A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z

Alphabetical Listing

The Alphabetical listing includes all Connect commands, regardless of their groupings.

- A -

Command Format Description Version
ACAT ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> {CalculateOptions} <Parameters> Set Advanced CAT properties 12.10
ACAT LogFile ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> LogFile {On | Off} {Overwrite | Append} {Buffer | Flush} "<FilePath>" Write information regarding the effects of filtering on computations to a log file 4.2.1
ACAT MsgAlertOnHit ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> MsgAlertOnHit {On | Off | True | False} Toggle the Advanced CAT message alert on hit flag 5.0.4
ACAT Probability ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> Probability {Parameters} Set the parameters used to compute conjunction probability for nonlinear relative motion. 9.0
ACAT RelationFile ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> RelationFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"} Set a relationship file for STK to use during Advanced CAT computations. 12.10
ACAT SSCFile ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> SSCFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"} Set an SSC reference file for STK to use during Advanced CAT computations. 12.10
ACATEvents_RM ACATEvents_RM <AdvCatObjPath> [{Options}] Return event information for conjunction probability computations. 9.0
ACATProbability_R ACATProbability_R <AdvCatObjPath> Primary <Name> Secondary <Name> TCA "<DateTime>" Method {Method} Return the value of a conjunction probability computation. 10
AER AER <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> [{AccessOptions}] Return the azimuth, elevation and range between two objects 10
Access Access <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> [{AccessOptions}] [ForceRecompute] Calculate access intervals between two objects. 11.1
AccessConfig AccessConfig <ApplicationPath> {AccessConfigOption} Adjust the performance of access computations 11.1
AccessParameters_RM AccessParameters_RM <objPath> Returns a list of access parameters settings and values. 11.7
AddAttitude AngVels AddAttitude <ObjectPath> AngVels {TimeLimitInstant} <XAngVel> <YAngVel> <ZAngVel> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of angular velocities. 10
AddAttitude CBFQuat AddAttitude <ObjectPath> CBFQuat {StartTime} <Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of quaternions interpreted relative to CBF 10
AddAttitude DCM AddAttitude <ObjectPath> DCM {StartTime} <Value1> <Value2> <Value3> <Value4> <Value5> <Value6> <Value7> <Value8> <Value9> Add attitude data based on a direction cosine matrix 10
AddAttitude ECIYPR AddAttitude <ObjectPath> ECIYPR {StartTime} {Sequence} <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of yaw, pitch, roll angles defined with respect to the central body inertial axes (CBI).Similarly to Euler angles, YPR angles specify attitude using three rotations in a chosen sequence: the rotation about the reference X axis is called roll (R), the rotation about the reference Y axis is called pitch (P), and the rotation about the reference Z axis is called yaw (Y). Sequences are identified using either numbers (1 is the X axis, 2 is the Y axis, 3 is the Z axis) or letters (R is the X axis, P is the Y axis, Y is the Z axis). Unlike Euler angles, the rotations are not made about axes defined by an earlier rotation. Instead, each rotation is made about the reference system's axes.In YPR angles, the names yaw, pitch, and roll do NOT refer to the angles normally used in aviation; the terms yaw, pitch, and roll in aviation refer to 321 Euler angles. 10
AddAttitude Euler AddAttitude <ObjectPath> Euler {StartTime} {Sequence} <Angle1> <Angle2> <Angle3> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of Euler angles 10
AddAttitude EulerRates AddAttitude <ObjectPath> EulerRates {StartTime} {Sequence} <AngleRate1> <AngleRate2> <AngleRate3> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of Euler angle rates. 10
AddAttitude File AddAttitude <VehObjectPath> File "<FilePath.a>" Add an additional attitude profile for a vehicle using an external attitude file 4.3
AddAttitude Profile AddAttitude <ObjectPath> Profile [<ProfileName>] {StartTime} {ProfileType} <Parameters> Add further attitude profiles to a single object 10
AddAttitude Quat AddAttitude <ObjectPath> Quat {StartTime} <Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of quaternions 10
AddAttitude YPR AddAttitude <ObjectPath> YPR {StartTime} {Sequence} <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> Adds attitude data based on a time-ordered set of YPR yaw, pitch, and roll angles defined with respect to the central body inertial VVLH reference axes (CBIVVLH).Similarly to Euler angles, YPR angles specify attitude using three rotations in a chosen sequence: the rotation about the reference X axis is called roll (R), the rotation about the reference Y axis is called pitch (P), and the rotation about the reference Z axis is called yaw (Y). Sequences are identified using either numbers (1 is the X axis, 2 is the Y axis, 3 is the Z axis) or letters (R is the X axis, P is the Y axis, Y is the Z axis). Unlike Euler angles, the rotations are not made about axes defined by an earlier rotation. Instead, each rotation is made about the reference system's axes.In YPR angles, the names yaw, pitch, and roll do NOT refer to the angles normally used in aviation; the terms yaw, pitch, and roll in aviation refer to 321 Euler angles. 10
AddTgtSched AddTgtSched <SensorObjectPath> {ScheduleOption} [<Parameters>] Set target schedule data for a sensor 10
AddWaypoint AddWaypoint <VehObjectPath> {AddMethod} <Parameters> [<TurnRadius>] Add waypoints to a great arc vehicle 10
AllAccess AllAccess <ApplicationPath> [ElimDups] Calculate access between all objects in a scenario 4.0
AllInstanceNames AllInstanceNames <ApplicationPath> [IncludeAccess] [<Delimiter>] Identify all <ObjectPaths> within the current scenario 11
AllowAnimationUpdate AllowAnimationUpdate <ScenarioPath> {On | Off | Toggle} Controls whether the 2D Graphics and 3D Graphics windows refresh 6.1
AltitudeRef AltitudeRef <VehObjectPath> {AltRefOption} <Parameters> Set the altitude reference for a Great Arc vehicle. 6.0
AnalysisWorkbench AnalysisWorkbench <ApplicationPath> {Options} Set global default values for Analysis Workbench. 10
AnimFrameRate AnimFrameRate <ScenarioPath> Return the current scenario's frame rate during animation 4.0
Animate Animate <ScenarioPath> {AnimateOption} <Parameters> Direct animation of a scenario 10.1
Antenna Antenna <AntObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] Set, add and remove properties for an antenna. 9.0
Antenna_RM Antenna_RM <AntObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about an antenna. 9.0
Application Application <ApplicationPath> {AppCmdOption} [<Value>] Modify the STK Application window. 6.2
Async2DKeyboard Async2DKeyboard <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} Return a string indicating which keys on the keyboard are pressed 5.0
Async2DPick Async2DPick <ScenarioPath> {State} <Parameter> Return the object name or lat/lon coordinates of a point clicked in a 2D Graphics window 7.0
Async3DKeyboard Async3DKeyboard <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} Return a string indicating which keys on the keyboard are pressed 4.3
Async3DPick Async3DPick <ScenarioPath> {State} [<Parameter>] Return the instance path or position of the central body or object double-clicked with the left mouse button in a 3D window 6.1.2
AsyncAllowed_R AsyncAllowed_R <ApplicationPath> Determine if asynchronous operations are allowed in the current STK session 7.1
Atmosphere Atmosphere <ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Control the use of atmospheric models 9.0
Atmosphere_RM Atmosphere_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about atmospheric models. 9.0
AttCov Access AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Access {ComputeOption} [<Parameters>] Compute or clear access calculations for an attitude coverage object and set auto-recompute options 8.1
AttCov Asset AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Asset <AssetObjectPath> {Action} Identify and manage assets for a attitude coverage object 8.1
AttCov FOMDefine AttCov <AttFOMObjectPath> FOMDefine {Satisfaction | Limits | Definition} {FOMOption} <Parameters> Define an attitude figure of merit object 10
AttCov Grid AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Grid {GridOption} <Parameters> Define an attitude coverage grid 9.0
AttCov Interval AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Interval {TimeInterval} Set the attitude coverage interval 10
AttCov_RM GridPoints AttCov_RM <AttCovObjectPath> GridPoints Returns the grid points being used for the specified attitude coverage 6.0
AttSim (Satellites) AttSim <SatObjectPath> {AttSimOption} <Parameters> Set values and run the Attitude Simulator 11.4
AttitudeSegment AttitudeSegment <ObjectPath> {Add | Delete | Modify} {SegmentType} <Parameters> Add, modify, and delete attitude profile and file segments. 12.10
Author Author <ScenarioPath> {Option} Used to create the VDF files. 11.4
AutoSave AutoSave <ApplicationPath> {AutoSaveOptions} Set the auto save options for the current STK session 7.0

- B -

Command Format Description Version
BatchGraphics BatchGraphics <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} [Optimize] Set performance response of the 2D and 3D Graphics windows 4.2
BoundaryType BoundaryType <ObjectPath> {Options} Define the type of line used for the boundary of an area or line target 8.1

- C -

Command Format Description Version
CAT CAT <ObjectPath> {Option} Set properties for a close approach computation. 12.10
CAT_RM CAT_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal> Compute close approaches to a vehicle from objects in the current CAT satellite database 4.1.1
CalculationTool CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
CalculationTool Condition CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition" | "ConditionTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Condition components and templates. 11.2
CalculationTool Condition Set CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition Set" | "Condition SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Condition Set components and templates. 11.5
CalculationTool Parameter Set CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Parameter Set" | "Parameter SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ParameterSetType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Parameter Set components and templates. 10
CalculationTool Scalar Calculation CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Scalar Calculation" | "Scalar CalculationTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ScalarCalculationType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Scalar Calculation components and templates. 12.10
CalculationTool_R CalculationTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about CalculationTool components. 11
CalculationTool_RM CalculationTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about CalculationTool components. 10.1
CentralBody_R CentralBody_R <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Returns the name of the central body of any object 10.0.2
Chain Processing Delay ChainProcessingDelay <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Set the processing delay for an object. 12.8
Chains Chains <ObjectPath> {ChainOption} [<Parameters>] Configure a chain object or computes access for a chain 12.10
Chains_R Chains_R <ObjectPath> {ChainsOption} Return information about a Chain. 11.4
Chains_RM Access Chains_RM <ApplicationPath> Access {AccessType} Calculate various access data within and outside of a chain 4.1.1
CheckIsAppBusy CheckIsAppBusy <ApplicationPath> Determine the busy state of the STK application. 9.0
CheckScenario CheckScenario <ApplicationPath> Determine if a scenario is open in the current STK session 4.0.2
ClearAccess ClearAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> Clear computed access data from one object to another 10
ClearAllAccess ClearAllAccess <ApplicationPath> Clear all calculated accesses 10
Collection Collection <objPath> {Define|Interval|Metadata|Promote|Reference|Subset} <Parameters> Create and set the features of a Satellite Collection object. 12.8
Collection Define Collection <objPath> Define {Walker <Parameters> | SatDb <Parameters> | Custom <Parameters> | SP3 <Parameters>} This command is an action option (Define) of the Collection Connect command. Use the Define action option with the Collection command to create a satellite collection object. 12.4
Collection Routing Collection <satCollectionPath> Routing {Specify <"filename"> | UseRoutingFile [On | Off]} Apply and enable/disable a routing file for a satellite collection. 12.5
Collection_RM Collection_RM <objPath> GetValue {Type|SubsetNames|Subsets|DefaultReference|SupplementalMetadataFile|Subset|Walker} <Parameters> This is the command to return the properties of a Satellite Collection object. 12.4
Comm CommSystem AccessOptions Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem AccessOptions <Parameters> Set or modify access options for a CommSystem (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem Clear Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Clear Clear the graphics and any cached compute data. (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem Compute Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Compute [NOW] Calculates link and interference data for a Comm System (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem IFSources Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem IFSources {Action} <TruncObjectPath> Add or remove a constellation from the list of interfering constellations for a comm system (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem Interference Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Interference {Yes | No} [{PFDRefBandwidth}] Control the calculation of interference (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem Interval Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Interval {UseScenarioTime} <StepSize> [{TimeInterval}] Set the time interval to be used for computing a comm system (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem LinkDefinition Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem LinkDefinition {Receive | Transmit} {LinkCriteria} Define the constraining constellation and link criteria for a comm system (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem Receive Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Receive {Action} <TruncObjectPath> Add or remove a constellation(s) to carry out the receive function for the comm system (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem SaveMode Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem SaveMode {Option} Specify save and load behavior for a CommSystem (Deprecated Command) 11
Comm CommSystem Transmit Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Transmit {Action} <TruncObjectPath> Add or remove a constellation to carry out the transmit function in the communication link analysis (Deprecated Command) 11
CommSystem CommSystem <CommSystemPath> {Options} [<Parameters>] Set or modify options for a CommSystem. 11
CommSystem_RM CommSystem_RM <CommSystemPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Use this command to get information about a CommSystem. 11
ComputeTerrainMaskAsNeeded ComputeTerrainMaskAsNeeded <FacObjectPath> {On | Off} Set flag to partially compute az-el masks for facilities and places. 10
ConControl ConControl <ApplicationPath> {ConControlOption} Control connection between STK and an application using Connect 9.0
ConFile ConFile <ApplicationPath> "<FilePath>" Get commands from a file 4.0.4
ConnectLog ConnectLog <ApplicationPath> {State} ["<FilePath>"] Control the state of logging commands to a file 4.2
Constellation Constellation <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Add or remove a subobject of constellation and set routing file information 12.8
Constellation_R Constellation_R <ObjectPath> {ConstellationOption} Return information about a Constellation. 12.8
Convert CBPosition Convert <ScenarioPath> CBPosition {Planetodetic | Planetocentric} {CentralBodyName} <Latitude> <Longitude> {<Altitude> | <Radius>} Convert a planetodetic position to/from a planetocentric position. 6.1
Convert MapGridPoint Convert <ScenarioPath> MapGridPoint {FromMapGridSpec} {PointDef} {ToMapGridSpec} Convert a map point between Latitude/Longitude and UTM. 6.2
Convert OrbitPointMotion Convert <ScenarioPath> OrbitPointMotion [Precision <Value>] {FromElementsType} <Elements> {ToElementsType} Perform orbit element conversions. 10.1
Copy Copy <ApplicationPath> <CopyFromObjectPath> [{CopyOption}] Copy and paste an object. 8.0
Cov Access Cov <ObjectPath> Access {ComputeOption} [<Parameters>] Compute or clear coverage calculations and set auto-recompute options 12.10
Cov Access (Single Object Coverage) Cov <ObjectPath> Access {ComputeOption} [<Parameters>] Compute or clear single object coverage calculations 10
Cov Asset Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Asset <AssetObjectPath> {Action} Identify and manage assets for a coverage definition 10
Cov FOMDefine Cov <FOMObjectPath> FOMDefine {Satisfaction | InvalidData | Limits | Definition} <Parameters> Define a figure of merit object 12.10
Cov Grid Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Grid {GridOption} <Parameters> Define a coverage grid 12.10
Cov Interval Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Interval {TimeInterval} Set the coverage interval 10
Cov_R Inspector Cov_R <ObjectPath> Inspector {GridOption} <Parameters> Return information about points or regions in the coverage grid 4.1.1
Cov_RM Access (Single Object Coverage) Cov_RM <ObjectPath> Access Compute "<ReportStyle>" [{TimeIntervals} | UseObjectTimes [TimeStep <Value>]] Return report data for single object coverage calculations 10
Cov_RM GridPoints Cov_RM <CovDefnObjectPath> GridPoints Returns the grid points being used for the specified coverage definition 4.2
CreateTLEFile CreateTLEFile <ScenarioPath> {Source} "<TLEFilePath>" [{Options}] {SearchParameters} Creates a TLE file using satellites obtained from the Satellite database. 12.10

