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STK Graphics 11


Objects Description
AgStkGraphicsAGICustomTerrainOverlay A Terrain Overlay for handling AGI Cesium Terrain.
AgStkGraphicsAGIProcessedImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling AGI Processed Image (PDTTX) files.
AgStkGraphicsAGIProcessedTerrainOverlay A Terrain Overlay for handling AGI Processed Terrain (PDTT) files.
AgStkGraphicsAGIRoamImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling ROAM (TXM/TXB) files.
AgStkGraphicsAlphaFromLuminanceFilter Adds an Alpha band to the source raster derived from the luminance of the raster's color bands.
AgStkGraphicsAlphaFromPixelFilter Adds an Alpha band to the source raster based on the value of its first pixel. All pixels in the source raster that are the same color as the first pixel will be made transparent.
AgStkGraphicsAlphaFromRasterFilter Adds an Alpha band to the source raster derived from the color bands or alpha of another raster. This filter can be used to apply an alpha mask to the source raster.
AgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive altitude interval, in meters, that determines when an object is rendered based on the camera's altitude relative to a Central Body.
AgStkGraphicsBandExtractFilter Extracts a band or set of bands from the source raster. The Extract Format property specifies the bands and the order of the bands that will be extracted.
AgStkGraphicsBandOrderFilter Reorders or swizzles the bands of the source raster to match the band order of the Raster Format specified by the Band Order property. When Maintain Raster Format is true, the source raster's format is maintained after swizzling.
AgStkGraphicsBlurFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to blur or smooth the source raster. Can be used to reduce noise in the raster.
AgStkGraphicsBrightnessFilter Adjusts the brightness of the source raster's color bands. The Adjustment to brightness is a value between -1 and 1, corresponding to least bright to most bright.
AgStkGraphicsColorToLuminanceFilter Extracts a Luminance band derived from the color bands of the source raster.
AgStkGraphicsCompositeDisplayCondition A composite of display conditions combined using a Binary Logic Operation. For example, several Time Interval Display Condition objects can be added to a composite. The composite can then be assigned to an object so the object is only rendered when the current animation time is within one of the time intervals.
AgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive A primitive that is composed of multiple other primitives. Since composites can contain other composites, they are commonly used to build hierarchies of primitives to efficiently evaluate display conditions.

Primitives in a composite must have the same Reference Frame.

AgStkGraphicsConstantDisplayCondition A display condition that evaluates to a user-defined value. This is commonly used to hide primitives by assigning to a primitive a display condition that always returns false.
AgStkGraphicsContrastFilter Adjusts the contrast of the source raster. The Adjustment to contrast is a value between -1 and 1, corresponding to least contrast to most contrast.
AgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter Applies convolution to the source raster. Convolution is the modification of a pixel's value based on the values of its surrounding pixels. The Kernel is the numerical matrix that is applied to each pixel in this process. The convolution operation is discussed in more detail in numerous texts on image processing and useful convolution kernels are widely available from various sources.
AgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay that allows for a user defined image to be specified.
AgStkGraphicsDistanceDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the object.
AgStkGraphicsDistanceToGlobeOverlayDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the Globe Overlay. This is different from Distance Display Condition because it is based on the camera's distance to a specified Globe Overlay, rather than the camera's distance to the object that uses this display condition.
AgStkGraphicsDistanceToPositionDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to a position defined in the given Reference Frame.
AgStkGraphicsDistanceToPrimitiveDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a screen overlay, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the Primitive. This is different from Distance Display Condition because it is based on the camera's distance to a specified Primitive, rather than the camera's distance to the object that uses this display condition.
AgStkGraphicsDurationPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicy PathPrimitive update policy that removes points from Remove Location after a given Duration.
AgStkGraphicsEdgeDetectFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to detect edges in the source raster.
AgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult The result from extruded polyline triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list with top and bottom boundary positions. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundaries are commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.
AgStkGraphicsFilteringRasterStream A class decorator for applying a Raster Filter to each update of a Raster Stream. Can be used to apply filters to videos and other raster streams as they are updated.
AgStkGraphicsFlipFilter Flips the source raster along the given Flip Axis.
AgStkGraphicsGammaCorrectionFilter Applies gamma correction to the source raster. The Gamma is a value between .2 and 5. The default gamma value is 2.2.
AgStkGraphicsGaussianBlurFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to blur the source raster using the Gaussian function.
AgStkGraphicsGeospatialImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling JPEG 2000 (.jp2), ECW (.ecw), ECWP, and MrSid (.sid) image formats in the WGS84 geographic projection.
AgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay A Globe Overlay that shows an image.
AgStkGraphicsGradientDetectFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to detect gradients in the source raster.
AgStkGraphicsGreatArcInterpolator The great arc interpolator computes interpolated positions along a great arc. A great arc is the shortest path between two positions on an ellipsoid.
AgStkGraphicsImageCollection A collection of Globe Image Overlay objects.
AgStkGraphicsKmlContainer A KmlContainer contains a collection of children KmlFeatures.
AgStkGraphicsKmlDocument A KML document.
AgStkGraphicsKmlFolder A KML folder.
AgStkGraphicsKmlGraphics Provides loading and unloading of KmlDocuments for a particular CentralBody.
AgStkGraphicsKmlNetworkLink A KML network link.
AgStkGraphicsLevelsFilter Adjusts the band levels of the source raster linearly.
AgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive Renders one or more markers in the 3D scene. Markers are 2D images that always face the viewer which can be sized in pixels or meters. Markers are also referred to as sprites or billboards.

For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few markers each. See the Batching Performance Overview.

AgStkGraphicsMaximumCountPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicy PathPrimitive update policy that removes points from Remove Location when the number of points in the path exceeds Maximum Count.
AgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive The model primitive loads and renders COLLADA (DAE) and AGI MDL (MDL) models.
AgStkGraphicsOverlay A visible element drawn in screen space. Overlays are useful for floating logos, heads up displays, and integrating user interfaces into the 3D window.
AgStkGraphicsPathPrimitive Renders a line to the 3D scene. Similar to the PolylinePrimitive; however, the PathPrimitive was designed for the efficient addition/removal of points to/from the front or back of the line.
AgStkGraphicsPixelSizeDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive interval, in pixels, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the number of pixels the object's bounding sphere (or in the case of screen overlays, bounding rectangle) covers on the screen. This is commonly used to implement level of detail algorithms that take into account the field of view.
AgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive Renders one or more points in the 3D scene. Each point in the batch has a unique position and an optional color. All points in the batch share the same pixel size. For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few points each. See the Batching Performance Overview.
AgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive Renders a polyline in the 3D scene. Each line segment may have a different color. A polyline can be constructed with a Position Interpolator to render great arcs or rhumb lines.
AgStkGraphicsProjectedRasterOverlay A Globe Image Overlay which projects a Raster onto the terrain or surface of the Central Body. You can also enable projection onto models by setting ProjectedRasterModelProjection to true for a Scene. The Projected Raster Overlay can also be used with RasterStream and ProjectionStream to stream video and other raster data to a projection that moves with time.
AgStkGraphicsProjectionStream A Projection that is updated dynamically at the specified Update Delta. The class can be used to stream projection data to Projection clients, like Projected Raster Overlay. Note to Implementers: When implementing a derived class of ProjectionStream, you must provide an implementation for the Update method.
AgStkGraphicsRasterImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling rasters.
AgStkGraphicsRasterStream A raster, the data of which, is updated dynamically at the specified Update Delta. The class can be used to stream video and other dynamic raster data to textures and other Raster clients. Note to Implementers: When implementing a derived class of RasterStream, you must provide an implementation for the Update method. The Attributes property of the Raster should be set in the constructor of the derived class.
AgStkGraphicsRhumbLineInterpolator The rhumb line interpolator computes interpolated positions along a rhumb line. Rhumb lines are lines of constant bearing. They appear as straight lines on a Mercator 2D map projection and are well suited to navigation.
AgStkGraphicsRotateFilter Rotates the source raster clockwise by the specified angle.
AgStkGraphicsScene A Scene provides properties and functionality that are reflected in the rendering of the globe control that it is associated with. An globe control's Scene is available from the Scene property. Any changes that are made to a Scene will only affect the rendering of the particular globe control it is associated with. The static SceneManager class provides global properties and functionality that apply to all Scenes and thus affect the rendering of every globe control. A Scene has a Camera, and various properties for changing the visual state of the scene and its Central Bodies, including changes to Lighting. To render a particular Scene, use the Render method. To render all Scenes, use use the SceneManager.Render method.
AgStkGraphicsSceneDisplayCondition A display condition used to control what scene or scenes an object, such as a primitive, is rendered in. This is used to show an object in some scenes and hide it in others.
AgStkGraphicsSceneManager The static SceneManager class provides global properties and functionality that apply to all Scenes and thus affect the rendering of every globe control. It also provides a Textures property for creating new Texture 2D, and controls the Time of all Scenes within an application. The Animation property and Set Time method can be used to control Time. The Primitives and Screen Overlays properties allow you to add Primitives and ScreenOverlays to all Scenes. To render these objects in specific scenes, see the SceneDisplayCondition class. To render all Scenes within an application, call the Render method.
AgStkGraphicsScreenOverlay A visible element drawn in screen space. Overlays are useful for floating logos, heads up displays, and integrating user interfaces into the 3D window.
AgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollection A collection of screen overlays.
AgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayManager The top-level container for screen overlays. All child ScreenOverlays that are added to this container are specified relative to the overall globe control.
AgStkGraphicsSequenceFilter Applies a sequence of filters to the source raster in the order in which they were added. When Continue On Failure is set to true, subsequent filters will still be applied to the source raster even if one or more filters in the sequence cannot be applied.
AgStkGraphicsSharpenFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to increase the sharpness of the source raster.
AgStkGraphicsSolidPrimitive Renders filled solid objects and their outlines. Example solids include boxes and ellipsoids. Various effects are supported, such as displaying the solid's silhouette, and hidding the outline of the backside of the solid. In cases where you just want to visualize a solid's fill or outline, a Triangle Mesh Primitive or Polyline Primitive can be used for reduced overhead.
AgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult The result from a triangulation of a solid: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list and positions outlining the solid. It is recommended to visualize the solid using a Solid Primitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a Triangle Mesh Primitive with Render Back Then Front Faces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a Polyline Primitive can be used.
AgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive A triangle mesh primitive for meshes on the surface that need to conform to terrain.
AgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult The result from a triangulation on the surface of a central body: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list and boundary positions surrounding the mesh. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundary are commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.
AgStkGraphicsTerrainCollection A collection of Terrain Overlay objects.
AgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlay A Globe Overlay which shows terrain.
AgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitive Renders one or more strings in the 3D scene.

For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few strings each. See the Batching Performance Overview.

AgStkGraphicsTextOverlay A rectangular overlay that contains text.
AgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay A rectangular overlay that can be assigned a texture.
AgStkGraphicsTimeIntervalDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive time interval that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the current animation time .
AgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive Renders a triangle mesh in the 3D scene. Examples of triangle meshes includes polygons on the globe (e.g. states or countries), terrain and imagery extents, ellipses, and extrusions.
AgStkGraphicsVideoStream A raster stream that streams from a video. The video can be read from a file, or streamed from an HTTP, RTP, UDP, or TCP source. See the Video Streams Overview for a list of supported video formats and Uri usage.


