STK Vector Geometry ToolSend comments on this topic.
Project Overview


The Vector Geometry (VGT) API enables users define new or utilize existing geometric constructs such as coordinate systems, vectors, points, angles, axes and planes. The geometric elements can be used to transform between coordinate systems, compute first and second derivatives, or perform other types of analysis.


AgCrdnAngleBase class for VGT axes.
AgCrdnAngleBetweenPlanesAn angle between two planes.
AgCrdnAngleBetweenVectorsAn angle between two vectors.
AgCrdnAngleDihedralAn angle between two vectors about an axis.
AgCrdnAngleRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT angle.
AgCrdnAngleRotationAngle of the shortest rotation between the specified FromAxes and ToAxes axes.
AgCrdnAngleToPlaneAn angle between a vector and a plane.
AgCrdnAxesA generic axes class.
AgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrainedAxes aligned using two pairs of vectors. One vector in each pair is fixed in these axes and the other vector serves as an independent reference.
AgCrdnAxesAngularOffsetAxes created by rotating the Reference axes about the Spin vector through the specified rotation angle plus the additional rotational offset.
AgCrdnAxesAtTimeInstantAxes orientation fixed relative to reference axes based on orientation of another set of axes evaluated at specified time instant.
AgCrdnAxesAttitudeFileAxes specified by data from a file.
AgCrdnAxesBPlaneB-Plane axes using the selected target body and reference vector.
AgCrdnAxesCustomScriptCustomized axes offset with respect to a set of reference Axes.
AgCrdnAxesFixedAxes fixed in reference axes.
AgCrdnAxesFixedAtEpochAxes based on another set fixed at a specified epoch.
AgCrdnAxesLagrangeLibrationLibration point axes using one primary and multiple secondary central bodies. Set primary and secondary bodies, and point type.
AgCrdnAxesModelAttachAxes aligned with the specified pointable element of the object's 3D model. The axes follow the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified pointable element.
AgCrdnAxesOnSurfaceTopocentric axes located at the reference point's projection on the central body.
AgCrdnAxesPluginA VGT axes plugin.
AgCrdnAxesRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT axes.
AgCrdnAxesSpinningAxes created by spinning the Reference axes about the Spin vector with the specified rate. The axes are aligned with the Reference axes at the specified epoch plus the additional rotational offset.
AgCrdnAxesTrajectoryAxes based on trajectory of the point relative to the reference coordinate system.
AgCrdnCalcScalarAny scalar calculation that is not constant by construction.
AgCrdnCalcScalarAngleScalar equal to angular displacement obtained from any angle in VGT.
AgCrdnCalcScalarAverageIntegral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
AgCrdnCalcScalarConstantConstant scalar value of specified dimension.
AgCrdnCalcScalarCustomA calc scalar based on a scripted algorithm in MATLAB (.m or .dll), Perl or VBScript to define its value and rate.
AgCrdnCalcScalarCustomInlineA calc scalar based on using an inline scripted algorithm in MATLAB, Perl, VBScript or JScript to define its value and rate.
AgCrdnCalcScalarDataElementAny time-dependent data element from STK data providers available for parent STK object.
AgCrdnCalcScalarDerivativeDerivative of an input scalar calculation.
AgCrdnCalcScalarDotProductDot product between two vectors.
AgCrdnCalcScalarElapsedTimeTime elapsed since the reference time instant. Negative if in the past.
AgCrdnCalcScalarFileTabulated scalar calculation data loaded from specified file - a file with .csc extension.
AgCrdnCalcScalarFixedAtTimeInstantConstant scalar created by evaluating the input scalar calculation at the specified reference time instant. Undefined if original scalar is not available at specified time or if reference time instant is undefined.
AgCrdnCalcScalarFunctionDefined by performing the specified function on the input scalar or time instant.
AgCrdnCalcScalarFunction2VarDefined by performing a function(x,y) on two scalar arguments.
AgCrdnCalcScalarIntegralIntegral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
AgCrdnCalcScalarPluginUse a scalar calculation plugin.
AgCrdnCalcScalarPointInVolumeCalcScalar value of spatial calculation evaluated along trajectory of point.
AgCrdnCalcScalarStandardDeviationIntegral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
AgCrdnCalcScalarSurfaceDistanceBetweenPointsSurface distance along the specified central body ellipsoid between two points (or their respective projections if specified at altitude).
AgCrdnCalcScalarVectorComponentThe specified component of a vector when resolved in the specified axes.
AgCrdnCalcScalarVectorMagnitudeScalar equal to the magnitude of a specified vector.
AgCrdnCentralBodyRefToRepresents a central body reference.
AgCrdnConditionCondition returns a non-dimensional metric that is positive if satisfied, negative if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary; this provides computational methods needed for accurate detection of condition crossings.
AgCrdnConditionCombinedDefines a condition which combines multiple conditions.
AgCrdnConditionPointInVolumeDefined by determining if input trajectory poiny is within extents of specified volume grid coordinate.
AgCrdnConditionScalarBoundsDefined by determining if input scalar is within specified bounds; returns +1 if satisfied, -1 if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary.
AgCrdnConditionSetCondition set returns an array of non-dimensional metrics, one for each condition in the set; each metric is positive if corresponding condition is satisfied, negative if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary; this provides computational methods needed for...
AgCrdnConditionSetScalarThresholdsCondition set based on single scalar calculation compared to set of threshold values.
AgCrdnConvergeRepresents a base class for convergence definitions.
AgCrdnConvergeBasicConvergence definition includes parameters that determine criteria for accurate detection of extrema or condition crossings for scalar calculations.
AgCrdnDerivativeRepresents a base class for derivative definitions.
AgCrdnDerivativeBasicDerivative definition determines how numerical differencing is used to compute derivatives.
AgCrdnEventDefines an event (time instant).
AgCrdnEventArrayAn ordered array of times, which may or may not be evenly spaced.
AgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossingsTime array containing times at which the specified condition will change its satisfaction status. Determination is performed within the interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
AgCrdnEventArrayExtremaDetermines times of local minimum and/or maximum of specified scalar calculation. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
AgCrdnEventArrayFilteredDefined by filtering times from original time array according to specified filtering method.
AgCrdnEventArrayFixedStepDefined by taking fixed time steps from specified time reference and adding sampled times to array if they fall within specified bounding interval list.
AgCrdnEventArrayFixedTimesArray defined by time ordered instants each explicitly specified.
AgCrdnEventArrayMergedDefined by merging times from two other arrays by creating a union of bounding intervals from two constituent arrays. If some intervals overlap, then within overlap times from both arrays are merged together.
AgCrdnEventArraySignaledDetermines what time array is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original time array between base and target clock locations...
AgCrdnEventArrayStartStopTimesDefined by taking start and/or stop times of every interval in specified reference interval list and adding them to array. The array is then bounded by single interval spanning specified reference interval list...
AgCrdnEventEpochEvent set at specified date/time.