- D -

Command Format Description Version
DataSource DataSource <ApplicationPath> {DataSourceOption} <Parameters> Set Data Services preferences. 12.10
Database Database <ScenarioPath> {DBOption} Update the satellite database from the AGI Web site, or set the default and auxiliary databases. 12.10
DeckAccess DeckAccess <FromObjectPath> {{TimeInterval} | UseObjInterval} {TargetDeckType} "<TargetDeck>" {SortObj | SortTime} [{OptionalParameters}] Calculate deck access 12.10
DefaultTrack DefaultTrack <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} Define default options of new tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 6.1
DefaultTrack2d DefaultTrack2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOptions} Defines default 2D Graphics of new tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 12.9
DefaultTrack3d DefaultTrack3d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOptions} Defines default 3D Graphics of new tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 10.1
Define (Planet) Define <PlanetObjectPath> {Method} <Parameters> Define the basic properties of a planet 12.10
Define (Sensor) Define <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData> Define the basic properties of a sensor. 12.10
Define (Star) Define <StarObjectPath> {StarOption} <Parameters> Define the basic properties of a star 9.2.1
DisplayTimes DisplayTimes <ObjectPath> {DisplayOption} {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of object graphics 12.10
DoesObjExist DoesObjExist <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Determine if an object or scenario is open in the current STK session 4.0.2
DynamicRpt DynamicRpt <ObjectPath> {Text | Strip} "<StyleName>" [{Parameters}...] Display a dynamic report or strip chart 11.3

- E -

Command Format Description Version
EOIR EOIR <VehPath> {Option} <Parameters> Set values for Electro-optical infrared sensing. 12
EOIR CloudData EOIR <ScenarioPath> CloudData {Option} <CloudLabel> [<Parameter>] Set values for EOIR cloud data. 12
EOIR PropertyMapData EOIR <ScenarioPath> PropertyMapData {Option} <CentralBodyName> [<Parameter>] Set values for EOIR property map data. 12.5
EOIR SetAtmosphere Clouds EOIR <ScenarioPath> SetAtmosphere Clouds {On | Off} Turns clouds on and off. 12
EOIR SetAtmosphere Mode EOIR <ScenarioPath> SetAtmosphere Mode {0 | 1 | 2} Sets the atmosphere mode to off, simple atmosphere, or MODTRAN atmosphere. 12
EOIRDetails EOIRDetails <ObjPath> {Option} <Parameter> Sets values for EOIR scene details. 12.0.1
EOIR_R EOIR_R <VehPath> {Options} Return information about Electro-optical infrared sensing for a vehicle. 9.2.1
EOIR_R PropertyMapData EOIR_R <ScenarioPath> PropertyMapData {Option} <CentralBodyName> [<Parameter>] Return information about EOIR texture maps. 12.5
EarthData EarthData <ScenarioPath> {EarthDataOption} <Parameter> Load or reload an EarthData file. 11.3
EclipseBodies EclipseBodies <SatObjectPath> [UseCustomList {On | Off}] {Action} <Parameters> Add or remove eclipsing bodies, which are used in lighting calculations 7.1
Environment Environment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Control the use of environmental models in a scenario 12.2
Environment_RM Environment_RM <ScenarioPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about environmental models. 12.2
ExportCZML ExportCZML <ScenarioPath> "<OutputFilePath>" {3D Model Server URL} Export an STK Scenario to Cesium 11.2
ExportConfig ExportConfig <ApplicationPath> {ExportOption} [<Parameters>] Set options for STK to use when exporting reports. 6.2
ExportConfig_R ExportConfig_R <ApplicationPath> [{Connection | App}] Return information on the report export configuration settings. 6.2
ExportDataFile ExportDataFile <ObjectPath> {FileType} "<FilePath>" [{Options}] Create an external ephemeris or attitude file for a vehicle, or create an Az-El Mask file for a Facility, Place, or Target. 12.10
ExportMapStyles ExportMapStyles <ScenarioPath> {Options} Export map styles. 6.1
ExtendBoundary ExtendBoundary <ATObjectPath> Pattern [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}... Extend the boundary of an area target 6.2
ExtendLine ExtendLine <LTObjectPath> [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}... Appends points to a line target. 6.2
ExternalData ExternalData <ObjectPath> {DataOption} [<Parameters>] Allow for the association and management of time ordered data computed outside of STK with STK objects. 10

- F -

Command Format Description Version
FieldOfView_RM FieldOfView_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <SensorObjPath> {FOVOptions} Compute field of view to an identified number of MTO tracks from a Sensor. 11.4
ForceRecomputeOnLoad ForceRecomputeOnLoad <ScenarioPath> {Options} Force a recompute of data (access intervals, considered times, stagelist derived data) on scenario load. 12