Objects Description
IAgStkGraphicsAGICustomTerrainOverlay A Terrain Overlay for handling AGI Cesium Terrain.
IAgStkGraphicsAGICustomTerrainOverlayFactory A Terrain Overlay for handling AGI Cesium Terrain.
IAgStkGraphicsAGIProcessedImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling AGI Processed Image (PDTTX) files.
IAgStkGraphicsAGIProcessedImageGlobeOverlayFactory A Globe Image Overlay for handling AGI Processed Image (PDTTX) files.
IAgStkGraphicsAGIProcessedTerrainOverlay A Terrain Overlay for handling AGI Processed Terrain (PDTT) files.
IAgStkGraphicsAGIProcessedTerrainOverlayFactory A Terrain Overlay for handling AGI Processed Terrain (PDTT) files.
IAgStkGraphicsAGIRoamImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling ROAM (TXM/TXB) files.
IAgStkGraphicsAGIRoamImageGlobeOverlayFactory A Globe Image Overlay for handling ROAM (TXM/TXB) files.
IAgStkGraphicsAlphaFromLuminanceFilter Adds an Alpha band to the source raster derived from the luminance of the raster's color bands.
IAgStkGraphicsAlphaFromLuminanceFilterFactory Adds an Alpha band to the source raster derived from the luminance of the raster's color bands.
IAgStkGraphicsAlphaFromPixelFilter Adds an Alpha band to the source raster based on the value of its first pixel. All pixels in the source raster that are the same color as the first pixel will be made transparent.
IAgStkGraphicsAlphaFromPixelFilterFactory Adds an Alpha band to the source raster based on the value of its first pixel. All pixels in the source raster that are the same color as the first pixel will be made transparent.
IAgStkGraphicsAlphaFromRasterFilter Adds an Alpha band to the source raster derived from the color bands or alpha of another raster. This filter can be used to apply an alpha mask to the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsAlphaFromRasterFilterFactory Adds an Alpha band to the source raster derived from the color bands or alpha of another raster. This filter can be used to apply an alpha mask to the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive altitude interval, in meters, that determines when an object is rendered based on the camera's altitude relative to a Central Body.
IAgStkGraphicsAltitudeDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive altitude interval, in meters, that determines when an object is rendered based on the camera's altitude relative to a Central Body.
IAgStkGraphicsBandExtractFilter Extracts a band or set of bands from the source raster. The Extract Format property specifies the bands and the order of the bands that will be extracted.
IAgStkGraphicsBandExtractFilterFactory Extracts a band or set of bands from the source raster. The Extract Format property specifies the bands and the order of the bands that will be extracted.
IAgStkGraphicsBandOrderFilter Reorders or swizzles the bands of the source raster to match the band order of the Raster Format specified by the Band Order property. When Maintain Raster Format is true, the source raster's format is maintained after swizzling.
IAgStkGraphicsBandOrderFilterFactory Reorders or swizzles the bands of the source raster to match the band order of the Raster Format specified by the Band Order property. When Maintain Raster Format is true, the source raster's format is maintained after swizzling.
IAgStkGraphicsBatchPrimitiveIndex Represents an individual item index that is associated with a batch primitive. Provides the Index of the individual item and the Primitive that contains that index. When the PerItemPickingEnabled property is set to true for a batch primitive, the PickResults returned from Scene.Pick will contain BatchPrimitiveIndex types referencing particular indices within that batch.
IAgStkGraphicsBlurFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to blur or smooth the source raster. Can be used to reduce noise in the raster.
IAgStkGraphicsBlurFilterFactory Applies a Convolution Filter to blur or smooth the source raster. Can be used to reduce noise in the raster.
IAgStkGraphicsBoundingSphere A sphere that encapsulates an object.
IAgStkGraphicsBoundingSphereFactory Creates instances of the bounding sphere type.
IAgStkGraphicsBoxTriangulatorInitializer Triangulates a box. It is recommended to visualize the box using a Solid Primitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a Triangle Mesh Primitive with Render Back Then Front Faces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a Polyline Primitive can be used.
IAgStkGraphicsBrightnessFilter Adjusts the brightness of the source raster's color bands. The Adjustment to brightness is a value between -1 and 1, corresponding to least bright to most bright.
IAgStkGraphicsBrightnessFilterFactory Adjusts the brightness of the source raster's color bands. The Adjustment to brightness is a value between -1 and 1, corresponding to least bright to most bright.
IAgStkGraphicsCamera Implemented by the scene camera. Contains operations to manipulate the camera position, view direction and orientation in the scene.
IAgStkGraphicsCameraSnapshot Takes snapshots of the 3D window.
IAgStkGraphicsCameraVideoRecording Records the 3D window to either a movie file or to consecutively ordered image files each time the Scene is rendered.
IAgStkGraphicsCentralBodyGraphics The graphical properties associated with a particular Central Body. Changing the Central Body Graphics will affect how the associated Central Body is rendered in a Scene. For instance, to show or hide the Central Body, use the Show property. Central Body Graphics also contains the Terrain and Imagery for the associated Central Body.
IAgStkGraphicsCentralBodyGraphicsIndexer An indexer into the CentralBodyGraphics for a particular Central Body, which provides graphical properties such as showing or hiding the Central Body in the Scene, and working with terrain and imagery for the specified Central Body.
IAgStkGraphicsColorToLuminanceFilter Extracts a Luminance band derived from the color bands of the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsColorToLuminanceFilterFactory Extracts a Luminance band derived from the color bands of the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsCompositeDisplayCondition A composite of display conditions combined using a Binary Logic Operation. For example, several Time Interval Display Condition objects can be added to a composite. The composite can then be assigned to an object so the object is only rendered when the current animation time is within one of the time intervals.
IAgStkGraphicsCompositeDisplayConditionFactory A composite of display conditions combined using a Binary Logic Operation. For example, several Time Interval Display Condition objects can be added to a composite. The composite can then be assigned to an object so the object is only rendered when the current animation time is within one of the time intervals.
IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitive A primitive that is composed of multiple other primitives. Since composites can contain other composites, they are commonly used to build hierarchies of primitives to efficiently evaluate display conditions.

Primitives in a composite must have the same Reference Frame.

IAgStkGraphicsCompositePrimitiveFactory A primitive that is composed of multiple other primitives. Since composites can contain other composites, they are commonly used to build hierarchies of primitives to efficiently evaluate display conditions.

Primitives in a composite must have the same Reference Frame.