AgCrdnEventExtremumDetermines time of global minimum or maximum of specified scalar calculation. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
AgCrdnEventIntervalA single time interval.
AgCrdnEventIntervalBetweenTimeInstantsInterval between specified start and stop time instants. If start instant occurs after stop, then interval is undefined.
AgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionA collection of related interval lists.
AgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionConditionInterval list containing intervals during which specified condition is satisfied. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
AgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionLightingDefined by computing sunlight, penumbra and umbra intervals as seen at specified location using specified selection of eclipsing bodies.
AgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionSignaledDetermines what interval list collection is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original interval list collection between base and target clock locations...
AgCrdnEventIntervalFixedInterval defined between two explicitly specified start and stop times. Stop date/time is required to be at or after start.
AgCrdnEventIntervalFixedDurationInterval of fixed duration specified using start and stop offsets relative to specified reference time instant.
AgCrdnEventIntervalFromIntervalListInterval created from specified interval list by using one of several selection methods.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListAn ordered list of time intervals.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListConditionInterval list containing intervals during which specified condition is satisfied. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListFileInterval list loaded from specified interval file - ASCII file with .int extension. See STK help.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListFilteredDefined by filtering intervals from original interval list using specified filtering method.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListFixedInterval list defined by time ordered non-overlapping intervals each explicitly specified by its start and stop times. Stop date/time is required to be at or after start for each interval.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListMergedInterval list created by merging two constituent interval lists using specified logical operation. It is possible to select either interval list or interval types for either or both constituents.
AgCrdnEventIntervalListScaledInterval List defined by scaling every interval in original interval list using either absolute or relative scale. If resulting interval's start becomes after its stop, the interval is removed from scaled list...
AgCrdnEventIntervalListSignaledDetermines what interval list is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original interval list between base and target clock locations...
AgCrdnEventIntervalListTimeOffsetInterval List defined by shifting the specified reference interval list by a fixed time offset.
AgCrdnEventIntervalScaledInterval defined by scaling original interval using either absolute or relative scale. If resulting interval's start becomes after its stop, the interval becomes undefined.
AgCrdnEventIntervalSignaledDetermines what interval is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original interval between base and target clock locations.
AgCrdnEventIntervalSmartIntervalA smart interval.
AgCrdnEventIntervalTimeOffsetInterval defined by shifting specified reference interval by fixed time offset.
AgCrdnEventSignaledEvent recorded on specified clock via signal transmission from original time instant recorded on different clock.
AgCrdnEventSmartEpochA smart epoch.
AgCrdnEventStartStopTimeEvent is either start or stop time selected from a reference interval.
AgCrdnEventTimeOffsetEvent at fixed offset from specified reference event.
AgCrdnFirstIntervalsFilterThe filter selects a portion of first intervals.
AgCrdnGapsFilterThe filter merges intervals unless they are separated by gaps of at least/most certain duration.
AgCrdnGridValuesCustomFixed step grid values.
AgCrdnGridValuesFixedNumberOfStepsFixed step grid values.
AgCrdnGridValuesFixedStepFixed step grid values.
AgCrdnInstanceEnables to obtain information about the parent object that owns the VGT component.
AgCrdnIntegralRepresents a base class for integral definitions.
AgCrdnIntegralBasicIntegral definition determines how scalar calculation is numerically integrated.
AgCrdnInterpRepresents a base class for interpolation definitions.
AgCrdnInterpBasicInterpolation definition determines how to obtain values in between tabulated samples. See STK help on interpolation for further details.
AgCrdnIntervalsFilterThe filter selects intervals of at least/most certain duration.
AgCrdnLastIntervalsFilterThe filter selects a portion of last intervals.
AgCrdnMethodCallAngleFindAngleResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindAngle method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAngleFindAngleWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindAngleWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAngleFindResultRepresents result returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindCoordinates method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAngleFindWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindCoordinatesWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAxesFindInAxesResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.FindInAxes method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAxesFindInAxesWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.FindInAxesWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAxesTransformResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.TransformFrom method.
AgCrdnMethodCallAxesTransformWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.TransformFromWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallPlaneFindInAxesResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInAxes method.
AgCrdnMethodCallPlaneFindInAxesWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInAxesWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallPlaneFindInSystemResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInSystem method.
AgCrdnMethodCallPlaneFindInSystemWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInSystemWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallPointLocateInSystemResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInSystemWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallPointLocateInSystemWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPoint.LocateInSystemWithRate method.
AgCrdnMethodCallSystemFindInSystemResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnSystem.FindInSystem method.
AgCrdnMethodCallSystemTransformResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnSystem.TransformFrom and IAgCrdnSystem.TransformTo methods.
AgCrdnMethodCallSystemTransformWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnSystem.TransformFromWithRate and IAgCrdnSystem.TransformToWithRate methods.
AgCrdnMethodCallVectorFindInAxesResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnVector.FindInAxes method.
AgCrdnMethodCallVectorFindInAxesWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnVector.FindInAxesWithRate method.
AgCrdnParameterSetParameter set contains various sets of scalar computations.
AgCrdnParameterSetAttitudeAttitude parameter set contains various representations of attitude of one set of axes relative to another.
AgCrdnParameterSetGroundTrajectoryGround trajectory parameter set contains various representations of trajectory of a point relative to central body reference shape.
AgCrdnParameterSetOrbitOrbit parameter set contains various trajectory representations of an orbiting point.
AgCrdnParameterSetTrajectoryTrajectory parameter set contains various representations of trajectory of a point relative to a reference coordinate system.
AgCrdnParameterSetVectorVector parameter set contains various representations of a vector in a reference set of axes.
AgCrdnPlaneBase class for VGT axes.
AgCrdnPlaneNormalA plane normal to a vector at a given point.
AgCrdnPlaneQuadrantA plane based on a selected Quadrant of a reference system.
AgCrdnPlaneRefToRepresents a Plane reference.
AgCrdnPlaneTrajectoryThe plane is defined on the basis of a trajectory of a Point with respect to a ReferenceSystem.
AgCrdnPlaneTriadA Plane containing points PointA, PointB and ReferencePont with the first axis aligned with the direction from the ReferencePoint to PointA and the second axis toward the direction from the ReferencePoint to PointB.
AgCrdnPlaneTwoVectorA plane normal to a vector at a given point.
AgCrdnPointA generic VGT point class.
AgCrdnPointAtTimeInstantPoint fixed relative to reference system based on another point evaluated at specified time instant.
AgCrdnPointBPlaneB-Plane point using the selected target body.
AgCrdnPointCBFixedOffsetPoint specified by fixed components with respect to central body.
AgCrdnPointCentBodyIntersectPoint on central body surface along direction vector originating at source point.
AgCrdnPointCovarianceGrazingThe point of closest approach to the surface of the specified position covariance ellipsoid surface along a defined direction. Position covariance must be available for a vehicle object to be considered a possible target for this option.