- G -

Command Format Description Version
GIS Export GIS <ScenarioPath> Export "<ShapefilePath>" {ShapeType} [Object <ObjectPath> | ObjectWithOption <ObjectPath> objectOption] ... [{ExportOptions}] Export STK object data into a shapefile 12.10
GIS Import GIS <ScenarioPath> Import "<ShapefilePath>" {ObjectType} [<ImportOptions>] Import GIS shapefile into current scenario 11
GIS Pattern GIS <ScenarioPath> Pattern "<ShapefilePath>" <SensorObjectPath> Export the footprint of a sensor to a shapefile 12.10
GIS Swath GIS <ScenarioPath> Swath "<ShapefilePath>" <SensorObjectPath> Export a sensor swath to a shapefile 12.10
GIS TA_Export GIS <ScenarioPath> TA_Export "<ShapefilePath>" <ObjectPath> [<TimeStep>] Export ephemeris as point shapes 5.0.4
GISOverlay GISOverlay <ScenarioPath> "STK Overlay" {Add | Delete} "<OverlayFilepath>" Display overlays on STK maps. 10.1
GRPC GRPC <Application Path> Host <host> Port <Port> Server {Start On | Stop Off} Start, Stop, Restart the gRPC server. 12.8
GenFluxHistory GenFluxHistory <ScenarioPath> ({FluxOption} <Value>)... Generate daily solar flux and geomagnetic data histories in the .fxm format based on CSSI predicts files. 11
GenerateTLE (Satellites) GenerateTLE <SatObjectPath> {Method} [{TimeInterval} <TimeStep>] "<TLEEpoch>" <SSCNumber> <MaxIterations> <Convergence> [{Routine}] [<NameOfNewSatellite>] [IntlDes <IntlDesignator>] [ElemNum <ElementNumber>] [BStar <BStarValue>] [Classification <Class>] [RevNumber <Value>] Propagate a satellite using SGP4 with the computed best-fit GP data set to the ephemeris of an existing satellite. 10
GetAccesses GetAccesses <ApplicationPath> [IncludeEmptyAccesses] View accesses already calculated 10.0.2
GetAnimTime GetAnimTime <ScenarioPath> Return the current animation time 4.0
GetAnimationData GetAnimationData <ScenarioPath> {Option} Return information about the animation settings. 11.5
GetAttitude GetAttitude <ObjectPath> {AttOption} Return information about the attitude profile in use for a vehicle 9.1
GetBoundary GetBoundary <ATObjectPath> Returns the defining parameters of an area target 4.1.1
GetConVersion GetConVersion <ApplicationPath> Return the Connect version number for the current Connect session 4.0.2
GetDescription GetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} Return the description of an object 4.0.6
GetDirectory GetDirectory <ApplicationPath> {DirOption} Return the path of the selected directory. 9.2.1
GetDspTimes GetDspTimes <ObjectPath> {DataOption} Return the display time data for an object 11.5
GetEpoch GetEpoch <ScenarioPath> Return the current scenario epoch 4.0
GetLicenses GetLicenses <ApplicationPath> This command returns information about your licenses. 4.2.1
GetLine GetLine <LTObjectPath> Reports points in a line target. 6.1
GetLocalTimeZoneName_R GetLocalTimeZoneName_R / Returns the name of the local time zone 12.2
GetMapStyles_R GetMapStyles_R <ScenarioPath> Return a list of map styles. 6.1
GetMarkerList GetMarkerList <ScenarioPath> Returns a list of available marker types 4.2.1
GetNumNotes GetNumNotes <ObjectPath> Return the number of notes currently registered for an object 4.0
GetPropName GetPropName <ObjectPath> {DataOption} Return the name of the propagator in use 4.2
GetSTKVersion GetSTKVersion <ApplicationPath> [Details | Platform] Identify the version of STK being used during the current Connect session 10
GetTimePeriod GetTimePeriod <ObjectPath> Return the current scenario time period or the start and stop times for a vehicle. 4.0
GraphCreate GraphCreate <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>)... Generate a graph to display or save. 10.1
Graphics (Chains & Constellations) Graphics <ObjectPath> {ChainGfxOption} [<Parameters>] Set the graphics properties for chains and constellations 12.9
Graphics (Comm) Graphics <CommObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> Set the graphics properties of a receiver, transmitter or antenna 11.4
Graphics (Coverage) Graphics <CovDefnObjectPath> {GfxType} {DisplayOption} Define the display of graphics for a coverage definition 10
Graphics (Figure of Merit) Graphics <FOMObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> Define the graphic properties for a figure of merit 10
Graphics (MTO) Graphics <MTOObjectPath> {GfxOptions} Defines the global 2D Graphics attributes for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 6.1
Graphics (Radar) Graphics <RdrObjectPath> {GfxType} {GfxOption} [{State}] [<Parameters>] Set the graphics properties of a radar 10.1
Graphics (Satellite Collection) Graphics <satCollectionPath> {GlobalOpts | SubsetGfx} {options} Set the graphics properties for a satellite collection. 12.4
Graphics (Single Object Coverage) Graphics <ObjectPath> {Static | Animation} {On | Off} {GFXOptions} Set graphics options for single object coverage 10
Graphics AccessIntervals (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> AccessIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of different graphics attributes during access 4.1.1
Graphics AsyncPickReturnUnique Graphics <ScenarioPath> AsyncPickReturnUnique {On | Off} Set flag to only return unique objects when using the Async2DPick command. 6.1.2
Graphics AzElMask Graphics <ObjectPath> AzElMask Type {Altitude | Range} [{AzElMaskOptions}] Control the display of azimuth-elevation mask graphics for a facility, place or target in the 2D Graphics window 10
Graphics BackgroundImage Graphics <ScenarioPath> BackgroundImage {Options} Set background image options for the 2D Graphics window. 12.10
Graphics Basic (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> Basic {AttributeOption} {Action} Control the type of attributes to be used to display an object 8.1
Graphics BingMapsLogo Graphics <ScenarioPath> BingMapsLogo {Options} Specify the location of the Microsoft Bing™ Maps logo. 10
Graphics Boresight (Comm) Graphics <ObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] Control the display of boresight graphics in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics Boresight (Sensor) Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] Control the display of the sensor boresight in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics Boundary Graphics <ATObjectPath> Boundary {On | Off} Control the display of an area targets boundary 4.3
Graphics BoundaryPts Graphics <ATObjectPath> BoundaryPts {On | Off} Control the display of an area target's boundary 4.3
Graphics BoundingRectangle Graphics <ObjectPath> BoundingRectangle {On | Off} Toggle the display of the AreaTarget or LineTarget bounding rectangle. 6.1
Graphics Centroid Graphics <ATObjectPath> Centroid {On | Off} Display an area target's centroid 4.2.1
Graphics ContourSet Graphics <CommObjectPath> ContourSet {ContourOption} <Parameters> Control the antenna pattern resolution for contouring. 11.4
Graphics Contours (Comm & Radar) Graphics <ObjectPath> Contours {ContourType} {ShowGfxState} {RelMaxState} Set generic contour options for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna 11
Graphics CustomIntervals (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> CustomIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of different graphics attributes at specific time intervals during animation 12.10
Graphics ElevContours Graphics <ObjectPath> ElevContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] Set elevation angle contour levels for a vehicle 10
Graphics ExportBlockContours Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportBlockContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] Export the block contour graphics of a figure of merit to a texture file. 10.1
Graphics ExportSmoothContours Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportSmoothContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] Export the smooth contour graphics of a figure of merit to a texture file. 10.1
Graphics ExtEphemPoints Graphics <VehObjectPath> ExtEphemPoints {On | Off} Set the display of external ephemeris waypoints in 2d and 3d windows. 9.0
Graphics FOMContours Graphics <ObjectPath> FOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>] Define the display of contour graphics for a figure of merit 11
Graphics Fill (AreaTarget) Graphics <ATObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} Control the display of the area covered by an area target 4.3
Graphics Fill (Sensor) Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} [{FillStyle}] Set the fill style for a sensor projecting to the Earth. 6.1
Graphics FillTranslucency Graphics <ObjectPath> FillTranslucency <Value> Set the percent translucency of the fill for a Sensor or AreaTarget. 10
Graphics GlobalAttributes Graphics <ScenarioPath> {AttributeOption} {On | Off | <Value>} Specify whether or not STK displays a given attribute in the 2D Graphics window. 12.8
Graphics GroundEllipse Graphics <VehObjectPath> GroundEllipse <SetName> {GraphicsOptions} Set the graphics properties for ground ellipses on vehicles. 6.1
Graphics GroundTrackCBs Graphics <SatObjectPath> GroundTrackCBs Show {On | Off} (CentralBody <CBName>)... Show a Satellite's ground track on other central bodies. 8.1
Graphics ImageInlay Graphics <ScenarioPath> ImageInlay "<FilePath>" {ImageOption} <Value> [{ImageOption} <Value>...] Set properties for an inlay image on a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics IntervalsHideShowAll Graphics <VehObjectPath> IntervalsHideShowAll {On | Off} Control the meaning of the show flag when using graphics intervals 4.2
Graphics Label Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options} Control the display of object labels 9.0
Graphics Legend Graphics <ObjectPath> Legend {GfxType} {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Display a figure of merit contours legend.* 6.0
Graphics Levels (Comm & Radar) Graphics <CommObjectPath> Levels {AddMethod} <Parameters> Set and modify the display of contour levels for a receiver, transmitter, radar or antenna 7.1
Graphics Lighting Graphics <ObjectPath> Lighting {LightCondition} {LightConditionOption1} <Value1> [{LightConditionOption1} <Value2>... ] Control the graphical display of lighting conditions for a vehicle 4.3
Graphics LineStyle Graphics <ObjectPath> LineStyle {LineStyle} Set the line style for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. 6.2
Graphics LineWidth Graphics <ObjectPath> LineWidth <LineWidth> Set the line width for a LineTarget, AreaTarget, Sensor or Planet. 6.2
Graphics Marker Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] Define a marker to represent an object in a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics NewPointAttributes Graphics <LTObjectPath> NewPointAttributes ({AttributeOption})... Set the graphics attributes to be used for new points of a Line Target. 6.1
Graphics NewWaypointAttributes Graphics <VehObjectPath> NewWaypointAttributes ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... Set 2D Graphics properties for new waypoints and external ephemeris points. 6.1.2
Graphics Nightlights Graphics <ScenarioPath> Nightlights {DisplayOptions} Set options for displaying night lights in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics ObjectLine Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} FromObj <TruncObjectPath1> ToObj <TruncObjectPath2> [{LineOptions}] Display lines connecting objects in the 2D Graphics window 12.10
Graphics ObjectStateInWin Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of objects' graphics in the 2D window. 7.0
Graphics Pass2D Graphics <ObjectPath> Pass2D ({LeadTrailOption} <Parameters>)... Set leading and trailing graphics for all types of vehicles 9.1
Graphics Pattern (Comm & Radar) Graphics <CommObjectPath> Pattern <NumberOfPhiPoints> <MinPhi> <MaxPhi> <NumberOfThetaPoints> <MinTheta> <MaxTheta> Control the antenna grid size and resolution for contour graphics 4.1.1
Graphics Persist Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Persist {PersistOptions} Control the graphical display of the persistence of a sensor's footprint 10.0.2
Graphics PointAttributes Graphics <LTObjectPath> PointAttributes {PointSpecification} ({AttributeOption})... Set the graphics attributes for points of a Line Target. 6.1
Graphics Points Graphics <LTObjectPath> Points {On | Off} Toggle the display of the LineTarget points. 6.1
Graphics Projection Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Projection {Option} Set various options that affect projection of sensor field of view 10
Graphics RadarCrossSection Graphics <ObjectPath> RadarCrossSection {Option} <Parameters> Set and modify the display of Radar Cross Section (RCS) for a specified frequency. 11.5
Graphics RangeContours Graphics <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] Define and display ground range contours in the 2D Graphics window 10
Graphics RealTime Graphics <ObjectPath> RealTime Edit {StateOfData} {AttributeOption} {Action} Control the graphics attributes displayed when using the real-time propagator 4.1.1
Graphics SetAccessGfx Graphics <ObjectPath> SetAccessGfx {AccessObject} {AccessGfxOptions} Set access graphics for an object or for all objects in a scenario 12
Graphics SetAttrType (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> SetAttrType {AttributeType} Control the type of attributes to be used to display an object 10
Graphics SetColor Graphics <ObjectPath> SetColor {Color} [{Item}] Set the color of a label, marker, ground track, swath or polygon of an object 10
Graphics SetDynamicState Graphics <ObjectPath> SetDynamicState IsDynamic {On | Off} Allow faster rendering on 2d maps if a facility, place, target position or sensor orientation is changed frequently. 10.1
Graphics Show Graphics <ObjectPath> Show {On | Off} To turn on or off the graphics display of an object. 10
Graphics SmoothFillParameters Graphics <ObjectPath> SmoothFillParameters {Option} Define the smooth fill parameters for figure of merit contour graphics. 10.0.1
Graphics TimeComponents (Vehicles) Graphics <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Action} [<Parameters>] Control the display of different graphics attributes for specific time components during animation 10.1
Graphics TimeEvent Graphics <SatObjectPath> TimeEvent {Action} [{EventType}] <EventParameters> Mark specified points of time, along a satellite's ground track, on the 2D Window. 10
Graphics TurnMarker Graphics <VehObjectPath> TurnMarker {State} Controls the display of turn markers for an aircraft, ground vehicle or ship 4.1.1
Graphics WaypointAttributes Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointAttributes {WaypointOptions} ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... Set the 2D graphics properties for existing waypoints and external ephemeris points. 10
Graphics WaypointTurns Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointTurns {On | Off} Set the display of waypoint turn markers. 8.0
Graphics Waypoints Graphics <VehObjectPath> Waypoints {On | Off} Set the display of waypoints in 2d and 3d windows. 8.0
Graphics WindowState Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 2D window. 10
Graphics_R GetAttrType Graphics_R <VehObjectPath> GetAttrType Return the currently active attribute type 4.1.1
Graphics_R GetLabel Graphics_R <ObjectPath> GetLabel Return object graphics label 6.0
Graphics_R ImageInlay Graphics_R <ScenarioPath> ImageInlay [WindowID <WinNumber>] Return name and display order for inlay images on a 2D Graphics window 11.2
Graphics_R TimeComponents Graphics_R <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Option} Return information about vehicles using time components. 10.1
GroundEllipse GroundEllipse <VehObjectPath> {EllipseSetOptions} Set ground ellipse data for vehicles. 10
GroundEllipse_R GroundEllipse_R <VehObjectPath> {GetAllSets [IncludeEmptySets] | GetSetEllipses <SetName>} Retrieve ground ellipse data from vehicles. 9.0

- H -

Command Format Description Version
HPOP Covariance HPOP <ObjectPath> Covariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> Set options for HPOP Covariance model 8.0
HPOP Drag HPOP <ObjectPath> Drag {DragState} <Coeff> <AreaMassRatio> {"AtmDensModel"} [{LowAltAtmDensityMdl} <DensityBlendingAltRange>] Set options for modeling drag for the HPOP propagator. 12.10
HPOP Force HPOP <ObjectPath> Force {ForceModel} <ModelParameters> Set options for the HPOP force model 12.10
HPOP Integrator HPOP <ObjectPath> Integrator {IntegratorOption} <Parameters> Configure the numerical integration scheme for orbit integration 11.6
HPOP Options HPOP <ObjectPath> Options {ForceModelOption} <ModelParameters> Set options for the HPOP force model 9.0
HeightAboveGround_R HeightAboveGround_R <ObjectPath> Return the height above ground of a facility, place or target. 10
HideBrowser HideBrowser <ApplicationPath> Hide the Object Browser in STK. 9.0

- I -

Command Format Description Version
ImportAlmanacFile ImportAlmanacFile <ScenarioPath> "<FilePath>" ID {All | <IDNumber>} [{ImportOption} <Value> ...] Import satellite(s) from a GPS file or Almanac file. 12.10
ImportFromDB ImportFromDB <ScenarioPath> {Type} {Source} [{Options}] {SearchParameters} Import Cities, Facilities, and Satellites from the database or Stars from a collection. 10
ImportMapStyles ImportMapStyles <ScenarioPath> {Options} Import map styles. 6.1
ImportTLEFile (Satellites) ImportTLEFile <ScenarioPath> "<FilePath>" [{ImportOption} <Value> {ImportOption} <Value>...] Import satellite(s) from TLE data 12.10
InitialState InitialState <ObjectPath> {Import | Export} {Source} ["<FilePath>"] [{Options}] The InitialState Connect command enables you to import or export initial state data (i.e., epoch, position, and velocity) for satellites and missiles. 12.10

- K -

Command Format Description Version
KeyValueMetaData KeyValueMetaData <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Save properties to STK objects for search. 12.10
KeyValueMetaData_RM KeyValueMetaData_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about KeyValueMetaData. 12.10

- L -

Command Format Description Version
LOP Drag (Satellites) LOP <SatObjectPath> Drag {DragOption} <Parameters> Set the LOP Drag parameters for a Satellite using the LOP propagator. 4.2
LOP Force (Satellites) LOP <SatObjectPath> Force {ForceOption} <Parameters> Set the LOP force parameters for a satellite using the LOP propagator 4.2
LOSModel LOSModel <VehObjectPath> {CBShape | SurfaceShape} [<Height>] Set the shape for the ground obstruction model, used to compute line of sight. 7.0
LabelNotes LabelNotes <ObjectPath> {Action} <Parameters> Control the display of notes and note labels attached to an object 4.1.1
LaserCAT LaserCAT <ObjectPath> {AvoidanceOptions} <Parameters> Set LaserCAT properties 12.10
LaserEnvironment LaserEnvironment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Control the use of laser environmental settings in a scenario or of STK objects 12.4
LaserEnvironment_RM LaserEnvironment_RM <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about laser environmental settings in a scenario or at the STK object level. 12.4
LaunchWindow LaunchWindow <ObjectPath> {Option} Set properties for a launch window analysis. 12.10
LaunchWindow_RM LaunchWindow_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal> Analyze a launch window for a missile or launch vehicle. 10
Lifetime Lifetime <SatObjectPath> [{Type}] Compute the lifetime of a satellite 5.0
Lighting Lighting <ScenarioPath> {LightingType} {DisplayOptions} Set lighting transition line and area display options. 10
Lighting DisplayAltitude Lighting <ScenarioPath> DisplayAltitude <AltitudeValue> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Control the altitude from which regions of umbra, penumbra and sunlight are depicted during animation 6.0
Lighting SubSolarPoint Lighting <ScenarioPath> SubSolarPoint {DisplayOption} <Value> [<DisplayOption2> <Value2>...] Display the subsolar point during animation 6.0
LightingMaxStep_R LightingMaxStep_R <ObjectPath> Returns the maximum step taken when computing lighting times when using terrain (or when using an AzEl mask in the case of Facility/Place/Target). 12
Load Load <ApplicationPath> {<ClassPath> | VDF} "<FilePath>" Open an existing scenario or insert an object into the current scenario 8.0
LoadGPSConstellation LoadGPSConstellation <ScenarioPath> {ConstellationName} [{UpdateGPSDataFiles} ({FTPServer} <ServerName>) ({RemotePathToData} <Path>)] Enables you to load a GPS Constellation from the database. 12.10
Location Location <SensorObjectPath> {LocationType} <Parameters> Position a sensor with respect to its parent object 9.0

