12.10 | 12.9 | 12.8 | 12.7 | 12.6 | 12.5 | 12.4 | 12.2 | 12.1 | 12.0.1 | 12 | 11.7.1 | 11.7 | 11.6 | 11.5 | 11.4.1 | 11.4 | 11.3 | 11.2.1 | 11.2 | 11.1.1 | 11.1 | 11 | 10.1.2 | 10.1.1 | 10.1 | 10.0.2 | 10.0.1 | 10 | 9.2.3 | 9.2.2 | 9.2.1 | 9.2 | 9.1 | 9 | 8.1.1 | 8.1 | 8 | 7.1 | 7 | 6.2.1 | 62 | 612 | 61 | 60 | 504 | 503 | 50 | 43 | 421 | 42 | 411 | 41 | 406 | 405 | 404 | 403 | 402 | 40
Connect Commands by Version
Following are listings of Connect commands added or changed in the designated STK release version:
Version 12.10
Command | Format | Description | Version |
ACAT | ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> {CalculateOptions} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ACAT RelationFile | ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> RelationFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ACAT SSCFile | ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> SSCFile {On | Off | "<FilePath>"} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
AttitudeSegment | AttitudeSegment <ObjectPath> {Add | Delete | Modify} {SegmentType} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
CAT | CAT <ObjectPath> {Option} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
CalculationTool | CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
CalculationTool Scalar Calculation | CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Scalar Calculation" | "Scalar CalculationTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ScalarCalculationType} <TypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Chains | Chains <ObjectPath> {ChainOption} [<Parameters>] | Added new Duration option to the OptStrand Metric. | 12.10 |
Cov Access | Cov <ObjectPath> Access {ComputeOption} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Cov FOMDefine | Cov <FOMObjectPath> FOMDefine {Satisfaction | InvalidData | Limits | Definition} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Cov Grid | Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Grid {GridOption} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
CreateTLEFile | CreateTLEFile <ScenarioPath> {Source} "<TLEFilePath>" [{Options}] {SearchParameters} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
DataSource | DataSource <ApplicationPath> {DataSourceOption} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Database | Database <ScenarioPath> {DBOption} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
DeckAccess | DeckAccess <FromObjectPath> {{TimeInterval} | UseObjInterval} {TargetDeckType} "<TargetDeck>" {SortObj | SortTime} [{OptionalParameters}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Define (Planet) | Define <PlanetObjectPath> {Method} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Define (Sensor) | Define <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
DisplayTimes | DisplayTimes <ObjectPath> {DisplayOption} {Action} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ExportDataFile | ExportDataFile <ObjectPath> {FileType} "<FilePath>" [{Options}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
GIS Export | GIS <ScenarioPath> Export "<ShapefilePath>" {ShapeType} [Object <ObjectPath> | ObjectWithOption <ObjectPath> objectOption] ... [{ExportOptions}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
GIS Pattern | GIS <ScenarioPath> Pattern "<ShapefilePath>" <SensorObjectPath> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
GIS Swath | GIS <ScenarioPath> Swath "<ShapefilePath>" <SensorObjectPath> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics BackgroundImage | Graphics <ScenarioPath> BackgroundImage {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics Boresight (Comm) | Graphics <ObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics Boresight (Sensor) | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} [{Color} {MarkerType}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics CustomIntervals (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> CustomIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics ImageInlay | Graphics <ScenarioPath> ImageInlay "<FilePath>" {ImageOption} <Value> [{ImageOption} <Value>...] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics Marker | Graphics <ObjectPath> Marker {MarkerType} ["<FilePath>" [{CustomOptions}]] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics Nightlights | Graphics <ScenarioPath> Nightlights {DisplayOptions} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Graphics ObjectLine | Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} FromObj <TruncObjectPath1> ToObj <TruncObjectPath2> [{LineOptions}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
HPOP Drag | HPOP <ObjectPath> Drag {DragState} <Coeff> <AreaMassRatio> {"AtmDensModel"} [{LowAltAtmDensityMdl} <DensityBlendingAltRange>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
HPOP Force | HPOP <ObjectPath> Force {ForceModel} <ModelParameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ImportAlmanacFile | ImportAlmanacFile <ScenarioPath> "<FilePath>" ID {All | <IDNumber>} [{ImportOption} <Value> ...] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ImportTLEFile (Satellites) | ImportTLEFile <ScenarioPath> "<FilePath>" [{ImportOption} <Value> {ImportOption} <Value>...] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
InitialState | InitialState <ObjectPath> {Import | Export} {Source} ["<FilePath>"] [{Options}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
KeyValueMetaData | KeyValueMetaData <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
KeyValueMetaData_RM | KeyValueMetaData_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
LaserCAT | LaserCAT <ObjectPath> {AvoidanceOptions} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
LaunchWindow | LaunchWindow <ObjectPath> {Option} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
LoadGPSConstellation | LoadGPSConstellation <ScenarioPath> {ConstellationName} [{UpdateGPSDataFiles} ({FTPServer} <ServerName>) ({RemotePathToData} <Path>)] | Updated the command to add the Server and Update options | 12.10 |
OrbitWizard | OrbitWizard <VehObjectPath> {Type} [{Options}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
PatternTool | PatternTool <SensorObjectPath> "<DateTime>" "<FilePath>" {Method} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
PersonalAccessToken | PersonalAccessToken / {Authenticate|Request} {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Point External | Point <SensorObjectPath> External "<FilePath.sp>" | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Point Targeted | Point <SensorObjectPath> Targeted {OrientMethod} <MethodData> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
RFI | RFI <ObjectPath> {RFIOption} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ReportCreate | ReportCreate <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>)... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
ReportStyle | ReportStyle <ScenarioPath> Load "<FilePath>" | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SEDS | SEDS <ApplicationPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SEDS_RM | SEDS_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetAttitude File | SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> File "<FilePath>" [<Blocking>] [{SaveFile | SaveLocally}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetAttitude Profile | SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Profile {ProfileType} <Parameters> | Add GalileoNominal and GalileoIOV to GPS Model Type. | 12.10 |
SetAttitude Target | SetAttitude <VehicleObjectPath> Target {TargetOption} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetAzElMask (Facility, Place & Target) | SetAzElMask <ObjectPath> {UseOption} ["<Parameter>"] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetAzElMask (Sensor) | SetAzElMask <SensorObjectPath> {UseOption} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetConstraint (Chain or Constellation) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Parameters} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetConstraint (Vehicles) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetLifetime | SetLifetime <SatObjectPath> {LifeOption} <Value> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetPreferences | SetPreferences <ApplicationPath> {Type} {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetPropagator File | SetPropagator <ObjectPath> File {Propagator} "<FilePath>" [{NoProp | {TimeInterval}}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetState 11Parameter | SetState <SatObjectPath> 11Parameter <Options> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetState FromFile | SetState <VehObjectPath> FromFile "<FilePath>" [{Options}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetState GPS | SetState <SatObjectPath> GPS <PRN> [{SetStateOption} <Value> ...] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetState SGP4 (Satellites) | SetState <SatObjectPath> SGP4 {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> <SSCNumber> TLESource {Automatic | DefineElements} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetState SP3 | SetState <SatObjectPath> SP3 <Options> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SetState SPICE | SetState <SatObjectPath> SPICE <Options> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SpatialTool | SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
SpatialTool Spatial Calculation | SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Calculation | Spatial CalculationTemplate} <Spatial CalculationName> [{Spatial CalculationType} <Spatial CalculationTypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
TLEFileOptions | TLEFileOptions <SatObjectPath> (AddFile "<FilePath>")... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
TimeTool | TimeTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
TimeTool Interval | TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval" | "IntervalTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalType} <TypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
TimeTool Interval List | TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Interval List" | "Interval ListTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{IntervalListType} <TypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Track | Track <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Track3d | Track3d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Annotation | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation {AnnotationAction} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO ArticulationFile | VO <ObjectPath> ArticulationFile <Options> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Attributes (Scenario) | VO <ScenarioPath> Attributes {AttributeOption} <Parameters> [<WinNumber>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO AzElMaskTool | VO <SensorObjectPath> AzElMaskTool {AzElOption} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Celestial | VO <ScenarioPath> Celestial {Sun | Moon | Stars} {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO DynDataText | VO <ObjectPath> DynDataText {DynDataTextOption} <Parameters> [{DisplayOption} <Value>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Marker | VO <ObjectPath> Marker ({MarkerOption} <value>)... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Model | VO <ObjectPath> Model {Option1} <Value1> [{Option2} <Value2>]... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this commandAdded the glTF model as a supported model type. | 12.1012.1 |
