STK AviatorSend comments on this topic.
Project Overview


Object Model components specifically designed to support STK Aviator.


AgAvtrADDSMessageClass defining a message from the NOAA ADDS service.
AgAvtrADDSMessageCollectionClass defining a collection of messages from the NOAA ADDS service.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingElectricPowerplantClass defining an Electric powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingEmpiricalJetEngineClass defining the Turbojet and Turbofan empirical models in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalAeroClass defining the External Aero File aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalPropClass defining an External Prop File powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingFourPointAeroClass defining the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryBasicClass defining a basic geometry wing in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryVariableClass defining a variable geometry wing in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingPistonPowerplantClass defining a Piston powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingRamjetBasicClass defining the basic Ramjet model.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingScramjetBasicClass defining the basic Scramjet model.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubsonicAeroClass defining the subsonic aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicAeroClass defining the Sub/Super/Hypersonic aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicPropClass defining a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingSupersonicAeroClass defining the supersonic aerodynamic strategy in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingToolClass defining the options for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool of an aircraft.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABPowerplantThis class is deprecated. Use AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABProp instead.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABPropClass defining the Turbofan - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic model) powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABPowerplantThis class is deprecated. Use AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABProp instead.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABPropClass defining the Turbojet - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic model) powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbopropPowerplantClass defining the Turboprop powerplant in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgAvtrAeroPropManeuverModeHelperClass defining the The calculation mode for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper. Helper for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftClass defining an aircraft in Aviator.
AgAvtrAircraftAccelerationClass defining the aircraft acceleration category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAccelerationModeClass defining the acceleration mode options for an advanced acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAdvAccelerationModelClass defining the advanced acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAdvClimbModelClass defining the advanced climb performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAdvCruiseModelClass defining the advanced cruise performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAdvDescentModelClass defining the advanced descent performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAdvLandingModelClass defining the advanced landing performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAdvTakeoffModelClass defining the advanced takeoff performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftAeroClass defining the aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModelClass defining the basic acceleration performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicClimbModelClass defining the basic climb performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicCruiseModelClass defining the basic cruise performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicDescentModelClass defining the basic descent performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingAeroClass defining the basic fixed wing aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingPropClass defining the basic fixed wing propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicLandingModelClass defining the basic landing performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftBasicTakeoffModelClass defining the basic takeoff performance model for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftCategoryClass defining the aircraft category in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrAircraftClimbClass defining the aircraft climb category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftCruiseClass defining the aircraft cruise category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftDescentClass defining the aircraft descent category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftExternalAeroClass defining the external file aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftExternalPropClass defining the external propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftLandingClass defining the aircraft landing category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftModelsClass defining the User Aircraft Models in the Aviator Catalog.
AgAvtrAircraftPropClass defining the propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftSimpleAeroClass defining the simple aerodynamic options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftSimplePropClass defining the basic fixed wing propulsion options for a basic acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftTakeoffClass defining the aircraft takeoff category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollowClass defining the TerrainFollow category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollowModelClass defining the TerrainFollow performance model of an aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftVTOLClass defining the VTOL category of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrAircraftVTOLModelClass defining the VTOL performance model of an aircraft.
AgAvtrAirportCategoryClass defining the airport category in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrAltitudeMSLAndLevelOffOptionsClass defining the altitude MSL and Level off options in a procedure.
AgAvtrAltitudeMSLOptionsClass defining the altitude MSL options in a procedure.
AgAvtrAltitudeOptionsClass defining the altitude options in a procedure.
AgAvtrArcAltitudeAndDelayOptionsClass defining the altitude and delay options for an arc procedure.
AgAvtrArcAltitudeOptionsClass defining the altitude options for an arc procedure.
AgAvtrArcOptionsClass defining the arc options for a procedure.
AgAvtrArcVerticalPlaneOptionsClass defining the vertical plane options in a procedure.
AgAvtrARINC424AirportClass defining an ARINC424 Airport.
AgAvtrARINC424HelipadClass defining an ARINC424 Helipad.
AgAvtrARINC424NavaidClass defining an ARINC424 Navaid.
AgAvtrARINC424RunwayClass defining an ARINC424 Runway.
AgAvtrARINC424SourceClass defining an ARINC424 source in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrARINC424WaypointClass defining an ARINC424 Waypoint.
AgAvtrAtmosphereModelClass defining the atmosphere model for a mission, scenario, or procedure.
AgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasicClass defining the basic atmosphere model.
AgAvtrAttitudeTransitionsClass defining the attitude transition options for an acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrBasicFixedWingFwdFlightLiftHelperClass defining the Lift Coefficient Helper for Forward Flight in the Basic Fixed Wing Aerodynamics interface for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedOptionsClass defining the airspeed options for basic maneuver strategies.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAileronRollClass defining the aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotNavClass defining the autopilot - horizontal plane strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProfClass defining the autopiloc - vertical plane strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBallistic3DClass defining Ballistic 3D strategy for a Basic Maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBarrelRollClass defining the barrel roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBezierClass defining the Bezier strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyCruiseProfileClass defining the Cruise profile strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyFlyAOAClass defining the fly AOA strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyGlideProfileClass defining the Glide profile strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyInterceptClass defining the Intercept strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLoopClass defining the loop strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLTAHoverClass defining the lighter than air hover strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPitch3DClass defining Pitch 3D strategy for a Basic Maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPullClass defining the pull strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPushPullClass defining the Push/Pull strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeBearingClass defining the Relative Bearing strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeCourseClass defining the Relative Course strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeFPAClass defining the Relative Flight Path Angle strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelSpeedAltClass defining the Relative Speed/Altitude strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRendezvousClass defining the Rendezvous/Formation strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRollingPullClass defining the rolling pull strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySimpleTurnClass defining the simple turn strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothAccelClass defining the smooth accel strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothTurnClass defining the smooth turn strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStationkeepingClass defining the Stationkeeping strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAheadClass defining the Straight Ahead strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyWeaveClass defining Weave strategy for a Basic Maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelClass defining the target position and velocity strategies for basic maneuvers.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisyBrgRngClass defining the position and velocity strategy, Noisy Bearing Range.
AgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisySurfTgtClass defining the position and velocity strategy, Noisy Surface Target.
AgAvtrCalculationOptionsClass defining the calculation options for a procedure or phase.
AgAvtrCatalogClass defining the Aviator Catalog.
AgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitionsClass defining the climb and descent transition options for an Acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrConfigurationClass defining the aircraft configuration for an Aviator mission.
AgAvtrCruiseAirspeedAndProfileOptionsClass defining the cruise airspeed and profile options in a procedure.
AgAvtrCruiseAirspeedOptionsClass defining the cruise airspeed options in a procedure.
AgAvtrCruiseAirspeedProfileClass defining the cruise profile options in a procedure.
AgAvtrDAFIFHelipadClass defining an DAFIF Helipad.
AgAvtrDAFIFRunwayClass defining an DAFIF Runway.
AgAvtrDAFIFSourceClass defining an DAFIF source in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrDAFIFWaypointClass defining an DAFIF Waypoint.
AgAvtrEnrouteAndDelayOptionsClass defining the enroute and delay options in a procedure.
AgAvtrEnrouteOptionsClass defining the enroute options in a procedure.
AgAvtrEnrouteTurnDirectionOptionsClass defining the enroute turn direction options in a procedure.
AgAvtrFourPointAeroClass defining the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy.
AgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneAFPROPClass defining the Kerosense - AFPROP fuel type for a thermodynamic jet engine model.
AgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneCEAClass defining the Kerosense - CEA fuel type for a thermodynamic jet engine model.
AgAvtrFuelTankExternalClass defining an external fuel tank for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrFuelTankInternalClass defining an internal fuel tank for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrHoverAltitudeOptionsClass defining the altitude options for a VTOL procedure.
AgAvtrLandingCruiseAirspeedAndProfileOptionsClass defining the cruise airspeed and profile options for a landing procedure.
AgAvtrLandingEnrouteOptionsClass defining the enroute options in a landing procedure.
AgAvtrLandingEnterDownwindPatternClass defining the enter downwind pattern options for a landing procedure.
AgAvtrLandingInterceptGlideslopeClass defining the intercept glideslope options for a landing procedure.
AgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproachClass defining the standard instrument approach options for a landing procedure.
AgAvtrLandingVerticalPlaneOptionsClass defining the vertical plane options in a landing procedure.
AgAvtrLevelTurnsClass defining the level turns options for an acceleration performance model of an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrMissileClass defining a missile in Aviator.
AgAvtrMissileAdvancedAeroClass defining the advanced aerodynamic options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileAeroClass defining the aerodynamic options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileExternalAeroClass defining the external aerodynamic options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileExternalPropClass defining the External propulsion options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileFourPointAeroClass defining the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the Missile.
AgAvtrMissileModelsClass defining the User Missile Models in the Aviator Catalog.
AgAvtrMissilePropClass defining the propulsion options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileRamjetPropClass defining the Ramjet propulsion options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileRocketPropClass defining the Rocket propulsion options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileSimpleAeroClass defining the simple aerodynamic options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileSimplePropClass defining the Simple propulsion options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissileTurbojetPropClass defining the Turbojet propulsion options for a missile.
AgAvtrMissionClass defining the Aviator mission.
AgAvtrNavaidCategoryClass defining the navaid category in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrNavigationOptionsClass defining the navigation options in a procedure.
AgAvtrPayloadStationClass defining a payload station for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrPerformanceModelClass defining an unknown performance model.
AgAvtrPerformanceModelOptionsClass defining the options for the active performance model in a phase.
AgAvtrPhaseClass defining a phase in an Aviator mission.
AgAvtrPhaseCollectionClass defining the collection of phases.
AgAvtrProcedureClass defining an unknown procedure type.
AgAvtrProcedureAirwayClass defining an Airway procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureAirwayRouterClass defining an Airway Router procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureArcEnrouteClass defining a arc enroute procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureArcPointToPointClass defining a arc point to point procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureAreaTargetSearchClass defining an Area Target Search procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuverClass defining a Basic Maneuver procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureBasicPointToPointClass defining a basic point to point procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureCollectionClass defining the collection of procedures in the phase of an Aviator mission.
AgAvtrProcedureDelayClass defining a delay procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureEnrouteClass defining an enroute procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureExtEphemClass defining an ExtEphem procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureFastTimeOptionsClass defining fast operations (without error or constraint checks) for time options for the current procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureFlightLineClass defining a flight line procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureFormationFlyerClass defining an formationflyer procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureFormationRecoverClass defining a Formation/Recover procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureHoldingCircularClass defining a holding circular procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureHoldingFigure8Class defining a holding figure 8 procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureHoldingRacetrackClass defining a holding racetrack procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureHoverClass defining a hover procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureHoverTranslateClass defining a hover translate procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureInFormationClass defining an In Formation procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureLandingClass defining a landing procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureLaunchClass defining a launch procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureLaunchDynStateClass defining a Launch Dyn State procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureLaunchWaypointClass defining a Launch Waypoint procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureParallelFlightLineClass defining a Parallel Flight Line procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureReferenceStateClass defining a reference state procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureSuperProcedureClass defining a super procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureTakeoffClass defining a takeoff procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureTerrainFollowClass defining a terrain following procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureTimeOptionsClass defining the time options for the current procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureTransitionToForwardFlightClass defining a transition to forward flight procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureTransitionToHoverClass defining a transition to hover procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureVerticalLandingClass defining a vertical landing procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureVerticalTakeoffClass defining a vertical takeoff procedure.