- M -

Command Format Description Version
MapAnnotation Add MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Add <AnnotNum> {AnnotType} [<Parameters>] Adds annotations to the 2D Graphics window 10
MapAnnotation Delete MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Delete {<AnnotNum> | All} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Delete map annotations from the 2D Graphics window 6.0
MapAnnotation Export MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Export "<FilePath>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] Export map annotations to a file 6.0
MapAnnotation Modify MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Modify <AnnotNum> {Option} <Parameters> Modify previously added map annotations 6.0
MapAnnotation_RM MapAnnotation_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Return information about map annotations. 10.1
MapAttribs MapAttribs <ScenarioPath> {AttributeType} {Attribute} {State} [<Color>] Control the graphical attributes of the 2D Graphics window 10
MapDetails MapDetails <ScenarioPath> {DetailOption} <Parameters> Control the type and resolution of details displayed in the 2D Graphics window
MapGraphics AspectRatio MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> AspectRatio Always2To1 {On | Off} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Set the map aspect ratio to be used on the 2D Graphics window 7.1
MapGraphics Fonts MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> Fonts [{Small | Medium | Large}] {FontOptions} Set the font styles to be used on the 2D Graphics window 9.1
MapGraphics Resolution MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> Resolution {ResOptions} Set the map resolution to be used on the 2D Graphics window 7.1
MapGraphics SetCentralBody MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> SetCentralBody <CBName> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Set the central body that will be displayed in a 2D Graphics window 8.1
MapID_R MapID_R <ScenarioPath> [<Count>] Return information about the open 2D Graphics windows. 5.0
MapProjection MapProjection <ScenarioPath> {ProjectionType} [<WinNumber>] [{ProjectionOption} <Parameters>] Set the graphical display of the central body in the 2D Graphics window 4.1.1
MapSnap MapSnap <ScenarioPath> {SnapOption} [<Parameters>] [<WinNumber>] Take a picture of the current 2D Graphics window and save it 11.3
MapTracking MapTracking <ScenarioPath> {TrackingType} [<WinNumber>] Set the display format of the mouse movement in the 2D Graphics window 6.2
Matlab ExportMatfile (Facilities, Places, Targets and Vehicles) Matlab <ObjectPath> ExportMatFile <VariableName> <TimeStep> "<FilePath>" Sets the variable name and timestep and then exports the object to the specified file 4.2
MeasureSurfaceDistance MeasureSurfaceDistance <ScenarioPath> <StartLat> <StartLon> <EndLat> <EndLon> [<CentralBodyName>] Returns the distance between two points on the surface of the central body in meters 5.0
Message Message <ApplicationPath> {MessageOptions} Display text messages in the STK Message Viewer window 7.0
MessageWindow MessageWindow <ApplicationPath> {MsgWinOption} [<Parameters>] Control the display of the STK Message Viewer window 6.2
Minerva Minerva <appPath> {option} [<parameters>] Enables you to interact with a Minerva server. 12.8
Minerva_RM Minerva_RM <appPath> {option} Returns information about the active Minerva server. 12.8
Missile Missile <ObjectPath> Trajectory {TimeValue} <StepSize> {LaunchOption} <LaunchParameters> {TrajOption} <Value> {ImpactOption} <ImpactParameter> Set the basic properties of a missile and propagate a ballistic flight path 10
MissionModeler MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> {ConfigureAll | CalculateAll | SendNtfUpdate} Configure all procedures, calculate any changes made to the aircraft object, or implement all changes across STK. 7.0
MissionModeler Aircraft MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Aircraft {AircraftOption} <Parameters> Define an aircraft model and set mission modeling parameters. 7.0
MissionModeler Configuration MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Configuration {ConfigOption} Set configuration values for a MissionModeler aircraft. 8.0
MissionModeler Phase MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Phase {PhaseOption} <Parameters> Add or remove a phase, set a phase name, or set/unset an active model. 7.0
MissionModeler Procedure MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Procedure {ProcedureOption} <Parameters> Add, remove, rename, or move a procedure, set the procedure time, or set a procedure property for a MissionModeler Aircraft. 11
MissionModeler Site MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Site {SiteOption} <Parameters> Rename a site or set a site property or method value. 7.0
MissionModeler_RM MissionModeler_RM <AircraftObjectPath> {MissionModelerOptions} Return information about a particular mission modeling aircraft. 8.1
Modify (Sensor) Modify <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData> Modify the basic properties of an EOIR sensor 12.6

- N -

Command Format Description Version
New New <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> <NewObjectName> {NewOptions} Create a new scenario or add a new object to the current scenario 8.1
NewMulti NewMulti <ApplicationPath> <ClassPathOfObjectToCreate> <NumToCreate> <NewName1> [<NewName2>...] [NoDefault] [Ignore] Create multiple instances of new objects 4.2

- O -

Command Format Description Version
ObjectBrowser ObjectBrowser <ApplicationPath> {Options} Change how the STK Object Browser window is displayed. 11
ObjectTreeCollapse ObjectTreeCollapse <ScenarioPath> {All | Object <TruncObjectPath> | Class <TruncObjectPath> | Children <TruncObjectPath>} Selectively collapse items in the STK Object Browser tree. 11.1
ObjectTreeExpand ObjectTreeExpand <ScenarioPath> {All | Object <TruncObjectPath> | Class <TruncObjectPath> | Children <TruncObjectPath>} Selectively expand items in the STK Object Browser tree. 11.1
OnLineOperations OnlineOperations <ApplicationPath> {Options} Set the values for online operations 10
OnePointAccess To Create/Remove: OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> {Option} where {Option} is Create or RemoveTo Compute: OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Returns diagnostics concerning the evaluation of access constraints for a pair of objects at specified times. 10
OpenHtmlOnLoad OpenHtmlOnLoad <ApplicationPath> {On | Off} Set the default for loading HTML files when loading scenarios into STK 5.0
OpenHtmlViewer OpenHtmlViewer <ApplicationPath> ["<HtmlPage>"] Open the HTML Viewer in STK 9.0
OrbitWizard OrbitWizard <VehObjectPath> {Type} [{Options}] Define a satellite or missile using the Orbit Wizard options. 12.10

- P -

Command Format Description Version
Parallel Parallel <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption} Configure parallel processing. 12
Parallel_RM Parallel_RM <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption} Return information related to parallel processing. 12
PassBreak (Satellites) PassBreak <SatObjectPath> {PassOption} [<Parameters>] Set the pass options for a satellite 10
PatternTool PatternTool <SensorObjectPath> "<DateTime>" "<FilePath>" {Method} <Parameters> Create and save a custom sensor pattern 12.10
PersonalAccessToken PersonalAccessToken / {Authenticate|Request} {Options} Authorize STK Desktop or custom engine applications to access resources stored in the Geospatial Content Server (GCS) 12.10
Point 3DModel Point <SensorObjectPath> 3DModel <AttachPoint> Point a sensor using a model attach point. 9.0
Point AlongVector Point <SensorObjectPath> AlongVector "<AlignmentVector>" "<ConstraintVector>" [<ClockAngleOffset>] Control sensor pointing along a vector for a specified sensor instance 11
Point External Point <SensorObjectPath> External "<FilePath.sp>" Point a sensor using data from an external file 12.10
Point Fixed Point <SensorObjectPath> Fixed {OrientMethod} <MethodData> Control fixed sensor pointing for a specified sensor instance 4.0
Point FixedInRef Point <SensorObjectPath> FixedInRef {OrientMethod} <MethodData> "<ReferenceAxes>" Control fixed sensor pointing for a specified sensor instance. 4.3
Point GrazingAlt Point <SensorObjectPath> GrazingAlt <Azimuth> <GrazingAltitude> Point a sensor to a specified grazing altitude 4.2.1
Point Schedule Point <SensorObjectPath> Schedule {ScheduleOption} [<MethodData>] Control scheduled sensor pointing 10
Point Spinning Point <SensorObjectPath> Spinning <Azimuth> <Elevation> <ConeAngle> {ScanMethod} [<ScanMethodParams>] <Rate> <Offset> Control spinning sensor pointing 4.0
Point Targeted Point <SensorObjectPath> Targeted {OrientMethod} <MethodData> Point sensors to track or target other objects in a scenario 12.10
Position (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target) Position <ObjectPath> [{Type}] [{TimeValue}] Locate the position of a facility, place or target or the centroid of an area target 10
Position (Vehicles) Position <ObjectPath> [{TimeValue}] Locate a vehicle 10
Position_RM Position_RM <MTOObjectPath> {PosOptions} Compute position of MTO tracks at time. 10
Propagate Propagate <SatObjectPath> [{TimeInterval}] Propagate vehicle ephemeris 10
Prune Prune <ObjectPath> {PruneOption} <Parameters> Control amount of data stored for a vehicle (data thinning) 10
PythonAccessConstraintPlugins PythonAccessConstraintPlugins <ApplicationPath> {PythonAccessConsraintPluginsOption} Add or remove Python files for Access Constraint plugins. 12.4

- Q -

Command Format Description Version
QuickReportAdd QuickReportAdd <ScenarioPath> Name "<QuickReportName>" Type {RptType} Style "<StyleName>" Object <TruncObjPath> [FromObject <TruncObjPath>] Add a Quick Report. 10
QuickReportCreate QuickReportCreate <ScenarioPath> "<QuickReportName>" Display a Quick Report. 8.1
QuickReport_RM QuickReport_RM <ScenarioPath> {GetList | GetReport "<QuickReportName>"} Return a Quick Report or list of Quick Report names. 8.1
QuickSave QuickSave <ScenarioPath> Save a scenario without saving subobjects 4.0

- R -

Command Format Description Version
RCS RCS <ObjectPath> {Options} <Parameters> Set and modify RCS values for an object 10.1
RCS_R RCS_R <ObjectPath> <Frequency> [<IncidentAz> <IncidentEl> <ReflectedAz> <ReflectedEl>] Return the RCS value for an object 8.0
RCS_RM RCS_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about radar cross section properties. 10.1
RFEnvironment RFEnvironment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Control the use of environmental models in a scenario 9.0
RFEnvironment_RM RFEnvironment_RM <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about environmental models. 12.2
RFI RFI <ObjectPath> {RFIOption} <Parameters> Set radio frequency interference options for facilities, ships, aircraft, and ground vehicles. 12.10
Radar Radar <RdrObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] Set, add and remove properties for a radar. 10.1
RadarClutter RadarClutter <ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] Set and modify properties for radar clutter. 12.6
RadarClutter_RM RadarClutter_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about an object's clutter properties. 12.6
Radar_RM Radar_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about a radar's properties. 10.1
Range_RM Range_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <ObjectPath> {RangeOptions} Compute range to an identified number of MTO tracks from an STK Object. 11.4
RealTime RealTime <VehObjectPath> {RealTimeOption} [<Parameters>] Propagate vehicle (all types) ephemeris using near-real-time data received using a Connect socket 5.0.3
Receiver Receiver <RcObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] Set, add and remove properties for a receiver. 9.0
Receiver_RM Receiver_RM <RcObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about a receiver. 9.0
RecordMovie2D RecordMovie2D <ScenarioPath> {MovieOption} <Value> [{MovieOption} <Value>...] Control movie recording features for a 2D Graphics window 11.5
RecordMovie2D_R RecordMovie2D_R <ScenarioPath> {Options} Return information about movie recording settings. 11.5
RecordMovie3D RecordMovie3D <ScenarioPath> {MovieOptions} Control movie recording features for a 3D window 11.5
Reference Reference <SatObjectPath> SetRefSatellite <SatObjectPath> Specify a vehicle to be used as a reference satellite in a formation flying situation. 9.0
Refraction Refraction <ObjectPath> {Options} Set refraction properties for sensor, radar, receiver, transmitter or antenna. 8.0
Reload (Satellite, Missile, & Launch Vehicle) Reload <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> "<FilePath>" Restore the original ephemeris data of a satellite, missile or launch vehicle in the current scenario 9.1
RemoveAccess RemoveAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> Remove access data from one object to another 4.2
RemoveAllAccess RemoveAllAccess <ApplicationPath> Remove all calculated accesses 4.0
RemoveRptWins RemoveRptWins <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Remove all report or graph windows associated with an object 4.0.3
Rename Rename <ObjectPath> <NewName> Rename an object 4.0
ReportCreate ReportCreate <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>)... Generate a report file to display or save. 12.10
ReportOptions ReportOptions <ObjectPath> {ReportOption} <Parameters> Set options used when generating a report. 6.2
ReportStyle ReportStyle <ScenarioPath> Load "<FilePath>" Load a report style file to your local config area. 12.10
Report_RM Report_RM <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>)... Return data in a specified report style. 12
RfChannelModeler RfChannelModeler [<Option>] Set values and perform other functions for RF Channel Modeler. 12.9
RfChannelModelerGraphics RfChannelModelerGraphics SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> For the RF Channel Modeler, use this command to set values for graphics. 12.9
RfChannelModelerGraphics_RM RfChannelModelerGraphics_RM GetValue [<AttributePath>] Returns graphics values from the RF Channel Modeler. 12.9
RfChannelModeler_RM RfChannelModeler_RM GetValue [<AttributePath>] Returns values from the RF Channel Modeler. 12.9