IAgStkGraphicsConstantDisplayCondition A display condition that evaluates to a user-defined value. This is commonly used to hide primitives by assigning to a primitive a display condition that always returns false.
IAgStkGraphicsConstantDisplayConditionFactory A display condition that evaluates to a user-defined value. This is commonly used to hide primitives by assigning to a primitive a display condition that always returns false.
IAgStkGraphicsContrastFilter Adjusts the contrast of the source raster. The Adjustment to contrast is a value between -1 and 1, corresponding to least contrast to most contrast.
IAgStkGraphicsContrastFilterFactory Adjusts the contrast of the source raster. The Adjustment to contrast is a value between -1 and 1, corresponding to least contrast to most contrast.
IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilter Applies convolution to the source raster. Convolution is the modification of a pixel's value based on the values of its surrounding pixels. The Kernel is the numerical matrix that is applied to each pixel in this process. The convolution operation is discussed in more detail in numerous texts on image processing and useful convolution kernels are widely available from various sources.
IAgStkGraphicsConvolutionFilterFactory Applies convolution to the source raster. Convolution is the modification of a pixel's value based on the values of its surrounding pixels. The Kernel is the numerical matrix that is applied to each pixel in this process. The convolution operation is discussed in more detail in numerous texts on image processing and useful convolution kernels are widely available from various sources.
IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay that allows for a user defined image to be specified.
IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginActivator The Activator class provides methods to load COM plugins that implement custom image globe overlays. For more information about custom image globe overlays, see the STK Programming Interface.
IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginActivatorFactory The Activator class provides methods to load COM plugins that implement custom image globe overlays. For more information about custom image globe overlays, see the STK Programming Interface.
IAgStkGraphicsCustomImageGlobeOverlayPluginProxy A proxy class provides access to a custom image globe overlay implemented by a plugin. Proxies are instantiated using Custom Image Globe Overlay Plugin Activator.
IAgStkGraphicsCylinderTriangulatorInitializer Triangulates a cylinder. It is recommended to visualize the cylinder using a Solid Primitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a Triangle Mesh Primitive with Render Back Then Front Faces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a Polyline Primitive can be used.
IAgStkGraphicsDisplayCondition When assigned to objects, such as primitives or globe overlays, display conditions are evaluated to determine if the object should be rendered.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the object.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the object.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToGlobeOverlayDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the Globe Overlay. This is different from Distance Display Condition because it is based on the camera's distance to a specified Globe Overlay, rather than the camera's distance to the object that uses this display condition.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToGlobeOverlayDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the Globe Overlay. This is different from Distance Display Condition because it is based on the camera's distance to a specified Globe Overlay, rather than the camera's distance to the object that uses this display condition.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPositionDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to a position defined in the given Reference Frame.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPositionDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to a position defined in the given Reference Frame.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPrimitiveDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a screen overlay, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the Primitive. This is different from Distance Display Condition because it is based on the camera's distance to a specified Primitive, rather than the camera's distance to the object that uses this display condition.
IAgStkGraphicsDistanceToPrimitiveDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive distance interval, in meters, that determines when an object, such as a screen overlay, is rendered based on the distance, in meters, from the camera to the Primitive. This is different from Distance Display Condition because it is based on the camera's distance to a specified Primitive, rather than the camera's distance to the object that uses this display condition.
IAgStkGraphicsDurationPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicy PathPrimitive update policy that removes points from Remove Location after a given Duration.
IAgStkGraphicsDurationPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicyFactory PathPrimitive update policy that removes points from Remove Location after a given Duration.
IAgStkGraphicsEdgeDetectFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to detect edges in the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsEdgeDetectFilterFactory Applies a Convolution Filter to detect edges in the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsEllipsoidTriangulatorInitializer Triangulates an ellipsoid. It is recommended to visualize the ellipsoid using a Solid Primitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a Triangle Mesh Primitive with Render Back Then Front Faces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a Polyline Primitive can be used.
IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorInitializer Triangulates a polyline into an extrusion with bottom and top boundaries.
IAgStkGraphicsExtrudedPolylineTriangulatorResult The result from extruded polyline triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list with top and bottom boundary positions. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundaries are commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.
IAgStkGraphicsFactoryAndInitializers Methods and properties are used to initialize new primitives, display conditions, screen overlays, textures and many other types; compute and retrieve triangulator results and access global properties (what's known as static properties, static methods and constructors in languages such as C++, C#, etc.)
IAgStkGraphicsFilteringRasterStream A class decorator for applying a Raster Filter to each update of a Raster Stream. Can be used to apply filters to videos and other raster streams as they are updated.
IAgStkGraphicsFilteringRasterStreamFactory A class decorator for applying a Raster Filter to each update of a Raster Stream. Can be used to apply filters to videos and other raster streams as they are updated.
IAgStkGraphicsFlipFilter Flips the source raster along the given Flip Axis.
IAgStkGraphicsFlipFilterFactory Flips the source raster along the given Flip Axis.
IAgStkGraphicsGammaCorrectionFilter Applies gamma correction to the source raster. The Gamma is a value between .2 and 5. The default gamma value is 2.2.
IAgStkGraphicsGammaCorrectionFilterFactory Applies gamma correction to the source raster. The Gamma is a value between .2 and 5. The default gamma value is 2.2.
IAgStkGraphicsGaussianBlurFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to blur the source raster using the Gaussian function.
IAgStkGraphicsGaussianBlurFilterFactory Applies a Convolution Filter to blur the source raster using the Gaussian function.
IAgStkGraphicsGeospatialImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling JPEG 2000 (.jp2), ECW (.ecw), ECWP, and MrSid (.sid) image formats in the WGS84 geographic projection.
IAgStkGraphicsGeospatialImageGlobeOverlayFactory A Globe Image Overlay for handling JPEG 2000 (.jp2), ECW (.ecw), ECWP, and MrSid (.sid) image formats in the WGS84 geographic projection.
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlay A Globe Overlay that shows an image.
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlayAddCompleteEventArgs The event is raised when the globe image overlay is displayed for the first time after being added using AddAsync.
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeImageOverlayInitializer A Globe Overlay that shows an image.
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlay The base class of all Terrain Overlay and Globe Image Overlay objects.
IAgStkGraphicsGlobeOverlaySettings Settings used by Globe Overlay objects. These setting affect all scenes.
IAgStkGraphicsGradientDetectFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to detect gradients in the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsGradientDetectFilterFactory Applies a Convolution Filter to detect gradients in the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsGraphicsFont A font that is suitable for use with the Text Batch Primitive. For best performance, avoid creating duplicate font objects. Instead assign the same font object to several text batch primitives.
IAgStkGraphicsGraphicsFontFactory A font that is suitable for use with the Text Batch Primitive. For best performance, avoid creating duplicate font objects. Instead assign the same font object to several text batch primitives.
IAgStkGraphicsGreatArcInterpolator The great arc interpolator computes interpolated positions along a great arc. A great arc is the shortest path between two positions on an ellipsoid.
IAgStkGraphicsGreatArcInterpolatorFactory The great arc interpolator computes interpolated positions along a great arc. A great arc is the shortest path between two positions on an ellipsoid.
IAgStkGraphicsImageCollection A collection of Globe Image Overlay objects.
IAgStkGraphicsImageCollectionEvents Events raised by the instances of ImageCollection.
IAgStkGraphicsJpeg2000WriterInitializer Converts an image, such as a BMP, to a GeoJP2 file that can be used as an image globe overlay.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlContainer A KmlContainer contains a collection of children KmlFeatures.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlDocument A KML document.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlDocumentCollection A collection of KML documents.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlDocumentLoadedEventArgs The event is raised when a KML document has been loaded.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlFeature A KML feature.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlFeatureCollection A collection of KML features.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlFolder A KML folder.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlGraphics Provides loading and unloading of KmlDocuments for a particular CentralBody.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlGraphicsEvents Events raised by the instances of KmlGraphics.
IAgStkGraphicsKmlNetworkLink A KML network link.
IAgStkGraphicsLevelsFilter Adjusts the band levels of the source raster linearly.
IAgStkGraphicsLevelsFilterFactory Adjusts the band levels of the source raster linearly.
IAgStkGraphicsLighting Lighting in the 3D scene.
IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitive Renders one or more markers in the 3D scene. Markers are 2D images that always face the viewer which can be sized in pixels or meters. Markers are also referred to as sprites or billboards.