AgAvtrProcedureVGTPointClass defining a VGT Point procedure.
AgAvtrPropagatorClass defining the Aviator propagator.
AgAvtrPropulsionEfficienciesClass defining the Propulsion Efficiencies and Losses of a jet engine powerplant in the advanced fixed wing tool.
AgAvtrPropulsionThrustClass defining the the thrust propulsion used in basic maneuver procedures.
AgAvtrRefStateForwardFlightOptionsClass defining the Forward Flight options for a Reference State procedure.
AgAvtrRefStateHoverOptionsClass defining the Hover options for a Reference State procedure.
AgAvtrRefStateTakeoffLandingOptionsClass defining the Takeoff or Landing options for a Reference State procedure.
AgAvtrRefStateWeightOnWheelsOptionsClass defining the Weight on Wheels options for a Reference State procedure.
AgAvtrRefuelDumpPropertiesClass defining the refuel/dump properties for the current procedure.
AgAvtrRotorcraftClass defining a rotorcraft in Aviator.
AgAvtrRotorcraftAeroClass defining the aerodynamic options for a rotorcraft.
AgAvtrRotorcraftModelsClass defining the User Rotorcraft Models in the Aviator Catalog.
AgAvtrRotorcraftPropClass defining the propulsion options for a rotorcraft.
AgAvtrRunwayCategoryClass defining the runway category in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptionsClass defining the runway heading options in a takeoff or landing procedure.
AgAvtrSiteClass defining an unknown site type.
AgAvtrSiteAirportFromCatalogClass defining a airport from catalog site.
AgAvtrSiteDynStateClass defining a Dyn State site.
AgAvtrSiteEndOfPrevProcedureClass defining an End of Previous Procedure site.
AgAvtrSiteNavaidFromCatalogClass defining a navaid from catalog site.
AgAvtrSiteReferenceStateClass defining a Reference State site.
AgAvtrSiteRelToPrevProcedureClass defining a Relative to Previous Procedure site.
AgAvtrSiteRelToSTKObjectClass defining a Relative to Stationary STK Object site.
AgAvtrSiteRunwayClass defining a runway site.
AgAvtrSiteRunwayFromCatalogClass defining a runway from catalog site.
AgAvtrSiteSTKAreaTargetClass defining a STK Area Target site.
AgAvtrSiteSTKObjectWaypointClass defining a STK Object Waypoint site.
AgAvtrSiteSTKStaticObjectClass defining a STK Static Object site.
AgAvtrSiteSTKVehicleClass defining a STK Vehicle site.
AgAvtrSiteSuperProcedureClass defining a Super Procedure site.
AgAvtrSiteVTOLPointClass defining a VTOL Point site.
AgAvtrSiteVTOLPointFromCatalogClass defining a VTOL point from catalog site.
AgAvtrSiteWaypointClass defining a waypoint site.
AgAvtrSiteWaypointFromCatalogClass defining a waypoint from catalog site.
AgAvtrStationCollectionClass defining a collection of payload stations for an Aviator aircraft.
AgAvtrTakeoffDeparturePointClass defining the departure point options for a takeoff procedure.
AgAvtrTakeoffLowTransitionClass defining the low transition options for a takeoff procedure.
AgAvtrTakeoffNormalClass defining the normal options for a takeoff procedure.
AgAvtrUserRunwayClass defining the user runway in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrUserRunwaySourceClass defining the user runways in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrUserVTOLPointClass defining the user VTOL Point in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrUserVTOLPointSourceClass defining the user VTOL Point source in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrUserWaypointClass defining the user waypoint in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrUserWaypointSourceClass defining the user waypoint source in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrVerticalPlaneAndFlightPathOptionsClass defining the vertical plane options for an arc procedure.
AgAvtrVerticalPlaneOptionsClass defining the vertical plane options in a procedure.
AgAvtrVTOLPointCategoryClass defining the VTOL point category in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrWaypointCategoryClass defining the waypoint category in the Aviator catalog.
AgAvtrWindModelClass defining the wind model for a mission, scenario, or procedure.
AgAvtrWindModelADDSClass defining a wind model using the NOAA ADDS service for a mission.
AgAvtrWindModelConstantClass defining a constant bearing/speed wind model for a mission.


IAgAvtrADDSMessageInterface used to access a message from the NOAA ADDS forecast.