VO ModelList | VO <ObjectPath> ModelList {ModelOption} [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO ModelPointing | VO <ObjectPath> ModelPointing "<AttachPoint>" {ModelPointOption} <Value> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO ObjectLine | VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectLine {Action} {FromObj <TruncObjectPath1>} {ToObj <TruncObjectPath2>} [{LineOptions}] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Overlay | VO <ScenarioPath> Overlay {Action} "<FilePath>" [{OverlayOption} <Value>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Position Covariance | VO <VehObjectPath> PositionCovariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Primitive | VO <ScenarioPath> Primitive {Add | Modify | Delete | Import | Export} {PrimitiveID} [Type {PrimitiveType}] ({PrimitiveOption} <Value>)... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO SetVectorGeometry | VO <ObjectPath> SetVectorGeometry {Option} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO TerrainAndImagery | VO <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery {Options} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO VaporTrail | VO <ObjectPath> VaporTrail {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO Velocity Covariance | VO <VehObjectPath> VelocityCovariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VO WaypointAttributes | VO <VehObjectPath> WaypointAttributes {WaypointOptions} ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VectorTool | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> {Options} | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VectorTool Axes | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Axes | AxesTemplate} <AxesName> [{AxesType} <AxesTypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VectorTool Point | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Point | PointTemplate} <PointName> [{PointType} <PointTypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
VectorTool Vector | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Vector | VectorTemplate} <VectorName> [{VectorType} <VectorTypeParams>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Volumetric | Volumetric <VolumetricPath> {Define | Compute | Clear | Reload | Export] [<Parameters>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Zoom | Zoom <ScenarioPath> {ZoomOption} [<Parameters>] [<WinNumber>] | SDF is no longer available; removed from this command | 12.10 |
Version 12.9
Command | Format | Description | Version |
DefaultTrack2d | DefaultTrack2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOptions} | Added MarkerTranslucency option. | 12.9 |
Graphics (Chains & Constellations) | Graphics <ObjectPath> {ChainGfxOption} [<Parameters>] | Added an option for adding color to strand lines for chain graphics. | 12.9 |
RfChannelModeler | RfChannelModeler [<Option>] | New command | 12.9 |
RfChannelModelerGraphics | RfChannelModelerGraphics SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> | New Command | 12.9 |
RfChannelModelerGraphics_RM | RfChannelModelerGraphics_RM GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command | 12.9 |
RfChannelModeler_RM | RfChannelModeler_RM GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command | 12.9 |
SetConstraint (Area & Line Targets) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | Rework the Help page for new constraint categories. | 12.9 |
SetConstraint (Comm) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | Rework this Help page for new constraint categories. | 12.9 |
SetConstraint (Facility, Place & Target) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | Rework this Help page for new constraint categories. | 12.9 |
SetConstraint (Planets & Stars) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {State} | Adjust wording on this page to reflect new constraint categories. | 12.9 |
SetConstraint (Radar) | SetConstraint <RdrObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | Rework this Help page for new constraint categories. | 12.9 |
SetConstraint (Sensor) | SetConstraint <SensorObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | Rework for new categories; add Boresight constraints. | 12.9 |
SetConstraintOptions | SetConstraintOptions <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} {Options} | Added the Enabled option. | 12.9 |
TE_Track | TE_Track <ScenarioPath> {Add | Promote | Demote | Point | Label | Filter} <Parameters> | Added a new keyword titled Duplicate, which enables you to copy an existing TETK Track and provide a new name for it. | 12.9 |
Track2d | Track2d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} | Added MarkerTranslucency option. | 12.9 |
Version 12.8
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Chain Processing Delay | ChainProcessingDelay <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | New Command | 12.8 |
Collection | Collection <objPath> {Define|Interval|Metadata|Promote|Reference|Subset} <Parameters> | Add query expressions | 12.8 |
Constellation | Constellation <ObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | New Command | 12.8 |
Constellation_R | Constellation_R <ObjectPath> {ConstellationOption} | New Command | 12.8 |
GRPC | GRPC <Application Path> Host <host> Port <Port> Server {Start On | Stop Off} | New Command | 12.8 |
Graphics GlobalAttributes | Graphics <ScenarioPath> {AttributeOption} {On | Off | <Value>} | Added AccAnimaLineLineStyle option. | 12.8 |
Minerva | Minerva <appPath> {option} [<parameters>] | New command | 12.8 |
Minerva_RM | Minerva_RM <appPath> {option} | New command | 12.8 |
Terrain | Terrain <ScenarioPath> {Action} <Parameters> | Removed the CoverageEnabled option. | 12.8 |
Terrain_RM | Terrain_RM <ScenarioPath> TerrainServer {Option} | Removed CoverageEnabled option. | 12.8 |
UseSoftwareRendering | UseSoftwareRendering | New command. | 12.8 |
VO 3DTiles | VO <ScenarioPath> 3DTiles {AddTileset | RemoveTileset} {Options} | Added the Modify option. | 12.8 |
Version 12.7
Command | Format | Description | Version |
SetLightingMaxStep | Facility/Place/Target SetLightingMaxStep <ObjectPath> <Duration>Vehicles SetLightingMaxStep <ObjPath> [CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize> {[CbShape|Terrain] <MaxStepsize>} | Added vehicles to the command | 12.7 |
TE_VDF | TE_VDF <ScenarioPath> Save File "<FileName>" [IncludeData] | Added new conect command. | 12.7 |
Version 12.6
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Modify (Sensor) | Modify <SensorObjectPath> {Type} <TypeData> | 12.6 | |
RadarClutter | RadarClutter <ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] | Deprecated command. | 12.6 |
RadarClutter_RM | RadarClutter_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | Deprecated command. | 12.6 |
Version 12.5
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Collection Routing | Collection <satCollectionPath> Routing {Specify <"filename"> | UseRoutingFile [On | Off]} | 12.5 | |
EOIR PropertyMapData | EOIR <ScenarioPath> PropertyMapData {Option} <CentralBodyName> [<Parameter>] | New command. | 12.5 |
EOIR_R PropertyMapData | EOIR_R <ScenarioPath> PropertyMapData {Option} <CentralBodyName> [<Parameter>] | New command. | 12.5 |
TE_ScrollingDataDisplay | TE_ScrollingDataDisplay <ObjectPath> {Add | Delete | Set} <Name> AnalysisObject <Name> | 12.5 |
Version 12.4
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Collection Define | Collection <objPath> Define {Walker <Parameters> | SatDb <Parameters> | Custom <Parameters> | SP3 <Parameters>} | 12.4 | |
Collection_RM | Collection_RM <objPath> GetValue {Type|SubsetNames|Subsets|DefaultReference|SupplementalMetadataFile|Subset|Walker} <Parameters> | New command | 12.4 |
Graphics (Satellite Collection) | Graphics <satCollectionPath> {GlobalOpts | SubsetGfx} {options} | 12.4 | |
LaserEnvironment | LaserEnvironment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] | New command. | 12.4 |
LaserEnvironment_RM | LaserEnvironment_RM <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 12.4 |
PythonAccessConstraintPlugins | PythonAccessConstraintPlugins <ApplicationPath> {PythonAccessConsraintPluginsOption} | New Command | 12.4 |
Spice | Spice <ScenarioPath> {Action} [<Parameters>] | New Command | 12.4 |
Spice_RM | Spice_RM <ScenarioPath> {FileList, BodyList, BodySegments, FileSegments} <Parameters> | New Command | 12.4 |
TE_CalcScalar | TE_CalcScalar {Add | Delete} AnalysisObject "<Name>" DataElement "<name>" | New connect command in TETK 2.3 | 12.4 |
Version 12.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Environment | Environment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] | New command. | 12.2 |
Environment_RM | Environment_RM <ScenarioPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 12.2 |
GetLocalTimeZoneName_R | GetLocalTimeZoneName_R / | New command | 12.2 |
RFEnvironment_RM | RFEnvironment_RM <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 12.2 |
SetLocalTimeZoneName | SetLocalTimeZoneName {"<Time Zone>"} | New command | 12.2 |
TE_Contours | TE_Contours <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" [Time Constraint "<Value>"] {Offset OffsetHoriz | OffsetX OffsetY OffsetZ OffsetFrame}[LineWidth "<Value>"]{Intervals | Levels} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} | Added the Show option. | 12.2 |
TE_DataDisplay | TE_DataDisplay <ObjectPath> {Add | Modify} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" {Interval | Numeric} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} | Add the Bar and Gradient options. Allowed min and max ranges for gauges. Added Auto option for width and percent option for Location. Added Show option. | 12.2 |
TE_Graph | TE_Graph <ObjectPath> {Add | Save | Delete | Modify | Refresh} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" {GraphXY | Multigraph | ColorLine | BoxWhiskerVert | BoxWhiskerHoriz | Histogram} <Parameters> {Stat} <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} | Added the Stat and Show options. | 12.2 |
TE_TrackTruthMatch | TE_TrackTruthMatch * {Add | Remove} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters> | New command | 12.2 |
TE_TrackTruthMatch_RM | TE_TrackTruthMatch_RM * Results Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" | New command | 12.2 |
TE_Vector | TE_Vector <ObjectPath> <Add | Modify> Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" Mapping "<Name>" PointPath "<Name>" <Parameters> {Show "<On | Off>"} {ShowLabel "<On | Off>"} {ShowValue "<On | Off>"} | Added the Show option. Added the Modify verb. Modify verb supports Show, ShowLabel, and ShowValue. | 12.2 |
Version 12.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
SetAttitude ClearData | SetAttitude <ObjectPath> ClearData [{SegmentOptions}] | Added AllAstrogator option to remove all Astrogator override segments. | 12.1 |
VO Model | VO <ObjectPath> Model {Option1} <Value1> [{Option2} <Value2>]... | SDF is no longer available; removed from this commandAdded the glTF model as a supported model type. | 12.1012.1 |
Version 12.0.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
EOIRDetails | EOIRDetails <ObjPath> {Option} <Parameter> | New command. | 12.0.1 |
Version 12
Command | Format | Description | Version |
3DTiles | 3DTiles <ScenarioPath> Analysis {AddTileset | RemoveTileset} <Option> | New command for version 12; for 12.7, added the PATH option | 12 |
EOIR | EOIR <VehPath> {Option} <Parameters> | Added the Add and Remove target examples. | 12 |
EOIR CloudData | EOIR <ScenarioPath> CloudData {Option} <CloudLabel> [<Parameter>] | New command. | 12 |
EOIR SetAtmosphere Clouds | EOIR <ScenarioPath> SetAtmosphere Clouds {On | Off} | New command. | 12 |
EOIR SetAtmosphere Mode | EOIR <ScenarioPath> SetAtmosphere Mode {0 | 1 | 2} | New command. | 12 |
ForceRecomputeOnLoad | ForceRecomputeOnLoad <ScenarioPath> {Options} | New Command. | 12 |
Graphics SetAccessGfx | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetAccessGfx {AccessObject} {AccessGfxOptions} | Add LineWidth and LineStyle options. | 12 |
LightingMaxStep_R | LightingMaxStep_R <ObjectPath> | New Command. | 12 |
Parallel | Parallel <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption} | Added the CompressVDF and SaveInBinary options. | 12 |
Parallel_RM | Parallel_RM <AppOrScenPath> {ParallelOption} | Added the CompressVDF and SaveInBinary fields. | 12 |
SaveComputedData | SaveComputedData <ScenarioPath> {Options} | New Command. | 12 |