For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few markers each. See the Batching Performance Overview.

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveFactory Renders one or more markers in the 3D scene. Markers are 2D images that always face the viewer which can be sized in pixels or meters. Markers are also referred to as sprites or billboards.

For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few markers each. See the Batching Performance Overview.

IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters Optional per-marker parameters for Marker Batch Primitive that overrides the marker batch's per-batch parameters. Define per-marker parameters by creating an instance of MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then calling the desired methods to define per-marker parameters, and finally passing the object to the marker batch's Set or SetPartial method.
IAgStkGraphicsMarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParametersFactory Optional per-marker parameters for Marker Batch Primitive that overrides the marker batch's per-batch parameters. Define per-marker parameters by creating an instance of MarkerBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then calling the desired methods to define per-marker parameters, and finally passing the object to the marker batch's Set or SetPartial method.
IAgStkGraphicsMaximumCountPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicy PathPrimitive update policy that removes points from Remove Location when the number of points in the path exceeds Maximum Count.
IAgStkGraphicsMaximumCountPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicyFactory PathPrimitive update policy that removes points from Remove Location when the number of points in the path exceeds Maximum Count.
IAgStkGraphicsModelArticulation A ModelArticulation identifies geometry on the model and is a collection of transformations that can be applied to that geometry.
IAgStkGraphicsModelArticulationCollection A collection containing a ModelPrimitive's available articulations. A ModelArticulation identifies geometry on the model and is a collection of transformations that can be applied to that geometry.
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitive The model primitive loads and renders COLLADA (DAE) and AGI MDL (MDL) models.
IAgStkGraphicsModelPrimitiveFactory The model primitive loads and renders COLLADA (DAE) and AGI MDL (MDL) models.
IAgStkGraphicsModelTransformation A ModelTransformation defines a transformation that is applied to geometry on a ModelPrimitive. That geometry is identified by the ModelArticulation which contains the transformation. Changing the Current Value property of the transformation will also change the geometry associated with its articulation. The type of transformation that will be applied is indicated by the Type property.
IAgStkGraphicsObjectCollection A collection of objects.
IAgStkGraphicsOverlay A visible element drawn in screen space. Overlays are useful for floating logos, heads up displays, and integrating user interfaces into the 3D window.
IAgStkGraphicsPathPoint A path point used with the Path Primitive.
IAgStkGraphicsPathPointCollection A collection of path points.
IAgStkGraphicsPathPointFactory Creates Path Primitive's path points.
IAgStkGraphicsPathPrimitive Renders a line to the 3D scene. Similar to the PolylinePrimitive; however, the PathPrimitive was designed for the efficient addition/removal of points to/from the front or back of the line.
IAgStkGraphicsPathPrimitiveFactory Renders a line to the 3D scene. Similar to the PolylinePrimitive; however, the PathPrimitive was designed for the efficient addition/removal of points to/from the front or back of the line.
IAgStkGraphicsPathPrimitiveUpdatePolicy A class that encapsulates the update logic for a PathPrimitive. Derived classes must implement the Update method.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResult A single result from Scene.Pick.
IAgStkGraphicsPickResultCollection A collection of picked objects.
IAgStkGraphicsPixelSizeDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive interval, in pixels, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the number of pixels the object's bounding sphere (or in the case of screen overlays, bounding rectangle) covers on the screen. This is commonly used to implement level of detail algorithms that take into account the field of view.
IAgStkGraphicsPixelSizeDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive interval, in pixels, that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the number of pixels the object's bounding sphere (or in the case of screen overlays, bounding rectangle) covers on the screen. This is commonly used to implement level of detail algorithms that take into account the field of view.
IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitive Renders one or more points in the 3D scene. Each point in the batch has a unique position and an optional color. All points in the batch share the same pixel size. For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few points each. See the Batching Performance Overview.
IAgStkGraphicsPointBatchPrimitiveFactory Renders one or more points in the 3D scene. Each point in the batch has a unique position and an optional color. All points in the batch share the same pixel size. For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few points each. See the Batching Performance Overview.
IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitive Renders a polyline in the 3D scene. Each line segment may have a different color. A polyline can be constructed with a Position Interpolator to render great arcs or rhumb lines.
IAgStkGraphicsPolylinePrimitiveFactory Renders a polyline in the 3D scene. Each line segment may have a different color. A polyline can be constructed with a Position Interpolator to render great arcs or rhumb lines.
IAgStkGraphicsPositionInterpolator Position interpolators compute positions based on a collection of input positions. Position interpolators are used in conjunction with the Polyline Primitive to render things such as great arcs and rhumb lines.
IAgStkGraphicsPrimitive Primitives represent objects rendered in the 3D scene.
IAgStkGraphicsPrimitiveManager The primitive manager contains spatial data structures used to efficiently render primitives. Once a primitive is constructed, it must be added to the primitive manager before it will be rendered.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectedRasterOverlay A Globe Image Overlay which projects a Raster onto the terrain or surface of the Central Body. You can also enable projection onto models by setting ProjectedRasterModelProjection to true for a Scene. The Projected Raster Overlay can also be used with RasterStream and ProjectionStream to stream video and other raster data to a projection that moves with time.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectedRasterOverlayFactory A Globe Image Overlay which projects a Raster onto the terrain or surface of the Central Body. You can also enable projection onto models by setting ProjectedRasterModelProjection to true for a Scene. The Projected Raster Overlay can also be used with RasterStream and ProjectionStream to stream video and other raster data to a projection that moves with time.
IAgStkGraphicsProjection A Projection represents a simplified camera with a Position, Orientation, and Field Of View Horizontal and Field Of View Vertical. Unlike a real world camera, Projection has a nearest and farthest viewing distance, as defined by the Near Plane and Far Plane properties. For example, Projection can be used to represent a UAV's camera, to allow for projecting video onto terrain. See the Raster and Projection Streams Overview for such an example.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionFactory A Projection represents a simplified camera with a Position, Orientation, and Field Of View Horizontal and Field Of View Vertical. Unlike a real world camera, Projection has a nearest and farthest viewing distance, as defined by the Near Plane and Far Plane properties. For example, Projection can be used to represent a UAV's camera, to allow for projecting video onto terrain. See the Raster and Projection Streams Overview for such an example.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivator The Activator class provides methods to load COM plugins that implement projection and raster streaming. For more information about the projection and raster plugins, see the STK Programming Interface.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginActivatorFactory The Activator class provides methods to load COM plugins that implement projection and raster streaming. For more information about the projection and raster plugins, see the STK Programming Interface.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionRasterStreamPluginProxy A proxy class provides access to the raster and projection streams implemented by a plugin. Proxies are instantiated using Projection Raster Stream Plugin Activator.
IAgStkGraphicsProjectionStream A Projection that is updated dynamically at the specified Update Delta. The class can be used to stream projection data to Projection clients, like Projected Raster Overlay. Note to Implementers: When implementing a derived class of ProjectionStream, you must provide an implementation for the Update method.
IAgStkGraphicsRaster A raster dataset. A raster consists of one or more bands, or sets of values, which are most commonly associated with colors when the raster represents an image. For instance, a typical color image contains three sets of values, or bands (red, green, and blue) which define the color of pixels within the image. The following raster image formats can be read by the raster class: BMP, ECW, IMG, JP2, NTF, NITF, PNG, SID, TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, PPM, PGM, CLDS, and TGA. To create a texture from a raster, pass it to the From Raster method.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterAttributes The attributes describing a Raster dataset. Raster Attributes define the memory layout of a Raster, and includes properties defining the order of each Raster Band that the raster contains, as specified by the Raster Format. It also describes the type of data, or Raster Type of the contained bands, the Height and Width of the raster in pixels, the Row Alignment of the raster, and other relevant properties.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterAttributesFactory The attributes describing a Raster dataset. Raster Attributes define the memory layout of a Raster, and includes properties defining the order of each Raster Band that the raster contains, as specified by the Raster Format. It also describes the type of data, or Raster Type of the contained bands, the Height and Width of the raster in pixels, the Row Alignment of the raster, and other relevant properties.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterFactory A raster dataset. A raster consists of one or more bands, or sets of values, which are most commonly associated with colors when the raster represents an image. For instance, a typical color image contains three sets of values, or bands (red, green, and blue) which define the color of pixels within the image. The following raster image formats can be read by the raster class: BMP, ECW, IMG, JP2, NTF, NITF, PNG, SID, TIF, TIFF, JPG, JPEG, PPM, PGM, CLDS, and TGA. To create a texture from a raster, pass it to the From Raster method.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterFilter A filter for processing Raster datasets. RasterFilter is the base class for all raster filters. A filter applies a transformation to a source raster either by modifying that raster directly, or returning a new instance of that raster that has the filter applied to it. To apply a filter to a raster, use the Apply or Apply In Place methods. Common filters include color transformations, like Brightness Filter and Gamma Correction Filter, and Convolution Filter based filters like Sharpen Filter and Edge Detect Filter.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterImageGlobeOverlay A Globe Image Overlay for handling rasters.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterImageGlobeOverlayFactory A Globe Image Overlay for handling rasters.