IAgAvtrADDSMessageCollectionInterface used to access the collection of messages from the NOAA ADDS forecast.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingElectricPowerplantInterface used to access the options for the Electric powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingEmpiricalJetEngineInterface used to access the options for the Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalAeroInterface used to access the options for an external file aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingExternalPropInterface used to access the options for the External Prop File powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingFourPointAeroInterface used to access the options for the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryInterface used to access the options for the wing geometry in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryBasicInterface used to access the options for a basic geometry wing in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryVariableInterface used to access the options for a variable geometry wing in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingPistonPowerplantInterface used to access the options for the Piston powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantInterface for a powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingRamjetBasicInterface used to access the options for a basic Ramjet mode.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingScramjetBasicInterface used to access the options for a basic Scramjet mode.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubsonicAeroInterface used to access the options for the subsonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicAeroInterface used to access the options for the Sub/Super/Hypersonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSubSuperHypersonicPropInterface used to access the options for the Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingSupersonicAeroInterface used to access the options for the supersonic aerodynamic strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingToolInterface used to access the options for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABPowerplantThis interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABProp instead.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbofanBasicABPropInterface used to access the options for the Turbofan - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic) powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABPowerplantThis interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABProp instead.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbojetBasicABPropInterface used to access the options for the Turbojet - Basic w/AB (Thermodynamic) powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAdvFixedWingTurbopropPowerplantInterface used to access the options for the Turboprop powerplant strategy in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrAeroPropManeuverModeHelperInterface used to access the The calculation mode for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper. Helper found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftInterface used to access the aircraft options in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAccelerationInterface used to access the acceleration options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAccelerationModeInterface used to set the Acceleration Mode for the Advanced Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvAccelerationModelInterface used to access the Advanced Acceleration Model options of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvClimbModelInterface used to access the advanced climb model options for a climb model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvCruiseModelInterface used to access the advanced cruise model options for a cruise model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvDescentModelInterface used to access the advanced descent model options for a descent model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvLandingModelInterface used to access the advanced landing model options for a landing model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAdvTakeoffModelInterface used to access the advanced takeoff model options for a takeoff model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftAeroInterface used to access the Aerodynamics options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicAccelerationModelInterface used to access the basic acceleration model options for an acceleration model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicClimbModelInterface used to access the basic climb model options for a climb model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicCruiseModelInterface used to access the basic cruise model options for a cruise model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicDescentModelInterface used to access the basic descent model options for a descent model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingAeroInterface used to access Basic Fixed Wing Aerodynamics interface for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicFixedWingPropInterface used to access the Basic Fixed Wing Propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicLandingModelInterface used to access the basic landing model options for a landing model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftBasicTakeoffModelInterface used to access the basic takeoff model options for a takeoff model of an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftCategoryInterface used to access the Aircraft Category in the Aviator Catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftClimbInterface used to access the climb options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftCruiseInterface used to access the cruise options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftDescentInterface used to access the descent options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftExternalAeroInterface used to access the External File Aerodynamics options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftExternalPropInterface used to access the External File Propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftLandingInterface used to access the landing options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftModelsInterface for the User Aircraft Models in the Aviator Catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftPropInterface used to access the propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftSimpleAeroInterface used to access the Simple Aerodynamics options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftSimplePropInterface used to access the Simple Propulsion options for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftTakeoffInterface used to access the takeoff options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollowInterface used to access the TerrainFollow options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftTerrainFollowModelInterface used to access the options for a TerrainFollow performance model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAircraftVTOLInterface used to access the VTOL options for an aircraft in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAircraftVTOLModelInterface used to access the options for a VTOL performance model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrAirportCategoryInterface used to access the airports in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAltitudeMSLAndLevelOffOptionsInterface used to access the altitude MSL and Level off options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrAltitudeMSLOptionsInterface used to access the altitude MSL options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrAltitudeOptionsInterface used to access the altitude options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrArcAltitudeAndDelayOptionsInterface used to access the altitude options for an Arc procedure.
IAgAvtrArcAltitudeOptionsInterface used to access the altitude options for an Arc procedure.
IAgAvtrArcOptionsInterface used to access the arc options for a procedure.
IAgAvtrArcVerticalPlaneOptionsInterface used to access the Vertical Plane options for an arc procedure.
IAgAvtrARINC424AirportThis interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrARINC424Item instead.
IAgAvtrARINC424ItemInterface used to access the options for an ARINC424 Item found in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrARINC424RunwayThis interface is deprecated. Use IAgAvtrARINC424Item instead.
IAgAvtrARINC424SourceInterface used to access the options for any ARINC424 source in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelInterface used to access the atmosphere model for a mission, scenario, or procedure.
IAgAvtrAtmosphereModelBasicInterface used to access the basic atmosphere model.
IAgAvtrAttitudeTransitionsInterface used to access the Attitude Transitions options found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrBasicFixedWingLiftHelperInterface used to access Lift Coefficient Helper in the Basic Fixed Wing Aerodynamics interface for the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedOptionsInterface used to access airspeed options for basic maneuver strategies.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyInterface used to access options for a Basic Maneuver Strategy.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAileronRollInterface used to access options for a Aileron Roll Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotNavInterface used to access options for the Autopilot - Horizontal Plane Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAutopilotProfInterface used to access options for the Autopilot - Vertical Plane Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBallistic3DInterface used to access options for a balistic 3D strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBarrelRollInterface used to access options for a Barrel Roll Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBezierInterface used to access options for a Bezier Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyCruiseProfileInterface used to access options for a Cruise Profile Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyFlyAOAInterface used to access options for a Fly AOA Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyGlideProfileInterface used to access options for a Glide Profile Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyInterceptInterface used to access options for an Intercept Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLoopInterface used to access options for a Loop Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyLTAHoverInterface used to access options for a Lighter than Air Hover Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPitch3DInterface used to access options for a pitch 3D strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPullInterface used to access options for a Pull Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPushPullInterface used to access options for a Push/Pull Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeBearingInterface used to access options for a Relative Bearing Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeCourseInterface used to access options for a Relative Course Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelativeFPAInterface used to access options for the Relative Flight Path Angle Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRelSpeedAltInterface used to access options for a Relative Speed/Altitude Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRendezvousInterface used to access options for a Rendezvous Formation Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyRollingPullInterface used to access options for a Rolling Pull Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySimpleTurnInterface used to access options for a Simple Turn Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothAccelInterface used to access options for a Smooth Accel Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategySmoothTurnInterface used to access options for a Smooth Turn Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStationkeepingInterface used to access options for a Stationkeeping Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyStraightAheadInterface used to access options for a Straight Ahead Strategy of a Basic Maneuver Procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyWeaveInterface used to access options for a weave strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelInterface used to access target position and velocity strategies for basic maneuvers.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisyBrgRngInterface used to access target position and velocity strategy, NoisyBrnRng.
IAgAvtrBasicManeuverTargetPosVelNoisySurfTgtInterface used to access target position and velocity strategy, Surf Tgt Pos Vel.