- S -

Command Format Description Version
SEDS SEDS <ApplicationPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Configure STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers. 12.10
SEDS_RM SEDS_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option} Return information about STK Enterprise Data Services (SEDS) servers. 12.10
SEET GCR SEET <VehiclePath> GCR {GCROptions} Specify SEET vehicle galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) parameters. 10.1.1
SEET Graphics (Scenario) SEET <ScenarioPath> Graphics MagField {GfxOptions} Specify SEET magnetic field graphics options. 9.1
SEET Graphics (Vehicle) SEET <VehiclePath> Graphics {MagFieldLine | SAAContour} {GfxOptions} Specify SEET vehicle graphics options. 10.1.1
SEET MagField SEET <VehiclePath> MagField {FieldOptions} Set geomagnetic field parameters. 9.1
SEET ParticleFlux SEET <VehiclePath> ParticleFlux {FluxOptions} Set Particle Flux parameters. 9.1
SEET Radiation (Scenario) SEET <ScenarioPath> Radiation {RadOptions} Specify SEET radiation options. 9.1
SEET Radiation (Vehicle) SEET <VehiclePath> Radiation {RadOptions} Specify SEET vehicle radiation options. 10
SEET SAAContour SEET <VehiclePath> SAAContour {SAAOptions} Set SAA contour parameters. 9.1
SEET SEP SEET <VehiclePath> SEP {SEPOptions} Specify SEET vehicle solar energetic particles (SEP) options. 10.1.1
SEET VehTemperature SEET <VehiclePath> VehTemperature {TempOptions} Set vehicle temperature parameters. 9.1
SOC SOC <ScenarioPath> {Options} <Parameters> Set search criteria, perform a search, and insert search results into the Scenario 11.2
SOC_RM SOC_RM <ScenarioPath> {Options} Return information needed to set up a search of the SOC 11.2
Save Save <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> ["<SaveInDirectory>"] Save a scenario or object within a scenario 4.0
SaveAs SaveAs <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> "<FilePath>" Save a scenario or object within a scenario with a different name 4.2
SaveComputedData SaveComputedData <ScenarioPath> {Options} Save computed data (access intervals, considered times, stagelist derived data). 12
SavePreferences SavePreferences <ApplicationPath> {SaveOption} <Parameters> Set the preferences for saving object data 9.0
SaveTerrainMaskDataInBinary SaveTerrainMaskDataInBinary <FacObjectPath> {Yes | No} Define if the AzElMask is saved in binary. 11.6
SensorQuery SensorQuery <SensorObjectPath> [{QueryType}] Return information about a sensor 4.0.6
SetAccessOption SetAccessOption <ObjectPath> {Whole | Any} Set access to use the whole object during computations. 6.2
SetAccessParameters SetAccessParameters <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>) Set access to use the maximum preferred time step. 11.7
SetAnalysisTimePeriod SetAnalysisTimePeriod <ScenarioPath> {TimeInterval} Establish the scenario's analysis time period 10
SetAnimation SetAnimation <ScenarioPath> {AnimateOption} <Parameters> Set values to control animation. 10
SetAsDefault SetAsDefault <ApplicationPath> [<ObjectPath>] Save the indicated object as the default 4.2
SetAttitude ClearData SetAttitude <ObjectPath> ClearData [{SegmentOptions}] Clear attitude data created using AddAttitude commands 12.1
SetAttitude DataReference SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> DataReference {ProfileType} <Parameters> Specify the reference attitude profile for incoming attitude data 5.0.3
SetAttitude File SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> File "<FilePath>" [<Blocking>] [{SaveFile | SaveLocally}] Reset attitude to read from an external attitude file 12.10
SetAttitude Offset SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Offset <OffsetValue> Reset attitude to use the specified attitude offset 4.1.1
SetAttitude Profile SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Profile {ProfileType} <Parameters> Reset attitude to use the attitude profile and offsets specified 12.10
SetAttitude RealTime SetAttitude <ObjectPath> RealTime {LookAheadMethod} [<LookAheadDuration> <LookBehindDuration> <BlockFactor>] Reset attitude to use near-real-time data over a Connect socket 4.1.1
SetAttitude Standard SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Standard Reset attitude to use a standard profile type 4.1.1
SetAttitude Target SetAttitude <VehicleObjectPath> Target {TargetOption} [<Parameters>] Reset attitude to use a targeted type 12.10
SetAttitude TimeOffset SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> TimeOffset <OffsetValue> Shift the start time for all attitude segments 5.0.4
SetAzElMask (Facility, Place & Target) SetAzElMask <ObjectPath> {UseOption} ["<Parameter>"] Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a facility, place, or target 12.10
SetAzElMask (Sensor) SetAzElMask <SensorObjectPath> {UseOption} [<Parameters>] Set the azimuth-elevation mask for a sensor 12.10
SetBoundary SetBoundary <ATObjectPath> {Type} <Parameters> Define the perimeter of an area target 6.2
SetConVersion SetConVersion <ApplicationPath> <VersionNumber> Set the version of Connect to be used when sending and receiving commands for the current Connect session 4.0.2
SetConstraint (Area & Line Targets) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set a constraint for an area target or line target 12.9
SetConstraint (Chain or Constellation) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Parameters} Set a constraint for a chain or constellation 12.10
SetConstraint (Comm) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set a constraint for a receiver, transmitter, or antenna 12.9
SetConstraint (EOIR) SetConstraint <SensorObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set an EOIR constraint for a sensor 9.2.1
SetConstraint (Facility, Place & Target) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set a constraint for a facility, place, or target 12.9
SetConstraint (Planets & Stars) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {State} Set a constraint for a planet or star 12.9
SetConstraint (Radar) SetConstraint <RdrObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set constraints for a radar system 12.9
SetConstraint (SEET) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set a SEET constraint for a vehicle 9.1
SetConstraint (Sensor) SetConstraint <SensorObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set a constraint for a sensor 12.9
SetConstraint (Vehicles) SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> Set an access constraint for a vehicle 12.10
SetConstraintOptions SetConstraintOptions <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Options} Set constraint options for an object's active constraints. 12.9
SetDefaultDir SetDefaultDir <ApplicationPath> "<NewDirectoryPath>" Set the current default directory path 4.0.5
SetDescription SetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} [{Option}] "<Description>" Set the long or short description of a scenario or object 6.2
SetEpoch SetEpoch <ScenarioPath> {"<EpochTime>" | UseAnalysisStartTime} Set the scenario epoch 9.0
SetGreatArcStart SetGreatArcStart <ObjectPath> {TimeValue} Set the start time for an aircraft, ground vehicle or ship 10
SetHeightAboveGround SetHeightAboveGround <ObjectPath> <Height> Set the height above ground of a facility, place or target. 10
SetInterplanetaryMode SetInterplanetaryMode <ApplicationPath> {On | Off} Control the ability to use planetary options. 9.0
SetLifetime SetLifetime <SatObjectPath> {LifeOption} <Value> Set parameters for lifetime calculations 12.10
SetLightingMaxStep Facility/Place/Target SetLightingMaxStep <ObjectPath> <Duration>Vehicles SetLightingMaxStep <ObjPath> [CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize> {[CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize>} For Facilities, Places, and Targets the commmand sets the maximum step to take when computing lighting times when using terrain (or when using an AzEl mask in the case of Facility/Place/Target).For Vehicles the command sets the maximum step to take when computing lighting times. Vehicles allow a maximum stepsize to be set separately for each lighting model: central body shape (CbShape) and terrain. In the case of Facility/Place/Target, the maximum stepsize setting is used when using terrain or an AzElMask as the lighting model. 12.7
SetLine SetLine <LTObjectPath> [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}... Defines the points of a line target. 6.2
SetLineAnchor SetLineAnchor <LTObjectPath> {AnchorOption} Set the anchor point for a LineTarget 6.2
SetLocalTimeZoneName SetLocalTimeZoneName {"<Time Zone>"} Sets the name of the local time zone 12.2
SetMass (Satellites) SetMass <SatObjectPath> {DefineOption} <Parameters> Set a satellite's mass 4.1
SetPassNumber (Satellites) SetPassNumber <SatObjectPath> <PassNumber> Initialize the pass numbering for a satellite 4.2
SetPathNumber (Satellites) SetPathNumber <SatObjectPath> <PathNumber> <RepeatCount> Initialize the numbering of the paths within a repeating ground track cycle for a satellite 4.2
SetPosition (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target) SetPosition <ObjectPath> [{Type}] {CoordType} <Parameters> Set the position of a facility, place, target or area target 10
SetPosition (Vehicles) SetPosition <ObjectPath> {PositionType} {TimeValue} <PositionData> Set the position of a vehicle 10
SetPosition DataReference SetPosition <ObjectPath> DataReference "<TruncObjectPath> <CrdnName>" Specify the reference coordinate system for incoming ephemeris data. 5.0
SetPositionCov SetPositionCov <VehObjectPath> [{PositionType}] {TimeValue} [<PositionData>] {CovarianceType} <CovarianceData> Set position, velocity and position covariance data 10
SetPreferences SetPreferences <ApplicationPath> {Type} {Options} Set your STK preferences. 12.10
SetPropSpecific SetPropSpecific <SatObjectPath> {PropOption} <Parameter> Set propagator specific data for a satellite. 9.0
SetPropagator File SetPropagator <ObjectPath> File {Propagator} "<FilePath>" [{NoProp | {TimeInterval}}] Define a vehicle (any type) using an external file 12.10
SetPropagator GreatArc SetPropagator <ObjectPath> GreatArc Set the propagator of a great arc vehicle. 7.0
SetPropagator MissionModeler SetPropagator <AircraftObjPath> MissionModeler Set the propagator of an aircraft to MissionModeler 7.0
SetPropagatorDefaults SetPropagatorDefaults <ApplicationPath> {Propagator} {PropOptions} Set default values for SGP4 and GPS propagators. 9.0
SetResolution SetResolution <SensorObjectPath> {ResolutionOption} <Value> Set resolution properties for a sensor 4.0.2
SetSGP4Prop SetSGP4Prop <SatObjectPath> {Routine} Set the routine for an SGP4 propagator 5.0.3
SetState SetState <VehiclePath> {Method} <Parameters> Set the state of a vehicle using propagator, coordinates or file. 10
SetState (Missile) SetState <MissileObjectPath> {CoordinateType} TwoBody {TimeInterval} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <CoordTypeParameters> ["<CoordEpoch>"] Set the trajectory of a missile using the TwoBody propagator. 10
SetState 11Parameter SetState <SatObjectPath> 11Parameter <Options> Set the orbit state of a satellite from an 11-Parameter file. 12.10
SetState Cartesian SetState <VehObjectPath> Cartesian {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <X> <Y> <Z> <vX> <vY> <vZ> ["<CoordEpoch>"] Set the state of a satellite or missile using Cartesian coordinates 10.1
SetState Classical SetState <VehObjectPath> Classical {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <SemiMajorAxis> <Eccentricity> <Inclination> <ArgOfPerigee> <RAAN> <MeanAnom> ["<CoordEpoch>"] Set the orbit state of a satellite or missile using classical coordinates 10.1
SetState Equi SetState <VehObjectPath> Equi {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <SemimajorAxis> <h> <k> <p> <q> <MeanLon> {Retrograde | Posigrade} ["<CoordEpoch>"] Set the orbit state of a satellite or missile using equinoctial coordinates 10.1
SetState FromFile SetState <VehObjectPath> FromFile "<FilePath>" [{Options}] Set the path of a vehicle from an external ephemeris file 12.10
SetState GPS SetState <SatObjectPath> GPS <PRN> [{SetStateOption} <Value> ...] Set the orbit state of a satellite from a GPS file. 12.10
SetState MixedSpherical SetState <VehObjectPath> MixedSpherical {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <Longitude> <GeodeticLatitude> <Altitude> <HorizontalFlightPathAngle> <FlightPathAzimuth> <Velocity> ["<CoordEpoch>"] Set the orbit state of a satellite or missile using mixed spherical coordinates 10.1
SetState SGP4 (Satellites) SetState <SatObjectPath> SGP4 {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> <SSCNumber> TLESource {Automatic | DefineElements} [<Parameters>] Set the orbit state of a satellite and propagate an SGP4 orbit 12.10
SetState SP3 SetState <SatObjectPath> SP3 <Options> Set the orbit state of a satellite from an SP3 file. 12.10
SetState SPICE SetState <SatObjectPath> SPICE <Options> Set the orbit state of a satellite from an SPICE file. 12.10
SetState SimpleAscent (Launch Vehicle) SetState <LVObjectPath> SimpleAscent {StartTime} [{StopTime}] <StepSize> {Geodetic | Geocentric} <LaunchLat> <LaunchLon> {<LaunchAlt> | <LaunchRadius>} <BurnoutVelocity> <BurnoutLat> <BurnoutLon> {<BurnoutAlt> | <BurnoutRadius>} [NoProp] Set the trajectory of a launch vehicle 10.1
SetState Spherical SetState <VehObjectPath> Spherical {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <RightAscension> <Declination> <Radius> <HorizontalFlightPathAngle> <FlightPathAzimuth> <Velocity> ["<CoordEpoch>"] Set the orbit state of a satellite or missile using spherical coordinates 10.1
SetState TLE (Satellites) SetState <SatObjectPath> TLE "<TLECard1>" "<TLECard2>" [{Options}] Set the orbit state of a satellite using a two-line element set. 10.1
SetStateIgnoreCB SetStateIgnoreCB <SatObjectPath> {ElementSetType} {Parameters} Set the orbit state of a vehicle, ignoring propagation intersections with the central body. 11.1.1
SetSwath SetSwath <SensorObjectPath> {Options} Set the properties of a Sensor Swath. 10
SetTerrainNormal SetTerrainNormal <ObjectPath> {SurfaceNormal | Manual {Option} <Parameters>} Set the direction perpendicular to the local terrain for a facility, place or target. 10
ShowBrowser ShowBrowser <ApplicationPath> Show the Object Browser in STK. 9.0
ShowNames ShowNames <ScenarioPath> [SubObjects [<ParentPath>]] [Class <ClassName>] Identify the subobjects of an object or all objects of a certain type 10.1
SoftVTR2D SoftVTR2D <ScenarioPath> {SoftVTROption} <Value> [{SoftVTROption} <Value>...] Control soft video tape recording features for a 2D Graphics window (Deprecated Command) 11.5
SoftVTR2D_R SoftVTR2D_R <ScenarioPath> {Options} Return information about Soft VTR settings (Deprecated Command) 11.5
SoftVTR3D SoftVTR3D <ScenarioPath> {SoftVTROptions} Control soft video tape recording features for a 3D window (Deprecated Command) 11.5
SpatialTool SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define volumes and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
SpatialTool Spatial Calculation SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Calculation | Spatial CalculationTemplate} <Spatial CalculationName> [{Spatial CalculationType} <Spatial CalculationTypeParams>] Define and modify Spatial Calculation components and templates. 12.10
SpatialTool Spatial Condition SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Condition | Spatial ConditionTemplate} <Spatial ConditionName> [{Spatial ConditionType} <Spatial ConditionTypeParams>] Define and modify Spatial Condition components and templates. 11.2
SpatialTool Volume Grid SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Volume Grid | Volume GridTemplate} <Volume GridName> [{Volume GridType} <Volume GridTypeParams>] Define and modify Volume Grid components and templates. 11
SpatialTool_R SpatialTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about Spatial components. 11
SpatialTool_RM SpatialTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about SpatialTool components. 11
Spice Spice <ScenarioPath> {Action} [<Parameters>] Loads, removes, or reorders Spice ephemeris files. 12.4
Spice_RM Spice_RM <ScenarioPath> {FileList, BodyList, BodySegments, FileSegments} <Parameters> Returns information about Spice files. 12.4
StarData_RM StarData_RM <ScenarioPath> Return data about stars 9.2.1
StopWatch StopWatch <ApplicationPath> {Start | Reset} Start or reset a counter to time commands 4.0.5
StopWatchGet StopWatchGet <ApplicationPath> {Stop | Split} [{TimeUnits}] Stop the StopWatch counter and return the time or return split times without stopping the counter 4.0.5
SubObjUnload SubObjUnload <ObjectPath> Unload all subobjects of a scenario or object 4.0
Surveillance Surveillance <ObjectPath> {SurveillanceOptions} <Parameters> Set surveillance properties for an object 10
Swath (Vehicles) Swath <ObjectPath> {Type} <Value> [{DisplayOption}] Calculate and display a vehicle's swath 8.1
Swath RemoveAll (Sensor) Swath <SensorObjectPath> RemoveAll Remove the display of all sensor swath 4.2.1