TE_AnalysisObject | TE_AnalysisObject <ScenarioPath> Add {<Parameters>} TE_AnalysisObject <ScenarioPath> Delete Ownship "<OwnshipName>" SourcePath "<FilePath>" | Added the Access parameter. Added the Reload command. | 12 |
TE_AssociatedObject | TE_AssociatedObject <ScenarioPath> Add {<Parameters>} TE_AssociatedObject <ScenarioPath> Delete|Reload Ownship "<OwnshipName>" SourcePath "<FilePath>" | Added the Reload command. | 12 |
TE_QuickLooks | TE_QuickLooks <ScenarioPath> {Create | Set | Graph | GraphMulti | GraphXY | LinkLine | Vector | Angle | Plane} <Parameters> | Revised the GraphXY option to indicate that the only supported graph is BodyAzEl. | 12 |
Version 11.7.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
TE_DirectMops | TE_DirectMops <objectPath> {Add, Delete, Modify, Save, Execute} Name <value> AnalysisObject <value> {parameters} | New command. | 11.7.1 |
TE_LinkLine | TE_LinkLine <ObjectPath> Add | Modify Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters> | Added Show, BelowColor, and Above parameters. Added Modify option. | 11.7.1 |
TimeTool Time Array | TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Array" | "Time ArrayTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeArrayType} <TypeParams>] | Added the FilterIntervals option for the Filtered action. | 11.7.1 |
Version 11.7
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AccessParameters_RM | AccessParameters_RM <objPath> | New command | 11.7 |
SetAccessParameters | SetAccessParameters <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>) | New command. | 11.7 |
TE_AdditionalData | TE_AdditionalData <ScenarioPath> Add File "<FileName>" Ownship "<OwnshipName>" TE_AdditionalData <ScenarioPath> Delete SourcePath "<FilePath>" | Added new parameters. Added the Delete command. | 11.7 |
TE_Waypoint | TE_Waypoint * Create AnalysisObject <Value> Order <Parameter> TE_Waypoint * Save AnalysisObject<Value> File <Parameter> | New command. | 11.7 |
TerrainServer | TerrainServer <ApplicationPath> <Parameters> | Revised Server information. | 11.7 |
TerrainServer_RM | TerrainServer_RM <ApplicationPath> {Option} | Added additional Return Messages to reflect the usage of SEDS and GCS. | 11.7 |
TimeVaryingSensor | <Option> <SensorObjectPath> TmVarying | Updated Command | 11.7 |
Units_Set | Units_Set <ScenarioPath> {Option} <Parameters> | Added JDTDB, Julian Date TDB, and JulianDate TDB as valid unit names. | 11.7 |
VO Lighting | VO <ScenarioPath> Lighting {LightOption} [<Parameter>] | Deprecated "<UsePerPixelLighting>" option. | 11.7 |
VO RadarCrossSection | VO <ObjectPath> RadarCrossSection {Option} <Parameters> | Added Scale to the Volumes parameter. | 11.7 |
Version 11.6
Command | Format | Description | Version |
HPOP Integrator | HPOP <ObjectPath> Integrator {IntegratorOption} <Parameters> | Add AllowPosVelCovInterp integration option. | 11.6 |
SaveTerrainMaskDataInBinary | SaveTerrainMaskDataInBinary <FacObjectPath> {Yes | No} | New command. | 11.6 |
TE_Mapping | TE_Mapping <ObjectPath> Import File "<FilePath>" | New command. | 11.6 |
TE_SensorQuickLooks | TE_SensorQuickLooks <ScenarioPath> {Action} From <SensorName> To <TargetName> {Options} | Updates to command Options. | 11.6 |
TE_TimeComponent | TE_TimeComponent <ObjectPath> {Type} Name "<Name>" AnalysisObject "<Name>" <Parameters> | New command. | 11.6 |
Version 11.5
Command | Format | Description | Version |
CalculationTool Condition Set | CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition Set" | "Condition SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] | ConsiderAbove and ConsiderBelow options will be ignored is Scalar dimension is Angle. | 11.5 |
GetAnimationData | GetAnimationData <ScenarioPath> {Option} | Updated documentation with missing options. | 11.5 |
GetDspTimes | GetDspTimes <ObjectPath> {DataOption} | GetDSPTimes command is now available for antennas, receivers, and transmitters. | 11.5 |
Graphics RadarCrossSection | Graphics <ObjectPath> RadarCrossSection {Option} <Parameters> | Newly documented command. | 11.5 |
RecordMovie2D | RecordMovie2D <ScenarioPath> {MovieOption} <Value> [{MovieOption} <Value>...] | New command. | 11.5 |
RecordMovie2D_R | RecordMovie2D_R <ScenarioPath> {Options} | New command. | 11.5 |
RecordMovie3D | RecordMovie3D <ScenarioPath> {MovieOptions} | New command. | 11.5 |
SoftVTR2D | SoftVTR2D <ScenarioPath> {SoftVTROption} <Value> [{SoftVTROption} <Value>...] | This command has been replaced by the RecordMovie2D command. | 11.5 |
SoftVTR2D_R | SoftVTR2D_R <ScenarioPath> {Options} | This command has been replaced by the RecordMovie2D_R command. | 11.5 |
SoftVTR3D | SoftVTR3D <ScenarioPath> {SoftVTROptions} | This command has been replaced by the RecordMovie3D command. | 11.5 |
TE_SegmentDefinition | TE_SegmentDefinition <ScenarioPath> {Add | Import} <Parameters> | Added Import action. | 11.5 |
TE_TrackComparison | TE_TrackComparison <ScenarioPath> {Add | Export} <Parameters> | Add Export option. | 11.5 |
VO OpenGLInitParms | VO <ApplicationPath> OpenGLInitParms {Options} <Parameters> | Replace ColladaModelsDisabled option with ForceMdlModels. | 11.5 |
VO_R RecordMovie3D | VO <ScenarioPath> RecordMovie3D {Options} | New command. | 11.5 |
VO_R SoftVTR3D | VO <ScenarioPath> SoftVTR3D {Options} | This command has been replaced by the VO_R RecordMovie3D command. | 11.5 |
Version 11.4.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Version 11.4
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AttSim (Satellites) | AttSim <SatObjectPath> {AttSimOption} <Parameters> | Add model names to Environment option. | 11.4 |
Author | Author <ScenarioPath> {Option} | Add the SetFile option. | 11.4 |
Chains_R | Chains_R <ObjectPath> {ChainsOption} | Added FromOperator and ToOperator constraints to constellations. | 11.4 |
FieldOfView_RM | FieldOfView_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <SensorObjPath> {FOVOptions} | Add UseTrackTimes to Time options. | 11.4 |
Graphics (Comm) | Graphics <CommObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> | These commands are now valid for a transmitter or receiver that is linked to an antenna object. | 11.4 |
Graphics ContourSet | Graphics <CommObjectPath> ContourSet {ContourOption} <Parameters> | Change minimum ShowAtAlt to -1000 m. | 11.4 |
Range_RM | Range_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <ObjectPath> {RangeOptions} | Add UseTrackTimes to Time options. | 11.4 |
VO Boresight (Comm) | VO <ObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} | New command. | 11.4 |
VO Contours | VO <ObjectPath> Contours {On | Off} | This command is now valid for a transmitter or receiver that is linked to an antenna object. | 11.4 |
VO SnapFrame | VO <ScenarioPath> SnapFrame {SnapOption} [<Parameters>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Add FXAA anti-aliasing option. | 11.4 |
VO Volumes | VO <ObjectPath> Volumes {VolumeOption} [<Parameter>] | This command is now valid for a transmitter or receiver that is linked to an antenna object. | 11.4 |
Visibility_RM | Visibility_RM <MTOObjectPath> Object <ObjectPath> {VisOptions} | Add UseTrackTimes to Time options. | 11.4 |
Version 11.3
Command | Format | Description | Version |
DynamicRpt | DynamicRpt <ObjectPath> {Text | Strip} "<StyleName>" [{Parameters}...] | Add AdditionalData option. | 11.3 |
EarthData | EarthData <ScenarioPath> {EarthDataOption} <Parameter> | Add InheritSource option. | 11.3 |
MapSnap | MapSnap <ScenarioPath> {SnapOption} [<Parameters>] [<WinNumber>] | Add PNG as valid file format. | 11.3 |
TE_TrackComparisonCalculator_RM | TE_TrackComparisonCalculator_RM <ScenarioPath> Name <TrackName> [{Filters}] | New command. | 11.3 |
TE_TrackTraceability_RM | TE_TrackTraceability_RM <ScenarioPath> Name "<TrackName>" [ID "<PointID>"] | New command. | 11.3 |
VO DisableViewErrMsgs | VO <ScenarioPath> DisableViewErrMsgs {Yes | No} | New command. | 11.3 |
VO_R AvailableVrDevices | VO_R <ScenarioPath> AvailableVrDevices | New command. | 11.3 |
Window3D | Window3D <ScenarioPath> {Window3dOptions} | Add Atmosphere and ColorCorrection options, and DisplayMode VirtualRealityDevice option. | 11.3 |
Version 11.2.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Version 11.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
CalculationTool Condition | CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Condition" | "ConditionTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ConditionType} <TypeParams>] | Add the Combined type. | 11.2 |
ExportCZML | ExportCZML <ScenarioPath> "<OutputFilePath>" {3D Model Server URL} | New command. | 11.2 |
Graphics_R ImageInlay | Graphics_R <ScenarioPath> ImageInlay [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 11.2 |
SOC | SOC <ScenarioPath> {Options} <Parameters> | New command. | 11.2 |
SOC_RM | SOC_RM <ScenarioPath> {Options} | New command. | 11.2 |
SpatialTool Spatial Condition | SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Spatial Condition | Spatial ConditionTemplate} <Spatial ConditionName> [{Spatial ConditionType} <Spatial ConditionTypeParams>] | Update the Combined type. | 11.2 |
Units_Get | Units_Get <ScenarioPath> {Option} [Abbreviation] | Add Abbreviation parameter. | 11.2 |
VO Globe | VO <ScenarioPath> Globe {GlobeOption} <Value> | Removed obsolete WebFile option. | 11.2 |
VO_RM VolumetricGfx | VO_RM <VolumetricPath> VolumetricGfx {Type} | New command. | 11.2 |
VectorTool Plane | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Plane | PlaneTemplate} <PlaneName> [{PlaneType} <PlaneTypeParams>] | Add "Containing Two Vectors" type. | 11.2 |
Volumetric_RM | Volumetric_RM <VolumetricPath> {Type} | New command. | 11.2 |
Following are listings of Connect commands added or changed in the designated STK release version:
Version 11.1.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
SetStateIgnoreCB | SetStateIgnoreCB <SatObjectPath> {ElementSetType} {Parameters} | Add TLE as valid element set. | 11.1.1 |
VO AttCovAttributes | VO <AttCovObjectPath> AttCovAttributes {Show {On | Off} | {AttCovOptions}} | Update Granularity limits. | 11.1.1 |
VO CovAttributes | VO <ObjectPath> CovAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] | Update Granularity limits. | 11.1.1 |
Following are listings of Connect commands added or changed in the designated STK release version:
Version 11.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Access | Access <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> [{AccessOptions}] [ForceRecompute] | Add AutoAddTimeline option. | 11.1 |
AccessConfig | AccessConfig <ApplicationPath> {AccessConfigOption} | Add AutoAddTimeline option. | 11.1 |
ObjectTreeCollapse | ObjectTreeCollapse <ScenarioPath> {All | Object <TruncObjectPath> | Class <TruncObjectPath> | Children <TruncObjectPath>} | New command. | 11.1 |
ObjectTreeExpand | ObjectTreeExpand <ScenarioPath> {All | Object <TruncObjectPath> | Class <TruncObjectPath> | Children <TruncObjectPath>} | New command. | 11.1 |
VO OrbitSystem | VO <VehObjectPath> OrbitSystem {Action} {Options} | Add support for BBR and VVLH Systems option. | 11.1 |
VO ScaleMarkersByDistVals | VO <MTOObjectPath> ScaleMarkersByDistVals {(<Distance> <ScaleVal>) (<Distance> <ScaleVal>)...} | New command. | 11.1 |
VO System | VO <MTOObjectPath> System {"<System>" | "None"} | New command. | 11.1 |
VO UseScaleMarkersByDist | VO <MTOObjectPath> UseScaleMarkersByDist {On | Off} | New command. | 11.1 |
Walker (Satellites) | Walker <SatObjectPath> {WalkerOptions} [{AdditionalOptions}] | Update the command syntax and terminology. | 11.1 |
Following are listings of Connect commands added or changed in the designated STK release version:
Version 11
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AllInstanceNames | AllInstanceNames <ApplicationPath> [IncludeAccess] [<Delimiter>] | Add the IncludeAccess and <Delimiter> keywords. | 11 |