IAgStkGraphicsRasterStream A raster, the data of which, is updated dynamically at the specified Update Delta. The class can be used to stream video and other dynamic raster data to textures and other Raster clients. Note to Implementers: When implementing a derived class of RasterStream, you must provide an implementation for the Update method. The Attributes property of the Raster should be set in the constructor of the derived class.
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTexture2D A 2D Texture. A texture represents an image that is ready for use by objects such as primitives and overlays. Textures typically reside in video memory.
IAgStkGraphicsRendererTextureTemplate2D Template object containing attributes required to create a 2D texture.
IAgStkGraphicsRenderingEventArgs The event is raised when the scene is rendered.
IAgStkGraphicsRhumbLineInterpolator The rhumb line interpolator computes interpolated positions along a rhumb line. Rhumb lines are lines of constant bearing. They appear as straight lines on a Mercator 2D map projection and are well suited to navigation.
IAgStkGraphicsRhumbLineInterpolatorFactory The rhumb line interpolator computes interpolated positions along a rhumb line. Rhumb lines are lines of constant bearing. They appear as straight lines on a Mercator 2D map projection and are well suited to navigation.
IAgStkGraphicsRotateFilter Rotates the source raster clockwise by the specified angle.
IAgStkGraphicsRotateFilterFactory Rotates the source raster clockwise by the specified angle.
IAgStkGraphicsScene A Scene provides properties and functionality that are reflected in the rendering of the globe control that it is associated with. An globe control's Scene is available from the Scene property. Any changes that are made to a Scene will only affect the rendering of the particular globe control it is associated with. The static SceneManager class provides global properties and functionality that apply to all Scenes and thus affect the rendering of every globe control. A Scene has a Camera, and various properties for changing the visual state of the scene and its Central Bodies, including changes to Lighting. To render a particular Scene, use the Render method. To render all Scenes, use use the SceneManager.Render method.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneCollection A collection of scenes.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneDisplayCondition A display condition used to control what scene or scenes an object, such as a primitive, is rendered in. This is used to show an object in some scenes and hide it in others.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneDisplayConditionFactory A display condition used to control what scene or scenes an object, such as a primitive, is rendered in. This is used to show an object in some scenes and hide it in others.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneEvents Events raised by the instances of Scene.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneGlobeOverlaySettings Settings used by Globe Overlay objects. These settings only affect the scene.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManager The static SceneManager class provides global properties and functionality that apply to all Scenes and thus affect the rendering of every globe control. It also provides a Textures property for creating new Texture 2D, and controls the Time of all Scenes within an application. The Animation property and Set Time method can be used to control Time. The Primitives and Screen Overlays properties allow you to add Primitives and ScreenOverlays to all Scenes. To render these objects in specific scenes, see the SceneDisplayCondition class. To render all Scenes within an application, call the Render method.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManagerEvents Events raised by the instances of SceneManager.
IAgStkGraphicsSceneManagerInitializer The static SceneManager class provides global properties and functionality that apply to all Scenes and thus affect the rendering of every globe control. It also provides a Textures property for creating new Texture 2D, and controls the Time of all Scenes within an application. The Animation property and Set Time method can be used to control Time. The Primitives and Screen Overlays properties allow you to add Primitives and ScreenOverlays to all Scenes. To render these objects in specific scenes, see the SceneDisplayCondition class. To render all Scenes within an application, call the Render method.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlay A visible element drawn in screen space. Overlays are useful for floating logos, heads up displays, and integrating user interfaces into the 3D window.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollection A collection of screen overlays.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayCollectionBase The common base class for collections of overlays held by Screen Overlay and by Screen Overlay Manager.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayContainer The interface for screen overlays that contain a collection of other overlays. This interface is implemented by ScreenOverlayManager and ScreenOverlay.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayFactory A visible element drawn in screen space. Overlays are useful for floating logos, heads up displays, and integrating user interfaces into the 3D window.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayManager The top-level container for screen overlays. All child ScreenOverlays that are added to this container are specified relative to the overall globe control.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayPickResult Describes a picked screen overlay as a result of a call to Scene.PickScreenOverlays.
IAgStkGraphicsScreenOverlayPickResultCollection A collection of pick results.
IAgStkGraphicsSequenceFilter Applies a sequence of filters to the source raster in the order in which they were added. When Continue On Failure is set to true, subsequent filters will still be applied to the source raster even if one or more filters in the sequence cannot be applied.
IAgStkGraphicsSequenceFilterFactory Applies a sequence of filters to the source raster in the order in which they were added. When Continue On Failure is set to true, subsequent filters will still be applied to the source raster even if one or more filters in the sequence cannot be applied.
IAgStkGraphicsSharpenFilter Applies a Convolution Filter to increase the sharpness of the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsSharpenFilterFactory Applies a Convolution Filter to increase the sharpness of the source raster.
IAgStkGraphicsSolidPrimitive Renders filled solid objects and their outlines. Example solids include boxes and ellipsoids. Various effects are supported, such as displaying the solid's silhouette, and hidding the outline of the backside of the solid. In cases where you just want to visualize a solid's fill or outline, a Triangle Mesh Primitive or Polyline Primitive can be used for reduced overhead.
IAgStkGraphicsSolidPrimitiveFactory Renders filled solid objects and their outlines. Example solids include boxes and ellipsoids. Various effects are supported, such as displaying the solid's silhouette, and hidding the outline of the backside of the solid. In cases where you just want to visualize a solid's fill or outline, a Triangle Mesh Primitive or Polyline Primitive can be used for reduced overhead.
IAgStkGraphicsSolidTriangulatorResult The result from a triangulation of a solid: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list and positions outlining the solid. It is recommended to visualize the solid using a Solid Primitive. Although, if only the fill is desired for visualization, a Triangle Mesh Primitive with Render Back Then Front Faces set to true can be used. Likewise, if only the outline is desired, a Polyline Primitive can be used.
IAgStkGraphicsStereoscopic Gets the stereoscopic options for all Scenes. To use a particular stereoscopic display mode, ensure that your system supports the feature and that it is enabled.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceExtentTriangulatorInitializer Triangulates an extent on a central body into a triangle mesh and a surrounding boundary. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundary is commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitive A triangle mesh primitive for meshes on the surface that need to conform to terrain.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshPrimitiveFactory A triangle mesh primitive for meshes on the surface that need to conform to terrain.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfacePolygonTriangulatorInitializer Triangulates a polygon, with an optional hole, on a central body, into a triangle mesh and a surrounding boundary. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundary is commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesInitializer Computes boundary positions for shapes on the surface such as circles, ellipses, and sectors.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceShapesResult Represents the boundary positions of a shape on the surface computed from by a Surface Shapes method.
IAgStkGraphicsSurfaceTriangulatorResult The result from a triangulation on the surface of a central body: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list and boundary positions surrounding the mesh. The mesh is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive. The boundary are commonly visualized with the Polyline Primitive.
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainCollection A collection of Terrain Overlay objects.
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainCollectionEvents Events raised by the instances of TerrainCollection.
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlay A Globe Overlay which shows terrain.
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlayAddCompleteEventArgs The event is raised when the terrain overlay is displayed for the first time after having been added using AddAsync.
IAgStkGraphicsTerrainOverlayInitializer A Globe Overlay which shows terrain.
IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitive Renders one or more strings in the 3D scene.