IAgAvtrCalculationOptionsInterface used to access the calculation options for a procedure or phase.
IAgAvtrCatalogInterface used to access the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrCatalogAirportInterface used to access a airport in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrCatalogItemInterface used to access the options for a Catalog Item in the Aviator Catalog. Use this interface to Create, Remove, Duplicate, or Rename items in the catalog.
IAgAvtrCatalogNavaidInterface used to access a navaid in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrCatalogRunwayInterface used to access a runway in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrCatalogSourceInterface used to access options for a source in the Aviator Catalog. Examples of sources include User Aircraft Models, ARINC424runways, User Runways, etc.
IAgAvtrCatalogVTOLPointInterface used to access a VTOL Point in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrCatalogWaypointInterface used to access a waypoint in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrClimbAndDescentTransitionsInterface used to access the Climb and Descent Transitions options found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrConfigurationInterface used to change an aircraft's configuration for an Aviator mission.
IAgAvtrConnectInterface used to send connect commands to Aviator objects.
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedAndProfileOptionsInterface used to access the cruise airspeed options that also include a profile field.
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedOptionsInterface used to access the Cruise Airspeed options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrCruiseAirspeedProfileInterface used to access the Cruise Profile options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrDAFIFItemInterface used to access the options for an DAFIF Item found in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrDAFIFSourceInterface used to access the options for any DAFIF source in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrEnrouteAndDelayOptionsInterface used to access the Enroute options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrEnrouteOptionsInterface used to access the Enroute options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrEnrouteTurnDirectionOptionsInterface used to access the Enroute Turn Direction options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrFourPointAeroInterface used to access the options for the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy.
IAgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneAFPROPInterface used to access the options for Kerosense - CEA fuel for a thermodynamic a jet engine model.
IAgAvtrFuelModelKeroseneCEAInterface used to access the options for Kerosense - CEA fuel for a thermodynamic a jet engine model.
IAgAvtrFuelTankExternalInterface used to set an aircraft's external fuel tank.
IAgAvtrFuelTankInternalInterface used to set an aircraft's internal fuel tank.
IAgAvtrHoverAltitudeOptionsInterface used to access the altitude options for VTOL procedure.
IAgAvtrLandingEnterDownwindPatternThe interface used to access the options for a Downwind Pattern approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Downwind Pattern to access this interface.
IAgAvtrLandingInterceptGlideslopeThe interface used to access the options for an Intercept Glideslope approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Intercept Glideslope to access this interface.
IAgAvtrLandingStandardInstrumentApproachThe interface used to access the options for a Standard Instrument Approach mode for a landing procedure. The approach mode must be set to Standard Instrument Approach to access this interface.
IAgAvtrLevelTurnsInterface used to access the Level Turns Transitions options found in the Basic Acceleration Model of an aircraft.
IAgAvtrMissileInterface used to access the missile options in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrMissileAdvancedAeroInterface used to access the Advanced aerodynamics options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileAeroInterface used to access the aerodynamics options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileExternalAeroInterface used to access the External aerodynamics options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileExternalPropInterface used to access the External Prop file options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileFourPointAeroInterface used to access the options for the FourPoint aerodynamic strategy in the missile.
IAgAvtrMissileModelsInterface for the User Missile Models in the Aviator Catalog.
IAgAvtrMissilePropInterface used to access the Propulsion options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileRamjetPropInterface used to access the Ramjet propulsion options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileRocketPropInterface used to access the Rocket propulsion options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileSimpleAeroInterface used to access the Simple aerodynamics options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileSimplePropInterface used to access the Simple propulsion options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissileTurbojetPropInterface used to access the Turbojet propulsion options for a missile.
IAgAvtrMissionInterface for the mission of an aircraft using the Aviator propagator.
IAgAvtrNavaidCategoryInterface used to access the navaids in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrNavigationOptionsInterface used to access the navigation options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrPayloadStationInterface used to set an aircraft's payload station.
IAgAvtrPerformanceModelInterface for a performance model of an Aviator vehicle.
IAgAvtrPerformanceModelOptionsInterface used to change the active performance model in a phase for a given model type.
IAgAvtrPhaseInterface used to access the phase options for a mission.
IAgAvtrPhaseCollectionInterface used to access the collection of phases for a mission.
IAgAvtrProcedureInterface used to access the options for a procedure. Use this interface to get the Site and Get the time options for the current procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureAirwayInterface used to access the options for an Airway procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureAirwayRouterInterface used to access the options for an Airway Router procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureArcEnrouteInterface used to access the options for an arc enroute procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureArcPointToPointInterface used to access the options for an arc point to point procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureAreaTargetSearchInterface used to access the options for an Area Target Search procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureBasicManeuverInterface used to access the options for a Basic Maneuver procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureBasicPointToPointInterface used to access the options for a basic point to point procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureCollectionInterface used to access the collection of procedures for a given phase in a mission. Use this interface to Get, Add, or Remove a procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureDelayInterface used to access the options for a delay procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureEnrouteInterface used to access the options for an enroute procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureExtEphemInterface used to access the options for an ExtEphem procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureFastTimeOptionsInterface used to access the fast time options (without error or constraint checks) for the current procedure. Use this interface to set an Interrupt Time or Fixed Duration for a procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureFlightLineInterface used to access the options for a flight line procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureFormationFlyerInterface used to access the options for an enroute procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureFormationRecoverInterface used to access the options for a Formation Recover procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureHoldingCircularInterface used to access the options for a holding circular procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureHoldingFigure8Interface used to access the options for a holding figure 8 procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureHoldingRacetrackInterface used to access the options for a holding racetrack procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureHoverInterface used to access the options for a hover procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureHoverTranslateInterface used to access the options for a hover translate procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureInFormationInterface used to access the options for an In Formation procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureLandingInterface used to access the options for a landing procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureLaunchInterface used to access the options for a launch procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureLaunchDynStateInterface used to access the options for a dyn state launch procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureLaunchWaypointInterface used to access the options for a waypoint launch procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureParallelFlightLineInterface used to access the options for a Parallel Flight Line procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureReferenceStateInterface used to access the options for a reference state procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureSuperProcedureInterface used to access the options for a super procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureTakeoffInterface used to access the options for a takeoff procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureTerrainFollowInterface used to access the options for a terrain following procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureTimeOptionsInterface used to access the time options for the current procedure. Use this interface to set an Interrupt Time or Fixed Duration for a procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureTransitionToForwardFlightInterface used to access the options for a transition to forward flight procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureTransitionToHoverInterface used to access the options for a transition to hover procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureVerticalLandingInterface used to access the options for a vertical landing procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureVerticalTakeoffInterface used to access the options for a vertical takeoff procedure.