CalculationTool_R | CalculationTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | Add ValueOnly and RateOnly options; add ScalarMinMax and ScalarSTDMean options. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem AccessOptions | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem AccessOptions <Parameters> | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem Clear | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Clear | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem Compute | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Compute [NOW] | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem IFSources | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem IFSources {Action} <TruncObjectPath> | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem Interference | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Interference {Yes | No} [{PFDRefBandwidth}] | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem Interval | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Interval {UseScenarioTime} <StepSize> [{TimeInterval}] | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem LinkDefinition | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem LinkDefinition {Receive | Transmit} {LinkCriteria} | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem Receive | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Receive {Action} <TruncObjectPath> | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem SaveMode | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem SaveMode {Option} | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
Comm CommSystem Transmit | Comm <CommSysObjectPath> CommSystem Transmit {Action} <TruncObjectPath> | Replaced this command with CommSystem command. | 11 |
CommSystem | CommSystem <CommSystemPath> {Options} [<Parameters>] | New command. | 11 |
CommSystem_RM | CommSystem_RM <CommSystemPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 11 |
GIS Import | GIS <ScenarioPath> Import "<ShapefilePath>" {ObjectType} [<ImportOptions>] | Add ImportTo option. | 11 |
GenFluxHistory | GenFluxHistory <ScenarioPath> ({FluxOption} <Value>)... | The CSSI predicts file replaces older obsolete solar flux predicts files. | 11 |
Graphics Contours (Comm & Radar) | Graphics <ObjectPath> Contours {ContourType} {ShowGfxState} {RelMaxState} | Add SpectralFluxDensity to valid Contour types. | 11 |
Graphics FOMContours | Graphics <ObjectPath> FOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>] | Add LineWidth, LineStyle, Marker, ShowMarkerHighlight, and ShowGfxOnTrack options. | 11 |
MissionModeler Procedure | MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Procedure {ProcedureOption} <Parameters> | Add documentation of time options. | 11 |
ObjectBrowser | ObjectBrowser <ApplicationPath> {Options} | Newly documented command. | 11 |
Point AlongVector | Point <SensorObjectPath> AlongVector "<AlignmentVector>" "<ConstraintVector>" [<ClockAngleOffset>] | New command. | 11 |
SpatialTool Volume Grid | SpatialTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Volume Grid | Volume GridTemplate} <Volume GridName> [{Volume GridType} <Volume GridTypeParams>] | New command. | 11 |
SpatialTool_R | SpatialTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | New command. | 11 |
SpatialTool_RM | SpatialTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | New command. | 11 |
VO View | VO <ScenarioPath> View {Options} | Add PanOnCentralBodies option to Rotate. | 11 |
VO VolumetricGfx | VO <VolumetricPath> VolumetricGfx {{GfxOptions} | {Legend Options}} | New command. | 11 |
VO_R VisualTerrainCurrentServer | VO_R <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainCurrentServer | Replaced this command with TerrainServer_RM command. | 11 |
VO_RM VisualTerrainServers | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainServers | Replaced this command with TerrainServer_RM command. | 11 |
VO_RM VisualTerrainTilesets | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> VisualTerrainTilesets [Server <ServerName>] | Replaced this command with TerrainServer_RM command. | 11 |
Version 10.1.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Version 10.1.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
SEET GCR | SEET <VehiclePath> GCR {GCROptions} | New command. | 10.1.1 |
SEET Graphics (Vehicle) | SEET <VehiclePath> Graphics {MagFieldLine | SAAContour} {GfxOptions} | Add SAAContour graphics option. | 10.1.1 |
SEET SEP | SEET <VehiclePath> SEP {SEPOptions} | New command. | 10.1.1 |
Version 10.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Animate | Animate <ScenarioPath> {AnimateOption} <Parameters> | Add the Refresh option. | 10.1 |
CalculationTool_RM | CalculationTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | Add Names option. | 10.1 |
Convert OrbitPointMotion | Convert <ScenarioPath> OrbitPointMotion [Precision <Value>] {FromElementsType} <Elements> {ToElementsType} | Add Precision option. | 10.1 |
DefaultTrack3d | DefaultTrack3d <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOptions} | Add Articulation options. | 10.1 |
GISOverlay | GISOverlay <ScenarioPath> "STK Overlay" {Add | Delete} "<OverlayFilepath>" | Remove obsolete options from the command. | 10.1 |
GraphCreate | GraphCreate <ObjectPath> ({Option} <Value>)... | Add Title and SubTitle options. | 10.1 |
Graphics (Radar) | Graphics <RdrObjectPath> {GfxType} {GfxOption} [{State}] [<Parameters>] | Added the Clutter option. | 10.1 |
Graphics ExportBlockContours | Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportBlockContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] | New command. | 10.1 |
Graphics ExportSmoothContours | Graphics <FOMObjectPath> ExportSmoothContours {Option} <Parameters> [{Option} <Parameters>...] | New command. | 10.1 |
Graphics SetDynamicState | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetDynamicState IsDynamic {On | Off} | Add Sensor object. | 10.1 |
Graphics TimeComponents (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Action} [<Parameters>] | Add Priority option, and IntervalList option. | 10.1 |
Graphics_R TimeComponents | Graphics_R <ObjectPath> TimeComponents {Option} | New command. | 10.1 |
MapAnnotation_RM | MapAnnotation_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 10.1 |
RCS | RCS <ObjectPath> {Options} <Parameters> | Updated to use attributes. | 10.1 |
RCS_RM | RCS_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 10.1 |
Radar | Radar <RdrObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] | New command. | 10.1 |
Radar_RM | Radar_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 10.1 |
SetState Cartesian | SetState <VehObjectPath> Cartesian {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <X> <Y> <Z> <vX> <vY> <vZ> ["<CoordEpoch>"] | Add NoProp option. | 10.1 |
SetState Classical | SetState <VehObjectPath> Classical {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <SemiMajorAxis> <Eccentricity> <Inclination> <ArgOfPerigee> <RAAN> <MeanAnom> ["<CoordEpoch>"] | Add the NoProp option. | 10.1 |
SetState Equi | SetState <VehObjectPath> Equi {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <SemimajorAxis> <h> <k> <p> <q> <MeanLon> {Retrograde | Posigrade} ["<CoordEpoch>"] | Add the NoProp option. | 10.1 |
SetState MixedSpherical | SetState <VehObjectPath> MixedSpherical {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <Longitude> <GeodeticLatitude> <Altitude> <HorizontalFlightPathAngle> <FlightPathAzimuth> <Velocity> ["<CoordEpoch>"] | Add the NoProp option. | 10.1 |
SetState SimpleAscent (Launch Vehicle) | SetState <LVObjectPath> SimpleAscent {StartTime} [{StopTime}] <StepSize> {Geodetic | Geocentric} <LaunchLat> <LaunchLon> {<LaunchAlt> | <LaunchRadius>} <BurnoutVelocity> <BurnoutLat> <BurnoutLon> {<BurnoutAlt> | <BurnoutRadius>} [NoProp] | Add NoProp option. | 10.1 |
SetState Spherical | SetState <VehObjectPath> Spherical {Propagator} {NoProp | {TimeInterval}} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <RightAscension> <Declination> <Radius> <HorizontalFlightPathAngle> <FlightPathAzimuth> <Velocity> ["<CoordEpoch>"] | Add the NoProp option. | 10.1 |
SetState TLE (Satellites) | SetState <SatObjectPath> TLE "<TLECard1>" "<TLECard2>" [{Options}] | Add NoProp option. | 10.1 |
ShowNames | ShowNames <ScenarioPath> [SubObjects [<ParentPath>]] [Class <ClassName>] | Update syntax to allow showing specific class of an object. | 10.1 |
TimeTool Collection of Interval Lists | TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Collection of Interval Lists" | "Collection of Interval ListsTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{CollectionOfIntervalListsType} <TypeParams>] | Add "Satisfaction" time component type. | 10.1 |
TimeTool_RM | TimeTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | Add Names option. | 10.1 |
Timeline | Timeline <ScenarioPath> {Option} <Parameters> | New command. | 10.1 |
Units_Convert | Units_Convert <ScenarioPath> {Date | Unit} <Parameters> | New command. | 10.1 |
Units_SetConnect | Units_SetConnect <AppOrScenPath> {Default | Internal | {Dimension} {Unit}... } | New command. | 10.1 |
VO Attributes (Star) | VO <StarPath> Attributes {AttributeOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 10.1 |
VO BearingBox | VO <ObjectPath> BearingBox {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] | Add options to allow applicable values to be entered in Connect distance units instead of only meters. | 10.1 |
VO BearingEllipse | VO <ObjectPath> BearingEllipse {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] | Add options to allow applicable values to be entered in Connect distance units instead of only meters. | 10.1 |
VO LineOfBearing | VO <ObjectPath> LineOfBearing {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] | Add options to allow applicable values to be entered in Connect distance units instead of only meters. | 10.1 |
VO Obscuration | VO <SensorObjectPath> Obscuration {ObscurationOption} <Parameters> | Improve CentralBody option. | 10.1 |
VO RefreshArticState | VO <ObjectPath> RefreshArticState | New command. | 10.1 |
VO_R MapID | VO_R <ScenarioPath> MapID [{Type} | Count [{Type}]] | Add option to return MapIDs of a specified type. | 10.1 |
VO_RM Annotation | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> Annotation {Option} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 10.1 |
VectorTool_R | VectorTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | Add ConvertSystem and ConvertAxes options. | 10.1 |
VectorTool_RM | VectorTool_RM <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | Add Names option. | 10.1 |
Version 10.0.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
CentralBody_R | CentralBody_R <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> | New command. | 10.0.2 |
GetAccesses | GetAccesses <ApplicationPath> [IncludeEmptyAccesses] | Add IncludeEmptyAccesses option. | 10.0.2 |
Graphics Persist | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Persist {PersistOptions} | Add the UseDisplayTimesForOnOff option. | 10.0.2 |
Version 10.0.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Graphics SmoothFillParameters | Graphics <ObjectPath> SmoothFillParameters {Option} | Newly documented command. | 10.0.1 |
Version 10
Command | Format | Description | Version |
ACATProbability_R | ACATProbability_R <AdvCatObjPath> Primary <Name> Secondary <Name> TCA "<DateTime>" Method {Method} | Update time options. | 10 |