- T -

Command Format Description Version
TE_AdditionalData TE_AdditionalData <ScenarioPath> Add File "<FileName>" Ownship "<OwnshipName>" TE_AdditionalData <ScenarioPath> Delete SourcePath "<FilePath>" Import Additional Data 11.7
TE_AnalysisObject TE_AnalysisObject <ScenarioPath> Add {<Parameters>} TE_AnalysisObject <ScenarioPath> Delete Ownship "<OwnshipName>" SourcePath "<FilePath>" Import an Ownship data file. 12
TE_AssociatedObject TE_AssociatedObject <ScenarioPath> Add {<Parameters>} TE_AssociatedObject <ScenarioPath> Delete|Reload Ownship "<OwnshipName>" SourcePath "<FilePath>" Import an Associated Object data file for a known ownship 12
TE_Atc TE_Atc "<ObjectPath>" {Add | Delete | Modify | Promote} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" "<Parameters>" Imports Air Traffic Control (ATC) data into TETK. You can Add, Modify, and Delete this data. Individual tracks can use Delete and Promote. TETK 2.3.1
TE_CalcScalar TE_CalcScalar {Add | Delete} AnalysisObject "<Name>" DataElement "<name>" Promotes a piece of TETK data to an STK calc scalar. 12.4
TE_Contours TE_Contours <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" [Time Constraint "<Value>"] {Offset OffsetHoriz | OffsetX OffsetY OffsetZ OffsetFrame}[LineWidth "<Value>"]{Intervals | Levels} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} Create a contour to color the data. 12.2
TE_DataDisplay TE_DataDisplay <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" {Interval | Numeric} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} Add a display which shows data changing over time. 12.2
TE_DirectMops TE_DirectMops <objectPath> {Add, Delete, Modify, Save, Execute} Name <value> AnalysisObject <value> {parameters} Generate, Delete and Execute a DirectMops workflow for T&E Tool Kit. 11.7.1
TE_Graph TE_Graph <ObjectPath> {Add | Save | Delete | Modify | Refresh} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" {GraphXY | Multigraph | ColorLine | BoxWhiskerVert | BoxWhiskerHoriz | Histogram} <Parameters> {Stat} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} Create, modify, or remove a graph. 12.2
TE_LinkLine TE_LinkLine <ObjectPath> Add | Modify Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters> Create a link line in T&E. 11.7.1
TE_Mapping TE_Mapping <ObjectPath> Import File "<FilePath>" Load a *.tedm file into T&E. 11.6
TE_QuickLooks TE_QuickLooks <ScenarioPath> {Create | Set | Graph | GraphMulti | GraphXY | LinkLine | Vector | Angle | Plane} <Parameters> Generate and modify graphics for QuickLooks 12
TE_ScrollingDataDisplay TE_ScrollingDataDisplay <ObjectPath> {Add | Delete | Set} <Name> AnalysisObject <Name> Add or delete a Scrolling Data Display log and set the scenario animation time value. 12.5
TE_SegmentDefinition TE_SegmentDefinition <ScenarioPath> {Add | Import} <Parameters> Create a time segment definition. 11.5
TE_SensorQuickLooks TE_SensorQuickLooks <ScenarioPath> {Action} From <SensorName> To <TargetName> {Options} Create, graph or delete a sensor quick look pairing. 11.6
TE_TimeComponent TE_TimeComponent <ObjectPath> {Type} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters> Create one of five types of Time Components. 11.6
TE_Track TE_Track <ScenarioPath> {Add | Promote | Demote | Point | Label | Filter} <Parameters> Add or promote a Track 12.9
TE_TrackComparison TE_TrackComparison <ScenarioPath> {Add | Export} <Parameters> Generate a Track comparison 11.5
TE_TrackComparisonCalculator_RM TE_TrackComparisonCalculator_RM <ScenarioPath> Name <TrackName> [{Filters}] Return information for a Track comparison 11.3
TE_TrackTraceability_RM TE_TrackTraceability_RM <ScenarioPath> Name "<TrackName>" [ID "<PointID>"] Retrieve Track traceability information 11.3
TE_TrackTruthMatch TE_TrackTruthMatch * {Add | Remove} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters> Execute a Track Truth workflow in T&E Tool Kit. 12.2
TE_TrackTruthMatch_RM TE_TrackTruthMatch_RM * Results Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" Retrieve the results of a Track Truth workflow. 12.2
TE_VDF TE_VDF <ScenarioPath> Save File "<FileName>" [IncludeData] Saves or exports the scenario and scenario objects. 12.7
TE_Vector TE_Vector <ObjectPath> <Add | Modify> Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" Mapping "<Name>" PointPath "<Name>" <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} {ShowLabel "<On | Off>"} {ShowValue "<On | Off>"} Generate a vector for T&E. 12.2
TE_Waypoint TE_Waypoint * Create AnalysisObject <Value> Order <Parameter> TE_Waypoint * Save AnalysisObject<Value> File <Parameter> Create or Save waypoints for Aviator aircraft in STK. 11.7
TLEFileOptions TLEFileOptions <SatObjectPath> (AddFile "<FilePath>")... Add TLE files to SGP4 vehicles 12.10
TLESwitchMethod TLESwitchMethod <SatObjectPath> {Epoch | Midpoint | TCA | Override "<OverrideTime>" | Disable} [<ElSetNumber>] Set the TLE switch method for SGP4 vehicles 9.0
Terrain Terrain <ScenarioPath> {Action} <Parameters> Add or remove terrain data to be used in STK calculations 12.8
TerrainServer TerrainServer <ApplicationPath> <Parameters> Specify a terrain server to be used in STK calculations 11.7
TerrainServer_RM TerrainServer_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option} To get information about the terrain server being used in STK calculations 11.7
Terrain_RM Terrain_RM <ScenarioPath> TerrainServer {Option} Return information about the Terrain Server. 12.8
TimeTool TimeTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define components defining instances or intervals of time. 12.10
TimeTool Collection of Interval Lists TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Collection of Interval Lists" | "Collection of Interval ListsTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{CollectionOfIntervalListsType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Collection of Interval Lists components and templates. 10.1
TimeTool Interval TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval" | "IntervalTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Interval components and templates. 12.10
TimeTool Interval List TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval List" | "Interval ListTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalListType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Interval List components and templates. 12.10
TimeTool Time Array TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Array" | "Time ArrayTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeArrayType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Time Array components and templates. 11.7.1
TimeTool Time Instant TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Instant" | "Time InstantTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeInstantType} <TypeParams>] Define and modify Time Instant components and templates. 10
TimeTool_R TimeTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about TimeTool components. 10
TimeTool_RM TimeTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about TimeTool components. 10.1
TimeVaryingSensor <Option> <SensorObjectPath> TmVarying This is the command to create sensor definitions which vary with time. 11.7
Timeline Timeline <ScenarioPath> {Option} <Parameters> Define and manage the Timeline in STK 10.1
Track Track <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} Define a track in a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 12.10
Track2d Track2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} Defines 2D Graphics of tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 12.9
Track3d Track3d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} Defines 3D Graphics of tracks for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 12.10
Transmitter Transmitter <XmObjectPath> {Option} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] Set, add and remove properties for a transmitter. 10
Transmitter_RM Transmitter_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] Get information about a transmitter's properties. 10

- U -

Command Format Description Version
Units_Convert Units_Convert <ScenarioPath> {Date | Unit} <Parameters> Convert a value from one unit to another. 10.1
Units_Get Units_Get <ScenarioPath> {Option} [Abbreviation] List the current units of measure. 11.2
Units_Set Units_Set <ScenarioPath> {Option} <Parameters> Set units of measure. 11.7
Units_SetConnect Units_SetConnect <AppOrScenPath> {Default | Internal | {Dimension} {Unit}... } Set units of measure for Connect. 10.1
Unload Unload <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> [RemAssignedObjs] Remove an object or scenario 4.0
UnloadMulti UnloadMulti <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> Remove an object and all of its subobjects from the current scenario 9.1
UseMapStyle UseMapStyle <ScenarioPath> {MapStyle} [<WinNumber>] Sets the 2D map style 4.2
UseMapStyleTime UseMapStyleTime <ScenarioPath> {State} Turn on or off the map style time 4.2
UseSoftwareRendering UseSoftwareRendering This command is for systems that do not support the minimum requirement of OpenGL 4.5 or greater. It must be run before a scenario is created or loaded for the first time. 12.8
UseTerrain UseTerrain <ObjectPath> {UseOption} To enable or disable the consideration of terrain data for calculations 10

