAvtrEphemShiftRotateCourseMode | Ephem course mode. |
AgEAvtrExtEphemFlightMode | Flight mode enums for ExtEphem. |
AgEAvtrFlightLineProcType | The procedure methodology used to calculate the flight line. |
AgEAvtrFlyAOALeftRight | The roll direction for a Fly AOA strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrFlyToFlightPathAngleMode | The flight path angle mode mode for a bezier profile strategy. |
AgEAvtrFormationFlyerStopCondition | The stop condition options for a Formation Flyer procedure. |
AgEAvtrFuelFlowType | The fuel flow type to use for the procedure. |
AgEAvtrHoldingDirection | The turn direction for the aircraft to enter the holding pattern. |
AgEAvtrHoldingEntryManeuver | Defines how the aircraft will enter the holding pattern. |
AgEAvtrHoldingProfileMode | How the aircraft will perform during the holding pattern with respect to airspeed and altitude. |
AgEAvtrHoldRefuelDumpMode | Defines when the aircraft will leave the holding pattern after it has completed refueling or dumping fuel. |
AgEAvtrHoverAltitudeMode | The altitude mode for the lighter than air hover strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrHoverHeadingMode | The heading mode for the lighter than air hover strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrHoverMode | The hover mode. |
AgEAvtrInterceptMode | The intercept mode for the intercept strategy of the basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrJetEngineExhaustNozzleType | The exhaust nozzle type of the jet engine. |
AgEAvtrJetEngineIntakeType | The intake type of the jet engine. |
AgEAvtrJetEngineTechnologyLevel | The technology level of the jet engine. |
AgEAvtrJetEngineTurbineType | The turbine type of the jet engine. |
AgEAvtrJetFuelType | The jet fuel type. |
AgEAvtrJoinExitArcMethod | The options to join or exit an arc. |
AgEAvtrLandingApproachFixRangeMode | The reference point on the runway for the Approach Fix Range. |
AgEAvtrLaunchAttitudeMode | The attitude mode for the launch procedure. |
AgEAvtrLaunchDynStateBearingRef | The vector used as a bearing reference for a LaunchDynState procedure. |
AgEAvtrLaunchDynStateCoordFrame | The coordinate frame used for a LaunchDynState procedure. |
AgEAvtrLineOrientation | The orientation for a parallel flight line procedure. |
AgEAvtrMinimizeSiteProcTimeDiff | Options for minimizing the time difference between the procedure and site times. |
AgEAvtrMissileAeroStrategy | The aerodynamic strategy used to compute lift, drag, angle of attack, sideslip and intermediate / derived values. |
AgEAvtrMissilePropStrategy | The propulsion strategy used to compute thrust and throttle setting. |
AgEAvtrNavigatorTurnDir | Turn mode for procedures with Enroute Turn Direction options. |
AgEAvtrNumericalIntegrator | The numerical integrator to be used for the procedure. |
AgEAvtrPerfModelOverride | The performance model override mode. |
AgEAvtrPhaseOfFlight | Flight mode for basic maneuver procedures. |
AgEAvtrPitch3DControlMode | The control mode used to define the pitch 3D strategy of the basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrPointToPointMode | The heading or course of the aircraft at the beginning of the procedure. |
AgEAvtrProcedureType | Aviator procedure types. |
AgEAvtrProfileControlLimit | Define the control limits for a profile strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrPullMode | The pull mode for a pull strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrPushPull | The option to pull up or push over for a push/pull profile strategy. |
AgEAvtrRamjetMode | The ramjet mode for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant. |
AgEAvtrRefStateAttitudeMode | The mode to specify the attitude rate of change. |
AgEAvtrRefStateLateralAccelMode | The mode to specify the lateral acceleration of the aircraft. |
AgEAvtrRefStateLongitudinalAccelMode | The mode to specify the longitudinal acceleration of the aircraft. |
AgEAvtrRefStatePerfMode | The type of motion the aircraft is engaged in at the reference state. |
AgEAvtrRefuelDumpMode | The modes used to define procedure refuel/dump modes. |
AgEAvtrRelAbsBearing | The options for a bearing that can be relative or absolute. |
AgEAvtrRelativeAltitudeMode | The relative altitude mode for a relative speed/altitude strategy. |
AgEAvtrRelSpeedAltStopCondition | The stop condition options for a relative speed/altitude strategy. |
AgEAvtrRendezvousStopCondition | The stop condition options for a rendezvous formation strategy of the basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrRollingPullMode | The rolling pull mode for a rolling pull strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrRollLeftRight | The roll direction for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrRollUprightInverted | The orientation for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrRotorcraftPowerplantType | The powerplant type for a rotorcraft. |
AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEnd | Runway heading that the aircraft will use. |
AgEAvtrScramjetMode | The scramjet mode for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant. |
AgEAvtrSearchPatternCourseMode | The mode to determine the course of the search pattern. |
AgEAvtrSiteType | Aviator site types. |
AgEAvtrSmoothAccelLeftRight | The roll direction for a smooth acceleration strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrSmoothAccelStopConditions | The rolling pull mode for a rolling pull strategy of a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrSmoothTurnFPAMode | The flight path angle mode for the Smooth Turn strategy of the Basic Maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrSmoothTurnMode | The basic maneuver smooth turn mode. |
AgEAvtrStationkeepingStopCondition | The stop condition options for a stationkeeping strategy. |
AgEAvtrSTKObjectWaypointOffsetMode | The options to offset the site location relative to the STK Object. |
AgEAvtrStraightAheadRefFrame | Straight Ahead basic maneuver Reference Frame. |
AgEAvtrTakeoffLandingSpeedMode | The method for calculating the aircraft's speed upon leaving the ground or at wheels down. |
AgEAvtrTakeoffMode | Takeoff procedure mode. |
AgEAvtrTargetPosVelType | The target pos/vel type. |
AgEAvtrTrajectoryBlendMode | The interpolation mode to determine the aircraft's position and velocity. |
AgEAvtrTransitionToHoverMode | The type of hover to transition to. |
AgEAvtrTurbineMode | The turbine mode for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant. |
AgEAvtrTurnDirection | The roll direction for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure. |
AgEAvtrTurnMode | The mode to specify an aircraft's level turn performance for acceleration performance models. |
AgEAvtrVertLandingMode | The heading mode for a vertical landing maneuver. |
AgEAvtrVTOLFinalHeadingMode | The mode to specify the heading at the end of the maneuver. |
AgEAvtrVTOLHeadingMode | The heading mode for the hover maneuver. |
AgEAvtrVTOLRateMode | The rate mode for the VTOL procedure. |
AgEAvtrVTOLTransitionMode | The mode to specify the course of the transition maneuver. |
AgEAvtrVTOLTranslationFinalCourseMode | The mode to specify the final course of the VTOL maneuver. |
AgEAvtrVTOLTranslationMode | The mode to specify the translation of the VTOL maneuver. |
AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSource | The source for the wind or atmosphere model. |
AgEAvtrWindModelType | The wind model type. |