AgCrdnPointFilePoint specified by data from a file.
AgCrdnPointFixedInSystemPoint fixed in a reference coordinate system using the selected coordinate type.
AgCrdnPointGlintPoint on central body surface that reflects from source to observer.
AgCrdnPointGrazingThe grazing point is the point of closest approach to the surface of the selected central body along a defined direction.
AgCrdnPointLagrangeLibrationLibration point using one primary and multiple secondary central bodies. Set the central body, secondary central bodies, and point type.
AgCrdnPointModelAttachA point placed at the specified attachment point of the object's 3D model. The point follows the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified attachment point.
AgCrdnPointOnSurfaceThe detic subpoint of the reference point as projected onto the central body.
AgCrdnPointPlaneIntersectionPoint on a plane located along a given direction looking from a given origin.
AgCrdnPointPlaneProjectionThe projection of a point onto a reference plane. Specify the Source Point and Reference Plane.
AgCrdnPointPluginA VGT point plugin.
AgCrdnPointRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT point.
AgCrdnPointSatelliteCollectionEntryA point placed at the center of mass of a specified satellite of the satellite collection.
AgCrdnRelativeSatisfactionConditionFilterThe filter selects intervals if certain side condition is satisfied at least/most certain percentage of time.
AgCrdnSamplingBase sampling interface.
AgCrdnSamplingBasicSampling definition determines how scalar data should be sampled in order to adequately capture trends in that data.
AgCrdnSamplingCurvatureToleranceCurvature tolerance definition includes parameters that determine how scalar data should be sampled based on limits on slope changes between samples.
AgCrdnSamplingFixedStepFixed step definition includes parameters that determine how scalar data should be sampled based on fixed steps between samples.
AgCrdnSamplingRelativeToleranceRelative tolerance definition includes parameters that determine how scalar data should be sampled based on limits on difference between actual changes between samples and changes predicted by dead reckoning.
AgCrdnSatisfactionConditionFilterThe filter selects intervals if certain side condition is satisfied at least/most certain duration.
AgCrdnSignalDelaySignal delay definition determines how long it takes for a signal to propagate from one location to another.
AgCrdnSignalDelayBasicSignal delay definition determines how long it takes for a signal to propagate from one location to another.
AgCrdnSystemBase class for VGT axes.
AgCrdnSystemAssembledA system assembled from an origin point and a set of reference axes.
AgCrdnSystemOnSurfaceA system with an origin on the surface of the central body with topocentric axes rotated on a clock angle. Specify the central body, angle, and the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the origin.
AgCrdnSystemRefToRepresents a System reference.
AgCrdnTemplateEnables to obtain information about the STK class that owns the VGT component.
AgCrdnVectorA generic vector class.
AgCrdnVectorAngleRateAngle rate vector perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.
AgCrdnVectorAngularVelocityAngular velocity vector of one set of axes computed with respect to the reference set.
AgCrdnVectorApoapsisVector from the center of the specified central body to the farthest point of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point.
AgCrdnVectorConingVector created by revolving the Reference vector around the About vector with the specified rate.
AgCrdnVectorCrossThe vector cross product of two vectors.
AgCrdnVectorCustomScriptCustomized vector components defined with respect to reference axes.
AgCrdnVectorDerivativeA vector derivative of a vector computed with respect to specified axes.
AgCrdnVectorDirectionToStarDefined with respect to a star object. For a star object to be available, you must first create one.
AgCrdnVectorDisplacementVector defined by its start and end points.
AgCrdnVectorDispSurfaceDisplacement between origin and destination points using surface distance and altitude difference.
AgCrdnVectorEccentricityA vector directed from the center of the specified central body toward the nearest point of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point.
AgCrdnVectorFileVector interpolated from tabulated data from file.
AgCrdnVectorFixedAtEpochBased on another vector fixed at a specified epoch.
AgCrdnVectorFixedAtTimeInstantVector fixed relative to reference axes based on another vector evaluated at specified time instant.
AgCrdnVectorFixedInAxesVector fixed in reference axes.
AgCrdnVectorLinearCombinationLinear combination of two input vectors.
AgCrdnVectorLineOfNodesUnit vector along the line of nodes - the line of intersection of the osculating orbit plane and the inertial equator of the specified central body.
AgCrdnVectorModelAttachUnit vector along the specified pointable element of the object's 3D model. The vector's direction follows the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified pointable element.
AgCrdnVectorOrbitAngularMomentumVector perpendicular to the plane of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point with respect to the center of the specified central body.
AgCrdnVectorOrbitNormalUnit vector perpendicular to the plane of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point with respect to the center of the specified central body.
AgCrdnVectorPeriapsisVector from the center of the specified central body to the nearest point of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point.
AgCrdnVectorPluginA VGT vector plugin.
AgCrdnVectorProjectAlongVectorA projection of a source vector in the direction of another vector.
AgCrdnVectorProjectionA projection of a vector computed with respect to a reference plane.
AgCrdnVectorReflectionIncident vector reflected using a plane whose normal is the normal vector, scaled by a factor. The selected vector or its opposite can be reflected on just one or on both sides of the plane.
AgCrdnVectorRefToRepresents a vector reference.
AgCrdnVectorRotationVectorRotation vector representing the rotation of one axes relative to reference axes, expressed as angle*rotationAxis.
AgCrdnVectorScalarLinearCombinationLinear combination of two input vectors using scalars.
AgCrdnVectorScalarScaledScaled version of the input vector using scalar.
AgCrdnVectorScaledScaled version of the input vector. Set IsNormalized to convert the input vector to a unit vector before scaling it.
AgCrdnVectorTwoPlanesIntersectionDefined along the intersection of two planes.
AgCrdnVectorVelocityAccelerationVelocity vector of a point in a coordinate system.
AgCrdnVolumeA volume interface. The methods and properties of the interface provide Volume functions.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcA volume calc interface. The methods and properties of the interface provide Volumetric calc functions.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcAltitudeA volume calc altitude interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcAngleOffVectorA volume calc angle off vector interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcConditionSatMetricA volume calc condition satisfaction interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcDelayRangeA volume calc propagation delay to location interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcFileVolumetric data loaded from a specified file - A file with .h5 extension. See STK help.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcFromScalarA volume calc scalar to location interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcRangeA volume calc distance to location interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCalcSolarIntensityA volume calc solar intensityn interface.
AgCrdnVolumeCombinedA combined volume interface.
AgCrdnVolumeFromCalcAn volume from calc volume interface.
AgCrdnVolumeFromConditionA volume from conditioninterface.
AgCrdnVolumeFromGridAn over time volume interface.
AgCrdnVolumeFromTimeSatisfactionAn volume from time satisfaction volume interface.
AgCrdnVolumeGridA volume grid interface. The methods and properties of the interface provide Volumetric Grid functions.
AgCrdnVolumeGridBearingAltA volume grid bearing alt (Surface Bearing) interface.