- V -

Command Format Description Version
VO 3DTiles VO <ScenarioPath> 3DTiles {AddTileset | RemoveTileset} {Options} Add, remove, or modify a 3DTiles tileset for display in the 3D Graphics window. 12.8
VO AOULabelSwapDist VO <ObjectPath> AOULabelSwapDist {<Value> | All | ModelLabel | MarkerLabel | Marker | Point} Set label swap distance for a vehicle's AOU. 8.0
VO AccessText VO <ScenarioPath> AccessText {AccTextOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Define the display of access text in the 3D Graphics window 6.1
VO AddArticulation VO <ObjectPath> AddArticulation {ArticulateOptions} Adds an articulation to the given model. 10
VO AdvCATAttributes VO <AdvCATObjPath> AdvCATAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Set 3D graphics for an advanced CAT object 10
VO Annotation VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation {AnnotationAction} <Parameters> Control the display of annotations in the 3D window. 12.10
VO Annotation DataDisplayArea VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation DataDisplayArea {AnnotationOption} Set up the data display area on a 3d window. 6.2
VO Annotation Declutter VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Declutter {On | Off} Declutter text annotations in 3D windows 9.2.2
VO Annotation Frame VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Frame {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> Display the currently selected viewer reference frame in a 3D window 6.2
VO Annotation Selection VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Selection {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> Enable display of an object label or information about any point in the 3D Graphics window by double-clicking on it with the mouse. 6.2
VO Annotation Time VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Time {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> Display the time in a 3D window 5.0
VO Annotation ViewerPos VO * Annotation ViewerPos {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> Control the display properties of the viewer position annotation 6.2
VO Area VO <ObjectPath> Area {AreaOption} <Parameters> Calculate the area of a model 10
VO Articulate VO <ObjectPath> Articulate "<StartTime>" <Duration> <ArticName> <TransformationName> <BeginningArticValue> <EndArticValue> Articulate the appendages of a 3D model while an animation is in progress 4.1.1
VO ArticulationFile VO <ObjectPath> ArticulationFile <Options> Controls the articulation file used for 3D model articulations. 12.10
VO AttCovAttributes VO <AttCovObjectPath> AttCovAttributes {Show {On | Off} | {AttCovOptions}} Display 3D coverage graphics for an attitude coverage object 11.1.1
VO AttFOMAttributes VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMAttributes {Show {On | Off} | {AttFOMOptions}} Define 3D graphics for an attitude coverage figure of merit object 10
VO AttFOMContours VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>] Display 3D contour graphics for an attitude figure of merit 10
VO AttFOMLegend VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMLegend {GfxType} {DisplayOption1} <Value> [{DisplayOption2} <Value> ...] Display the Attitude Coverage contours legend. 6.1
VO AttitudeView VO <ObjectPath> AttitudeView {AttitudeViewOption} <Parameters> Define and display an attitude sphere for a vehicle, facility, place, target or sensor. 10
VO Attributes (Scenario) VO <ScenarioPath> Attributes {AttributeOption} <Parameters> [<WinNumber>] Set the attributes of a 3D Graphics window 12.10
VO Attributes (Star) VO <StarPath> Attributes {AttributeOption} <Parameters> Set the 3D attributes of a Star object 10.1
VO AzElMask VO <ObjectPath> AzElMask [Type {Altitude | Range}] {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Define the display of an objects azimuth elevation mask in the 3D Graphics window 8.0
VO AzElMaskTool VO <SensorObjectPath> AzElMaskTool {AzElOption} Generate static body masking files (.bmsk), which are used to restrict visibility to a sensor. 12.10
VO BearingBox VO <ObjectPath> BearingBox {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define a volume, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object. 10.1
VO BearingEllipse VO <ObjectPath> BearingEllipse {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define an ellipse, relative to a bearing from the North, around an object. 10.1
VO BorderWall VO <ObjectPath> BorderWall {BorderWallOption} <Value> [{BorderWallOption} <Value>...] Define the boundary wall of an area target, or the border wall of range rings of a facility, place, target or vehicle. 10
VO Boresight (Comm) VO <ObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} Control the display of boresight graphics in the 3D Graphics window 11.4
VO Boresight (Sensor) VO <SensorObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} Control the display of the sensor boresight 4.2.1
VO CameraControl VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions} Set parameters for controlling a camera path. 10
VO Celestial VO <ScenarioPath> Celestial {Sun | Moon | Stars} {Options} Define the graphical display of the sun, moon, and celestial sphere in the 3D Graphics window. 12.10
VO CentralBody VO <ScenarioPath> CentralBody <CBName> [<WinNumber>] Set the central body displayed in a 3d window. 6.0
VO Clipping VO <ScenarioPath> Clipping {ClipType} <Distance> <WinNumber> Set the clipping planes for the view in the 3D window 4.1.1
VO Compass VO * Compass ({CompassOption} <value>)... Add a 3D Compass. 9.1
VO Contours VO <ObjectPath> Contours {On | Off} Display contour levels in a 3D window for Comm and Radar objects. 11.4
VO ControlBox VO <VehObjectPath> ControlBox {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define a volume around an object that moves with the object. 10
VO CovAttributes VO <ObjectPath> CovAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Display 3D coverage graphics for a coverage definition object 11.1.1
VO CovarPointContours VO <VehObjectPath> CovarPointContours {CovarOption} <Parameters> Define the display of covariance pointing contours 10
VO Covariance VO <VehObjectPath> Covariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> Set or modify Covariance graphics properties (Deprecated Command) 11.7
VO CreateMarker VO <ObjectPath> CreateMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName "<KeyName>" [{MarkerOptions}] {TypeSpecificOptions} Create a textured marker from multiple images or create a marker from multiple fonts. 8.0
VO Declutter VO <ScenarioPath> Declutter {DeclutterOption} <DeclutterValue> [{DeclutterOption} <DeclutterValue>...] Reposition the labels on objects that are close together so they don't obstruct one another. 7.0
VO DeleteStoredView VO <ScenarioPath> DeleteStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] Delete the specified stored view from the selected 3D window. 6.2
VO DestroyMarker VO <ObjectPath> DestroyMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName <KeyName> Delete a textured marker or multi-font marker created using the VO CreateMarker command. 6.1
VO DisableViewErrMsgs VO <ScenarioPath> DisableViewErrMsgs {Yes | No} Turn on or off the 3D Graphics View error messages. 11.3
VO DrawRouteOnSurface VO <ObjectPath> DrawRouteOnSurface {On | Off} Set how the route is drawn for a ground vehicle or a ship. 9.2
VO DynDataText VO <ObjectPath> DynDataText {DynDataTextOption} <Parameters> [{DisplayOption} <Value>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] Control the display of dynamic data text reports in the 3D window 12.10
VO EarthShapeModel VO <ScenarioPath> EarthShapeModel {WGS84 | MSL} Show the globe in VO as the MSL surface or WGS84. 7.0
VO ElevContours VO <ObjectPath> ElevContours {Options} Display elevation angle contour levels, for vehicles, in a 3D window 6.2
VO Ellipsoid VO <VehObjectPath> Ellipsoid {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define an ellipsoid around an object that moves with the object. 10
VO EphemDropLines VO <VehObjectPath> EphemDropLines Type {WGS84 | Terrain | MSL} {DropLineOption} <Value> [{DropLineOption} <Value>...] Display Vehicle ephemeris drop lines. 8.0
VO FOMAttributes VO <ObjectPath> FOMAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] Display 3D coverage graphics for a figure of merit object 10
VO Fill VO <ObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} Set the fill option to be used on an area target or a sensor 6.1
VO FillGranularity VO <ObjectPath> FillGranularity <Value> Set the granularity to be used when filling an area target. 7.1
VO FillTranslucency VO <SensorObjectPath> FillTranslucency <TranslucencyValue> Set the translucency of a sensor's pattern as displayed on the central body in the 3D Graphics window. 6.1
VO Fonts VO <ScenarioPath> Fonts [{Small | Medium | Large}] {FontOptions} Set the font styles to be used on the 3D Graphics window 9.1
VO Globe VO <ScenarioPath> Globe {GlobeOption} <Value> Control the appearance of the central body in a 3D Graphics window 11.2
VO GlobeDetails VO <ScenarioPath> GlobeDetails {DetailOption} <DetailParams> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Add details to the globe in the VO window 6.2
VO Grids VO <ScenarioPath> Grids {GridType} {DisplayOption} <Value> Control the display of celestial and space grids in the 3D window 6.0
VO GroundMarker (Vehicles) VO <ObjectPath> GroundMarker {MarkerOption} <Parameters> Define the display of markers representing vehicles in the 3D window 6.0
VO ImageSetDef VO <ScenarioPath> ImageSetDef {Action} {ImageSetOptions} Define an image set. 10
VO InitializeSolarPanelsToSun VO <ObjectPath> InitializeSolarPanelsToSun Enable {Yes | No} Change the default setting for solar panel pointing. 6.2
VO KML VO <ScenarioPath> KML {KMLOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Manipulate KML files in the 3D Window. 9.2
VO LabelLOD VO <ObjectPath> LabelLOD {LODOption} <Value> [{LODOption} <Value>...] Define the level of detail for displaying an area or line target label 6.0
VO LabelOffsetInPixels VO <ObjectPath> LabelOffsetInPixels {On | Off} Offset an object label in pixel coordinates 5.0.4
VO LabelXYZ VO <ObjectPath> LabelXYZ <XValue> <YValue> <ZValue> Specify the position of an object label offset 5.0.4
VO LevelOfDetail VO <ScenarioPath> LevelOfDetail {Terrain | GlobeTexture} {Increase | Decrease} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Control the level of terrain and globe texture detail in the 3D graphics window. 8.0
VO LightSource VO <ScenarioPath> LightSource {Add | Delete | Modify | DeleteAll} [{LightOption} <Parameter>]... Add a new light source 9.0
VO Lighting VO <ScenarioPath> Lighting {LightOption} [<Parameter>] Control the lighting level in a 3D window 11.7
VO LineOfBearing VO <ObjectPath> LineOfBearing {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define an Line of Bearing which is drawn from an origin in the direction of a bearing. 10.1
VO LineWall VO <LTObjectPath> LineWall {LineWallOption} <Value> [{LineWallOption} <Value>...] Define the wall of a line target 8.0
VO MTOAttributes VO <MTOObjectPath> MTOAttributes {VOOptions} Defines global 3D Graphics attributes for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 7.0
VO Marker VO <ObjectPath> Marker ({MarkerOption} <value>)... Define the display of markers representing objects in the 3D Graphics window. 12.10
VO Model VO <ObjectPath> Model {Option1} <Value1> [{Option2} <Value2>]... Assign a model to a facility, place, target, or vehicle (any type). 12.1012.1
VO ModelDetail VO <ObjectPath> ModelDetail {On | Off | Set} [{LevelOption} <value>]... Assign a level of detail to a model 6.1.2
VO ModelList VO <ObjectPath> ModelList {ModelOption} [<Parameters>] Set up a model list to be used during animation 12.10
VO ModelOffset VO <ObjectPath> ModelOffset {OffsetOption} {On | Off} [<X> <Y> <Z>] Assign a position offset to a model 4.2
VO ModelPointing VO <ObjectPath> ModelPointing "<AttachPoint>" {ModelPointOption} <Value> Point parts of a model representing a facility, place, target or vehicle toward another object 12.10
VO NewWaypointAttributes VO <VehObjectPath> NewWaypointAttributes ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... Set the 3D Graphics properties for new waypoints and external ephemeris points. 5.0.4
VO ObjectLine VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} {FromObj <TruncObjectPath1>} {ToObj <TruncObjectPath2>} [{LineOptions}] Display lines connecting objects in the 3D Graphics window 12.10
VO ObjectLineAttachPt VO <ObjectPath> ObjectLineAttachPt {Options} Set ObjectLine attach points. 7.1
VO ObjectStateInWin VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 7.0
VO Obscuration VO <SensorObjectPath> Obscuration {ObscurationOption} <Parameters> Set sensor obscuration parameters and compute sensor obscuration 10.1
VO OpenGLInitParms VO <ApplicationPath> OpenGLInitParms {Options} <Parameters> Provide support for advanced 3D viewing options 11.5
VO OrbitSystem VO <VehObjectPath> OrbitSystem {Action} {Options} Set the frame of reference for a vehicle's orbit or trajectory. 11.1
VO Overlay VO <ScenarioPath> Overlay {Action} "<FilePath>" [{OverlayOption} <Value>] Control the display and placement of overlay images in a 3D Graphics window. 12.10
VO Pass3D VO <ObjectPath> Pass3D {LeadTrailOption} <Parameters> Set leading and trailing graphics in a 3D window for all types of vehicles 9.0
VO PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines VO <SensorObjectPath> PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines {On | Off} Control the display of the persistance of lines intersecting a central body. 9.1
VO PersistSpaceProjLines VO <SensorObjectPath> PersistSpaceProjLines {On | Off} Control the display of the persistance of projected lines. 9.1
VO PixelAspectRatio VO <ScenarioPath> PixelAspectRatio Value <Value> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Use to control the pixel aspect ratio while recording frames. 6.1
VO Point VO <ObjectPath> Point {PointOptions} Set Point attributes for Vehicles and Facilities. 6.1.2
VO PosDropLine VO <VehObjectPath> PosDropLine Type {WGS84 | Terrain | MSL} {DropLineOption} <Value> [{DropLineOption} <Value>...] Display Vehicle position drop lines. 8.0
VO Position Covariance VO <VehObjectPath> PositionCovariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> Set or modify Position Covariance graphics properties 12.10
VO Primitive VO <ScenarioPath> Primitive {Add | Modify | Delete | Import | Export} {PrimitiveID} [Type {PrimitiveType}] ({PrimitiveOption} <Value>)... Defines and modifies programmable graphics primitives. 12.10
VO Projection VO <ObjectPath> Projection {ProjectionOption} Control the projection of a sensor in the 3D window 7.1
VO PruneArtic VO <ObjectPath> PruneArtic {PruneOption} Control the amount of data stored for an articulation (data thinning) 10
VO Pulse VO <SensorObjectPath> Pulse {PulseOption1} <Value1> [{PulseOption2} <Value2>...] Set or modify Sensor Pulse graphics properties 8.1
VO RadarCrossSection VO <ObjectPath> RadarCrossSection {Option} <Parameters> Set the display of Radar Cross Section (RCS) contour lines and volumes. 11.7
VO RadialLines VO <SensorObjectPath> RadialLines {On | Off} Turn on or off the radial lines on a sensor dome 4.1.1
VO RangeContours VO <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} <Parameters> Display ground range contours in the 3D Graphics window 8.0
VO RefreshArticState VO <ObjectPath> RefreshArticState Refresh the articulation state for facilities, places, targets and vehicles (any type) 10.1
VO ReloadArticFile VO <ObjectPath> ReloadArticFile Reload an external articulation file for facilities, places, targets and vehicles (any type) 10
VO SaveArticStateAsDef VO <ObjectPath> SaveArticStateAsDef {On | Off} Specify whether to save articulation values as default. 10
VO SaveStoredView VO <ScenarioPath> SaveStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] Save the current view in the selected 3D window 6.2
VO ScaleLog VO <ObjectPath> ScaleLog <Value> Set the scale of the object's model as displayed in the 3D window 4.1.1
VO ScaleMarkersByDistVals VO <MTOObjectPath> ScaleMarkersByDistVals {(<Distance> <ScaleVal>) (<Distance> <ScaleVal>)...} Set the distance and scale values for dynamic sizing of MTO markers. 11.1
VO ScaleModel VO <ObjectPath> ScaleModel <ScaleFactor> Set the absolute scale factor for a facility, place, target or vehicle (any type) as displayed in a 3D window 10
VO SetDefaultCameraPos VO <ScenarioPath> SetDefaultCameraPos <ObjectClass> <Azimuth> <Elevation> Specify customized camera positions to be used when zooming. 10
VO SetModelColorToObjColor VO <ObjectPath> SetModelColorToObjColor {On | Off} Specify whether a 3D model should track the color of the object. 10
VO SetVectorGeometry VO <ObjectPath> SetVectorGeometry {Option} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Define the display of geometric components in the 3D Graphics window 12.10
VO SnapFrame VO <ScenarioPath> SnapFrame {SnapOption} [<Parameters>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] Take a picture of the current 3D window and save it 11.4
VO SolarPanel VO <ObjectPath> SolarPanel {CommandOption} To model the exposure of solar panels over a given time interval 10
VO SpaceProjection VO <SensorObjectPath> SpaceProjection {Options} Set a Sensor's space projection distance. 8.1
VO StopAtMinAlt VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtMinAlt {On | Off} [MinimumAltitude <MinAlt>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] Define how the central body will be treated when it obstructs the path of the viewer while zooming or rotating with the View Pilot Tool. 6.1
VO StopAtObject VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtObject {On | Off} [<WinNumber>] Define how objects will be treated when they obstruct the path of the viewer while zooming 5.0
VO SurfaceLines VO <ScenarioPath> SurfaceLines {LineOptions} Set lines in a 3D Grapphics window to be drawn on terrain. 11.0
VO System VO <MTOObjectPath> System {"<System>" | "None"} Define a system in which to display the Multi-Track Object (MTO). 11.1
VO TerrainAndImagery VO <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery {Options} <Parameters> Manipulate VO terrain and imagery. 12.10
VO TgtExtensionDist VO <SensorObjectPath> TgtExtensionDist {Options} Set a Sensor's targeting distance. 8.1
VO TickMarks VO <ObjectPath> TickMarks ({TickOption} <Parameters>)... Define the display of tick marks in a 3D window. 9.0
VO Translucency VO <ObjectPath> Translucency <TranslucencyValue> Set the translucency of a sensor projection or an area target's fill color as displayed in the 3D window. 4.1.1
VO TranslucentLines VO <SensorObjectPath> TranslucentLines {On | Off} Control the display of the translucent lines on a sensor dome in the 3D window. 4.1.1
VO UseLabelOffset VO <ObjectPath> UseLabelOffset {On | Off} Enable the ability to offset the position of an object label 5.0.4
VO UseScaleMarkersByDist VO <MTOObjectPath> UseScaleMarkersByDist {On | Off} Enable or disable dynamic sizing for MTO markers. 11.1
VO UseSmoothTransition VO <ScenarioPath> UseSmoothTransition {On | Off} Enable or disable smooth transitions between stored views 10
VO UseStoredView VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] Set the current view in a 3D window to a previously stored view 4.1.1
VO UseStoredViewImageSets VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredViewImageSets {On | Off} Enable or disable option for stored views to use image set states. 10
VO UseStoredViewTime VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredViewTime {On | Off} Use or ignore the stored time when displaying a stored view 4.1.1
VO VPF VO <ScenarioPath> VPF {Add | Modify | Delete} {VPFIdentification} ({VPFOption} <Value>)... Load and display Vector Product Format data in the 3D window. 6.1.2
VO VaporTrail VO <ObjectPath> VaporTrail {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] Define a vapor trail to be displayed around a vehicle, facility, place, or target. 12.10
VO Velocity Covariance VO <VehObjectPath> VelocityCovariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> Set or modify Velocity Covariance graphics properties 12.10
VO VertexOffset VO <SensorObjectPath> VertexOffset {VertexOption} [<Parameters>] To offset the projection of a sensor as displayed in the 3D window 4.1.1
VO View VO <ScenarioPath> View {Options} Set parameters for the view in a 3D window 11
VO ViewAlongDirection VO <ScenarioPath> ViewAlongDirection {From | To} "<ObjectSpec>" Direction "<DirSpec>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] Create a view along a Vector. 9.2
VO ViewFromTo VO <ScenarioPath> ViewFromTo {ViewOptions} <Parameters> Set parameters for the view in a 3D window (simplified form). 9.2
VO ViewPath VO <ScenarioPath> ViewPath "<ViewPathName>" {ViewPathOption} [{State}] <WinNumber> Set the display characteristics of a view path 6.2
VO ViewerPosition VO <ScenarioPath> ViewerPosition <Declination> <RightAscension> <Range> [<WinNumber>] Control the viewer position. 6.1
VO Volumes VO <ObjectPath> Volumes {VolumeOption} [<Parameter>] Display antenna patterns in the 3D Graphics window 11.4
VO VolumetricGfx VO <VolumetricPath> VolumetricGfx {{GfxOptions} | {Legend Options}} Define the 3d graphics properties of a volumetric object. 11
VO WaypointAttributes VO <VehObjectPath> WaypointAttributes {WaypointOptions} ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... Set the 3D Graphics properties for existing waypoints and external ephemeris points. 12.10
VO WindowState VO <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} Control the display of object graphics in the 3D window. 10
VO_R 3DView VO_R <ScenarioPath> 3DView [<WinNumber>] Return information about the current view 9.2
VO_R 3DViewCmd VO_R <ScenarioPath> 3DViewCmd [<WinNumber>] Return a connect command that can be used to recreate the current view 9.2
VO_R AvailableVrDevices VO_R <ScenarioPath> AvailableVrDevices Returns list of available VR devices. 11.3
VO_R CameraControl VO_R <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions} Return information about camera paths in a scenario. 9.2.1
VO_R GetReferenceFrame VO_R <ScenarioPath> GetReferenceFrame [<WinNumber>] Return the reference frame for the selected 3D window. 9.2.1
VO_R GetTracks VO_R <MTOObjectPath> GetTracks [ModelExists {On | Off}] [ModelShowing {On | Off}] Reports information about track models for a Multi-Track Object (MTO). 6.1
VO_R MapID VO_R <ScenarioPath> MapID [{Type} | Count [{Type}]] Return information about the open 3D windows. 10.1
VO_R Overlays VO_R <ScenarioPath> Overlays [<WinNumber>] Return list of overlays for the current view 9.0
VO_R Primitive VO_R <ScenarioPath> Primitive Add ID Auto Type {PrimitiveType} ({PrimitiveOption} <Value>)... Create a Primitive and return the ID of that primitive. 8.0
VO_R RecordMovie3D VO <ScenarioPath> RecordMovie3D {Options} Return information about movie recording settings. 11.5
VO_R SoftVTR3D VO <ScenarioPath> SoftVTR3D {Options} Return information about Soft VTR settings (Deprecated Command) 11.5
VO_R StoredViewNames VO_R <ScenarioPath> StoredViewNames [<WinNumber> | All] Returns the names of any stored views 9.0
VO_R ViewPoint VO_R <ScenarioPath> ViewPoint [<WinNumber>] Return the coordinates of the current view in a given 3D window 4.1.1
VO_R VisualTerrainCurrentServer VO_R <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainCurrentServer Returns current visual terrain server. (Deprecated Command) 11
VO_RM Annotation VO_RM <ScenarioPath> Annotation {Option} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Return information about text annotations on a 3D window. 10.1
VO_RM KML VO_RM <ScenarioPath> KML {KMLOption} [{Parameters}] [WindowID <WinNumber>] Return information about KML documents in a 3D window 9.2
VO_RM TerrainAndImagery VO_RM <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery [Visibility] [WindowID <WinNumber>] Return the current terrain and imagery in a 3D window 9.2
VO_RM VisualTerrainServers VO_RM <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainServers Returns list of visual terrain servers (Deprecated Command). 11
VO_RM VisualTerrainTilesets VO_RM <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainTilesets [Server <ServerName>] Returns list of visual terrain tile sets. (Deprecated Command) 11
VO_RM VolumetricGfx VO_RM <VolumetricPath> VolumetricGfx {Type} Return information about Volumetric object graphics. 11.2
VectorTool VectorTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} Define coordinate systems and elements used in constructing them, including templates. 12.10
VectorTool Angle VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Angle | AngleTemplate} <AngleName> [{AngleType} <AngleTypeParams>] Define and modify Angle geometry components and templates. 10
VectorTool Axes VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Axes | AxesTemplate} <AxesName> [{AxesType} <AxesTypeParams>] Define and modify Axes geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool Plane VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Plane | PlaneTemplate} <PlaneName> [{PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams>] Define and modify Plane geometry components and templates. 11.2
VectorTool Point VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Point | PointTemplate} <PointName> [{PointType} <PointTypeParams>] Define and modify Point geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool System VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {System | SystemTemplate} <SystemName> [{SystemType} <SystemTypeParams>] Define and modify System geometry components and templates. 10
VectorTool Vector VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Vector | VectorTemplate} <VectorName> [{VectorType} <VectorTypeParams>] Define and modify Vector geometry components and templates. 12.10
VectorTool_R VectorTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about VectorTool components. 10.1
VectorTool_RM VectorTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] Return information about VectorTool components. 10.1
Visibility_RM Visibility_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <ObjectPath> {VisOptions} Compute visibility to an identified number of MTO tracks from an STK Object. 11.4
Volumetric Volumetric <VolumetricPath> {Define | Compute | Clear | Reload | Export] [<Parameters>] Define the basic properties of a Volumetric object 12.10
Volumetric_RM Volumetric_RM <VolumetricPath> {Type} Return information about a Volumetric object. 11.2