For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few strings each. See the Batching Performance Overview.

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveFactory Renders one or more strings in the 3D scene.

For best performance, avoid creating lots of batches with only a few strings each. See the Batching Performance Overview.

IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters Optional per-string and per-batch parameters for Text Batch Primitive. To use optional parameters, create an instance of TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then call the desired methods or properties to define per-string and per-batch parameters, and finally pass the object to the text batch's Set or SetPartial method.
IAgStkGraphicsTextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParametersFactory Optional per-string and per-batch parameters for Text Batch Primitive. To use optional parameters, create an instance of TextBatchPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then call the desired methods or properties to define per-string and per-batch parameters, and finally pass the object to the text batch's Set or SetPartial method.
IAgStkGraphicsTextOverlay A rectangular overlay that contains text.
IAgStkGraphicsTextOverlayFactory A rectangular overlay that contains text.
IAgStkGraphicsTexture2DFactory A factory for creating Texture 2D objects from various sources.
IAgStkGraphicsTextureFilter2D A texture filter.
IAgStkGraphicsTextureFilter2DFactory Creates texture filters.
IAgStkGraphicsTextureMatrix A 4 by 4 matrix applied to a texture coordinate.
IAgStkGraphicsTextureMatrixFactory A 4 by 4 matrix applied to a texture coordinate.
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlay A rectangular overlay that can be assigned a texture.
IAgStkGraphicsTextureScreenOverlayFactory A rectangular overlay that can be assigned a texture.
IAgStkGraphicsTimeIntervalDisplayCondition Defines an inclusive time interval that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the current animation time .
IAgStkGraphicsTimeIntervalDisplayConditionFactory Defines an inclusive time interval that determines when an object, such as a primitive, is rendered based on the current animation time .
IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitive Renders a triangle mesh in the 3D scene. Examples of triangle meshes includes polygons on the globe (e.g. states or countries), terrain and imagery extents, ellipses, and extrusions.
IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitiveFactory Renders a triangle mesh in the 3D scene. Examples of triangle meshes includes polygons on the globe (e.g. states or countries), terrain and imagery extents, ellipses, and extrusions.
IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters Optional parameters for Triangle Mesh Primitive. To use optional parameters, create an instance of TriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then call the desired methods or properties to define the parameters, and finally pass the object to the triangle mesh's Set method.
IAgStkGraphicsTriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParametersFactory Optional parameters for Triangle Mesh Primitive. To use optional parameters, create an instance of TriangleMeshPrimitiveOptionalParameters, then call the desired methods or properties to define the parameters, and finally pass the object to the triangle mesh's Set method.
IAgStkGraphicsTriangulatorResult The result from triangulation: a triangle mesh defined using an indexed triangle list. This is commonly visualized with the Triangle Mesh Primitive or Surface Mesh Primitive.
IAgStkGraphicsVideoStream A raster stream that streams from a video. The video can be read from a file, or streamed from an HTTP, RTP, UDP, or TCP source. See the Video Streams Overview for a list of supported video formats and Uri usage.
IAgStkGraphicsVideoStreamFactory A raster stream that streams from a video. The video can be read from a file, or streamed from an HTTP, RTP, UDP, or TCP source. See the Video Streams Overview for a list of supported video formats and Uri usage.