IAgAvtrProcedureVGTPointInterface used to access the options for a VGT Point procedure.
IAgAvtrPropagatorInterface used to access the Aviator interface for an aircraft. Use this interface to get the mission or Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrPropulsionEfficienciesInterface used to access the options for the Efficiencies and Losses of a jet engine powerplant in the advanced fixed wing tool.
IAgAvtrPropulsionThrustInterface used to access propulsion thrust for basic maneuver strategies.
IAgAvtrRefStateForwardFlightOptionsInterface used to access the forward flight options for a reference state procedure.
IAgAvtrRefStateHoverOptionsInterface used to access the hover options for a reference state procedure.
IAgAvtrRefStateTakeoffLandingOptionsInterface used to access the takeoff or landing options for a reference state procedure.
IAgAvtrRefStateWeightOnWheelsOptionsInterface used to access the weight on wheels options for a reference state procedure.
IAgAvtrRefuelDumpPropertiesInterface used to access the refuel/dump properties for the current procedure.
IAgAvtrRotorcraftInterface used to access the rotorcraft options in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrRotorcraftAeroInterface used to access the aerodynamics options for a rotorcraft.
IAgAvtrRotorcraftModelsInterface for the User Rotorcraft Models in the Aviator Catalog.
IAgAvtrRotorcraftPropInterface used to access the Propulsion options for a rotorcraft.
IAgAvtrRunwayCategoryInterface used to access runways in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrRunwayHeadingOptionsInterface for the Runway Heading Options found in a Takeoff or Landing procedure.
IAgAvtrSiteInterface to access Site options.
IAgAvtrSiteAirportFromCatalogInterface used to access the options for a airport From Catalog site type.
IAgAvtrSiteDynStateInterface used to access the options for a dyn state site type.
IAgAvtrSiteEndOfPrevProcedureInterface used to access the options for an End of Previous Procedure site type.
IAgAvtrSiteNavaidFromCatalogInterface used to access the options for a navaid From Catalog site type.
IAgAvtrSiteReferenceStateInterface used to access the options for a Reference State site.
IAgAvtrSiteRelToPrevProcedureInterface used to access the options for a Relative to Previous Procedure site.
IAgAvtrSiteRelToSTKObjectInterface used to access the options for a Relative to Stationary STK Object site.
IAgAvtrSiteRunwayInterface used to access the options for a Runway site type.
IAgAvtrSiteRunwayFromCatalogInterface used to access the options for a Runway From Catalog site type.
IAgAvtrSiteSTKAreaTargetInterface used to access the options for a STK Area Target site.
IAgAvtrSiteSTKObjectWaypointInterface used to access the options for a STK Object Waypoint site.
IAgAvtrSiteSTKStaticObjectInterface used to access the options for a STK Static Object site.
IAgAvtrSiteSTKVehicleInterface used to access the options for a STK Vehicle site.
IAgAvtrSiteSuperProcedureInterface used to access the options for a Super Procedure site.
IAgAvtrSiteUnknownInterface of an unknown site.
IAgAvtrSiteVTOLPointInterface used to access the options for a VTOL Point site.
IAgAvtrSiteVTOLPointFromCatalogInterface used to access the options for a VTOL Point From Catalog site type.
IAgAvtrSiteWaypointInterface used to access the options for a waypoint site.
IAgAvtrSiteWaypointFromCatalogInterface used to access the options for a waypoint From Catalog site type.
IAgAvtrStationInterface used to access a station for an Aviator aircraft.
IAgAvtrStationCollectionInterface used to access the list of stations for an Aviator aircraft.
IAgAvtrTakeoffDeparturePointThe interface used to access the options for a Departure Point takeoff mode. The mode must be set to Departure Point to access this interface.
IAgAvtrTakeoffLowTransitionThe interface used to access the options for a Low Transition takeoff mode. The mode must be set to Low Transition to access this interface.
IAgAvtrTakeoffNormalThe interface used to access the options for a Normal takeoff mode. The mode must be set to Normal to access this interface.
IAgAvtrUserRunwayInterface used to access a user runway in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrUserRunwaySourceInterface used to access the user runways in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrUserVTOLPointInterface used to access a user VTOL Point in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrUserVTOLPointSourceInterface used to access the user VTOL Points in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrUserWaypointInterface used to access a user waypoint in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrUserWaypointSourceInterface used to access the user waypoints in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrVehicleInterface for a vehicle in Aviator.
IAgAvtrVerticalPlaneAndFlightPathOptionsInterface used to access the Vertical Plane and Final Flight Path Angle options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrVerticalPlaneOptionsInterface used to access the Vertical Plane options for an Aviator procedure.
IAgAvtrVTOLPointCategoryInterface used to access the VTOL Points in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrWaypointCategoryInterface used to access the waypoints in the Aviator catalog.