AgCrdnVolumeGridCartesianA volume grid Cartesian interface.
AgCrdnVolumeGridConstrainedA volume grid constrained interface.
AgCrdnVolumeGridCylindricalA volume grid cylindrical interface.
AgCrdnVolumeGridLatLonAltA volume grid lat lon alt (Cartogrographic) interface.
AgCrdnVolumeGridSphericalA volume grid spherical interface.
AgCrdnVolumeInviewAn Inview volume interface.
AgCrdnVolumeLightingA lighting volume interface.
AgCrdnVolumeOverTimeAn over time volume interface.


IAgCrdnA base interface implemented by all VGT components. The methods and properties of the interface provide type information about the VGT component.
IAgCrdnAngleThe interface defines methods and properties common to all angles.
IAgCrdnAngleBetweenPlanesAn angle between two planes.
IAgCrdnAngleBetweenVectorsAn angle between two vectors.
IAgCrdnAngleDihedralAn angle between two vectors about an axis.
IAgCrdnAngleFactoryA Factory object to create angles.
IAgCrdnAngleFindAngleResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindAngle method.
IAgCrdnAngleFindAngleWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindAngleWithRate method.
IAgCrdnAngleFindResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindCoordinates method.
IAgCrdnAngleFindWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAngle.FindCoordinatesWithRate method.
IAgCrdnAngleGroupAccess or create VGT angles associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnAngleRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT angle.
IAgCrdnAngleRotationAngle of the shortest rotation between the specified FromAxes and ToAxes axes.
IAgCrdnAngleToPlaneAn angle between a vector and a plane.
IAgCrdnAxesThe interface defines methods and properties common to all axes.
IAgCrdnAxesAlignedAndConstrainedAxes aligned using two pairs of vectors. One vector in each pair is fixed in these axes and the other vector serves as an independent reference.
IAgCrdnAxesAngularOffsetAxes created by rotating the Reference axes about the Spin vector through the specified rotation angle plus the additional rotational offset.
IAgCrdnAxesAtTimeInstantAxes orientation fixed relative to reference axes based on orientation of another set of axes evaluated at specified time instant.
IAgCrdnAxesAttitudeFileAxes specified by data from a file.
IAgCrdnAxesBPlaneB-Plane axes using the selected target body and reference vector.
IAgCrdnAxesCommonTasksProvides methods to create non-persistent VGT axes components. Non-persistent components do not have names, do not get saved/loaded and are not shown in the VGT browser.
IAgCrdnAxesCustomScriptCustomized axes offset with respect to a set of reference Axes.
IAgCrdnAxesFactoryA Factory object to create axes.
IAgCrdnAxesFindInAxesResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.FindInAxes method.
IAgCrdnAxesFindInAxesWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.FindInAxesWithRate method.
IAgCrdnAxesFixedAxes fixed in reference axes.
IAgCrdnAxesFixedAtEpochAxes based on another set fixed at a specified epoch.
IAgCrdnAxesGroupAccess or create VGT axes associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnAxesLabelsAllows configuring the VGT axes labels.
IAgCrdnAxesLagrangeLibrationLibration point axes using one primary and multiple secondary central bodies. Set primary and secondary bodies, and point type.
IAgCrdnAxesModelAttachAxes aligned with the specified pointable element of the object's 3D model. The axes follow the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified pointable element.
IAgCrdnAxesOnSurfaceTopocentric axes located at the reference point's projection on the central body.
IAgCrdnAxesPluginA VGT axes plugin.
IAgCrdnAxesRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT axes.
IAgCrdnAxesSamplingIntervalThe interface represents an interval with the time, orientation and velocity arrays.
IAgCrdnAxesSamplingIntervalCollectionA collection of intervals where each interval contains the time, orientation and velocity arrays.
IAgCrdnAxesSamplingResultContains tabulated orientations and angular velocities of axes created by Sample method.
IAgCrdnAxesSpinningAxes created by spinning the Reference axes about the Spin vector with the specified rate. The axes are aligned with the Reference axes at the specified epoch plus the additional rotational offset.
IAgCrdnAxesTrajectoryAxes based on trajectory of the point relative to the reference coordinate system.
IAgCrdnAxesTransformResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.TransformFrom method.
IAgCrdnAxesTransformWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnAxes.TransformFromWithRate method.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarAny scalar calculation that is not constant by construction.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarAngleScalar equal to angular displacement obtained from any angle in VGT.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarAverageIntegral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarConstantConstant scalar value of specified dimension.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarCustomA calc scalar based on a scripted algorithm in MATLAB (.m or .dll), Perl or VBScript to define its value and rate.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarCustomInlineA calc scalar based on using an inline scripted algorithm in MATLAB, Perl, VBScript or JScript to define its value and rate.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarDataElementAny time-dependent data element from STK data providers available for parent STK object.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarDerivativeDerivative of an input scalar calculation.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarDotProductDot product between two vectors.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarElapsedTimeTime elapsed since the reference time instant. Negative if in the past.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarFactoryThe factory creates scalar calculation components.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarFileTabulated scalar calculation data loaded from specified file - a file with .csc extension.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarFixedAtTimeInstantConstant scalar created by evaluating the input scalar calculation at the specified reference time instant. Undefined if original scalar is not available at specified time or if reference time instant is undefined.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarFunctionDefined by performing the specified function on the input scalar or time instant.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarFunction2VarDefined by performing a function(x,y) on two scalar arguments.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarGroupAccess or create VGT calculation scalars associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarIntegralIntegral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarPluginUse a scalar calculation plugin.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarPointInVolumeCalcScalar value of spatial calculation evaluated along trajectory of point.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarStandardDeviationIntegral of input scalar computed with respect to time using one of the specified numerical methods and using one of the specified accumulation types.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarSurfaceDistanceBetweenPointsSurface distance along the specified central body ellipsoid between two points (or their respective projections if specified at altitude).
IAgCrdnCalcScalarVectorComponentThe specified component of a vector when resolved in the specified axes.
IAgCrdnCalcScalarVectorMagnitudeScalar equal to the magnitude of a specified vector.
IAgCrdnCentralBodyThe interface represents a central body.
IAgCrdnCentralBodyCollectionA collection of central body names.
IAgCrdnCentralBodyRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT CentralBody.
IAgCrdnCollectionA collection of VGT objects.
IAgCrdnConditionCondition returns a non-dimensional metric that is positive if satisfied, negative if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary; this provides computational methods needed for accurate detection of condition crossings.
IAgCrdnConditionCombinedDefines a condition which combines multiple conditions.
IAgCrdnConditionFactoryThe factory creates condition components.
IAgCrdnConditionGroupAccess or create VGT conditions associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnConditionPointInVolumeDefined by determining if input trajectory poiny is within extents of specified volume grid coordinate.
IAgCrdnConditionScalarBoundsDefined by determining if input scalar is within specified bounds; returns +1 if satisfied, -1 if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary.