AER | AER <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> [{AccessOptions}] | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude AngVels | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> AngVels {TimeLimitInstant} <XAngVel> <YAngVel> <ZAngVel> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude CBFQuat | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> CBFQuat {StartTime} <Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude DCM | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> DCM {StartTime} <Value1> <Value2> <Value3> <Value4> <Value5> <Value6> <Value7> <Value8> <Value9> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude ECIYPR | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> ECIYPR {StartTime} {Sequence} <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude Euler | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> Euler {StartTime} {Sequence} <Angle1> <Angle2> <Angle3> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude EulerRates | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> EulerRates {StartTime} {Sequence} <AngleRate1> <AngleRate2> <AngleRate3> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude Profile | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> Profile [<ProfileName>] {StartTime} {ProfileType} <Parameters> | Update time options; add VariableTimeSlew profile. | 10 |
AddAttitude Quat | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> Quat {StartTime} <Q1> <Q2> <Q3> <Q4> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddAttitude YPR | AddAttitude <ObjectPath> YPR {StartTime} {Sequence} <Yaw> <Pitch> <Roll> | Update time options. | 10 |
AddTgtSched | AddTgtSched <SensorObjectPath> {ScheduleOption} [<Parameters>] | Update time options. | 10 |
AddWaypoint | AddWaypoint <VehObjectPath> {AddMethod} <Parameters> [<TurnRadius>] | Update time options. | 10 |
AnalysisWorkbench | AnalysisWorkbench <ApplicationPath> {Options} | New command. | 10 |
AttCov FOMDefine | AttCov <AttFOMObjectPath> FOMDefine {Satisfaction | Limits | Definition} {FOMOption} <Parameters> | Add Limits option. | 10 |
AttCov Interval | AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Interval {TimeInterval} | Update time options. | 10 |
CalculationTool Parameter Set | CalculationTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Parameter Set" | "Parameter SetTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{ParameterSetType} <TypeParams>] | Add calculation component types. | 10 |
ClearAccess | ClearAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> | New command. | 10 |
ClearAllAccess | ClearAllAccess <ApplicationPath> | New command. | 10 |
ComputeTerrainMaskAsNeeded | ComputeTerrainMaskAsNeeded <FacObjectPath> {On | Off} | New command. | 10 |
Cov Access (Single Object Coverage) | Cov <ObjectPath> Access {ComputeOption} [<Parameters>] | Update time options. Add Place object to single-object coverage. | 10 |
Cov Asset | Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Asset <AssetObjectPath> {Action} | Add Place object to single-object coverage. | 10 |
Cov Interval | Cov <CovDefnObjectPath> Interval {TimeInterval} | Update time options. | 10 |
Cov_RM Access (Single Object Coverage) | Cov_RM <ObjectPath> Access Compute "<ReportStyle>" [{TimeIntervals} | UseObjectTimes [TimeStep <Value>]] | Update time options. Add Place object to single-object coverage. | 10 |
ExternalData | ExternalData <ObjectPath> {DataOption} [<Parameters>] | Update time options. | 10 |
GenerateTLE (Satellites) | GenerateTLE <SatObjectPath> {Method} [{TimeInterval} <TimeStep>] "<TLEEpoch>" <SSCNumber> <MaxIterations> <Convergence> [{Routine}] [<NameOfNewSatellite>] [IntlDes <IntlDesignator>] [ElemNum <ElementNumber>] [BStar <BStarValue>] [Classification <Class>] [RevNumber <Value>] | Update time options. | 10 |
GetSTKVersion | GetSTKVersion <ApplicationPath> [Details | Platform] | Updated value returned by Details option. Add Platform option. | 10 |
Graphics (Coverage) | Graphics <CovDefnObjectPath> {GfxType} {DisplayOption} | Add FillTranslucency and Show option. | 10 |
Graphics (Figure of Merit) | Graphics <FOMObjectPath> {GfxType} <Parameters> | Add FillTranslucency and Show option. | 10 |
Graphics (Single Object Coverage) | Graphics <ObjectPath> {Static | Animation} {On | Off} {GFXOptions} | Add Place object to single-object coverage. | 10 |
Graphics AzElMask | Graphics <ObjectPath> AzElMask Type {Altitude | Range} [{AzElMaskOptions}] | Add Place object. | 10 |
Graphics BingMapsLogo | Graphics <ScenarioPath> BingMapsLogo {Options} | New command. | 10 |
Graphics ElevContours | Graphics <ObjectPath> ElevContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] | Add FillTranslucency option. | 10 |
Graphics FillTranslucency | Graphics <ObjectPath> FillTranslucency <Value> | New command. | 10 |
Graphics Projection | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Projection {Option} | Add Place object. | 10 |
Graphics RangeContours | Graphics <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} [<Parameters>] | Add FillTranslucency option. | 10 |
Graphics SetAttrType (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetAttrType {AttributeType} | Add TimeComponents attribute type. | 10 |
Graphics SetColor | Graphics <ObjectPath> SetColor {Color} [{Item}] | Add Place object. | 10 |
Graphics Show | Graphics <ObjectPath> Show {On | Off} | Command available for all objects. | 10 |
Graphics TimeEvent | Graphics <SatObjectPath> TimeEvent {Action} [{EventType}] <EventParameters> | Update time options. Add Import option. | 10 |
Graphics WaypointAttributes | Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointAttributes {WaypointOptions} ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... | Update time options. | 10 |
Graphics WindowState | Graphics <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} | Newly documented command. | 10 |
GroundEllipse | GroundEllipse <VehObjectPath> {EllipseSetOptions} | Update time options. | 10 |
HeightAboveGround_R | HeightAboveGround_R <ObjectPath> | Add Place as a valid object. | 10 |
ImportFromDB | ImportFromDB <ScenarioPath> {Type} {Source} [{Options}] {SearchParameters} | Update time options, added Place object to Class option. | 10 |
LaunchWindow_RM | LaunchWindow_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal> | New command. | 10 |
Lighting | Lighting <ScenarioPath> {LightingType} {DisplayOptions} | New command. | 10 |
MapAnnotation Add | MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Add <AnnotNum> {AnnotType} [<Parameters>] | Add FillTranslucency option. | 10 |
MapAttribs | MapAttribs <ScenarioPath> {AttributeType} {Attribute} {State} [<Color>] | Add TextTranslucency and BackgroundTranslucency options. | 10 |
Missile | Missile <ObjectPath> Trajectory {TimeValue} <StepSize> {LaunchOption} <LaunchParameters> {TrajOption} <Value> {ImpactOption} <ImpactParameter> | Update time options. | 10 |
OnLineOperations | OnlineOperations <ApplicationPath> {Options} | Add UseHTTPPersistantConn and UseSecureHTTPConn options. Add AutoFindClientCertificate and ClearClientCertificates options. | 10 |
OnePointAccess | To Create/Remove: OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> {Option} where {Option} is Create or RemoveTo Compute: OnePointAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | Update time options. | 10 |
PassBreak (Satellites) | PassBreak <SatObjectPath> {PassOption} [<Parameters>] | Update time options. | 10 |
Point Schedule | Point <SensorObjectPath> Schedule {ScheduleOption} [<MethodData>] | Update time options. | 10 |
Position (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target) | Position <ObjectPath> [{Type}] [{TimeValue}] | Add Place object. | 10 |
Position (Vehicles) | Position <ObjectPath> [{TimeValue}] | Update time options. | 10 |
Position_RM | Position_RM <MTOObjectPath> {PosOptions} | Update time options. | 10 |
Propagate | Propagate <SatObjectPath> [{TimeInterval}] | Update time options. | 10 |
Prune | Prune <ObjectPath> {PruneOption} <Parameters> | Update time options. | 10 |
QuickReportAdd | QuickReportAdd <ScenarioPath> Name "<QuickReportName>" Type {RptType} Style "<StyleName>" Object <TruncObjPath> [FromObject <TruncObjPath>] | New command. | 10 |
SEET Radiation (Vehicle) | SEET <VehiclePath> Radiation {RadOptions} | Add DoseIntegrationStep and DoseReportStep options. | 10 |
SetAnalysisTimePeriod | SetAnalysisTimePeriod <ScenarioPath> {TimeInterval} | Update time options. | 10 |
SetAnimation | SetAnimation <ScenarioPath> {AnimateOption} <Parameters> | Update time options. | 10 |
SetGreatArcStart | SetGreatArcStart <ObjectPath> {TimeValue} | Update time options. | 10 |
SetHeightAboveGround | SetHeightAboveGround <ObjectPath> <Height> | Add Place object. | 10 |
SetPosition (Facility, Place, Target & Area Target) | SetPosition <ObjectPath> [{Type}] {CoordType} <Parameters> | Add Place object. | 10 |
SetPosition (Vehicles) | SetPosition <ObjectPath> {PositionType} {TimeValue} <PositionData> | Update time options. | 10 |
SetPositionCov | SetPositionCov <VehObjectPath> [{PositionType}] {TimeValue} [<PositionData>] {CovarianceType} <CovarianceData> | Update time options. | 10 |
SetState | SetState <VehiclePath> {Method} <Parameters> | Add 11Parameter method option. | 10 |
SetState (Missile) | SetState <MissileObjectPath> {CoordinateType} TwoBody {TimeInterval} <StepSize> {CoordSystem} "<OrbitEpoch>" <CoordTypeParameters> ["<CoordEpoch>"] | Update time options. | 10 |
SetSwath | SetSwath <SensorObjectPath> {Options} | Update time options; add ComputationalMethod option. | 10 |
SetTerrainNormal | SetTerrainNormal <ObjectPath> {SurfaceNormal | Manual {Option} <Parameters>} | Add Place object. | 10 |
Surveillance | Surveillance <ObjectPath> {SurveillanceOptions} <Parameters> | Add Place object. | 10 |
TimeTool Time Instant | TimeTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {"Time Instant" | "Time InstantTemplate"} <ComponentName> [{TimeInstantType} <TypeParams>] | Add time tool component types. | 10 |
TimeTool_R | TimeTool_R <ScenarioPath> {Option} [<Parameters>] | New command. | 10 |
Transmitter | Transmitter <XmObjectPath> {Option} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] | Describe updated attribute names. | 10 |
Transmitter_RM | Transmitter_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | Describe updated attribute names. | 10 |
UseTerrain | UseTerrain <ObjectPath> {UseOption} | Add Place object. | 10 |
VO AddArticulation | VO <ObjectPath> AddArticulation {ArticulateOptions} | Update time options. Add Place object. Add Force and AutoStartValue options. | 10 |
VO AdvCATAttributes | VO <AdvCATObjPath> AdvCATAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] | Add Show option. | 10 |
VO Area | VO <ObjectPath> Area {AreaOption} <Parameters> | Update time options. | 10 |
VO AttFOMAttributes | VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMAttributes {Show {On | Off} | {AttFOMOptions}} | Add Show option. | 10 |
VO AttFOMContours | VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMContours {GfxType} {ContourOption} [<Parameters>] | Add ShowUpToMaxOnly option. | 10 |
VO AttitudeView | VO <ObjectPath> AttitudeView {AttitudeViewOption} <Parameters> | Add Place object. | 10 |
VO BorderWall | VO <ObjectPath> BorderWall {BorderWallOption} <Value> [{BorderWallOption} <Value>...] | Add Place object. | 10 |
VO CameraControl | VO <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions} | Update time options. | 10 |
VO ControlBox | VO <VehObjectPath> ControlBox {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] | Add RefFrame keyword and update the keywords for setting the control box dimensions. | 10 |
VO CovarPointContours | VO <VehObjectPath> CovarPointContours {CovarOption} <Parameters> | Add Intervals Import option. | 10 |
VO Ellipsoid | VO <VehObjectPath> Ellipsoid {Keyword} <Value> [{Keyword} <Value>...] | New command. | 10 |
VO FOMAttributes | VO <ObjectPath> FOMAttributes {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] | The Granularity, TempFilesDir and PixelsPerDeg options are no longer valid. | 10 |
VO ImageSetDef | VO <ScenarioPath> ImageSetDef {Action} {ImageSetOptions} | Update time options. | 10 |
VO PruneArtic | VO <ObjectPath> PruneArtic {PruneOption} | Update time options. | 10 |
VO ReloadArticFile | VO <ObjectPath> ReloadArticFile | Add Place object. | 10 |
VO SaveArticStateAsDef | VO <ObjectPath> SaveArticStateAsDef {On | Off} | New command. | 10 |
VO ScaleModel | VO <ObjectPath> ScaleModel <ScaleFactor> | Add Place object. | 10 |