- W -

Command Format Description Version
Walker (Satellites) Walker <SatObjectPath> {WalkerOptions} [{AdditionalOptions}] Create a Walker constellation using the object as the seed satellite 11.1
Waypoints Waypoints <VehObjectPath> {WaypointOption} Clear all waypoints from a great arc vehicle 6.2
WinMedia2d WinMedia2d <ScenarioPath> {WinMediaOptions} Set Windows Media WebCast options for the 2D graphics window. 6.1
WinMedia3d WinMedia3d <ScenarioPath> {WinMediaOptions} Set Windows Media WebCast options for the 3D graphics window. 6.1
Window2D Window2D <ScenarioPath> {2DGfxWinOption} <Value> [WindowID <WinNumber>] Create, remove or modify a 2D Graphics window 10
Window2D_R Window2D_R <ScenarioPath> {DataType} {DataTypeOptions} [WindowId <WinNumber>] Return information about a 2D Graphics window 9.0
Window3D Window3D <ScenarioPath> {Window3dOptions} Create or remove a 3D Graphics window, enable zooming, edit objects, set render methods, set 3D pick modes, or drill-down to hidden objects in the 3D Graphics window * 11.3
Window3D_R Window3D_R <ScenarioPath> {WindowOption} [WindowID <WinNumber>] Return information about a 3D Graphics window 9.0

- Z -

Command Format Description Version
Zoom Zoom <ScenarioPath> {ZoomOption} [<Parameters>] [<WinNumber>] Zoom in or out in a 2D Graphics window 12.10
Zoom_R Zoom_R <ScenarioPath> {DataOption} [<WinNumber>] Return data about the current map view and levels of magnification 8.1