IAgCrdnConditionSetCondition set returns an array of non-dimensional metrics, one for each condition in the set; each metric is positive if corresponding condition is satisfied, negative if not satisfied and 0 if on boundary; this provides computational methods needed for accurate detection of condition crossings.
IAgCrdnConditionSetEvaluateResultRepresents the results returned by ConditionSet.Evaluate.
IAgCrdnConditionSetEvaluateWithRateResultRepresents the results returned by ConditionSet.EvaluateWithRate.
IAgCrdnConditionSetFactoryThe factory creates condition set components.
IAgCrdnConditionSetGroupAllows accessing and creating condition set components.
IAgCrdnConditionSetScalarThresholdsCondition set based on single scalar calculation compared to set of threshold values.
IAgCrdnContextThe interface represents a context associated with a VGT component. All VGT components are associated with a valid context. A context can represent a VGT instance or a VGT template.
IAgCrdnConvergeRepresents a base class for convergence definitions.
IAgCrdnConvergeBasicConvergence definition includes parameters that determine criteria for accurate detection of extrema or condition crossings for scalar calculations.
IAgCrdnDerivativeRepresents a base class for derivative definitions.
IAgCrdnDerivativeBasicDerivative definition determines how numerical differencing is used to compute derivatives.
IAgCrdnEvaluateResultRepresents the results of evaluating a scalar component using IAgCrdnCalcScalar.Evaluate method.
IAgCrdnEvaluateWithRateResultRepresents the results of evaluating a scalar component using IAgCrdnCalcScalar.Evaluate method.
IAgCrdnEventDefines an event (time instant).
IAgCrdnEventArrayAn ordered array of times, which may or may not be evenly spaced.
IAgCrdnEventArrayConditionCrossingsTime array containing times at which the specified condition will change its satisfaction status. Determination is performed within the interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
IAgCrdnEventArrayExtremaDetermines times of local minimum and/or maximum of specified scalar calculation. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
IAgCrdnEventArrayFactoryThe factory creates event arrays.
IAgCrdnEventArrayFilteredDefined by filtering times from original time array according to specified filtering method.
IAgCrdnEventArrayFixedStepDefined by taking fixed time steps from specified time reference and adding sampled times to array if they fall within specified bounding interval list.
IAgCrdnEventArrayFixedTimesArray defined by time ordered instants each explicitly specified.
IAgCrdnEventArrayGroupAccess or create VGT event arrays associated with an object.
IAgCrdnEventArrayMergedDefined by merging times from two other arrays by creating a union of bounding intervals from two constituent arrays. If some intervals overlap, then within overlap times from both arrays are merged together.
IAgCrdnEventArraySignaledDetermines what time array is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original time array between base and target clock locations. If any signaled interval ends up with start time after its stop, the interval is excluded from signaled list. If neighboring signaled intervals overlap or abut, they are replaced by single interval in signaled list. Intervals that after performing signal transmission end up without any sample times are omitted.
IAgCrdnEventArrayStartStopTimesDefined by taking start and/or stop times of every interval in specified reference interval list and adding them to array. The array is then bounded by single interval spanning specified reference interval list. If the reference interval list is empty then so is this array.
IAgCrdnEventEpochEvent set at specified date/time.
IAgCrdnEventExtremumDetermines time of global minimum or maximum of specified scalar calculation. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
IAgCrdnEventFactoryThe factory creates events.
IAgCrdnEventFindOccurrenceResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnEvent.FindOccurrence method.
IAgCrdnEventGroupAccess or create VGT events associated with an object.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalA single time interval.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalBetweenTimeInstantsInterval between specified start and stop time instants. If start instant occurs after stop, then interval is undefined.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionA collection of related interval lists.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionConditionInterval list containing intervals during which specified condition is satisfied. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionFactoryThe factory creates collections of event interval lists.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionGroupAccess or create VGT event interval collections associated with an object.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionLightingDefined by computing sunlight, penumbra and umbra intervals as seen at specified location using specified selection of eclipsing bodies.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionOccurredResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection.Occurred method.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollectionSignaledDetermines what interval list collection is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original interval list collection between base and target clock locations. If any signaled interval ends up with start time after its stop, the interval is excluded from signaled list. If neighboring signaled intervals overlap or abut, they are replaced by single interval in signaled list.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFactoryThe factory creates event intervals.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFixedInterval defined between two explicitly specified start and stop times. Stop date/time is required to be at or after start.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFixedDurationInterval of fixed duration specified using start and stop offsets relative to specified reference time instant.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalFromIntervalListInterval created from specified interval list by using one of several selection methods.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalGroupAccess or create VGT event intervals associated with an object.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListAn ordered list of time intervals.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListConditionInterval list containing intervals during which specified condition is satisfied. Determination is performed within interval list using Sampling and Convergence parameters.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFactoryThe factory creates event interval lists.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFileInterval list loaded from specified interval file - ASCII file with .int extension. See STK help.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFilteredDefined by filtering intervals from original interval list using specified filtering method.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListFixedInterval list defined by time ordered non-overlapping intervals each explicitly specified by its start and stop times. Stop date/time is required to be at or after start for each interval.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListGroupAccess or create VGT event interval lists associated with an object.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListMergedInterval list created by merging two constituent interval lists using specified logical operation. It is possible to select either interval list or interval types for either or both constituents.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListScaledInterval List defined by scaling every interval in original interval list using either absolute or relative scale. If resulting interval's start becomes after its stop, the interval is removed from scaled list. If after scaling neighboring intervals overlap or abut, then they are replaced by single interval in scaled list.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListSignaledDetermines what interval list is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original interval list between base and target clock locations. If any signaled interval ends up with start time after its stop, the interval is excluded from signaled list. If neighboring signaled intervals overlap or abut, they are replaced by single interval in signaled list.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalListTimeOffsetInterval List defined by shifting the specified reference interval list by a fixed time offset.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnEventIntervalList.FindIntervals method.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalScaledInterval defined by scaling original interval using either absolute or relative scale. If resulting interval's start becomes after its stop, the interval becomes undefined.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalSignaledDetermines what interval is recorded at target clock location by performing signal transmission of original interval between base and target clock locations.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalSmartIntervalA smart interval.
IAgCrdnEventIntervalTimeOffsetInterval defined by shifting specified reference interval by fixed time offset.
IAgCrdnEventSignaledEvent recorded on specified clock via signal transmission from original time instant recorded on different clock.
IAgCrdnEventSmartEpochA smart epoch.
IAgCrdnEventStartStopTimeEvent is either start or stop time selected from a reference interval.
IAgCrdnEventTimeOffsetEvent at fixed offset from specified reference event.
IAgCrdnFindTimesResultReturns a collection of intervals and an array of times.
IAgCrdnFirstIntervalsFilterThe filter selects a portion of first intervals.