IAgAvtrWindModelInterface used to access the wind model for a mission, scenario, or procedure.
IAgAvtrWindModelADDSInterface used to access the options for a NOAA ADDS wind model.
IAgAvtrWindModelConstantInterface used to access the options for a Constant Bearing/Speed wind model.


AgEAvtrAccelerationAdvAccelModeAcceleration mode for aircraft advanced acceleration models.
AgEAvtrAccelManeuverAeroPropModeThe mode used for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper for aircraft basic acceleration models.
AgEAvtrAccelManeuverModeThe mode that the aircraft will adhere to the specified acceleration parameters.
AgEAvtrAccelModeThe acceleration/decelation option for a push/pull profile strategy.
AgEAvtrAccelPerfModelOverrideThe acceleration performance model override mode.
AgEAvtrADDSForecastTypeThe forecast type for the NOAA ADDS message.
AgEAvtrADDSMissingMsgTypeThe wind effect to apply if there is an interval gap between messages.
AgEAvtrADDSMsgExtrapTypeThe wind effect to apply if the procedure(s) extend beyond the intervals of any available messages.
AgEAvtrADDSMsgInterpTypeThe interpolation method for the wind conditions.
AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingAeroStrategyThe aerodynamic strategy for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingGeometryThe method to define the wing geometry of an aircraft in the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgEAvtrAdvFixedWingPowerplantStrategyThe powerplant strategy for the Advanced Fixed Wing Tool.
AgEAvtrAeroPropFlightModeFlight mode for the Aero/Prop maneuver mode helper in aircraft acceleration models.
AgEAvtrAeroPropSimpleModeAircraft operating mode for basic acceleration models with aerodynamics set to Simple.
AgEAvtrAFPROPFuelTypeThe AFPROP fuel type.
AgEAvtrAGLMSLThe altitude mode.
AgEAvtrAileronRollFlightPathThe flight path option for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrAileronRollModeThe roll mode aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrAircraftAeroStrategyThe aerodynamic strategy used to compute lift, drag, angle of attack, sideslip and intermediate / derived values.
AgEAvtrAircraftPropStrategyThe propulsion strategy used to compute thrust and throttle setting.
AgEAvtrAirspeedTypeAirspeed types.
AgEAvtrAltitudeConstraintManeuverModeTurn mode for procedures that may require a level off maneuver.
AgEAvtrAltitudeRefThe altitude reference.
AgEAvtrAndOrThe option to specify AND or OR.
AgEAvtrAngleModeThe angle mode for a barrel roll strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrApproachModeLanding procedure approach mode.
AgEAvtrAtmosphereModelThe basic atmosphere model type.
AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeControlModeThe altitude control mode for the autopilot - vertical plane strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrAutopilotAltitudeModeThe altitude mode for the autopilot - vertical plane strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrAutopilotHorizPlaneModeThe autopilot mode for an autopilot - horizontal plane strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrBallistic3DControlModeThe control mode used to define the ballistic 3D strategy of the basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrBasicFixedWingPropModeThe option to specify the thrust (jet engines) or power (propellers).
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAirspeedModeThe basic maneuver airspeed mode.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverAltitudeLimitThe type of response Aviator will have if the maneuver attempts to exceed the altitude limit.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverFuelFlowTypeFuel flow type for basic maneuver procedures.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverGlideSpeedControlModeThe modes used to define basic maneuver glide speed control modes.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverRefFrameReference frame for the basic maneuver strategy.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyBasic maneuver strategy types.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyAirspeedPerfLimitsThe type of response Aviator will have if the basic maneuver attempts to exceed the airspeed limit.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyNavControlLimitDefine the control limits for the aircraft during the maneuver.
AgEAvtrBasicManeuverStrategyPoweredCruiseModePowered Cruise Options.
AgEAvtrCEAFuelTypeThe CEA fuel type.
AgEAvtrClimbSpeedTypeThe mode to calculate the aircraft's airspeed while climbing for an advanced climb performance model.
AgEAvtrClosureModeThe closure mode for guidance strategies of the basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrCruiseMaxPerfSpeedTypeThe method for defining the maximum performance airspeed of the aircraft for an advanced cruise model.
AgEAvtrCruiseSpeedCruise airspeed type for the procedure.
AgEAvtrDelayAltModeThe altitude options for a delay procedure.
AgEAvtrDelayTurnDirTurn mode for procedures with Delay options.
AgEAvtrDepartureSpeedModeThe method for calculating the aircraft's airspeed upon leaving the ground.
AgEAvtrDescentSpeedTypeThe method for calculating the aircraft's airspeed while descending.
AgEAvtrEphemShiftRotateAltModeEphem alt mode.
AgEAvtrEphemShiftRotateCourseModeEphem course mode.
AgEAvtrExtEphemFlightModeFlight mode enums for ExtEphem.
AgEAvtrFlightLineProcTypeThe procedure methodology used to calculate the flight line.
AgEAvtrFlyAOALeftRightThe roll direction for a Fly AOA strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrFlyToFlightPathAngleModeThe flight path angle mode mode for a bezier profile strategy.
AgEAvtrFormationFlyerStopConditionThe stop condition options for a Formation Flyer procedure.
AgEAvtrFuelFlowTypeThe fuel flow type to use for the procedure.
AgEAvtrHoldingDirectionThe turn direction for the aircraft to enter the holding pattern.
AgEAvtrHoldingEntryManeuverDefines how the aircraft will enter the holding pattern.
AgEAvtrHoldingProfileModeHow the aircraft will perform during the holding pattern with respect to airspeed and altitude.
AgEAvtrHoldRefuelDumpModeDefines when the aircraft will leave the holding pattern after it has completed refueling or dumping fuel.
AgEAvtrHoverAltitudeModeThe altitude mode for the lighter than air hover strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrHoverHeadingModeThe heading mode for the lighter than air hover strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrHoverModeThe hover mode.