VO SetDefaultCameraPos | VO <ScenarioPath> SetDefaultCameraPos <ObjectClass> <Azimuth> <Elevation> | New command. | 10 |
VO SetModelColorToObjColor | VO <ObjectPath> SetModelColorToObjColor {On | Off} | New command. | 10 |
VO SolarPanel | VO <ObjectPath> SolarPanel {CommandOption} | Update time options. | 10 |
VO UseSmoothTransition | VO <ScenarioPath> UseSmoothTransition {On | Off} | New command. | 10 |
VO UseStoredViewImageSets | VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredViewImageSets {On | Off} | New command. | 10 |
VO WindowState | VO <ObjectPath> WindowState {Options} | Newly documented command. | 10 |
VectorTool Angle | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {Angle | AngleTemplate} <AngleName> [{AngleType} <AngleTypeParams>] | Update vector tool component types. | 10 |
VectorTool System | VectorTool <ScenarioPath> <ParentObject> {Action} {System | SystemTemplate} <SystemName> [{SystemType} <SystemTypeParams>] | Update vector tool component types. | 10 |
Window2D | Window2D <ScenarioPath> {2DGfxWinOption} <Value> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Add InpDevMode EnablePanMode option. | 10 |
Version 9.2.3
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Version 9.2.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
VO Annotation Declutter | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Declutter {On | Off} | New command. | 9.2.2 |
Version 9.2.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Define (Star) | Define <StarObjectPath> {StarOption} <Parameters> | Updated for use with new Star collections. | 9.2.1 |
EOIR_R | EOIR_R <VehPath> {Options} | New command. | 9.2.1 |
GetDirectory | GetDirectory <ApplicationPath> {DirOption} | Remove Star as a valid option for Database. | 9.2.1 |
SetConstraint (EOIR) | SetConstraint <SensorObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | New command. | 9.2.1 |
StarData_RM | StarData_RM <ScenarioPath> | This command no longer returns stars' Harvard Revised numbers, instead it returns the identification number. | 9.2.1 |
VO_R CameraControl | VO_R <ScenarioPath> CameraControl {CameraOptions} | Add options to retrieve additional information about camera paths and key frames. | 9.2.1 |
VO_R GetReferenceFrame | VO_R <ScenarioPath> GetReferenceFrame [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.2.1 |
Version 9.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
VO DrawRouteOnSurface | VO <ObjectPath> DrawRouteOnSurface {On | Off} | New command. | 9.2 |
VO KML | VO <ScenarioPath> KML {KMLOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.2 |
VO ViewAlongDirection | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewAlongDirection {From | To} "<ObjectSpec>" Direction "<DirSpec>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.2 |
VO ViewFromTo | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewFromTo {ViewOptions} <Parameters> | Remove Axes and Vector options (use VO ViewAlongDirection) | 9.2 |
VO_R 3DView | VO_R <ScenarioPath> 3DView [<WinNumber>] | Changes to format of returned data. | 9.2 |
VO_R 3DViewCmd | VO_R <ScenarioPath> 3DViewCmd [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.2 |
VO_RM KML | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> KML {KMLOption} [{Parameters}] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.2 |
VO_RM TerrainAndImagery | VO_RM <ScenarioPath> TerrainAndImagery [Visibility] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.2 |
Version 9.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
GetAttitude | GetAttitude <ObjectPath> {AttOption} | Add ConnectName and LongName options. | 9.1 |
Graphics Pass2D | Graphics <ObjectPath> Pass2D ({LeadTrailOption} <Parameters>)... | Added options to set minimum and maximum resolution values. | 9.1 |
MapGraphics Fonts | MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> Fonts [{Small | Medium | Large}] {FontOptions} | Add Outline options. | 9.1 |
Reload (Satellite, Missile, & Launch Vehicle) | Reload <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> "<FilePath>" | The vehicle will be propagated if it does not already contain ephemeris. | 9.1 |
SEET Graphics (Scenario) | SEET <ScenarioPath> Graphics MagField {GfxOptions} | New command. | 9.1 |
SEET MagField | SEET <VehiclePath> MagField {FieldOptions} | New command. | 9.1 |
SEET ParticleFlux | SEET <VehiclePath> ParticleFlux {FluxOptions} | New command. | 9.1 |
SEET Radiation (Scenario) | SEET <ScenarioPath> Radiation {RadOptions} | New command. | 9.1 |
SEET SAAContour | SEET <VehiclePath> SAAContour {SAAOptions} | New command. | 9.1 |
SEET VehTemperature | SEET <VehiclePath> VehTemperature {TempOptions} | New command. | 9.1 |
SetConstraint (SEET) | SetConstraint <ObjectPath> {ConstraintName} <Parameters> | New command. | 9.1 |
UnloadMulti | UnloadMulti <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> | Allow multiple wildcards in the object path. | 9.1 |
VO Compass | VO * Compass ({CompassOption} <value>)... | Add UseMagPole option. | 9.1 |
VO Fonts | VO <ScenarioPath> Fonts [{Small | Medium | Large}] {FontOptions} | Add Sharpen and Outline options. | 9.1 |
VO PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines | VO <SensorObjectPath> PersistPartialCBIntersectProjLines {On | Off} | New command. | 9.1 |
VO PersistSpaceProjLines | VO <SensorObjectPath> PersistSpaceProjLines {On | Off} | New command. | 9.1 |
Version 9
Command | Format | Description | Version |
ACAT Probability | ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> Probability {Parameters} | New command. | 9.0 |
ACATEvents_RM | ACATEvents_RM <AdvCatObjPath> [{Options}] | New command. | 9.0 |
Antenna | Antenna <AntObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Antenna_RM | Antenna_RM <AntObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Atmosphere | Atmosphere <ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Atmosphere_RM | Atmosphere_RM <ObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 9.0 |
AttCov Grid | AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Grid {GridOption} <Parameters> | Command format modified to match updated UI. | 9.0 |
CheckIsAppBusy | CheckIsAppBusy <ApplicationPath> | New command. | 9.0 |
ConControl | ConControl <ApplicationPath> {ConControlOption} | Add WildcardIgnoreNackOn, WildcardIgnoreNackOff options. | 9.0 |
Graphics ExtEphemPoints | Graphics <VehObjectPath> ExtEphemPoints {On | Off} | Command documented. | 9.0 |
Graphics Label | Graphics <ObjectPath> Label {Options} | Add option for user to specify the label text. | 9.0 |
GroundEllipse_R | GroundEllipse_R <VehObjectPath> {GetAllSets [IncludeEmptySets] | GetSetEllipses <SetName>} | Added IncludeEmptySets option. | 9.0 |
HPOP Options | HPOP <ObjectPath> Options {ForceModelOption} <ModelParameters> | Add GeoMagFluxSource option. | 9.0 |
HideBrowser | HideBrowser <ApplicationPath> | This command is not new but has not been documented prior to STK 9. | 9.0 |
Location | Location <SensorObjectPath> {LocationType} <Parameters> | New Point option. | 9.0 |
OpenHtmlViewer | OpenHtmlViewer <ApplicationPath> ["<HtmlPage>"] | New command. | 9.0 |
Point 3DModel | Point <SensorObjectPath> 3DModel <AttachPoint> | New command. | 9.0 |
RFEnvironment | RFEnvironment <ScenarioPath | ObjectPath> SetValue <AttributePath> <Value> [<Unit>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Receiver | Receiver <RcObjectPath> {Options} <AttributePath> [<Value>] [<Unit>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Receiver_RM | Receiver_RM <RcObjectPath> GetValue [<AttributePath>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Reference | Reference <SatObjectPath> SetRefSatellite <SatObjectPath> | Command documented. | 9.0 |
SavePreferences | SavePreferences <ApplicationPath> {SaveOption} <Parameters> | Add SnTgtAccesses option. | 9.0 |
SetEpoch | SetEpoch <ScenarioPath> {"<EpochTime>" | UseAnalysisStartTime} | Add UseAnalysisStartTime option. | 9.0 |
SetInterplanetaryMode | SetInterplanetaryMode <ApplicationPath> {On | Off} | Command documented. | 9.0 |
SetPropSpecific | SetPropSpecific <SatObjectPath> {PropOption} <Parameter> | Add PropagationFrame option. | 9.0 |
SetPropagatorDefaults | SetPropagatorDefaults <ApplicationPath> {Propagator} {PropOptions} | New command. | 9.0 |
ShowBrowser | ShowBrowser <ApplicationPath> | This command is not new but has not been documented prior to STK 9. | 9.0 |
TLESwitchMethod | TLESwitchMethod <SatObjectPath> {Epoch | Midpoint | TCA | Override "<OverrideTime>" | Disable} [<ElSetNumber>] | Override Switch method can not be applied to the first el set; Disable can not be applied to All el sets. | 9.0 |
VO LightSource | VO <ScenarioPath> LightSource {Add | Delete | Modify | DeleteAll} [{LightOption} <Parameter>]... | Add attenuation options. | 9.0 |
VO Pass3D | VO <ObjectPath> Pass3D {LeadTrailOption} <Parameters> | New command that replaces VO Pass command. | 9.0 |
VO TickMarks | VO <ObjectPath> TickMarks ({TickOption} <Parameters>)... | New command. | 9.0 |
VO_R Overlays | VO_R <ScenarioPath> Overlays [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.0 |
VO_R StoredViewNames | VO_R <ScenarioPath> StoredViewNames [<WinNumber> | All] | Add the All option. | 9.0 |
Window2D_R | Window2D_R <ScenarioPath> {DataType} {DataTypeOptions} [WindowId <WinNumber>] | Add Property options. | 9.0 |
Window3D_R | Window3D_R <ScenarioPath> {WindowOption} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 9.0 |
Version 8.1.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Version 8.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AttCov Access | AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Access {ComputeOption} [<Parameters>] | Add EventsBasedOnSamples and FixedSampleStep and AssetsRequired options. | 8.1 |
AttCov Asset | AttCov <AttCovObjectPath> Asset <AssetObjectPath> {Action} | Add Require and UseConstellationConstraints {Actions}. | 8.1 |
BoundaryType | BoundaryType <ObjectPath> {Options} | New command. | 8.1 |
Graphics Basic (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> Basic {AttributeOption} {Action} | Add SwathStyle {AttributeOption}. | 8.1 |
Graphics GroundTrackCBs | Graphics <SatObjectPath> GroundTrackCBs Show {On | Off} (CentralBody <CBName>)... | New command. | 8.1 |
MapGraphics SetCentralBody | MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> SetCentralBody <CBName> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 8.1 |
MissionModeler_RM | MissionModeler_RM <AircraftObjectPath> {MissionModelerOptions} | Rename GetStationNames option to StationNames. | 8.1 |
New | New <ApplicationPath> <ClassPath> <NewObjectName> {NewOptions} | Add CentralBody option | 8.1 |
QuickReportCreate | QuickReportCreate <ScenarioPath> "<QuickReportName>" | New command. | 8.1 |
QuickReport_RM | QuickReport_RM <ScenarioPath> {GetList | GetReport "<QuickReportName>"} | New command. | 8.1 |
Swath (Vehicles) | Swath <ObjectPath> {Type} <Value> [{DisplayOption}] | Add ElevationEnvelope and HalfAngleEnvelope swath type options. | 8.1 |
VO Pulse | VO <SensorObjectPath> Pulse {PulseOption1} <Value1> [{PulseOption2} <Value2>...] | Minimum value of PulseLength has been changed. | 8.1 |
VO SpaceProjection | VO <SensorObjectPath> SpaceProjection {Options} | New command. | 8.1 |
VO TgtExtensionDist | VO <SensorObjectPath> TgtExtensionDist {Options} | New command. | 8.1 |
Zoom_R | Zoom_R <ScenarioPath> {DataOption} [<WinNumber>] | Add CoordAdjust option. | 8.1 |
Version 8
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Copy | Copy <ApplicationPath> <CopyFromObjectPath> [{CopyOption}] | New command. | 8.0 |
Graphics WaypointTurns | Graphics <VehObjectPath> WaypointTurns {On | Off} | New command. | 8.0 |
Graphics Waypoints | Graphics <VehObjectPath> Waypoints {On | Off} | New command. | 8.0 |
HPOP Covariance | HPOP <ObjectPath> Covariance {CovarOption} <Parameters> | This command is now valid for Satellites and Missiles. | 8.0 |
Load | Load <ApplicationPath> {<ClassPath> | VDF} "<FilePath>" | Add VDF option. | 8.0 |