IAgCrdnGapsFilterThe filter merges intervals unless they are separated by gaps of at least/most certain duration.
IAgCrdnGridCoordinateDefinitionDefines a set of coordinate values.
IAgCrdnGridValuesCustomFixed step grid values.
IAgCrdnGridValuesFixedNumberOfStepsFixed step grid values.
IAgCrdnGridValuesFixedStepFixed step grid values.
IAgCrdnGridValuesMethodA grid values method.
IAgCrdnInstanceThe IAgCrdnInstance interface enables to obtain information about the parent object that owns the VGT component.
IAgCrdnIntegralRepresents a base class for integral definitions.
IAgCrdnIntegralBasicIntegral definition determines how scalar calculation is numerically integrated.
IAgCrdnInterpRepresents a base class for interpolation definitions.
IAgCrdnInterpBasicInterpolation definition determines how to obtain values in between tabulated samples. See STK help on interpolation for further details.
IAgCrdnIntervalThe interface represents an interval.
IAgCrdnIntervalCollectionThe interface represents a collection of intervals.
IAgCrdnIntervalListResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnEventIntervalList.FindIntervals method.
IAgCrdnIntervalsFilterThe filter selects intervals of at least/most certain duration.
IAgCrdnIntervalsVectorResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnEventIntervalCollection.FindIntervalCollection method.
IAgCrdnIntervalVectorCollectionA collection of interval collections.
IAgCrdnLastIntervalsFilterThe filter selects a portion of last intervals.
IAgCrdnLightTimeDelayManage Light Time Delay options..
IAgCrdnLLAPositionA position represented by the Latitude, longtitude and Latitude.
IAgCrdnMethodCallResultInstances of the interface are used to return the result of a computation.
IAgCrdnParameterSetParameter set contains various sets of scalar computations.
IAgCrdnParameterSetAttitudeAttitude parameter set contains various representations of attitude of one set of axes relative to another.
IAgCrdnParameterSetFactoryThe factory is used to create instances of available parameter set types.
IAgCrdnParameterSetGroundTrajectoryGround trajectory parameter set contains various representations of trajectory of a point relative to central body reference shape.
IAgCrdnParameterSetGroupAccess or create VGT parameter sets associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnParameterSetOrbitOrbit parameter set contains various trajectory representations of an orbiting point.
IAgCrdnParameterSetTrajectoryTrajectory parameter set contains various representations of trajectory of a point relative to a reference coordinate system.
IAgCrdnParameterSetVectorVector parameter set contains various representations of a vector in a reference set of axes.
IAgCrdnPlaneThe interface defines methods and properties common to all VGT planes.
IAgCrdnPlaneFactoryA Factory object to create VGT planes.
IAgCrdnPlaneFindInAxesResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInAxes method.
IAgCrdnPlaneFindInAxesWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInAxesWithRate method.
IAgCrdnPlaneFindInSystemResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInSystem method.
IAgCrdnPlaneFindInSystemWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPlane.FindInSystemWithRate method.
IAgCrdnPlaneGroupRepresents a single entry point to manipulate VGT Planes associated with an object.
IAgCrdnPlaneLabelsAllows configuring the X and Y axes labels.
IAgCrdnPlaneNormalA plane normal to a vector at a given point.
IAgCrdnPlaneQuadrantA plane based on a selected Quadrant of a reference system.
IAgCrdnPlaneRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT plane.
IAgCrdnPlaneTrajectoryThe plane is defined on the basis of a trajectory of a Point with respect to a ReferenceSystem.
IAgCrdnPlaneTriadA Plane containing points A, B and ReferencePont with the first axis aligned with the direction from the ReferencePoint to point A and the second axis toward the direction from the ReferencePoint to point B.
IAgCrdnPlaneTwoVectorA plane passing through point and containing two given vectors.
IAgCrdnPointThe interface defines methods and properties common to all points.
IAgCrdnPointAtTimeInstantPoint fixed relative to reference system based on another point evaluated at specified time instant.
IAgCrdnPointBPlaneB-Plane point using the selected target body.
IAgCrdnPointCBFixedOffsetPoint specified by fixed components with respect to central body.
IAgCrdnPointCentBodyIntersectPoint on central body surface along direction vector originating at source point.
IAgCrdnPointCommonTasksProvides methods to create non-persistent VGT point components. Non-persistent components do not have names, do not get saved/loaded and are not shown in the VGT browser.
IAgCrdnPointCovarianceGrazingThe point of closest approach to the surface of the specified position covariance ellipsoid surface along a defined direction. Position covariance must be available for a vehicle object to be considered a possible target for this option.
IAgCrdnPointFactoryA Factory object to create points.
IAgCrdnPointFilePoint specified by data from a file.
IAgCrdnPointFixedInSystemPoint fixed in a reference coordinate system using the selected coordinate type.
IAgCrdnPointGlintPoint on central body surface that reflects from source to observer.
IAgCrdnPointGrazingThe grazing point is the point of closest approach to the surface of the selected central body along a defined direction.
IAgCrdnPointGroupAccess or create VGT points associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnPointLagrangeLibrationLibration point using one primary and multiple secondary central bodies. Set the central body, secondary central bodies, and point type.
IAgCrdnPointLocateInSystemResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPoint.LocateInSystem method.
IAgCrdnPointLocateInSystemWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnPoint.LocateInSystemWithRate method.
IAgCrdnPointModelAttachA point placed at the specified attachment point of the object's 3D model. The point follows the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified attachment point.
IAgCrdnPointOnSurfaceThe detic subpoint of the reference point as projected onto the central body.
IAgCrdnPointPlaneIntersectionPoint on a plane located along a given direction looking from a given origin.
IAgCrdnPointPlaneProjectionThe projection of a point onto a reference plane. Specify the Source Point and Reference Plane.
IAgCrdnPointPluginA VGT point plugin.
IAgCrdnPointRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT point.
IAgCrdnPointSamplingIntervalThe interface represents an interval with the time, position and velocity arrays.
IAgCrdnPointSamplingIntervalCollectionA collection of intervals where each interval contains the time, position and velocity arrays.
IAgCrdnPointSamplingResultContains tabulated positions and velocities of a point created by Sample method.
IAgCrdnPointSatelliteCollectionEntryA point placed at the center of mass of a specified satellite of the satellite collection.
IAgCrdnProviderAllows accessing existing Vector Geometry Tool components.
IAgCrdnPruneFilterA filter used with event interval list pruned class to prune interval lists. Available filters are prune first intervals filter, prune last intervals filter, prune gaps filter, prune intervals filter, prune satisfaction filter and prune relative satisfaction filter.
IAgCrdnPruneFilterFactoryThe factory creates pruning filters.
IAgCrdnRefToA base interface for all VGT component references.
IAgCrdnRelativeSatisfactionConditionFilterThe filter selects intervals if certain side condition is satisfied at least/most certain percentage of time.
IAgCrdnRootRepresents a VGT root object.