Enumeration Description
AgEStkGraphicsAntiAliasing The multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) options for Scenes. As the level of anti-aliasing increases, performance will generally decrease, but the quality of the anti-aliasing will improve.
AgEStkGraphicsBinaryLogicOperation Binary logic operations that can be used by composite display condition.
AgEStkGraphicsBlurMethod The method used to blur or smooth a raster.
AgEStkGraphicsCameraSnapshotFileFormat When using camera snapshot or camera video recording to save a snapshot to a file, this specifies the file format.
AgEStkGraphicsConstrainedUpAxis When setting the camera'saxes, this defines which axis of the axes is up in screen space, where up is from the bottom to the top of the screen.
AgEStkGraphicsCullFace Identifies whether front- and/or back-facing triangles are culled.
AgEStkGraphicsCylinderFill Cylinder faces that can be filled.
AgEStkGraphicsEdgeDetectMethod The method used to detect edges in a raster.
AgEStkGraphicsFlipAxis The axis on which a raster will be flipped.
AgEStkGraphicsFontStyle Font styles.
AgEStkGraphicsGlobeOverlayRole The role of a globe overlay.
AgEStkGraphicsGradientDetectMethod The method used to detect gradients in a raster. Gradient detection is commonly referred to as embossing.
AgEStkGraphicsIndicesOrderHint An optimization hint optionally provided to a primitive'sSetPartial method to enhance performance.
AgEStkGraphicsInternalTextureFormat The format of individual texels in a texture.
AgEStkGraphicsJpeg2000CompressionProfile Defines the profile used when encoding a JPEG 2000 file.
AgEStkGraphicsKmlNetworkLinkRefreshMode Defines the options available for a KmlNetworkLink's RefreshMode property.
AgEStkGraphicsKmlNetworkLinkViewRefreshMode Defines the options available for a KmlNetworkLink's ViewRefreshMode property.
AgEStkGraphicsMagnificationFilter The filter used when the pixel being textured maps to an area less than or equal to one texel.
AgEStkGraphicsMaintainAspectRatio Specifies whether the aspect ratio of a texture will be maintained during sizing of a screen overlay.
AgEStkGraphicsMapProjection The projection of the pixel data returned from a custom image globe overlay.
AgEStkGraphicsMarkerBatchRenderingMethod Rendering methods available for use by the marker batch primitive. Different methods may have different performance characteristics and require different video card support. When in doubt, use Automatic.
AgEStkGraphicsMarkerBatchRenderPass The pass during which the marker batch is rendered.
AgEStkGraphicsMarkerBatchSizeSource Determines which marker batch property is used to size each marker in a marker batch.
AgEStkGraphicsMarkerBatchSortOrder The order in which markers in a marker batch are sorted before rendering.
AgEStkGraphicsMarkerBatchUnit The unit for marker sizes in a marker batch.
AgEStkGraphicsMinificationFilter The filter used when the pixel being textured maps to an area greater than one texel.
AgEStkGraphicsModelTransformationType Transformation types that define the way a model transformation changes the geometry of the model articulation it is associated with.
AgEStkGraphicsModelUpAxis When setting the camera'saxes, this defines which axis of the axes is up in screen space, where up is from the bottom to the top of the screen.
AgEStkGraphicsOrigin Vertical and horizontal origin.
AgEStkGraphicsOutlineAppearance Possible appearances of an outline. Front lines are lines on front facing geometry and back lines are lines on back facing geometry.
AgEStkGraphicsPathPrimitiveRemoveLocation Represents the location of a point to be removed.
AgEStkGraphicsPolylineType Describes how to interpret positions defining a polyline.
AgEStkGraphicsPrimitivesSortOrder The order in which primitives are sorted before rendering.
AgEStkGraphicsRasterBand Common band types that may be contained within a raster dataset. Each band can be thought of as a set of values, which are most commonly associated with colors when the raster represents an image...
AgEStkGraphicsRasterFormat Common raster band layouts that may be contained within a raster dataset. Each pixel of the raster will contain the bands defined by the layout in the specified order. A typical color raster image will have an rgbraster format.
AgEStkGraphicsRasterOrientation The vertical orientation of the raster.
AgEStkGraphicsRasterType The type of data contained within each band of a raster dataset.
AgEStkGraphicsRefreshRate The rate at which animation frames will occur.
AgEStkGraphicsRendererShadeModel Identifies which shade model to use. The primitive can be drawn with a single color or multiple colors.
AgEStkGraphicsRenderPass Describes when a primitive will be rendered. Some primitives need to be rendered during or at a certain time. For example, translucent primitives need to be rendered after opaque primitives to allow proper blending...
AgEStkGraphicsRenderPassHint An optimization hint optionally provided to a primitive'sSet method to enhance performance when per-position colors are used.
AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayOrigin Specifies the origin of a screen overlay, as well as the direction of the horizontal and vertical axes. The origin specifies both the origin in the parent overlay's coordinate system and the origin within the overlay itself that is positioned.
AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayPinningOrigin Specifies the origin of the pinning position of the screen overlay, as well as the direction of the horizontal and vertical axes for that pinning position. The pinning origin specifies the origin of the pinning position in the overlay's coordinate system.
AgEStkGraphicsScreenOverlayUnit A unit specifying how a screen overlay is sized and positioned relative to its parent.
AgEStkGraphicsSetHint An optimization hint optionally provided to primitives to enhance performance for static or dynamic primitives. See the Set Hint Performance Overview for selecting an appropriate value.
AgEStkGraphicsSharpenMethod The method used to sharpen a raster.
AgEStkGraphicsStereoscopicDisplayMode The stereoscopic display mode. To use a particular stereoscopic display mode, ensure that your system supports the feature and that it is enabled.
AgEStkGraphicsSurfaceMeshRenderingMethod Rendering methods available for use by the surface mesh primitive. Different methods may have different performance characteristics and require different video card support. When in doubt, use Automatic.
AgEStkGraphicsTextureWrap Determine how to handle textures coordinates that fall outside of the range [0, 1].
AgEStkGraphicsVideoPlayback Specifies how the video stream will playback. When the playback is set to real time, the video will playback in real time...
AgEStkGraphicsVisibility Result of a visibility test, such as testing if a sphere intersects a frustum.
AgEStkGraphicsWindingOrder Specifies the order for positions or front facing triangles. Winding order is important for triangulation and backface culling.
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STK Programming Interface 11.0.1