MissionModeler Configuration | MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Configuration {ConfigOption} | New command. | 8.0 |
RCS_R | RCS_R <ObjectPath> <Frequency> [<IncidentAz> <IncidentEl> <ReflectedAz> <ReflectedEl>] | New command. | 8.0 |
Refraction | Refraction <ObjectPath> {Options} | New command. | 8.0 |
VO AOULabelSwapDist | VO <ObjectPath> AOULabelSwapDist {<Value> | All | ModelLabel | MarkerLabel | Marker | Point} | New command. | 8.0 |
VO AzElMask | VO <ObjectPath> AzElMask [Type {Altitude | Range}] {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] | Add Range and Altitude type selection. | 8.0 |
VO CreateMarker | VO <ObjectPath> CreateMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName "<KeyName>" [{MarkerOptions}] {TypeSpecificOptions} | Changed Filename keyword to File. | 8.0 |
VO EphemDropLines | VO <VehObjectPath> EphemDropLines Type {WGS84 | Terrain | MSL} {DropLineOption} <Value> [{DropLineOption} <Value>...] | Add LineStyle option. | 8.0 |
VO LevelOfDetail | VO <ScenarioPath> LevelOfDetail {Terrain | GlobeTexture} {Increase | Decrease} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 8.0 |
VO LineWall | VO <LTObjectPath> LineWall {LineWallOption} <Value> [{LineWallOption} <Value>...] | Add altitude reference options for non-Earth CB. | 8.0 |
VO PosDropLine | VO <VehObjectPath> PosDropLine Type {WGS84 | Terrain | MSL} {DropLineOption} <Value> [{DropLineOption} <Value>...] | Add LineStyle option. | 8.0 |
VO RangeContours | VO <ObjectPath> RangeContours {AddMethod} <Parameters> | Add LabelSwapDistance option. | 8.0 |
VO_R Primitive | VO_R <ScenarioPath> Primitive Add ID Auto Type {PrimitiveType} ({PrimitiveOption} <Value>)... | New command. | 8.0 |
Version 7.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AsyncAllowed_R | AsyncAllowed_R <ApplicationPath> | New command. | 7.1 |
EclipseBodies | EclipseBodies <SatObjectPath> [UseCustomList {On | Off}] {Action} <Parameters> | New command. | 7.1 |
Graphics Levels (Comm & Radar) | Graphics <CommObjectPath> Levels {AddMethod} <Parameters> | Add option to modify values that effect AllLevels. | 7.1 |
MapGraphics AspectRatio | MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> AspectRatio Always2To1 {On | Off} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 7.1 |
MapGraphics Resolution | MapGraphics <ScenarioPath> Resolution {ResOptions} | New command. | 7.1 |
VO FillGranularity | VO <ObjectPath> FillGranularity <Value> | New command. | 7.1 |
VO ObjectLineAttachPt | VO <ObjectPath> ObjectLineAttachPt {Options} | New command. | 7.1 |
VO Projection | VO <ObjectPath> Projection {ProjectionOption} | Added Inherit2DDistance option. | 7.1 |
Version 7
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Async2DPick | Async2DPick <ScenarioPath> {State} <Parameter> | Reformat command. | 7.0 |
AutoSave | AutoSave <ApplicationPath> {AutoSaveOptions} | Add SaveNow option, and allow multiple options on one command line. | 7.0 |
Graphics ObjectStateInWin | Graphics <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} | New command. | 7.0 |
LOSModel | LOSModel <VehObjectPath> {CBShape | SurfaceShape} [<Height>] | New command. | 7.0 |
Message | Message <ApplicationPath> {MessageOptions} | Removed obsolete DisplayID option. | 7.0 |
MissionModeler | MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> {ConfigureAll | CalculateAll | SendNtfUpdate} | New command. | 7.0 |
MissionModeler Aircraft | MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Aircraft {AircraftOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 7.0 |
MissionModeler Phase | MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Phase {PhaseOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 7.0 |
MissionModeler Site | MissionModeler <AircraftObjectPath> Site {SiteOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 7.0 |
SetPropagator GreatArc | SetPropagator <ObjectPath> GreatArc | New command. | 7.0 |
SetPropagator MissionModeler | SetPropagator <AircraftObjPath> MissionModeler | New command. | 7.0 |
VO Declutter | VO <ScenarioPath> Declutter {DeclutterOption} <DeclutterValue> [{DeclutterOption} <DeclutterValue>...] | Add Mode and MaxPixelsPerSec options. | 7.0 |
VO EarthShapeModel | VO <ScenarioPath> EarthShapeModel {WGS84 | MSL} | New command. | 7.0 |
VO MTOAttributes | VO <MTOObjectPath> MTOAttributes {VOOptions} | Add SHowAllPoints option | 7.0 |
VO ObjectStateInWin | VO <ScenarioPath> ObjectStateInWin {Options} | New command. | 7.0 |
Version 6.2.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Version 6.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Application | Application <ApplicationPath> {AppCmdOption} [<Value>] | New command. | 6.2 |
Convert MapGridPoint | Convert <ScenarioPath> MapGridPoint {FromMapGridSpec} {PointDef} {ToMapGridSpec} | New command. | 6.2 |
ExportConfig | ExportConfig <ApplicationPath> {ExportOption} [<Parameters>] | New command. | 6.2 |
ExportConfig_R | ExportConfig_R <ApplicationPath> [{Connection | App}] | New command. | 6.2 |
ExtendBoundary | ExtendBoundary <ATObjectPath> Pattern [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}... | Points can now be entered in UTM format. | 6.2 |
ExtendLine | ExtendLine <LTObjectPath> [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}... | Points can now be entered in UTM format. | 6.2 |
Graphics LineStyle | Graphics <ObjectPath> LineStyle {LineStyle} | Added command for Planets. | 6.2 |
Graphics LineWidth | Graphics <ObjectPath> LineWidth <LineWidth> | Added command for Planets. | 6.2 |
MapTracking | MapTracking <ScenarioPath> {TrackingType} [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 6.2 |
MessageWindow | MessageWindow <ApplicationPath> {MsgWinOption} [<Parameters>] | Reinstate command | 6.2 |
ReportOptions | ReportOptions <ObjectPath> {ReportOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 6.2 |
SetAccessOption | SetAccessOption <ObjectPath> {Whole | Any} | New command. | 6.2 |
SetBoundary | SetBoundary <ATObjectPath> {Type} <Parameters> | Points can now be entered in UTM format. | 6.2 |
SetDescription | SetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} [{Option}] "<Description>" | Add Extend and File options. | 6.2 |
SetLine | SetLine <LTObjectPath> [{PointType}] <NumPoints> {PointDefn}... | Points can now be entered in UTM format. | 6.2 |
SetLineAnchor | SetLineAnchor <LTObjectPath> {AnchorOption} | Points can now be entered in UTM format. | 6.2 |
VO Annotation DataDisplayArea | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation DataDisplayArea {AnnotationOption} | Renamed VO DataDisplayArea command. | 6.2 |
VO Annotation Frame | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Frame {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 6.2 |
VO Annotation Selection | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Selection {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 6.2 |
VO Annotation ViewerPos | VO * Annotation ViewerPos {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | Renamed VO ViewerPosAnnotation command. | 6.2 |
VO DeleteStoredView | VO <ScenarioPath> DeleteStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 6.2 |
VO ElevContours | VO <ObjectPath> ElevContours {Options} | New command. | 6.2 |
VO GlobeDetails | VO <ScenarioPath> GlobeDetails {DetailOption} <DetailParams> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Overhaul command to use keyword-value pairs. | 6.2 |
VO InitializeSolarPanelsToSun | VO <ObjectPath> InitializeSolarPanelsToSun Enable {Yes | No} | New command. | 6.2 |
VO SaveStoredView | VO <ScenarioPath> SaveStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] | Command renamed from VO SaveCurrentView. | 6.2 |
VO ViewPath | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewPath "<ViewPathName>" {ViewPathOption} [{State}] <WinNumber> | Allow view path names containing spaces, when enclosed in quotes. | 6.2 |
Waypoints | Waypoints <VehObjectPath> {WaypointOption} | New command. | 6.2 |
Version 6.1.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Async3DPick | Async3DPick <ScenarioPath> {State} [<Parameter>] | Add FirstHit, AllHits and ValuePair options | 6.1.2 |
Graphics AsyncPickReturnUnique | Graphics <ScenarioPath> AsyncPickReturnUnique {On | Off} | New command. | 6.1.2 |
Graphics NewWaypointAttributes | Graphics <VehObjectPath> NewWaypointAttributes ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... | Add Label options. | 6.1.2 |
VO ModelDetail | VO <ObjectPath> ModelDetail {On | Off | Set} [{LevelOption} <value>]... | Add new level option: Point | 6.1.2 |
VO Point | VO <ObjectPath> Point {PointOptions} | New command. | 6.1.2 |
VO VPF | VO <ScenarioPath> VPF {Add | Modify | Delete} {VPFIdentification} ({VPFOption} <Value>)... | New command. | 6.1.2 |
Version 6.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AllowAnimationUpdate | AllowAnimationUpdate <ScenarioPath> {On | Off | Toggle} | Now supported for Advanced/VO | 6.1 |
Convert CBPosition | Convert <ScenarioPath> CBPosition {Planetodetic | Planetocentric} {CentralBodyName} <Latitude> <Longitude> {<Altitude> | <Radius>} | New command. | 6.1 |
DefaultTrack | DefaultTrack <MTOObjectPath> {TrackOption} | New command. | 6.1 |
ExportMapStyles | ExportMapStyles <ScenarioPath> {Options} | New command. | 6.1 |
GetLine | GetLine <LTObjectPath> | New command. | 6.1 |
GetMapStyles_R | GetMapStyles_R <ScenarioPath> | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics (MTO) | Graphics <MTOObjectPath> {GfxOptions} | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics BoundingRectangle | Graphics <ObjectPath> BoundingRectangle {On | Off} | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics Fill (Sensor) | Graphics <SensorObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} [{FillStyle}] | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics GroundEllipse | Graphics <VehObjectPath> GroundEllipse <SetName> {GraphicsOptions} | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics NewPointAttributes | Graphics <LTObjectPath> NewPointAttributes ({AttributeOption})... | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics PointAttributes | Graphics <LTObjectPath> PointAttributes {PointSpecification} ({AttributeOption})... | New command. | 6.1 |
Graphics Points | Graphics <LTObjectPath> Points {On | Off} | New command. | 6.1 |
ImportMapStyles | ImportMapStyles <ScenarioPath> {Options} | New command. | 6.1 |
VO AccessText | VO <ScenarioPath> AccessText {AccTextOption} <Parameters> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New option: Location {3DWindow | DataDisplay} | 6.1 |
VO AttFOMLegend | VO <AttFOMObjectPath> AttFOMLegend {GfxType} {DisplayOption1} <Value> [{DisplayOption2} <Value> ...] | New command. | 6.1 |
VO DestroyMarker | VO <ObjectPath> DestroyMarker MarkerType {MultiImage | MultiFont} KeyName <KeyName> | New command. | 6.1 |
VO Fill | VO <ObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} | Command now available for Sensor also. | 6.1 |
VO FillTranslucency | VO <SensorObjectPath> FillTranslucency <TranslucencyValue> | New command. | 6.1 |
VO PixelAspectRatio | VO <ScenarioPath> PixelAspectRatio Value <Value> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 6.1 |
VO StopAtMinAlt | VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtMinAlt {On | Off} [MinimumAltitude <MinAlt>] [WindowID <WinNumber>] | New command. | 6.1 |
VO ViewerPosition | VO <ScenarioPath> ViewerPosition <Declination> <RightAscension> <Range> [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 6.1 |
VO_R GetTracks | VO_R <MTOObjectPath> GetTracks [ModelExists {On | Off}] [ModelShowing {On | Off}] | New command. | 6.1 |
WinMedia2d | WinMedia2d <ScenarioPath> {WinMediaOptions} | New command. | 6.1 |
WinMedia3d | WinMedia3d <ScenarioPath> {WinMediaOptions} | New command. | 6.1 |
Version 6.0
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AltitudeRef | AltitudeRef <VehObjectPath> {AltRefOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 6.0 |