IAgCrdnSamplingBase sampling interface.
IAgCrdnSamplingBasicSampling definition determines how scalar data should be sampled in order to adequately capture trends in that data.
IAgCrdnSamplingCurvatureToleranceCurvature tolerance definition includes parameters that determine how scalar data should be sampled based on limits on slope changes between samples.
IAgCrdnSamplingFixedStepFixed step definition includes parameters that determine how scalar data should be sampled based on fixed steps between samples.
IAgCrdnSamplingMethodA sampling method.
IAgCrdnSamplingMethodFactoryThe factory creates sampling method components.
IAgCrdnSamplingRelativeToleranceRelative tolerance definition includes parameters that determine how scalar data should be sampled based on limits on difference between actual changes between samples and changes predicted by dead reckoning.
IAgCrdnSatisfactionConditionFilterThe filter selects intervals if certain side condition is satisfied at least/most certain duration.
IAgCrdnSignalDelaySignal delay definition determines how long it takes for a signal to propagate from one location to another.
IAgCrdnSignalDelayBasicSignal delay definition determines how long it takes for a signal to propagate from one location to another.
IAgCrdnSystemThe interface contains methods and properties shared by all VGT systems.
IAgCrdnSystemAssembledA system assembled from an origin point and a set of reference axes.
IAgCrdnSystemCommonTasksProvides methods to create non-persistent VGT coordinate reference frames (systems). Non-persistent components do not have names, do not get saved/loaded and are not shown in the VGT browser.
IAgCrdnSystemFactoryA Factory interface to create VGT systems.
IAgCrdnSystemFindInSystemResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnSystem.FindInSystem method.
IAgCrdnSystemGroupAccess or create VGT systems associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnSystemOnSurfaceA system with an origin on the surface of the central body with topocentric axes rotated on a clock angle. Specify the central body, angle, and the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the origin.
IAgCrdnSystemRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT system.
IAgCrdnSystemTransformResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnSystem.TransformFrom and IAgCrdnSystem.TransformTo methods.
IAgCrdnSystemTransformWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnSystem.TransformFromWithRate and IAgCrdnSystem.TransformToWithRate methods.
IAgCrdnTemplateThe IAgCrdnTemplate interface enables to obtain information about the STK class that owns the VGT component.
IAgCrdnTimePropertiesDefines methods to compute time properties such as availability and special times.
IAgCrdnTypeInfoProvides information about the type of VGT components.
IAgCrdnVectorThe interface defines methods and properties common to all vectors.
IAgCrdnVectorAngleRateAngle rate vector perpendicular to the plane in which the angle is defined.
IAgCrdnVectorAngularVelocityAngular velocity vector of one set of axes computed with respect to the reference set.
IAgCrdnVectorApoapsisVector from the center of the specified central body to the farthest point of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point.
IAgCrdnVectorConingVector created by revolving the Reference vector around the About vector with the specified rate.
IAgCrdnVectorCrossThe vector cross product of two vectors.
IAgCrdnVectorCustomScriptCustomized vector components defined with respect to reference axes.
IAgCrdnVectorDerivativeA vector derivative of a vector computed with respect to specified axes.
IAgCrdnVectorDirectionToStarDefined with respect to a star object. For a star object to be available, you must first create one.
IAgCrdnVectorDisplacementVector defined by its start and end points.
IAgCrdnVectorDispSurfaceDisplacement between origin and destination points using surface distance and altitude difference.
IAgCrdnVectorEccentricityA vector directed from the center of the specified central body toward the nearest point of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point.
IAgCrdnVectorFactoryA Factory object to create vectors.
IAgCrdnVectorFileVector interpolated from tabulated data from file.
IAgCrdnVectorFindInAxesResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnVector.FindInAxes method.
IAgCrdnVectorFindInAxesWithRateResultContains the results returned with IAgCrdnVector.FindInAxesWithRate method.
IAgCrdnVectorFixedAtEpochA vector based on another vector fixed at a specified epoch.
IAgCrdnVectorFixedAtTimeInstantVector fixed relative to reference axes based on another vector evaluated at specified time instant.
IAgCrdnVectorFixedInAxesVector fixed in the reference axes using the selected coordinate type.
IAgCrdnVectorGroupAccess or create VGT vectors associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnVectorLinearCombinationLinear combination of two input vectors.
IAgCrdnVectorLineOfNodesUnit vector along the line of nodes - the line of intersection of the osculating orbit plane and the inertial equator of the specified central body.
IAgCrdnVectorModelAttachUnit vector along the specified pointable element of the object's 3D model. The vector's direction follows the model as well as any articulations that affect the specified pointable element.
IAgCrdnVectorOrbitAngularMomentumVector perpendicular to the plane of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point with respect to the center of the specified central body.
IAgCrdnVectorOrbitNormalUnit vector perpendicular to the plane of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point with respect to the center of the specified central body.
IAgCrdnVectorPeriapsisVector from the center of the specified central body to the nearest point of an elliptical orbit created from the motion of the specified point.
IAgCrdnVectorPluginA VGT vector plugin.
IAgCrdnVectorProjectAlongVectorA projection of a source vector in the direction of another vector.
IAgCrdnVectorProjectionA projection of a vector computed with respect to a reference plane.
IAgCrdnVectorReflectionA vector (incident vector) reflected using a plane whose normal is the normal vector, scaled by a factor. The selected vector or its opposite can be reflected on just one or on both sides of the plane.
IAgCrdnVectorRefToRepresents a reference to a VGT vector.
IAgCrdnVectorRotationVectorRotation vector representing the rotation of one axes relative to reference axes, expressed as angle*rotationAxis.
IAgCrdnVectorScalarLinearCombinationLinear combination of two input vectors using scalars.
IAgCrdnVectorScalarScaledScaled version of the input vector using scalar.
IAgCrdnVectorScaledScaled version of the input vector. Set IsNormalized to convert the input vector to a unit vector before scaling it.
IAgCrdnVectorTwoPlanesIntersectionDefined along the intersection of two planes.
IAgCrdnVectorVelocityAccelerationVelocity vector of a point in a coordinate system.
IAgCrdnVolumeA volume interface. The methods and properties of the interface provide Volume functions.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcA volume calc interface. The methods and properties of the interface provide Volumetric calc functions.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcAltitudeA volume calc altitude interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcAngleOffVectorA volume calc angle off vector interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcConditionSatMetricA volume calc condition satisfaction interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcDelayRangeA volume calc propagation delay to location interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcFactoryThe factory is used to create instances of volume calcs.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcFileVolumetric data loaded from a specified file - A file with .h5 extension. See STK help.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcFromScalarA volume calc scalar to location interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcGroupAccess or create VGT volume calcs associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcRangeA volume calc distance to location interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCalcSolarIntensityA volume calc solar intensityn interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeCombinedA combined volume interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeFactoryThe factory is used to create instances of volumes.