AgEAvtrInterceptModeThe intercept mode for the intercept strategy of the basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrJetEngineExhaustNozzleTypeThe exhaust nozzle type of the jet engine.
AgEAvtrJetEngineIntakeTypeThe intake type of the jet engine.
AgEAvtrJetEngineTechnologyLevelThe technology level of the jet engine.
AgEAvtrJetEngineTurbineTypeThe turbine type of the jet engine.
AgEAvtrJetFuelTypeThe jet fuel type.
AgEAvtrJoinExitArcMethodThe options to join or exit an arc.
AgEAvtrLandingApproachFixRangeModeThe reference point on the runway for the Approach Fix Range.
AgEAvtrLaunchAttitudeModeThe attitude mode for the launch procedure.
AgEAvtrLaunchDynStateBearingRefThe vector used as a bearing reference for a LaunchDynState procedure.
AgEAvtrLaunchDynStateCoordFrameThe coordinate frame used for a LaunchDynState procedure.
AgEAvtrLineOrientationThe orientation for a parallel flight line procedure.
AgEAvtrMinimizeSiteProcTimeDiffOptions for minimizing the time difference between the procedure and site times.
AgEAvtrMissileAeroStrategyThe aerodynamic strategy used to compute lift, drag, angle of attack, sideslip and intermediate / derived values.
AgEAvtrMissilePropStrategyThe propulsion strategy used to compute thrust and throttle setting.
AgEAvtrNavigatorTurnDirTurn mode for procedures with Enroute Turn Direction options.
AgEAvtrNumericalIntegratorThe numerical integrator to be used for the procedure.
AgEAvtrPerfModelOverrideThe performance model override mode.
AgEAvtrPhaseOfFlightFlight mode for basic maneuver procedures.
AgEAvtrPitch3DControlModeThe control mode used to define the pitch 3D strategy of the basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrPointToPointModeThe heading or course of the aircraft at the beginning of the procedure.
AgEAvtrProcedureTypeAviator procedure types.
AgEAvtrProfileControlLimitDefine the control limits for a profile strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrPullModeThe pull mode for a pull strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrPushPullThe option to pull up or push over for a push/pull profile strategy.
AgEAvtrRamjetModeThe ramjet mode for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant.
AgEAvtrRefStateAttitudeModeThe mode to specify the attitude rate of change.
AgEAvtrRefStateLateralAccelModeThe mode to specify the lateral acceleration of the aircraft.
AgEAvtrRefStateLongitudinalAccelModeThe mode to specify the longitudinal acceleration of the aircraft.
AgEAvtrRefStatePerfModeThe type of motion the aircraft is engaged in at the reference state.
AgEAvtrRefuelDumpModeThe modes used to define procedure refuel/dump modes.
AgEAvtrRelAbsBearingThe options for a bearing that can be relative or absolute.
AgEAvtrRelativeAltitudeModeThe relative altitude mode for a relative speed/altitude strategy.
AgEAvtrRelSpeedAltStopConditionThe stop condition options for a relative speed/altitude strategy.
AgEAvtrRendezvousStopConditionThe stop condition options for a rendezvous formation strategy of the basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrRollingPullModeThe rolling pull mode for a rolling pull strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrRollLeftRightThe roll direction for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrRollUprightInvertedThe orientation for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrRotorcraftPowerplantTypeThe powerplant type for a rotorcraft.
AgEAvtrRunwayHighLowEndRunway heading that the aircraft will use.
AgEAvtrScramjetModeThe scramjet mode for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant.
AgEAvtrSearchPatternCourseModeThe mode to determine the course of the search pattern.
AgEAvtrSiteTypeAviator site types.
AgEAvtrSmoothAccelLeftRightThe roll direction for a smooth acceleration strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrSmoothAccelStopConditionsThe rolling pull mode for a rolling pull strategy of a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrSmoothTurnFPAModeThe flight path angle mode for the Smooth Turn strategy of the Basic Maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrSmoothTurnModeThe basic maneuver smooth turn mode.
AgEAvtrStationkeepingStopConditionThe stop condition options for a stationkeeping strategy.
AgEAvtrSTKObjectWaypointOffsetModeThe options to offset the site location relative to the STK Object.
AgEAvtrStraightAheadRefFrameStraight Ahead basic maneuver Reference Frame.
AgEAvtrTakeoffLandingSpeedModeThe method for calculating the aircraft's speed upon leaving the ground or at wheels down.
AgEAvtrTakeoffModeTakeoff procedure mode.
AgEAvtrTargetPosVelTypeThe target pos/vel type.
AgEAvtrTrajectoryBlendModeThe interpolation mode to determine the aircraft's position and velocity.
AgEAvtrTransitionToHoverModeThe type of hover to transition to.
AgEAvtrTurbineModeThe turbine mode for a Sub/Super/Hypersonic powerplant.
AgEAvtrTurnDirectionThe roll direction for an aileron roll strategy for a basic maneuver procedure.
AgEAvtrTurnModeThe mode to specify an aircraft's level turn performance for acceleration performance models.
AgEAvtrVertLandingModeThe heading mode for a vertical landing maneuver.
AgEAvtrVTOLFinalHeadingModeThe mode to specify the heading at the end of the maneuver.
AgEAvtrVTOLHeadingModeThe heading mode for the hover maneuver.
AgEAvtrVTOLRateModeThe rate mode for the VTOL procedure.
AgEAvtrVTOLTransitionModeThe mode to specify the course of the transition maneuver.
AgEAvtrVTOLTranslationFinalCourseModeThe mode to specify the final course of the VTOL maneuver.
AgEAvtrVTOLTranslationModeThe mode to specify the translation of the VTOL maneuver.
AgEAvtrWindAtmosModelSourceThe source for the wind or atmosphere model.
AgEAvtrWindModelTypeThe wind model type.
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