AttCov_RM GridPoints | AttCov_RM <AttCovObjectPath> GridPoints | New command. | 6.0 |
Graphics Legend | Graphics <ObjectPath> Legend {GfxType} {DisplayOption} <Value> [{DisplayOption} <Value>...] | New command. | 6.0 |
Graphics_R GetLabel | Graphics_R <ObjectPath> GetLabel | New command. | 6.0 |
Lighting DisplayAltitude | Lighting <ScenarioPath> DisplayAltitude <AltitudeValue> [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Reformatted to use WindowID <WinNumber> keyword combination for specification of window. | 6.0 |
Lighting SubSolarPoint | Lighting <ScenarioPath> SubSolarPoint {DisplayOption} <Value> [<DisplayOption2> <Value2>...] | Reformatted to use WindowID <WinNumber> keyword combination for specification of window. | 6.0 |
MapAnnotation Delete | MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Delete {<AnnotNum> | All} [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Reformatted to use WindowID <WinNumber> keyword combination for specification of window. | 6.0 |
MapAnnotation Export | MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Export "<FilePath>" [WindowID <WinNumber>] | Reformatted to use WindowID <WinNumber> keyword combination for specification of window. | 6.0 |
MapAnnotation Modify | MapAnnotation <ScenarioPath> Modify <AnnotNum> {Option} <Parameters> | Reformatted to use WindowID <WinNumber> keyword combination for specification of window. | 6.0 |
VO CentralBody | VO <ScenarioPath> CentralBody <CBName> [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 6.0 |
VO Grids | VO <ScenarioPath> Grids {GridType} {DisplayOption} <Value> | Reformatted to use WindowID <WinNumber> keyword combination for specification of window. | 6.0 |
VO GroundMarker (Vehicles) | VO <ObjectPath> GroundMarker {MarkerOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 6.0 |
VO LabelLOD | VO <ObjectPath> LabelLOD {LODOption} <Value> [{LODOption} <Value>...] | New command. | 6.0 |
Version 5.0.4
Command | Format | Description | Version |
ACAT MsgAlertOnHit | ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> MsgAlertOnHit {On | Off | True | False} | New command. | 5.0.4 |
GIS TA_Export | GIS <ScenarioPath> TA_Export "<ShapefilePath>" <ObjectPath> [<TimeStep>] | New command. | 5.0.4 |
SetAttitude TimeOffset | SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> TimeOffset <OffsetValue> | New command. | 5.0.4 |
VO LabelOffsetInPixels | VO <ObjectPath> LabelOffsetInPixels {On | Off} | New command. | 5.0.4 |
VO LabelXYZ | VO <ObjectPath> LabelXYZ <XValue> <YValue> <ZValue> | New command. | 5.0.4 |
VO NewWaypointAttributes | VO <VehObjectPath> NewWaypointAttributes ({GfxOption} <Parameter>)... | New command. | 5.0.4 |
VO UseLabelOffset | VO <ObjectPath> UseLabelOffset {On | Off} | New command. | 5.0.4 |
Version 5.0.3
Command | Format | Description | Version |
RealTime | RealTime <VehObjectPath> {RealTimeOption} [<Parameters>] | New command. | 5.0.3 |
SetAttitude DataReference | SetAttitude <VehObjectPath> DataReference {ProfileType} <Parameters> | Introduced in 5.0. Updated documentation in 5.0.3. | 5.0.3 |
SetSGP4Prop | SetSGP4Prop <SatObjectPath> {Routine} | Update {Routine} options. | 5.0.3 |
Version 5.0
Command | Format | Description | Version |
Async2DKeyboard | Async2DKeyboard <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} | New command. | 5.0 |
Lifetime | Lifetime <SatObjectPath> [{Type}] | Change MSGP4 to SGP4. | 5.0 |
MapID_R | MapID_R <ScenarioPath> [<Count>] | New command. | 5.0 |
MeasureSurfaceDistance | MeasureSurfaceDistance <ScenarioPath> <StartLat> <StartLon> <EndLat> <EndLon> [<CentralBodyName>] | New command. | 5.0 |
OpenHtmlOnLoad | OpenHtmlOnLoad <ApplicationPath> {On | Off} | New command. | 5.0 |
SetPosition DataReference | SetPosition <ObjectPath> DataReference "<TruncObjectPath> <CrdnName>" | New command. | 5.0 |
VO Annotation Time | VO <ScenarioPath> Annotation Time {AnnotationOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 5.0 |
VO StopAtObject | VO <ScenarioPath> StopAtObject {On | Off} [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 5.0 |
Version 4.3
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AddAttitude File | AddAttitude <VehObjectPath> File "<FilePath.a>" | New command. | 4.3 |
Async3DKeyboard | Async3DKeyboard <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} | New command. | 4.3 |
Graphics Boundary | Graphics <ATObjectPath> Boundary {On | Off} | New command. | 4.3 |
Graphics BoundaryPts | Graphics <ATObjectPath> BoundaryPts {On | Off} | New command. | 4.3 |
Graphics Fill (AreaTarget) | Graphics <ATObjectPath> Fill {On | Off} | New command. | 4.3 |
Graphics Lighting | Graphics <ObjectPath> Lighting {LightCondition} {LightConditionOption1} <Value1> [{LightConditionOption1} <Value2>... ] | New command. | 4.3 |
Point FixedInRef | Point <SensorObjectPath> FixedInRef {OrientMethod} <MethodData> "<ReferenceAxes>" | New command. | 4.3 |
Version 4.2.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
ACAT LogFile | ACAT <AdvCatObjPath> LogFile {On | Off} {Overwrite | Append} {Buffer | Flush} "<FilePath>" | New command. | 4.2.1 |
GetLicenses | GetLicenses <ApplicationPath> | New command. | 4.2.1 |
GetMarkerList | GetMarkerList <ScenarioPath> | New command. | 4.2.1 |
Graphics Centroid | Graphics <ATObjectPath> Centroid {On | Off} | New command. | 4.2.1 |
Point GrazingAlt | Point <SensorObjectPath> GrazingAlt <Azimuth> <GrazingAltitude> | New command. | 4.2.1 |
Swath RemoveAll (Sensor) | Swath <SensorObjectPath> RemoveAll | New command. | 4.2.1 |
VO Boresight (Sensor) | VO <SensorObjectPath> Boresight {On | Off} | New command. | 4.2.1 |
Version 4.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
BatchGraphics | BatchGraphics <ScenarioPath> {On | Off} [Optimize] | Modified Command. | 4.2 |
ConnectLog | ConnectLog <ApplicationPath> {State} ["<FilePath>"] | New command. | 4.2 |
Cov_RM GridPoints | Cov_RM <CovDefnObjectPath> GridPoints | New command. | 4.2 |
GetPropName | GetPropName <ObjectPath> {DataOption} | New command. | 4.2 |
Graphics IntervalsHideShowAll | Graphics <VehObjectPath> IntervalsHideShowAll {On | Off} | New command. | 4.2 |
LOP Drag (Satellites) | LOP <SatObjectPath> Drag {DragOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 4.2 |
LOP Force (Satellites) | LOP <SatObjectPath> Force {ForceOption} <Parameters> | New command. | 4.2 |
Matlab ExportMatfile (Facilities, Places, Targets and Vehicles) | Matlab <ObjectPath> ExportMatFile <VariableName> <TimeStep> "<FilePath>" | New command. | 4.2 |
NewMulti | NewMulti <ApplicationPath> <ClassPathOfObjectToCreate> <NumToCreate> <NewName1> [<NewName2>...] [NoDefault] [Ignore] | NewCommand | 4.2 |
RemoveAccess | RemoveAccess <FromObjectPath> <ToObjectPath> | New command. | 4.2 |
SaveAs | SaveAs <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> "<FilePath>" | New command. | 4.2 |
SetAsDefault | SetAsDefault <ApplicationPath> [<ObjectPath>] | New command. | 4.2 |
SetPassNumber (Satellites) | SetPassNumber <SatObjectPath> <PassNumber> | New command. | 4.2 |
SetPathNumber (Satellites) | SetPathNumber <SatObjectPath> <PathNumber> <RepeatCount> | New command. | 4.2 |
UseMapStyle | UseMapStyle <ScenarioPath> {MapStyle} [<WinNumber>] | New command. | 4.2 |
UseMapStyleTime | UseMapStyleTime <ScenarioPath> {State} | New command. | 4.2 |
VO ModelOffset | VO <ObjectPath> ModelOffset {OffsetOption} {On | Off} [<X> <Y> <Z>] | New command. | 4.2 |
Version 4.1.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
CAT_RM | CAT_RM <ObjectPath> Range <RangeVal> | 4.1.1 | |
Chains_RM Access | Chains_RM <ApplicationPath> Access {AccessType} | 4.1.1 | |
Cov_R Inspector | Cov_R <ObjectPath> Inspector {GridOption} <Parameters> | 4.1.1 | |
GetBoundary | GetBoundary <ATObjectPath> | 4.1.1 | |
Graphics AccessIntervals (Vehicles) | Graphics <ObjectPath> AccessIntervals {Action} [<Parameters>] | 4.1.1 | |
Graphics Pattern (Comm & Radar) | Graphics <CommObjectPath> Pattern <NumberOfPhiPoints> <MinPhi> <MaxPhi> <NumberOfThetaPoints> <MinTheta> <MaxTheta> | 4.1.1 | |
Graphics RealTime | Graphics <ObjectPath> RealTime Edit {StateOfData} {AttributeOption} {Action} | 4.1.1 | |
Graphics TurnMarker | Graphics <VehObjectPath> TurnMarker {State} | New command. | 4.1.1 |
Graphics_R GetAttrType | Graphics_R <VehObjectPath> GetAttrType | 4.1.1 | |
LabelNotes | LabelNotes <ObjectPath> {Action} <Parameters> | 4.1.1 | |
MapProjection | MapProjection <ScenarioPath> {ProjectionType} [<WinNumber>] [{ProjectionOption} <Parameters>] | 4.1.1 | |
SetAttitude Offset | SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Offset <OffsetValue> | 4.1.1 | |
SetAttitude RealTime | SetAttitude <ObjectPath> RealTime {LookAheadMethod} [<LookAheadDuration> <LookBehindDuration> <BlockFactor>] | 4.1.1 | |
SetAttitude Standard | SetAttitude <ObjectPath> Standard | 4.1.1 | |
VO Articulate | VO <ObjectPath> Articulate "<StartTime>" <Duration> <ArticName> <TransformationName> <BeginningArticValue> <EndArticValue> | 4.1.1 | |
VO Clipping | VO <ScenarioPath> Clipping {ClipType} <Distance> <WinNumber> | Modified to | 4.1.1 |
VO RadialLines | VO <SensorObjectPath> RadialLines {On | Off} | 4.1.1 | |
VO ScaleLog | VO <ObjectPath> ScaleLog <Value> | 4.1.1 | |
VO Translucency | VO <ObjectPath> Translucency <TranslucencyValue> | 4.1.1 | |
VO TranslucentLines | VO <SensorObjectPath> TranslucentLines {On | Off} | 4.1.1 | |
VO UseStoredView | VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredView "<ViewName>" [<WinNumber>] | 4.1.1 | |
VO UseStoredViewTime | VO <ScenarioPath> UseStoredViewTime {On | Off} | 4.1.1 | |
VO VertexOffset | VO <SensorObjectPath> VertexOffset {VertexOption} [<Parameters>] | 4.1.1 | |
VO_R ViewPoint | VO_R <ScenarioPath> ViewPoint [<WinNumber>] | 4.1.1 |
Version 4.1
Command | Format | Description | Version |
SetMass (Satellites) | SetMass <SatObjectPath> {DefineOption} <Parameters> | 4.1 |
Version 4.0.6
Command | Format | Description | Version |
GetDescription | GetDescription <ObjectPath> {Type} | 4.0.6 | |
SensorQuery | SensorQuery <SensorObjectPath> [{QueryType}] | 4.0.6 |
Version 4.0.5
Command | Format | Description | Version |
SetDefaultDir | SetDefaultDir <ApplicationPath> "<NewDirectoryPath>" | 4.0.5 | |
StopWatch | StopWatch <ApplicationPath> {Start | Reset} | 4.0.5 | |
StopWatchGet | StopWatchGet <ApplicationPath> {Stop | Split} [{TimeUnits}] | 4.0.5 |
Version 4.0.4
Command | Format | Description | Version |
ConFile | ConFile <ApplicationPath> "<FilePath>" | 4.0.4 |
Version 4.0.3
Command | Format | Description | Version |
RemoveRptWins | RemoveRptWins <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> | 4.0.3 |
Version 4.0.2
Command | Format | Description | Version |
CheckScenario | CheckScenario <ApplicationPath> | 4.0.2 | |
DoesObjExist | DoesObjExist <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> | 4.0.2 | |
GetConVersion | GetConVersion <ApplicationPath> | 4.0.2 | |
SetConVersion | SetConVersion <ApplicationPath> <VersionNumber> | 4.0.2 | |
SetResolution | SetResolution <SensorObjectPath> {ResolutionOption} <Value> | 4.0.2 |
Version 4.0
Command | Format | Description | Version |
AllAccess | AllAccess <ApplicationPath> [ElimDups] | 4.0 | |
AnimFrameRate | AnimFrameRate <ScenarioPath> | 4.0 | |
GetAnimTime | GetAnimTime <ScenarioPath> | 4.0 | |
GetEpoch | GetEpoch <ScenarioPath> | 4.0 | |
GetNumNotes | GetNumNotes <ObjectPath> | 4.0 | |
GetTimePeriod | GetTimePeriod <ObjectPath> | 4.0 | |
Point Fixed | Point <SensorObjectPath> Fixed {OrientMethod} <MethodData> | 4.0 | |
Point Spinning | Point <SensorObjectPath> Spinning <Azimuth> <Elevation> <ConeAngle> {ScanMethod} [<ScanMethodParams>] <Rate> <Offset> | 4.0 | |
QuickSave | QuickSave <ScenarioPath> | 4.0 | |
RemoveAllAccess | RemoveAllAccess <ApplicationPath> | 4.0 | |
Rename | Rename <ObjectPath> <NewName> | 4.0 | |
Save | Save <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> ["<SaveInDirectory>"] | 4.0 | |
SubObjUnload | SubObjUnload <ObjectPath> | 4.0 | |
Unload | Unload <ApplicationPath> <ObjectPath> [RemAssignedObjs] | New command. | 4.0 |