IAgCrdnVolumeFromCalcAn volume from calc volume interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeFromConditionA volume from conditioninterface.
IAgCrdnVolumeFromGridAn over time volume interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeFromTimeSatisfactionAn volume from time satisfaction volume interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridA volume grid interface. The methods and properties of the interface provide Volumetric Grid functions.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridBearingAltA volume grid bearing alt (Surface Bearing) interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridCartesianA volume grid Cartesian interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridConstrainedA volume grid constrained interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridCylindricalA volume grid cylindrical interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridFactoryThe factory is used to create instances of volume grids.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridGroupAccess or create VGT volume grids associated with an object or a central body.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridLatLonAltA volume grid lat lon alt (Cartogrographic) interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridResultAn interface that generates Volume Grid results.
IAgCrdnVolumeGridSphericalA volume grid spherical interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeGroupAccess or create spatial conditions associated with a volume grid.
IAgCrdnVolumeInviewAn Inview volume interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeLightingA lighting volume interface.
IAgCrdnVolumeOverTimeAn over time volume interface.
IAgCrdnWellKnownAxesWell-known Axes.
IAgCrdnWellKnownEarthAxesWell-known Earth's axes.
IAgCrdnWellKnownEarthSystemsWell-known Earth's coordinate systems.
IAgCrdnWellKnownSunAxesWell-known Sun's axes.
IAgCrdnWellKnownSunSystemsThe Sun's well-known coordinate reference systems.
IAgCrdnWellKnownSystemsWell-known coordinate reference systems.


AgECrdnAngleTypeRepresents angle types.
AgECrdnAxesTypeRepresents vector types.
AgECrdnCalcScalarTypeDefines available calculation scalar types.
AgECrdnConditionCombinedOperationTypeDefines scalar condition combined operation types.
AgECrdnConditionSetTypeDefines available condition set types.
AgECrdnConditionThresholdOptionOperations for Scalar Bounds Condition.
AgECrdnConditionTypeDefines available condition types.
AgECrdnDimensionInheritanceDefines how dimension is inherited.
AgECrdnDirectionTypeDirection options.
AgECrdnDisplayAxisSelectorRotation directions.
AgECrdnEventArrayFilterTypeEvent array filter types.
AgECrdnEventArrayTypeDefines available time array types.
AgECrdnEventIntervalCollectionTypeDefines available interval collection types.
AgECrdnEventIntervalListTypeDefines available interval list types.
AgECrdnEventIntervalTypeDefines available interval types.
AgECrdnEventListMergeOperationDefines merge operations for interval lists.
AgECrdnEventTypeDefines available time instant types.
AgECrdnExtremumConstantsThese constants are utilized when finding a local or global minimum or maximum, or the threshold crossing.
AgECrdnFileInterpolatorTypeInterpolator types.
AgECrdnIntegralTypeIntegral types.
AgECrdnIntegrationWindowTypeDefines the interval of times during which an integral is evaluated.
AgECrdnInterpolatorTypeInterpolator types.
AgECrdnIntersectionSurfaceIntersection surface flags.
AgECrdnIntervalDurationKindDuration for filtering intervals or gaps from interval lists or time arrays.
AgECrdnIntervalSelectionSelect the method to choose an interval from an interval list.
AgECrdnKindRepresents kinds of vectory geometry components.
AgECrdnLagrangeLibrationPointTypeTypes of the Lagrange points, also known as libration points. Lagrange points are points in space where gravitational forces and the orbital motion of a body balance each other.
AgECrdnMeanElementTheoryMean element theory types for approximating motion.
AgECrdnParameterSetTypeDefines parameter set types.
AgECrdnPlaneTypeRepresents plane types.
AgECrdnPointBPlaneTypeB-Plane point types.
AgECrdnPointTypeRepresents point types.
AgECrdnPruneFilterSpecify the filter for filtering interval lists or time arrays.
AgECrdnQuadrantTypeQuadrants from a reference system (e.g., XY, XZ, YZ, YX, ZX, ZY).
AgECrdnReferenceShapeTypeSurface shape types.
AgECrdnSampledReferenceTimeEvent array reference type.
AgECrdnSamplingMethodDefines the Sampling Method.
AgECrdnSatisfactionCrossingDirection crossing flags.
AgECrdnSaveDataOptionMethod for saving computed data.
AgECrdnSignalPathReferenceSystemSignal path reference system types.
AgECrdnSignalSenseSignal sense transmission options.
AgECrdnSignedAngleTypeDefines options for computing an angle.
AgECrdnSmartEpochStateSmart epoch states.
AgECrdnSmartIntervalStateSmart interval states.
AgECrdnSpeedOptionsDefines various speed options.
AgECrdnStartStopOptionStart/stop options.
AgECrdnSurfaceTypeSurface types.
AgECrdnSweepModeThe rotation sweeping modes.
AgECrdnSystemTypeRepresents system types.
AgECrdnThreshConvergeSenseSpecifies the desired sense of the results from threshold crossing computations.
AgECrdnTrajectoryAxesTypeTrajectory axes coordinate types.
AgECrdnVectorComponentTypeDefines component directions for a vector.
AgECrdnVectorScaledDimensionInheritanceDimension inheritance constants used to configure the dimension inheritance of a vector scaled by a scalar.
AgECrdnVectorTypeRepresents vector types.
AgECrdnVolumeAberrationTypeDefines the model of aberration to use.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcAltitudeReferenceTypeDefines volume calc altitude reference types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcAngleOffVectorTypeDefines volume calc angle off vector reference types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcRangeDistanceTypeDefines volume calc range distance types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcRangeSpeedTypeDefines volume calc range distance types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcTypeDefines volume calc types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcVolumeSatisfactionAccumulationTypeDefines volume calc spatial condition accumulation types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcVolumeSatisfactionDurationTypeDefines volume calc spatial condition duration types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcVolumeSatisfactionFilterTypeDefines volume calc spatial condition filter types.
AgECrdnVolumeCalcVolumeSatisfactionMetricTypeDefines volume calc spatial condition satisfaction metric types.
AgECrdnVolumeClockHostTypeDefines whether base or target of an Access instance holds the clock for Access times.
AgECrdnVolumeCombinedOperationTypeDefines spatial condition combined operation types.
AgECrdnVolumeFromGridEdgeTypeDefines spatial condition from grid edge type.
AgECrdnVolumeGridTypeDefines volume grid types.
AgECrdnVolumeLightingConditionsTypeDefines spatial condition lighting conditions types.
AgECrdnVolumeOverTimeDurationTypeDefines spatial condition over time duration type.
AgECrdnVolumeResultVectorRequestDefines volume result vector request types.
AgECrdnVolumeTimeSenseTypeDefines whether object1 or object2 of an Access instance holds the clock for Access times.
AgECrdnVolumetricGridValuesMethodTypeDefines volumetric grid values method types.
AgECrdnVolumeTypeDefines volume grid types.
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